936 resultados para Potential Geographical-distribution
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the worldwide disseminated causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV is a member of the Lentivirus genus of Retroviridae family and is grouped in two types named HIV-1 and HIV-2. These viruses have a notable ability to mutate and adapt to the new conditions of human environment. A large incidence of errors at the transcriptional level results in changes on the genetic bases during the reproductive cycle. The elevated genomic variability of HIV has carried important implications for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention as well as epidemiologic investigations. The present review describes important definitions and geographical distribution of subtypes, circulating recombinant forms and other genomic variations of HIV. The present study aimed at leading students of Biomedical Sciences and public health laboratory staff guidance to general and specific knowledge about the genomic variability of the HIV.
Copyright © 2014 British Phycological Society.
26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland 26-28 March 2012.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Água, 25 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
The dispersal flights of West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) were surveyed in the major cities of Azores. The sampling device used to estimate termite density consisted of a yellow adhesive trap (size 45 by 24 cm), placed with an artificial or natural light source in a dark attic environment. In addition, data from two other projects were used to improve the knowledge about the geographical distribution of the species. The level of infestation in the two main Azorean towns differed, with high levels in the houses of Angra do Heroísmo, whereas in Ponta Delgada, there are fewer houses with high levels of infestation. The infestation in Ponta Delgada shows a pattern of spreading from the center outward to the city's periphery, whereas in Angra do Heroísmo, there was a pattern of spreading outward from several foci. The heavy infestation observed in Angra do Heroísmo and the clear increase of infestation levels observed from 2010 to 2011 is a reason for concern and calls for an urgent application of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) control strategy.
The presence of Aedes aegypti is reported beyond its current limit of distribution in Argentina, in the city of Neuquén, Neuquén Province. Ovitraps were placed to collect Ae. aegypti eggs between December 2009 and April 2010. The geographical distribution of Culex eduardoi, Psorophora ciliata and Ps. cingulata is extended with new records from two provinces.
The material collected in the Lower Liassic beds of S. Pedro de Muel (Portugal) contains some remains of actinopterygian fishes. The most significant elements have been described, and two genera have been recognized. One of them, Furo, is a halecomorph of the Caturidae family, the other one, Proleptolepis, is a teleostean genus belonging to the family Leptolepidae s. str. It is the first record of these two genera in Portugal. This discovery gives new data on the geographical distribution of Furo and Proleptolepis. In the present state of our knowledge, this last genus seems to be restricted to the Sinemurian - Lotharingian.
A sociedade moderna encontra-se numa evolução progressiva e vertiginosa nomeadamente no que respeita às novas tecnologias. Independentemente da área de conhecimento, é de senso comum que cada vez mais é necessária uma formação sólida, sendo fundamental a preparação e a consolidação das futuras gerações na utilização das novas tecnologias. As plataformas de e-learning são hoje em dia uma realidade mais que afirmada e com aplicação em todos os setores de atividade. Na área da saúde, e mais concretamente no que diz respeito ao tema de Suporte Básico de Vida (SBV), foi-nos possível verificar que a maioria das pessoas revela falta de conhecimentos sobre o tema e, não obstante existirem cursos sobre este tema, a disponibilidade para a sua frequência nem sempre é possível pela distância, falta de tempo e disponibilidade para a sua frequência, bem como pelos custos envolvidos. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para uma análise e investigação sobre o potencial de utilização das novas Tecnologias Multimédia, aplicando-as ao ensino concreto de primeiros socorros e especialmente de Suporte Básico de Vida, num recurso educativo digital com o formato de Objeto de Aprendizagem. Para o efeito, será construído um Objeto de Aprendizagem temático, focalizando o tema de SBV. O repositório MERLOT foi utilizado como meio de distribuição global, no sentido de aferir o potencial e facilidade de distribuição e catalogação com metadados. Foi ainda colocado on-line o “SBVOA” (Objeto de Aprendizagem desenvolvido no presente estudo), numa página criada apenas para o efeito. Esta dissertação apresenta o estudo desenvolvido para investigação do potencial de aprendizagem proporcionado pelo Objeto de Aprendizagem desenvolvido, validando se pode ser uma alternativa interativa de educação em SBV, contribuindo deste modo para a diminuição de eventuais perdas de vida.
