959 resultados para Polemis, Ioannis D.: Theophanes of Nicea
We present rigorous upper and lower bounds for the zero-momentum gluon propagator D(0) of Yang-Mills theories in terms of the average value of the gluon field. This allows us to perform a controlled extrapolation of lattice data to infinite volume, showing that the infrared limit of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator in SU(2) gauge theory is finite and nonzero in three and in four space-time dimensions. In the two-dimensional case, we find D(0)=0, in agreement with Maas. We suggest an explanation for these results. We note that our discussion is general, although we apply our analysis only to pure gauge theory in the Landau gauge. Simulations have been performed on the IBM supercomputer at the University of Sao Paulo.
The extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) is constituted of subunits containing heme groups, monomers and trimers, and nonheme structures, called linkers, and the whole protein has a minimum molecular mass near 3.1 x 10(6) Da. This and other proteins of the same family are useful model systems for developing blood substitutes due to their extracellular nature, large size, and resistance to oxidation. HbGp samples were studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS). In the pH range 6.0-8.0, HbGp is stable and has a monodisperse size distribution with a z-average hydrodynamic diameter (D-h) of 27 +/- 1 nm. A more alkaline pH induced an irreversible dissociation process, resulting in a smaller D-h of 10 +/- 1 nm. The decrease in D-h suggests a complete hemoglobin dissociation. Gel filtration chromatography was used to show unequivocally the oligomeric dissociation observed at alkaline pH. At pH 9.0, the dissociation kinetics is slow, taking a minimum of 24 h to be completed. Dissociation rate constants progressively increase at higher pH, becoming, at pH 10.5, not detectable by DILS. Protein temperature stability was also pH-dependent. Melting curves for HbGp showed oligomeric dissociation and protein denaturation as a function of pH. Dissociation temperatures were lower at higher pH. Kinetic studies were also performed using ultraviolet-visible absorption at the Soret band. Optical absorption monitors the hemoglobin autoxidation while DLS gives information regarding particle size changes in the process of protein dissociation. Absorption was analyzed at different pH values in the range 9.0-9.8 and at two temperatures, 25 degrees C and 38 degrees C. At 25 degrees C, for pH 9.0 and 9.3, the kinetics monitored by ultraviolet-visible absorption presents a monoexponential behavior, whereas for pH 9.6 and 9.8, a biexponential behavior was observed, consistent with heme heterogeneity at more alkaline pH. The kinetics at 38 degrees C is faster than that at 25 degrees C and is biexponential in the whole pH range. DLS dissociation rates are faster than the autoxidation dissociation rates at 25 degrees C. Autoxiclation and dissociation processes are intimately related, so that oligomeric protein dissociation promotes the increase of autoxidation rate and vice versa. The effect of dissociation is to change the kinetic character of the autoxidation of hemes from monoexponential to biexponential, whereas the reverse change is not as effective. This work shows that DLS can be used to follow, quantitatively and in real time, the kinetics of changes in the oligomerization of biologic complex supramolecular systems. Such information is relevant for the development of mimetic systems to be used as blood substitutes.
Aiming at the determination of toxic and essential elements in Brazilian commercial bovine milk, 25 ultra high temperature (UHT) milk samples were acquired in the local market of Piracicaba, SP. The samples were freeze-dried and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) allowing the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn. When the results were expressed as concentration (mg.l(-1)) no significant differences were found. However, considering the dry matter, results showed a clear difference between the mass fractions (mg.kg(-1) d.w.) of skim milk and whole milk for the elements Br, Ca, K, Na, Rb and Zn, indicating that the removal of fat caused a concentration effect in the dry matter of skim milks. Discrepancies were found between the concentrations of Ca and Na measured by INAA and the values informed in the labels. Ca showed variations within 30% for most samples, while concentrations of Na were up to 190% higher than informed values. The sample preparation and the LNAA procedure were appropriate for the determination of Br, Ca, Co, Cs, Fe, K, Na, Rb and Zn in milk samples.
To examine the effect of long lasting practice on pedal behavior in sport, we compared experienced adult soccer players and nonsoccer players on leg preference in motor tasks requiring general mobilization, soccer related mobilization, and body balance stabilization. We also evaluated performance asymmetry between the right and left legs in static and dynamic unipedal body balance based on center of pressure displacement, and correlated that with kg preference in balance stabilization tasks. Results revealed (a) a distinct leg preference between mobilization and stabilization tasks, which were significantly different between Mayers and nonplayers, (b) similar balance stability between the right and left legs, (c) greater stability of experienced players compared with nonplayers in static and dynamic balance, and (d) absence of a significant kg preference correlation with interlateral balance asymmetry. These results suggest an effect of extensive soccer skill practice on establishing leg preference for specific mobilization tasks and overall balance control.
