361 resultados para Premixed
A general equation for a variance parameter, appearing as a crucial quantity in a simple algebraic expression for the mean chemical rate, is derived. This derivation is based on a flamelet approach to model a turbulent premixed flame, for high but finite values of the Damköhler number. Application of this equation to the case of a planar turbulent flame normal to the oncoming flow of reactants gives good agreement with DNS data corresponding to three different values of the Damköhler number and two values of the heat release parameter. © 2011.
The effects of turbulent Reynolds number on the statistical behaviour of the displacement speed have been studied using three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames. The probability of finding negative values of the displacement speed is found to increase with increasing turbulent Reynolds number when the Damkhler number is held constant. It has been shown that the statistical behaviour of the Surface Density Function, and its strain rate and curvature dependence, plays a key role in determining the response of the different components of displacement speed. Increasing the turbulent Reynolds number is shown to reduce the strength of the correlations between tangential strain rate and dilatation rate with curvature, although the qualitative nature of the correlations remains unaffected. The dependence of displacement speed on strain rate and curvature is found to weaken with increasing turbulent Reynolds number when either Damkhler or Karlovitz number is held constant, but the qualitative nature of the correlation remains unaltered. The implications of turbulent Reynolds number effects in the context of Flame Surface Density (FSD) modelling have also been addressed, with emphasis on the influence of displacement speed on the curvature and propagation terms in the FSD balance equation. © 2011 Nilanjan Chakraborty et al.
Three dimensional, fully compressible direct numerical simulations (DNS) of premixed turbulent flames are carried out in a V-flame configuration. The governing equations and the numerical implementation are described in detail, including modifications made to the Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Conditions (NSCBC) to accommodate the steep transverse velocity and composition gradients generated when the flame crosses the boundary. Three cases, at turbulence intensities, u′/sL, of 1, 2, and 6 are considered. The influence of the flame holder on downstream flame properties is assessed through the distributions of the surface-conditioned displacement speed, curvature and tangential strain rates, and compared to data from similarly processed planar flames. The distributions are found to be indistinguishable from planar flames for distances greater than about 17δth downstream of the flame holder, where δth is the laminar flame thermal thickness. Favre mean fields are constructed, and the growth of the mean flame brush is found to be well described by simple Taylor type diffusion. The turbulent flame speed, sT is evaluated from an expression describing the propagation speed of an isosurface of the mean reaction progress variable c̃ in terms of the imbalance between the mean reactive, diffusive, and turbulent fluxes within the flame brush. The results are compared to the consumption speed, sC, calculated from the integral of the mean reaction rate, and to the predictions of a recently developed flame speed model (Kolla et al., Combust Sci Technol 181(3):518-535, 2009). The model predictions are improved in all cases by including the effects of mean molecular diffusion, and the overall agreement is good for the higher turbulence intensity cases once the tangential convective flux of c̃ is taken into account. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
The influences of differential diffusion rates of heat and mass on the transport of the variances of Favre fluctuations of reaction progress variable and non-dimensional temperature have been studied using three-dimensional simplified chemistry based Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames with global Lewis number ranging from Le = 0.34 to 1.2. The Lewis number effects on the statistical behaviours of the various terms of the transport equations of variances of Favre fluctuations of reaction progress variable and non-dimensional temperature have been analysed in the context of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) simulations. It has been found that the turbulent fluxes of the progress variable and temperature variances exhibit counter-gradient transport for the flames with Lewis number significantly smaller than unity whereas the extent of this counter-gradient transport is found to decrease with increasing Lewis number. The Lewis number is also shown to have significant influences on the magnitudes of the chemical reaction and scalar dissipation rate contributions to the scalar variance transport. The modelling of the unclosed terms in the scalar variance equations for the non-unity Lewis number flames have been discussed in detail. The performances of the existing models for the unclosed terms are assessed based on a-priori analysis of DNS data. Based on the present analysis, new models for the unclosed terms of the active scalar variance transport equations are proposed, whenever necessary, which are shown to satisfactorily capture the behaviours of unclosed terms for all the flames considered in this study. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