Cretaceous Research 30 (2009) 575–586
This work was undertaken in the municipality of Pedro de Toledo (São Paulo State, Brazil) in 1987, to clarify aspects related to the transmission levels of Schistosoma mansoni in a human population where the snail host is Biomphalaria tenagophila. Since 1980 a control programme has been undertaken in this municipality. Urban and rural populations (4,719 subjects) were submitted to faecal examinations (Kato-Katz method). The overall prevalence rate was 4.8% being higher in males (6.2%) and also in the rural zone (5.8%). The geometric mean of S. mansoni eggs was 35.1 eggs per gramme of faeces (epg). Approximately 80.0% of the carriers presented less than 100 epg and only 20 individuals (9.0%) eliminated more than half of total eggs. The highest index of potencial contamination (IPC) was in the age group of 5 to 20 years (57.6%). Two thirds of the investigated patients (207) were autochthonous of Pedro de Toledo. The geographical distribution of the carriers showed a clear aggregation of the autochthonous cases and a close association between human contact sites and breeding places of B. tenagophila. This study shows that schistosomiasis subjects were not randomly aggregated, the youngsters should be the main target in the prophylaxis, and the efficacy of the control programme.
RESUMO - A impressionante evolução da incidência notificada desde 1950 evidencia o quanto o sistema de informação é sensível ao esforço de notificação, reflectindo ainda o impacte das medidas de controlo que foram sendo introduzidas, bem como alguma melhoria nas condições sociais com efeito favorável sobre a doença (Briz, 2005). Sendo a tuberculose uma doença de notificação obrigatória, nos termos da Portaria n.º 766/86, de 26 de Dezembro, os casos deverão ser sempre comunicados à Autoridade de Saúde, em impresso aprovado. O facto de a tuberculose ter um sistema de informação próprio tem permitido um conhecimento relativamente completo da situação epidemiológica. (DGS, 1995) Pretende-se caracterizar o perfil de distribuição da incidência notificada da tuberculose pulmonar, em Portugal Continental, nomeadamente a nível distrital, no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2008, inclusive, partindo-se depois para um estudo mais pormenorizado, relacionado com a sensibilidade do sistema de notificação da tuberculose, no sentido de se quantificarem os problemas de subnotificação. Para validação da notificação, serão utilizados os dados de 2007 e 2008. Procurar-se-á depois obter o perfil da incidência ajustada para a detecção em cada um desses anos, avançando-se de seguida para a identificação e caracterização de parâmetros complementares e de acesso fácil que contribuam para interpretar a distribuição geográfica da incidência notificada, em função da sua provável validade. Perante o eventual confronto com o problema da subnotificação, a identificação das razões da menor adesão à notificação de casos de tuberculose pulmonar apresenta-se quase como inevitável, sendo feita através do recurso a entrevistas a informadores-chave. --------------------------------------ABSTRACT - The impressive development of the incidence reported since 1950 shows how the system is sensitive to the effort of notification, still reflects the impact of control measures have been introduced, and some improvement in social conditions with favorable effect on the disease ( Briz, 2005). As tuberculosis a notifiable disease, according to Ordinance No. 766/86, December 26, cases should be reported to the Health Authority, approved in print. The fact that tuberculosis have an information system itself has allowed a relatively complete knowledge of the epidemiological situation. (DGS, 1995) The aim is to characterize the distribution profile of the reported incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, in Portugal, particularly at district level in the period between 2000 and 2008, starting from then to a more detailed study, related to the sensitivity of the system notification of tuberculosis, in order to quantify the problems of underreporting. For validation of the notification, we used the data from 2007 and 2008. Search will then obtain the profile of the adjusted incidence for detection in each of those years, advancing is then for the identification and characterization of additional parameters and easy access to contribute to interpret the geographical distribution of reported incidence in according to their likely validity. Given the eventual confrontation with the problem of underreporting, the identification of reasons for the lower adherence to reporting cases of pulmonary tuberculosis has become almost as inevitable, being made through the use of interviews with key informants.