The GERIPA project aimed at generating renewable energy integrated with food production has led to a beneficial option for producing ethanol and electricity. Ethanol has economic, social and environmental potential. Considering just the first one, Brazil consumes 39 billion litres per year-L(D)/yr of diesel oil, 18% of it being imported. The Federal Government has a recovery programme for the soybean agribusiness aimed at soybean biodiesel (SBD) production in which a 10% addition to diesel has been proposed. This 10% involves producing 10.7 million L(SB)/d. Soybean bio-diesel production is not self-sustainable and such proposal could require an annual subsidy of up to US$1.33 billion. Soybean plantations would need about 10 to 12 times more land than is necessary for sugarcane plantations to produce the same equivalent thermal energy (ETE). Sixty-seven GERIPA projects (GP) producing 80,000 litres of ethanol per day (GP80) could be set up with the sum of US$1.33 billion; this would substitute current Brazilian biodiesel demand by 4.28%, adding the some value for each new subsidiary. Considering ETE, ethanol-GP cost would be 37% to 50% below that for a litre of SBD on account of its raw material (RM) and region. The diesel cycle`s thermal efficiency (eta(1)) yield is around 50% and that of the Otto cycle engine eta(1) is around 37%. The cost per km driven (CKD) by substituting SBD for ethanol-GP80 would thus indicate an 18% minimum and 59% maximum cost reduction for vehicle engines.
This paper presents both the theoretical and the experimental approaches of the development of a mathematical model to be used in multi-variable control system designs of an active suspension for a sport utility vehicle (SUV), in this case a light pickup truck. A complete seven-degree-of-freedom model is successfully quickly identified, with very satisfactory results in simulations and in real experiments conducted with the pickup truth. The novelty of the proposed methodology is the use of commercial software in the early stages of the identification to speed up the process and to minimize the need for a large number of costly experiments. The paper also presents major contributions to the identification of uncertainties in vehicle suspension models and in the development of identification methods using the sequential quadratic programming, where an innovation regarding the calculation of the objective function is proposed and implemented. Results from simulations of and practical experiments with the real SUV are presented, analysed, and compared, showing the potential of the method.
The behavior of S. platensis was investigated in this study through fed-batch pulse-feeding cultures performed at different carbon dioxide feeding rates (F = 0.44-1.03 g L-1 d(-1)) and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD = 80-250 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) in a bench-scale helical photobioreactor. To achieve this purpose, an inorganic medium lacking the carbon source was enriched by gaseous carbon dioxide from a cylinder. The maximum cell concentration achieved was 12.8 g L-1 at PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) and F= 0.44 g L-1 d(-1) of CO2. At PPFD = 80 and 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), the carbon utilization efficiency (CUE) reached maximum values of 50 and 69%, respectively, after about 20 days, and then it decreased, thus highlighting a photolimitation effect. At PPFD = 166 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), CUE was >= 90% between 20 and 50 days. The photosynthetic efficiency reached its maximum value (9.4%) at PPFD = 125 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). The photoinhibition threshold appeared to strongly depend on the feeding rate: at high PPFD, an increase in the amount of fed CO2 delayed the inhibitory effect on biomass growth, whereas at low PPFD, excess CO2 addition caused the microalga to stop growing. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The solution structure of A beta(1-40)Met(O), the methionine-oxidized form of amyloid beta-peptide A beta(1-40), has been investigated by CD and NMR spectroscopy. Oxidation of Met35 may have implications in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease. Circular dichroism experiments showed that whereas A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-40)Met(O) both adopt essentially random coil structures in water (pH 4) at micromolar concentrations, the former aggregates within several days while the latter is stable for at least 7 days under these conditions. This remarkable difference led us to determine the solution structure of A beta(1-40)Met(O) using H-1 NMR spectroscopy. In a water-SDS micelle medium needed to solubilize both peptides at the millimolar concentrations required to measure NMR spectra, chemical shift and NOE data for A beta(1-40)Met(O) strongly suggest the presence of a helical region between residues 16 and 24. This is supported by slow H-D exchange of amide protons in this region and by structure calculations using simulated annealing with the program XPLOR. The remainder of the structure is relatively disordered. Our previously reported NMR data for A beta(1-40) in the same solvent shows that helices are present over residues 15-24 (helix 1) and 28-36 (helix 2), Oxidation of Met35 thus causes a local and selective disruption of helix 2. In addition to this helix-coil rearrangement in aqueous micelles, the CD data show that oxidation inhibits a coil-to-beta-sheet transition in water. These significant structural rearrangements in the C-terminal region of A beta may be important clues to the chemistry and biology of A beta(1-40) and A beta(1-42).
