998 resultados para Piscator, Erwin Friedrich Maximilian, 1893-1966


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When the Bonn stage was closed after the death of Elector Max Friedrich in 1784, the director of its theatre company, Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Großmann, decided to leave the city to further his career elsewhere in the Rhinelands. During the next few years, he was kept informed about developments in Bonn by two of his erstwhile colleagues, Christian Gottlob Neefe and Nikolaus Simrock, whose correspondence paints a vivid picture of musical life in the city during the later 1780s. The new Elector, Maximilian Franz, permitted a visiting troupe to perform during Carnival each year, but repeatedly delayed the decision to re-establish a resident troupe. In 1787 Christoph Brandt, a singer in the Bonn Hofkapelle, attempted a home-grown initiative, perhaps to test the market for a new permanent company. Although this failed almost immediately, a single, well-attended public rehearsal of Monsigny’s Le Déserteur was given, in which Johann van Beethoven made what was probably his last stage appearance. In a letter dated 14 May 1787, Simrock rated his performance ‘zimlich gut’. In the event, a new Bonn troupe was not recruited until 1789, when it featured the young singer Magdalena Willmann. Neefe and his musical colleagues were relieved finally to be able to resume their theatrical careers.


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This article looks at the role of commemoration in Northern Ireland before conflict -in the 1960's - and at the height of conflict in the 1970's. Through its comparative examination of Northern Ireland republican commemorations of the 1916 Easter Rising in 1966 and 1976 it is intended to contribute both to an historical and political understanding of commemoration practices in Ireland after partition and to current debates about commemoration and the past in the post-Troubles era.


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Pensar a Europa e Portugal, a partir da imprensa desportiva portuguesa, é o principal objectivo deste trabalho, que deve ser visto como uma espécie de "viagem" por um tempo conturbado (1893-1945), com os principais jornais desportivos a servirem de guia. Esta longa peregrinação de 52 anos — iniciada quando surge o primeiro jornal desportivo em Portugal e encerrada no ano em que termina a Segunda Guerra Mundial (altura em que este género de imprensa se consolida) — permitiu recuperar, simultaneamente, do baú do esquecimento, reflexões sobre a Europa e Portugal, e um pedaço da esquecida história da imprensa desportiva. /***Abstract - The main goal of this work is to think Europe and Portugal starting from the discourses produced in the portuguese spod press on the subject. This research must be seen as a “journey" through a troubled time (1893-1945), with the sport newspapers as guides. It's a long way of 52 years that started when the first portuguese sport newspaper born and finished at the end of the Second World War (period when Chis kind of press was already established) permitted, at the same time, a recovery, from the chests of forgetfulness, of reflections about Europe and Portugal and a piece of forgotten sport press history.


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De 1900 à 1966, Lionel Groulx, prêtre, historien, écrivain, conférencier, professeur, a signé 176 textes d'une vingtaine de pseudonymes différents. Le premier chapitre du mémoire résume d'abord les positions théoriques qu'ont adoptées des chercheurs comme Genette, Laugaa et Jeandillou en ce qui concerne la pseudonymie. Le récit de l'aventure pseudonyme de Groulx commence au deuxième chapitre, alors que le jeune professeur du College de Valleyfield, surtout pour éviter les représailles de son évêque, recourra à la pseudonymie pour signer des textes patriotiques. En 1915, Groulx quitte Valleyfield pour Montréal. Dès 1917, il collabore à l'Action française, dont il devient le directeur en 1920. Sans contredit, l'étude de la pseudonymie de Groulx de 1917 a 1929 prouve qu'il est bel et bien "L'Homme à tout faire" de la revue, comme le démontre le troisième chapitre. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre analyse la période 1930 à 1966. [Résumé abrégé par UMI]


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Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leben und Wirken Erwin Ackerknechts.


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Tese de doutoramento, Filosofia (Filosofia em Portugal), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Concert Program for Concert of Harpsichord Music, November 3, 1966


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Concert Program for John Buttrick, Faculty Recital, January 7, 1966