Fragmentary skeletal remains of Percoid fishes (Teleostei, Percoidei) are described from the Upper Paleocene? or Lowermost Eocene(MN7) from Silveirinha. It is suggested that they belong to some primitive Percoids which are already known in the Iberian peninsula. They bear witness of an ancient westwards extension of the geographical distribution of Percoid fishes that are common in the lower levels of the Eocene in the Douro Basin in Spain.
The existence of satellite images ofthe West Iberian Margin allowed comparative study of images as a tool applied to structural geology. Interpretation of LANDSAT images of the Lusitanian Basin domain showed the existence of a not previously described WNW-ESE trending set oflineaments. These lineaments are persistent and only observable on small scale images (e.g. approx. 11200000 and 11500 000) with various radiometric characteristics. They are approximately 20 km long, trend l200±15° and cross cut any other families oflineaments. The fact that these lineaments are perpendicular to the Quaternary thrusts of the Lower Tagus Valley and also because they show no off-set across them, suggests that they resulted from intersection oflarge tensile fractures on the earth's surface. It is proposed in this work that these lineaments formed on a crustal flexure of tens ofkm long, associated with the Quaternary WNW-ESE oriented maximum compressive stress on the West Iberian Margin. The maximum compressive stress rotated anticlockwise from a NW -SE orientation to approximately WNW-ESE, from Late Miocene to Quaternary times (RIBEIRO et aI., 1996). Field inspection of the lineaments revealed zones of norm~1.J. faulting and cataclasis, which are coincident with the lineaments and affect sediments of upper Miocene up to Quaternary age. These deformation structures show localized extension perpendicular to the lineaments, i.e. perpendicular to the maximum compressive direction, after recent stress data along the West Portuguese Margin (CABRAL & RIBEIRO, 1989; RIBEIRO et at., 1996). Also, on a first approach, the geographical distribution of these lineaments correlates well with earthquake epicenters and areas of largest Quaternary Vertical Movements within the inverted Lusitanian Basin (CABRAL, 1995).
The authors presented a detailed summary of the geographical distribution, clinical and pathological aspects of human pulmonary dirofilariasis. Although benign, this zoonosis, of which Dirofilaria immitis is the major etiological agent, represents a medical problem since it produces symptoms which may be confused with neoplasia and thus may subject patients to unnecessary thoracic surgery. Of 229 cases cited in the literature, only 17 were reported in Brazil, despite the existence of highly favorable conditions for the transmission of this infection in man. Thus it may well be that this parasitic infection remains underdiagnosed. Finally, the importance of a differential diagnosis between dirofilariasis and pulmonary neoplasia is emphasized in cases where there is a solitary subpleural nodule ("coin lesion") present. In addition, the development and improvement of modern immunological diagnostic techniques are essential to distinguish this benign disease from other pathological conditions and thus avoid unneccessary surgery. These techniques may reveal the true prevalence of this parasitic infection in our environment.
Field collections of immatures and adults of Culicidae were carried out in the Rio Doce Valley, Espírito Santo State, aiming to increase knowledge on the anopheline species of that region. Considering all Culicidae species collected, among other anopheline it is noteworthy the presence of Anopheles darlingi, An. oswaldoi and An. costai. Regarding to An. darlingi, responsible for malaria outbreak in the low lands in that state, it was expected to confirm its presence in the area. The register of specimens of An. costai in the field collections is relevant, increasing the geographical distribution of the species and representing better knowledge of the Series Arribalzagia of the subgenus Anopheles.