955 resultados para Plan fines 2
Esto es un Trabajo de Fin de Grado en el que se realizará un plan de marketing para la empresa SOTRAFA, S.A. Haremos un análisis externo e interno para ver sus amenazas, oportunidades, fortalezas y debilidades y así poder fijar con criterio unos objetivos. Una vez claros los objetivos, redactaremos unas estrategias y los planes de acción a realizar en el plazo de un año. SOTRAFA, S.A es una empresa fabricante de láminas de polietileno, perteneciente al grupo Armando Álvarez, líder transformando film de polietileno en el mercado español, concretamente en la zona de Andalucía. La empresa ofrece productos para el cultivo intensivo, muy extendido en la zona sur de España. Su ventaja competitiva puede basarse en la calidad de sus productos y en estar siempre a la vanguardia de las nuevas tecnologías en lo relativo a su sector. Tras el análisis previamente realizado, hemos sacado las siguientes conclusiones: - Amenazas A1: Aumento de la competencia A2: Volatilidad del precio de la materia prima A3: Costes energéticos para la transformación A4: Plástico y percepción medioambiental: residuos plásticos A5: Riesgo cambio de divisa A6: Formación de cooperativas para aumentar el poder de negociación - Oportunidades O1: Aumento de demanda de productos ecológicos, sin tratamientos químicos O2: Inclemencias meteorológicas por el cambio climático: protección de cultivos frente a la agresividad del viento, granizo y fuerte lluvia. O3: Demanda creciente para incrementar cosechas O4: Restricciones legales sobre pesticidas: los plásticos reducen la dosificación de tratamientos. O5: Aumento de la población, por ende, mayor demanda - Debilidades D1: Debido a su posicionamiento, los precios de los productos son más elevados que los de la competencia, esto en épocas de crisis puede perjudicarnos ya que los clientes pueden renuncia a calidad por ahorro en costes. D2: Poco poder de negociación con los proveedores de materias primas D3: Ausencia de plan de marketing definido D4: Poca presencia en el mundo online - Fortalezas F1: Empresa grande, por lo tanto gran poder de negociación con los clientes F2: Gran calidad de sus productos F3: Líder en el mercado nacional F4: La empresa se financia con recursos propios o con los de su matriz F5: Compromiso con el cliente F6: Manejo eficiente de los recursos hídricos. Una vez analizadas sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas, fijaremos los objetivos y las acciones a realizar: 1. Aumentar las ventas Para conseguir que nuestras ventas se vean incrementadas, lanzaremos un nuevo producto al mercado. El plástico destinado a la desinfección del terreno, viene a cubrir una necesidad del mundo agrícola. Hasta ahora, esta labor de limpieza se hacía mediante elementos químicos. La normativa medioambiental ha prohibido su uso, por lo que hay que recurrir a otros métodos. Nuestro plástico ofrece una solución natural, con idéntico resultado al uso de agentes químicos, sin contaminar el terreno. Para su penetración en el mercado realizaremos rappels sobre ventas para distribuidores y cooperativas, así como demostraciones de su uso para nuestros clientes. 2. Mantener la posición de liderazgo La experiencia de campo acumulada, hace que nuestro fabricados tengas unos altos estándares de calidad. Esto, unido a las constantes inversiones en tecnología, nos permite extender la garantía sobre nuestros productos, lo cual nos otorga una ventaja competitiva. Para poder mantener esto, estableceremos controles de calidad más estrictos. También ofreceremos a nuestros clientes la posibilidad de personalizar el embalaje de nuestros productos a su gusto, para así diferenciarnos de la competencia y ofrecer otro tipo de soluciones a nuestros clientes. 3. Mayor notoriedad online El sector tiene un déficit en lo que al uso de nuevas tecnologías se refiere. Ser los primeros en avanzar en este terreno, nos permitirá tomar distancia sobre nuestros competidores a la vez que fortalecerá la imagen de empresa avanzada y en constante evolución. Para conseguir este objetivo, crearemos perfiles en redes sociales y publicaremos anuncios en páginas webs relacionadas con el sector. 4. Fidelización del cliente a través del producto y el servicio El cliente es la parte fundamental de la empresa. Cuesta mucho esfuerzo el introducirse en nuevos clientes, y mucho menos el perder uno que ya tenemos. Por tanto, el que los que ya tenemos en cartera estén satisfechos, nos ayudará a tener una base sólida sobre la que acometer nuevos proyectos. Para fidelizar a nuestros clientes, crearemos jornadas de puertas abiertas, para estrechar la relación y mantenernos más cercanos a ellos. También mejoraremos el tiempo de entrega de nuestros pedidos, anticipándonos a las compras de nuestros clientes. 