247 resultados para Prestígio


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon


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O prestígio da ciência e da tecnologia, reforçada pela visão racionalista e cientificista – inaugurada com Revolução Científica e posteriormente corroborada no século XVII pela geração Iluminista de filósofos e cientistas – é hoje um dos fatores determinantes do desenvolvimento econômico de uma nação. Estando os resultados desse progresso científico-tecnológico presentes atualmente no cotidiano mais íntimo da população, são também determinantes do perfil social e cultural da mesma. A mídia, responsável pela disseminação de informações em geral, deve atuar diretamente na proliferação da informação científica para a população não acadêmica não apenas informando, mas incitando à critica e colaborando para a crescente democratização da atividade científica. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar o perfil histórico da presença da Ciência na Mídia impressa brasileira, através de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto. Para isso, fez-se um apanhado geral do estabelecimento das atividades jornalística e científica no país – inicialmente separadas e posteriormente atreladas – contextualizando-as no panorama mundial e comparando especificamente a atividade do Jornalismo Científico com outras iniciativas internacionais semelhantes


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Within the discussion of fashionblogs and their contributions to scientific studies, we start from the speech of Barthes (2006) about the relevance of the lexicon in the construction of Fashion and we met the theorists of Lexicology / Lexicography to define Anglicism (BIDERMAN, 2001), and the observation of its prestige in the Italian Language (ROGATO, 2008; BISETTO, 2003) and in the blog The Blonde Salad. Confronting this theoretical framework, we conducted a brief analysis of the anglicisms collected from posts of the first year of existence of such fashionblog, as a result of this work.


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We investigated strategies for children education of academic elites. Our study had as basis researches done in Brazil about the scholarization of elites’ groups during the last two decades. The theorical referential for the definition and the problematization of our object of study was based on Almeida and Nogueira’s works (2002), Bourdieu and Passeron (1975), Brandão and Lellis (2003), Busetto (2006), Lacerda and Carvalho (2007) and Nogueira (1998; 2002; 2005). We developed desk research on the pedagogical proposals of a high school in São Paulo state, its image among the society analyzed through advertising material and the application of semi-structured interviews with six families. The results shows that not only the educational but also the families goals in maintaining privileged positions in terms of children’s admission to universities and courses of high prestige, and the perpetuation of the condition in belonging to an elite group.


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Da escrivaninha do autor às prateleiras das livrarias, todo texto “veste-se”, orna-se de acessórios, até tornar-se o objeto-livro, ser oferecido ao público e ser lido/consumido pelo leitor. Essas transformações, ocorridas em sua maioria na fase da editoração, podem ou não contar com a participação e, sobretudo, com o aval do autor. Quanto maior o sucesso ou prestígio da obra ou do escritor, mais próximo o autor parece estar das decisões de um lançamento e mais afastado de todos os seus desdobramentos: reedições, posteriores edições populares ou de bolso, traduções. A análise paratextual, mais especificamente a análise das capas de livros, permite-nos observar, quanto à publicação de literatura brasileira no exterior, que o mercado editorial estrangeiro adota com frequência, como vem ocorrendo há décadas, a opção com forte apelo ao exotismo tropical: paisagens cariocas, frutas coloridas, biótipos negro ou mestiço. Em algumas ocasiões, entretanto, notamos a preocupação na correspondência temática ou de gênero com a obra. Em ambos os casos os resultados podem ser surpreendentes, bem sucedidos ou provocar malentendidos e interpretações ambíguas. Propomos neste trabalho a apreciação e a análise de alguns desses casos em autores de literatura brasileira traduzidos e consagrados no exterior como escritores de literatura policial e suas vertentes: Rubem Fonseca, Patrícia Melo, Garcia-Roza e Tony Bellotto, começando por Rubem Fonseca.


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This article is based on the sociological and historical approach of the origin of the university entrance exams in Brazil and shows the preparatory courses (preps) expanding simultaneously as a strategy of the lower and middle classes to get their children into university. Thus, the paradox of an antipedagogical practice becomes an essential condition for students to have access to prestigious university courses, what justifi es the historical movement by the lower and middle classes to appropriate this practice.. We propose that measures are taken to improve the results of important affi rmative actions that aim to enable students to enter university, as well as highlight Professional Guidance as a necessary resource which constitutes a new challenge in this fi eld of action.


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A culture of resistance in the semi-arid, expressed by mentalities and values, goes against the economic potential of sheep and goat raising, considered as an inferior activity when compared to the cattle raising, historically linked to social status and prestige. This paper attempts to shed light on aspects that make possible to clarify the roots of the cognitive apparatus that supports this view, resorting to it to the production of relevant authors dealing with the issue of displacement of colonizer and livestock in the hinterlands. Ultimately, it seeks evidence of the influence of the historical process of economic and social organization of space on the present.


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The jurist Clovis Bevilaqua (1859-1944) was a privileged member of a political and intellectual elite in the context of the transition from the nineteenth to the early decades of the twentieth century in this country, having been a professor at the Faculdade de Direito de Recife, author of the Civil Code of 1917, consultant for the Ministério das Relações Exteriores and jurist of international prestige, and literary critic and author of law, philosophy and history.Their biographies emphasize the breadth of his legal knowledge, the merits of civil codification which was author and lifestyle humble and generous earning him the nickname "secular saint". However, the lawyer had the habit of collecting photos of himself and of his family and this behavior is characterized as a single vanity for his biographers. From four biographies of Clovis Bevilaqua, written by Lauro Romero (1956), Raimundo de Menezes and Ubaldino de Azevedo (1959), Noemia Paes Barreto Brandão (1989) and Silvio Meira (1990), we intend to discuss how these images are used to illustrate the trajectory of the jurist and corroborate the distinct narratives models.


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The paper studies Otto Maria Carpeaux`s work in the context of Brazilian literary critic in the decades of 1940-1950. Starting from Pierre Bourdieu`s theoretical formulations about field concept, are set reflections concerning the place occupied by Carpeaux in the light of paradigm shifts occurred in the criticism field and new processes of legitimation resulting from this situation.


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The purpose of this article is to assess Federico Fellini’s adaptation of an Edgar Allan Poe story for the screen. The film “Spirits of the Dead” is Fellini’s adaptation of Poe’s story “Never Bet the Devil your Head”, but it is very far from being a faithful rendering. The “infidelity” of the Italian film director to the American writer occurred in the context of the enormous prestige enjoyed by what was known as “authorism”, a phase which the film industry was going through at the end of the 1960s, whereby great value was placed on the aesthetic idiosyncrasies of individual film directors.