The synthetic peptide pilosulin 1, corresponding to the largest defined allergenic polypeptide found in the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, inhibited the incorporation of [methyl-H-3]thymidine into proliferating Epstein-Barr transformed (EBV) B-cells. The LD50 was four-fold lower in concentration than melittin, a cytotoxic peptide found in honey bee venom. Loss of cell viability was assessed by flow cytometry by measuring the proportion of cells that fluoresced in the presence of the fluorescent dye 7-aminoactinomycin D. Examination of proliferating EBV B-cells indicated that the cells lost viability within a few minutes exposure to pilosulin 1. Partial peptides of pilosulin 1 were less efficient in causing loss of cell viability and the results suggest that the 22 N-terminal residues are critical to the cytotoxic activity of pilosulin 1. Normal blood white cells were also labile to pilosulin I. T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells, however, were more labile than granulocytes. Analysis of pilosulin I using circular dichroism indicated that, in common with melittin and other Hymenoptera venom toxins, it had the potential to adopt an cc-helical secondary structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.
The production of beta-fructofuranosidases by Aspergillus niveus, cultivated under submerged fermentation using agroindustrial residues, was investigated. The highest productivity of beta-fructofuranosidases was obtained in Khanna medium supplemented with sugar cane bagasse as carbon source. Glucose enhanced the production of the intracellular enzyme, whereas that of the extracellular one was decreased. The intracellular beta-fructofuranosidase was a trimeric protein of approximately 141 kDa (gel filtration) with 53.5% carbohydrate content, composed of 57 kDa monomers (SDS-PAGE). The optimum temperature and optimum pH were 60 degrees C and 4.5, respectively. The purified enzyme showed good thermal stability and exhibited a half-life of 53 min at 60 degrees C. beta-Fructofuranosidase activity was slightly activated by Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Mg(2+), and Na(+) at 1 mM concentration. The enzyme hydrolyzed sucrose, raffinose, and inulin, with K(d) values of 5.78 mM, 5.74 mM, and 1.74 mM, respectively. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The genetic mechanisms responsible for the formation of adrenocortical adenomas which autonomously produce aldosterone are largely unknown, The adrenal renin-angiotensin system has been implicated in the pathophysiology of these tumours, Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) catalyses the generation of angiotensin II, and the insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the ACE gene regulates up to 50% of plasma and cellular ACE variability in humans. We therefore examined the genotypic and allelic frequency distributions of the ACE gene I/D polymorphism in 55 patients with aldosterone-producing adenoma, APA, (angiotensin-unresponsive APA n = 28, angiotensin-responsive APA n = 27), and 80 control subjects with no family history of hypertension, We also compared the ACE gene I/D polymorphism allelic pattern in matched tumour and peripheral blood DNA in the 55 patients with APA, The frequency of the D allele was 0.518 and 0.512 and the I allele was 0.482 and 0.488 in the APA and control subjects respectively, Genotypic and allelic frequency analysis found no significant differences between the groups, Examination of the matched tumour and peripheral blood DNA samples revealed the loss of the insertion allele in four of the 25 patients who were heterozygous for the ACE I/D genotype. The I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene does not appear to contribute to the biochemical and phenotypic characteristics of APA, however, the deletion of the insertion allele of the ACE gene I/D polymorphism in 16% of aldosterone-producing adenomas may represent the loss of a tumour suppressor gene/s or other genes on chromosome 17q which may contribute to tumorigenesis in APA.
Background. During haemodialysis, calcium balance can affect, or be affected by, mineral metabolism. However, when dialysate calcium concentration (d[Ca]) is chosen or kinetic models are employed to calculate calcium balance, bone remodelling is rarely considered. In this study, we examined whether bone remodelling affects calcium mass transfer during haemodialysis. Methods. We dialysed 23 patients using a d[Ca] of 1.0, 1.25, 1.5 or 1.75 mmol/L. Calcium mass transfer was measured and associated with remodelling bone factors. Results. Calcium balance varied widely depending on the d[Ca]. Calcium removal was -578 +/- 389, -468 +/- 563, +46 +/- 400 and +405 +/- 413 mg when a d[Ca] of 1.0, 1.25, 1.5 or 1.75 mmol/L was used, respectively (1.0 and 1.25 VS 1.5 and 1.75 mmol/L, P<0.001; 1.5 vs 1.75 mmol/L, P<0.05). Univariate analysis showed that calcium balance correlated with calcium gradient, parathyroid hormone (PTH), osteocalcin and dialysis vintage. Multivariate analysis revealed that calcium balance was dependent on calcium gradient, PTH and osteocalcin. Conclusions. These results suggest that bone remodelling could affect calcium mass transfer during haemodialysis.