5. Potenciar el e-commercer como una nueva vía de distribución Si bien en este mercado la relación personal es todavía muy importante, no cabe duda que en un futuro, una parte de las transacciones comerciales se harán por esta vía. El uso de este canal no viene a sustituir a los anteriores sino a complementarlos. 6. Establecer relaciones comerciales con un distribuidor norteamericano, para que comercialice nuestros productos y en un futuro cercano, introducirnos en ese mercado. Para que nuestra empresa siga creciendo y desarrollándose necesitamos buscar nuevos mercados. Para ello, estudiaremos que empresas americanas están introducidas en el mundo agrícola con el fin de tratar de llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo comercial para que distribuyan nuestros productos. El jefe de producto acudirá a las principales ferias de productos agrícolas y para el campo que se celebren en Estados Unidos. En ellas deberá llegar a algún acuerdo comercial con algún distribuidor americano, para que este comercialice nuestros productos en ese mercado.
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
This is a report on the Conservation Plan for Rostherne Mere. The project primarly involved collating existing information from a variety of sources, supplemented by a limited amount of survey work commissioned for the project, including identification of the surface water catchment, water flows, and land use within the catchment. The section 1 outlines the physical situation of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), its geological setting and hydrological regime. A summary of the ecological characteristics, conservation interest and objectives is provided in Section 2, and the issues affecting the site are identified in Section 3. . Operations and mechanisms for addressing the issues are suggested in Section 4, compiled from field visits, information held on file by English Nature and the Environment Agency, and English Nature. The last Section 5 provides a brief summary of the site’s condition and a discussion of the issues and operations suggested. A summary table is provided of the recommended actions for each site. Supporting information on the hydrology and aquatic ecology (where relevant) is provided in appendices.
This report argues for greatly increased resources in terms of data collection facilities and staff to collect, process, and analyze the data, and to communicate the results, in order for NMFS to fulfill its mandate to conserve and manage marine resources. In fact, the authors of this report had great difficulty defining the "ideal" situation to which fisheries stock assessments and management should aspire. One of the primary objectives of fisheries management is to develop sustainable harvest policies that minimize the risks of overfishing both target species and associated species. This can be achieved in a wide spectrum of ways, ranging between the following two extremes. The first is to implement only simple management measures with correspondingly simple assessment demands, which will usually mean setting fishing mortality targets at relatively low levels in order to reduce the risk of unknowingly overfishing or driving ecosystems towards undesirable system states. The second is to expand existing data collection and analysis programs to provide an adequate knowledge base that can support higher fishing mortality targets while still ensuring low risk to target and associated species and ecosystems. However, defining "adequate" is difficult, especially when scientists have not even identified all marine species, and information on catches, abundances, and life histories of many target species, and most associated species, is sparse. Increasing calls from the public, stakeholders, and the scientific community to implement ecosystem-based stock assessment and management make it even more difficult to define "adequate," especially when "ecosystem-based management" is itself not well-defined. In attempting to describe the data collection and assessment needs for the latter, the authors took a pragmatic approach, rather than trying to estimate the resources required to develop a knowledge base about the fine-scale detailed distributions, abundances, and associations of all marine species. Thus, the specified resource requirements will not meet the expectations of some stakeholders. In addition, the Stock Assessment Improvement Plan is designed to be complementary to other related plans, and therefore does not duplicate the resource requirements detailed in those plans, except as otherwise noted.