The statistical behaviour of turbulent kinetic energy transport in turbulent premixed flames is analysed using data from three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames under decaying turbulence. For flames within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is observed that turbulent kinetic energy is generated within the flame brush. By contrast, for flames within the thin reaction zones regime it has been found that the turbulent kinetic energy decays monotonically through the flame brush. Similar trends are observed also for the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy. Within the corrugated flamelets regime, it is demonstrated that the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation within the flame are sufficient to overcome the effects of viscous dissipation and are responsible for the observed augmentation of turbulent kinetic energy in the flame brush. In the thin reaction zones regime, the effects of the mean pressure gradient and pressure dilatation terms are relatively much weaker than those of viscous dissipation, resulting in a monotonic decay of turbulent kinetic energy across the flame brush. The modelling of the various unclosed terms of the turbulent kinetic energy transport equation has been analysed in detail. The predictions of existing models are compared with corresponding quantities extracted from DNS data. Based on this a-priori DNS assessment, either appropriate models are identified or new models are proposed where necessary. It is shown that the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy exhibits counter-gradient (gradient) transport wherever the turbulent scalar flux is counter-gradient (gradient) in nature. A new model has been proposed for the turbulent flux of turbulent kinetic energy, and is found to capture the qualitative and quantitative behaviour obtained from DNS data for both the corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes without the need to adjust any of the model constants. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
An improved understanding of lean fuel turbulent premixed flames must play a central role in the fundamental science of these new concepts.
The conditional moment closure (CMC) method has been successfully applied to various non-premixed combustion systems in the past, but its application to premixed flames is not fully tested and validated. The main difficulty is associated with the modeling of conditional scalar dissipation rate of the conditioning scalar, the progress variable. A simple algebraic model for the conditional dissipation rate is validated using DNS results of a V-flame. This model along with the standard k- turbulence modeling is used in computations of stoichiometric pilot stabilized Bunsen flames using the RANS-CMC method. A first-order closure is used for the conditional mean reaction rate. The computed non reacting and reacting scalars are in reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements and are consistent with earlier computations using flamelets and transported PDF methods. Sensitivity to chemical kinetic mechanism is also assessed. The results suggest that the CMC may be applied across the regimes of premixed combustion.
Application of scalar dissipation rate modelling to industrial burners in partially premixed regimes
The objective of this paper is to test various available turbulent burning velocity models on an experimental version of Siemens small scale combustor using the commercial CFD code. Failure of burning velocity model with different expressions for turbulent burning velocity is observed with an unphysical flame flashback into the swirler. Eddy Dissipation Model/Finite Rate Chemistry is found to over-predict mean temperature and species concentrations. Solving for reaction progress equation with its variance using scalar dissipation rate modelling produced reasonably good agreement with the available experimental data. Two different turbulence models Shear Stress Transport (SST) and Scale Adaptive Simulation (SAS) SST are tested and results from transient SST simulations are observed to be predicting well. SAS-SST is found to under-predict with temperature and species distribution.
Outwardly-propagating spherical turbulent premixed flames are studied using Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes methodology. The reaction rate closure is based on recently developed strained flamelets, where the flamelets are parametrised using the scalar dissipation rate. It is shown that the leading edge speed for the spherical flame is higher than for the planar case, for a given turbulence and thermo-chemical conditions. In addition, it is shown that including the mean curvature effects in the reaction rate closure do not influence the spherical flame speeds when compared with a model that excludes these effects.
The characteristics of the scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and the thin reaction zones regimes are studied based on two three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) databases for freely propagating statistically planar turbulent premixed flames. The turbulent flame parameters are so chosen that the database which represents the corrugated flamelets regime has a global Damköhler number Da>1 whereas the database representing the thin reaction zones regime has Da <1. It is demonstrated that the terms originating from the correlation between fluctuating velocity and scalar gradient T1 shows strong Da dependence. The terms originating from dilatation T2, the scalar inner product of gradients of velocity and scalar fields T3 and the correlation between reaction rate and scalar gradients T4 and the dissipation term D2 remain important for both the flames. However, T3 dissipates scalar dissipation rate in the Da > 1 flame while it produces scalar dissipation rate in the Da < 1 flame. This difference is because of the change in the alignment between scalar and velocity gradients