The aim was to examine the functional importance in the norepinephrine transporter (NET) of (i) the phenylalanine residue at position 531 in transmembrane domain (TMD) 11 by mutating it to tyrosine in the rat (rF531Y) and human (hF531Y) NETs and (ii) the highly conserved tyrosine residues at positions 249 in TMD 4 of human NET (hNET) (mutated to alanine: hY249A) and 271 in TMD 5, by mutating to alanine (hY271A), phenylalanine (hY271F) and histidine (hY271H). The effects of the mutations on NET function were for uptake of the substrates, examined by expressing the mutant and wildtype NETs in COS-7 cells and measuring the K-m and V-max for uptake of the substrates, [H-3]norepinephrine, [H-3]MPP+ and [H-3]dopamine, the K-D and B-max for [H-3]nisoxetine binding and the K-i of the inhibitors, nisoxetine, desipramine and cocaine, for inhibition of [H-3]norepinephrine uptake. The K-m values of the substrates were lower for the mutants at amino acid 271 than hNET and unaffected for the other mutants, and each mutant had a significantly lower than NET for substrate uptake. The mutations at position 271 caused an increase in the K-i or K-D values of nisoxetine, desipramine and cocaine, but there were no effects for the other mutations. Hence, the 271 tyrosine residue in TMD 5 is an important determinant of NET function, with the mutants showing an increase in the apparent affinities of substrates and a decrease in the apparent affinities of inhibitors, but the 249 tyrosine and 531 phenylalanine residues do not have a major role in determining NET function. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The basal dendritic arbors of 442 supragranular pyramidal cells in visual cortex of the marmoset monkey were compared by fractal analyses. As detailed in a previous study,(1) individual cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow and processed for a DAB reaction product. The basal dendritic arbors were drawn, in the tangential plane, and the fractal dimension (D) determined by the dilation method. The fractal dimensions were compared between cells in ten cortical areas containing cells involved in visual processing, including the primary visual area (Vi), the second visual area (V2), the dorsoanterior area (DA), the dorsomedial area (DM), the dorsolateral. area (DL), the middle temporal area (MT), the posterior parietal area (PP), the fundus of the superior temporal area (FST) and the caudal and rostral subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex (ITc and ITr, respectively). Of 45 pairwise interareal comparisons of the fractal dimension of neurones, 20 were significantly different. Moreover, comparison of data according to previously published visual processing pathways revealed a trend for cells with greater fractal dimensions in higher cortical areas. Comparison of the present results with those in homologous cortical areas in the macaque monkey(2) revealed some similarities between the two species. The similarity in the trends of D values of cells in both species may reflect developmental features which, result in different functional attributes.
The scleractinian coral species, Seriatopora hystrix and Acropora longicyathus, are widely distributed throughout the latitudinal range of the tropical west Pacific. These 2 coral species live in a mutually beneficial relation with symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae), which are passed to their progeny by vertical transmission (zooxanthellate eggs or larvae) and horizontal transmission (eggs or larvae that acquire symbionts from the environment), respectively. For S. hystrix, vertical transmission might create biogeographically isolated and genetically differentiated symbiont populations because the extent of its larval migration is known to be limited. On the other hand, horizontal transmission in corals such as A. longicyathus may result in genetically connected symbiont populations, especially if its zooxanthellae taxa are widely distributed. To examine these hypotheses, symbionts were collected from colonies of S. hystrix and A. longicyathus living in the Great Barrier Reef (Australia), South China Sea (Malaysia) and East China Sea (Ryukyus Archipelago, Japan), and were examined using restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequence analysis of large and small subunit rRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis assigned the symbionts to 1 of 3 taxonomically distinct groups, known as clades. Symbionts from Australian and Japanese S. hystrix were placed in Clade C, and Malaysian S. hystrix symbionts in the newly described Clade D. Seven of 11 Australian and all Japanese and Malaysian colonies of A. longicyathus had symbiotic dinoflagellates that also grouped with Clade C, but symbionts from the remaining Australian colonies of A. longicyathus grouped with Clade A. Analysis of molecular variance of Clade C symbionts found significant genetic variation in 1 or more geographic groups (69.8%) and to a lesser extent among populations within geographic regions (13.6%). All populations of Clade C symbionts from S. hystrix were genetically differentiated according to geographic region. Although Clade C symbionts of A. longicyathus from Japan resolved into a distinct geographic group, those from Australia and Malaysia did not and were genetically connected. We propose that these patterns of genetic connectivity correlate with differences in the dispersal range of the coral or symbiont propagules and are associated with their respective modes of symbiont transmission.