Land-based pollution is commonly identified as a major contributor to the observed deterioration of shallow-water coral reef ecosystem health. Human activity on the coastal landscape often induces nutrient enrichment, hypoxia, harmful algal blooms, toxic contamination and other stressors that have degraded the quality of coastal waters. Coral reef ecosystems throughout Puerto Rico, including Jobos Bay, are under threat from coastal land uses such as urban development, industry and agriculture. The objectives of this report were two-fold: 1. To identify potentially harmful land use activities to the benthic habitats of Jobos Bay, and 2. To describe a monitoring plan for Jobos Bay designed to assess the impacts of conservation practices implemented on the watershed. This characterization is a component of the partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established by the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) in Jobos Bay. CEAP is a multi-agency effort to quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices used by private landowners participating in USDA programs. The Jobos Bay watershed, located in southeastern Puerto Rico, was selected as the first tropical CEAP Special Emphasis Watershed (SEW). Both USDA and NOAA use their respective expertise in terrestrial and marine environments to model and monitor Jobos Bay resources. This report documents NOAA activities conducted in the first year of the three-year CEAP effort in Jobos Bay. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the project and background information on Jobos Bay and its watershed. Chapter 2 implements NOAA’s Summit to Sea approach to summarize the existing resource conditions on the watershed and in the estuary. Summit to Sea uses a GIS-based procedure that links patterns of land use in coastal watersheds to sediment and pollutant loading predictions at the interface between terrestrial and marine environments. The outcome of Summit to Sea analysis is an inventory of coastal land use and predicted pollution threats, consisting of spatial data and descriptive statistics, which allows for better management of coral reef ecosystems. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the monitoring plan to assess the ecological response to conservation practices established by USDA on the watershed. Jobos Bay is the second largest estuary in Puerto Rico, but has more than three times the shoreline of any other estuarine area on the island. It is a natural harbor protected from offshore wind and waves by a series of mangrove islands and the Punta Pozuelo peninsula. The Jobos Bay marine ecosystem includes 48 km² of mangrove, seagrass, coral reef and other habitat types that span both intertidal and subtidal areas. Mapping of Jobos Bay revealed 10 different benthic habitats of varying prevalence, and a large area of unknown bottom type covering 38% of the entire bay. Of the known benthic habitats, submerged aquatic vegetation, primarily seagrass, is the most common bottom type, covering slightly less than 30% of the bay. Mangroves are the dominant shoreline feature, while coral reefs comprise only 4% of the total benthic habitat. However, coral reefs are some of the most productive habitats found in Jobos Bay, and provide important habitat and nursery grounds for fish and invertebrates of commercial and recreational value.
Meeting to develop environmental indicators to measure overall health of BOBLME; identify important coastal water pollution issues: produce conclusions and recommendations to form an action plan.
The objectives of the workshop were to validate the contents and findings of the regional synthesis of policy instruments,processes and implementation, which the BOBLME project had produced in 2011; to identify areas of policy needs and gaps and constraints in policy implementation; and to develop a work plan and recommendations for future action work on harmonising policies and strengthening policy making capacity in the Bay of Bengal region.
InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well blue (461 +/- 4 nm) light emitting diodes with higher electroluminescence intensity are obtained by postgrowth thermal annealing at 720 C in O-2-ambient. Based on our first-principle total-energy calculations, we conclude that besides dissociating the Mg-H complex by forming H2O, annealing in O-2 has another positive effect on the activation of acceptor Mg in GaN. Mg can be further activated by the formation of an impurity band above the valence band maximum of host GaN from the passivated Mg-Ga-O-N complex. Our calculated ionization energy for acceptor Mg in the passivated system is about 30 meV shallower than that in pure GaN, in good agreement with previous experimental measurement. Our model can explain that the enhanced electroluminescence intensity of InGaN/GaN MQWs based on Mg-doped p-type GaN is due to a decrease in the ionization energy of Mg acceptor with the presence of oxygen. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
An improved 2 ×2 silicon-on-insulator Mach-Zehnder thermo-optical switch is designed and fabricated, which is based on strongly guided multimode interference couplers and single- mode phase-shifting arms. The multimode interference couplers and input/output waveguides are deeply etched to improve coupler performances and coupler-waveguide coupling efficiencies. However, shallow etching is used in the phase-shifting arms to guarantee single-mode property. The strongly guided coupler presents an attractive uniformity about 0. 03 dB and a low propagation loss of -0.6 dB. The 2× 2 switch shows an insertion loss as low as -6.8 dB, where the fiber-waveguide coupling loss of -4.3 dB is included, and the response-time is measured as short as 6.8 μs, which are much better than our previous results.
Gas condensate reservoir research involves not only structure sediment reservoir liquid properties characterization but also the change of the temperature field, the change of the pressure field, the change of liquid phase and the reservoir sensitivity. To develop the gas condensate reservoir effectively .we must depict the static properties of the oil and gas system ,build exact and comprehensive parameter field, predict the rule of dynamic change and do the necessary reservoir characterization development plan dynamic prediction direct production. The MoBei Oil and Gas Field is the first gas condensate reservoirs which is found by the Xinjiang Oil Field Company in ZhunGaEr basin belly.it has deserved some knowledge after prospect evaluation, the MoBei Oil and Gas Field start development ,it is one of the important development blocks of Xinjiang Oil Field Company productivity constuction. During its development , it gradually appears some problems, such as complex oil and gas phase, great change of reservoir stretch .uncertain reservoir type and scale, controling its development strategy and plan difficultly. To deserve the high efficient development and long-term stable production of the gas condensate reservoir, it is necessary to characterize it systematically and form a suit of scientific development strategy. This thesis take the MoBei zone SanGongHe sand group reservoir as research object, applied advanced log techniques ,such as the nulear magnetism log ,MDT testing .etc. After comprehensive research of loging geology information, set up a suit of methods to identify oil gas water layer .these methods can identify the gas-oil level and the oil-water level. On the basis of reasonable development object system, according fine structure interpretation and structure modeling. build any oil water column height of the reservoir accurately. Through carefully analysis of the basic theory and method of reservoir seism prediction. optimize a reservoir inversion method .technique. software fitting the research region aiming strata, set up the GR field, porosity field, Rt field, impedence field .permeability field and initial oil saturation field, generating the base of quantity reservoir characterization. Discussing the characteristic of reservoir fluid and the movement and reallocating of muti-phase fluid in reservoir. And according the material of 100 soviet gas condensate reservoir ,build the recognition method and mode of gas condensate reservoir. Building the 3D geology model ,carry on the static and production evaluation, propose the development strategy and improve plan , provide the base of increasing reserves and advancing production and enriching the prospect development theory of the gas condensate reservoi
