968 resultados para Plant Communities


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The regeneration of plant communities from seed depends, to a large extent, on the capacity of the seed remaining viable in the soil. The viability and germination of artificially buried Psychotria vellosiana seeds in cerrado soil were studied, with the purpose of discovering some physio-ecological aspects of dispersed seeds and evaluating their potential to constitute a soil seed bank. Seed samples were placed in nylon envelopes and buried in the soil of a Cerrado reserve at two different depths and sites. Buried seeds were retrieved periodically and tested for germination along with dry-stored seeds. In general, there was a reduction in seed germination with storage time, both in soil and dry stored conditions, and in some assays exhumed seeds germinated faster than dry stored ones. In general the soil storage favoured seed viability of ungerminated seeds as compared to dry stored ones, with the seeds remaining partially viable after 10 months of storage. The lack of germination of viable seeds suggests that seeds showed true dormancy and/or required an extended time to germinate. It was observed that some seeds had germinated while buried and such in situ germination tended to increase with rainfall. The water availability in the soil might be a limiting factor for successful germination of P. vellosiana in the field, and the seeds may constitute a persistent soil seed bank in the cerrado as dispersed seeds remain viable in the soil until the following period of seed dispersal.


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One of the most intriguing questions in ecology is how to identify which and how many species will be able to inhabit human-modified landscapes. Large-bodied mammals structure plant communities by trampling, herbivory, seed dispersal and predation, and their local extinction may have pervasive consequences in plant communities due to the breakdown of key interactions. Although much attention has been given to understanding the effects of defaunation on plant communities, information on the potential impacts on plant functional groups (seed dispersal, seed size and seedling leaves defense) inhabiting continuous forests after defaunation is scarce. We conducted mammal surveys (line transects and camera trapping) to determine the defaunation status of a continuous Atlantic forest in Brazil. Then, we evaluated the effects of defaunation on seedling diversity, richness and abundance of functional groups using 15 plot-pairs (each pair with one open and one exclusion plot) monitored over 36. months. We found that the studied area is partially defaunated because it exhibits high abundance of primates, while terrestrial mammals, such as large rodents and ungulates, are rare. We found no significant changes in either seedling richness and diversity or in the seedling composition of plant functional groups in response to mammal exclosure. Seedling mortality and recruitment were similar between plot types. Our findings suggest that at semi-defaunated areas, where arboreal species are still present, terrestrial mammals have low impacts on the plant community reassembly. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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A construção de usinas hidrelétricas tem sido um novo vetor de fragmentação florestal no globo, sobretudo na Amazônia, que possui várias barragens em fase de construção atualmente, além das planejadas. A formação de reservatórios em usinas hidrelétricas proporciona paisagens fragmentadas, com a criação de ilhas artificiais (fragmentos), que possuem a peculiaridade de estarem cercada por uma matriz mais resistente para a maioria das espécies, diferente dos fragmentos terrestres, tendo um efeito direto na redução da biodiversidade. Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a paisagem insular do Lago de Tucuruí, por meio da quantificação da estrutura da paisagem, como subsidio para implicações de conservação. Concomitantemente, avaliou-se os efeitos da fragmentação insular sobre a comunidade arbórea, através da estrutura da paisagem e efeito de borda, ambos têm sido um dos processos ecológicos mais impactantes na diversidade biológica em paisagens fragmentadas. Os resultados indicaram o arranjo espacial pode ser uma abordagem utilizada para os mecanismos de conservação em barragens, mas devendo considerar aspectos específicos das ilhas. Por sua vez, a vegetação ainda não estar respondendo a estrutura da paisagem atual, estando em uma fase de débito de extinção, sendo o efeito de borda o principal fator para formação das comunidades vegetais.


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The aim of this research was to analyze the composition and structure of the plant community in four phytophysiognomies at Pantanal Poconé-Mato Grosso, assuming that each sample group is a type of community, and there would be a corresponding group of species that characterize that community. We set up five plots of 50 × 50 m and subdivided each one into subplots of 10 × 10 m. In each subplot, individuals with CAP (circunference at breast height) > 10 cm were sampled. To check the structural and floristic similarity of the five vegetation types the unweighted averages grouping method was used - UPGMA, with Jaccard's coefficient and Bray-Curtis, respectively. DCA ordination of plots was used for inundation gradient analysis and TWINSPAN indicator species groups for the three strata. In the four areas 55 species belonging to 30 families were sampled. The UPMGA indicated floristic and structural differences between cambarazal, savanna types and campo de murundu and similarity between the semideciduous formations. The DCA separated the vegetation types according to the level of flooding and TWINSPAN indicated the existence of typical species for each vegetation type. In the Pantanal, some species may be restricted to certain types of vegetation, and these species can be used as indicators of the effect of flooding and possible changes in flood pulse dynamics in plant communities.