Kela-2 gas field in Tarim Basin is the main supply source for West-to-East Pipeline project, also the largest abnormally-pressured gas field discovered in China currently. The geological characterization, fine geological modeling and field development plan are all the world-class difficult problems. This work includes an integrated geological and gas reservoir engineering study using advanced technology and approaches, the scientific development plan of Kela-2 gas field as well as the optimizations of the drilling, production and surface schemes. Then, it's expected that the Kela-2 gas field can be developed high-efficiently.Kuche depression is one part of the thrust belt of the South Tianshan Mountains, Kela-2 field is located at the Kelasu structural zone in the north of Kuche depression. The field territory is heavily rugged with deeply cut gullies, complex geological underground structure, variable rock types, thrust structure development. Therefore, considerable efforts have been made to develop an integrated technique to acquire, process and interpret the seismic data in complicated mountain region. Consequently a set of seismic-related techniques in the complicated mountain region has been developed and successfully utilized to interpret the structure of Kela-2 gas field.The main reservoir depositional system of Kela 2 gas field is a platform - fan delta - braided river system. The reservoir rocks are medium-fine and extremely fine grained sandstones with high structure maturity and low composition maturity. The pore system structure is featured by medium-small pore, medium-fine throat and medium-low assortment. The reservoir of Kela-2 gas field is characteristic of medium porosity and medium permeability. The pay zone is very thick and its lateral distribution is stable with a good connection of sand body. The overpressure is caused mainly by the strongly tectonic squash activities, and other factors including the later rapid raise and compartment of the high-pressure fluid, the injection of high-pressure fluid into the reservoir.Based on the deliverability tests available, the average binomial deliverability equation is provided applicable for the overall field. The experimental results of rock stress-sensitive tests are employed to analyze the change trend of petrophysical properties against net confining stress, and establish the stress-based average deliverability equation. The results demonstrate the effect of rock deformation on the deliverability is limited to less than 5% in the early period of Kela-2 gas field, indicating the insignificant effect on deliverability of rock deformation.In terms of the well pattern comparisons and development planning optimizations, it is recommended that the producers should be located almost linearly along the structural axis. A total of 9 producers have a stable gas supply volume of 10.76 BCMPY for 17 years. For Kela-2 gas field the total construction investment is estimated at ¥7,697,690,000 RMB with the internal earning rate of 25.02% after taxation, the net present value of ¥7,420,160,000 RMB and the payback period of 5.66 years. The high profits of this field development project are much satisfactory.
[158] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
[81] hojas : ilustraciones.
My dissertation work integrates comparative transcriptomics and functional analyses to investigate gene expression changes underlying two significant aspects of sea urchin evolution and development: the dramatic developmental changes associated with an ecologically significant shift in life history strategy and the development of the unusual radial body plan of adult sea urchins.
In Chapter 2, I investigate evolutionary changes in gene expression underlying the switch from feeding (planktotrophic) to nonfeeding (lecithotrophic) development in sea urchins. In order to identify these changes, I used Illumina RNA-seq to measure expression dynamics across 7 developmental stages in three sea urchin species: the lecithotroph Heliocidaris erythrogramma, the closely related planktotroph Heliocidaris tuberculata, and an outgroup planktotroph Lytechinus variegatus. My analyses draw on a well-characterized developmental gene regulatory network (GRN) in sea urchins to understand how the ancestral planktotrophic developmental program was altered during the evolution of lecithotrophic development. My results suggest that changes in gene expression profiles occurred more frequently across the transcriptome during the evolution of lecithotrophy than during the persistence of planktotrophy. These changes were even more pronounced within the GRN than across the transcriptome as a whole, and occurred in each network territory (skeletogenic, endomesoderm and ectoderm). I found evidence for both conservation and divergence of regulatory interactions in the network, as well as significant changes in the expression of genes with known roles in larval skeletogenesis, which is dramatically altered in lecithotrophs. I further explored network dynamics between species using coexpression analyses, which allowed me to identify novel players likely involved in sea urchin neurogenesis and endoderm patterning.
In Chapter 3, I investigate developmental changes in gene expression underlying radial body plan development and metamorphosis in H. erythrogramma. Using Illumina RNA-seq, I measured gene expression profiles across larval, metamorphic, and post-metamorphic life cycle phases. My results present a high-resolution view of gene expression dynamics during the complex transition from pre- to post-metamorphic development and suggest that distinct sets of regulatory and effector proteins are used during different life history phases.
Collectively, my investigations provide an important foundation for future, empirical studies to investigate the functional role of gene expression change in the evolution of developmental differences between species and also for the generation of the unusual radial body plan of sea urchins.