967 resultados para Physics education course


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In 2003 the International Conflict Resolution Centre at the University of Melbourne, Australia, produced a primary school teaching manual for UNESCO Vietnam in consultation with ASP schoolteachers and principals. The finished manual included lessons plans and materials for a five year, 50 lesson peace education course. The Manual is one of the first examples of a systematic core national curriculum in peace education worldwide.

Development of the Teaching Manual posed a number of challenges including differences in language, culture, government and education system. To meet these challenges, a Participatory Action Research approach was central in the project’s development and curriculum design. This case study is offered as a model for effective cross-cultural curriculum development of peace education materials. In particular, the creation of a systematic core course in peace education and the use of UNESCO’s peace keys are outlined as innovative aspects of the project.


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Guided by a participatory action research methodology, this paper outlines an approach to integrating the social media Twitter platform within a tertiary education course, based on a social, constructivist pedagogy. It explores the perceptions of students on the benefits of using this technology for enhancing attentiveness, engagement and participation in the classroom. Previous studies have shown that greater participation and communication can stimulate student learning and lead to better academic performance, increased motivation, and an appreciation of different points of views. The untested hypothesis is that social media tools like Twitter can foster this type of communication. Students posted their responses during classroom activities via Twitter and then were surveyed on their perceived benefits associated with using the social media platform. The preliminary findings of the qualitative study suggest that, while not without its challenges, social media tools like Twitter have the potential to be used effectively for education-based activities in the classroom to improve communication and engagement both amongst the students and with the instructor.


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Project and problem-based learning (PBL) has been widely recognised as an active, collaborative, cumulative and integrative learning approach that engages learners, motivates team creativity and centres on practical education. On the other hand, traditional lecture-tutorial teaching is often criticised for being a passive, surface learning and exam-focused approach. In spite of these evidence-based observations and claims over the years, the traditional lecture-tutorial teaching approach still dominates as the preferred teaching approach at Australian universities. This study sets up a control environment to compare these two teaching and learning approaches by analysing data from students' actual performance, course evaluation and expectation in two large undergraduate engineering courses in 2009 and 2010. The evidence reported in this study is broadly interesting in that both courses were taught by the same teaching staff using two entirely different learning and teaching approaches to the same cohort of students in the same semester within the same degree program. The analysis shows that there are significant differences between the students' actual performance, course evaluation and their expectation. Such conflicting differences may be some of the reasons that may negatively impact teaching staff deterring them from switching to PBL from traditional lecture-tutorial teaching.


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This article reports on the results of a survey of Australian primary pre-service teachers’ experiences, conceptions and perceptions of geography. Research was conducted with two cohorts of undergraduate primary pre-service teachers; one group in second year and another in the final year of a four-year teacher education course. The findings show congruence with similar studies conducted in the UK and indicate that pre-service teachers had a very narrow conception of geography and geography education; a conception that was information-oriented and focused on broad knowledge about the world and locational knowledge and skills. The article concludes by exploring some of the implications for the implementation of the new national geography curriculum in Australia and for primary pre-service geography teacher education more broadly.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de estudar o currículo do Curso de Pedagogia (habilitação em Administração Escolar e Orientação Educacional) da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Amazonas. Procurou-se examinar também a relação existente entre a formação e as condições de desempenho de Administradores Escolares e Orientadores Educacionais atuando nas Escolas Estaduais de 1º e 2º graus, na cidade de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas. O trabalho consta de duas etapas: a primeira contém a importância do estudo, as hipóteses que fundamentaram o mesmo e a fundamentação teórica, onde nos detivemos principalmente nas figuras dos dois especialistas: o Adm.Esc. e o O.E., em seus aspectos teóricos e atribuições legais; a segunda constitue-se de uma Pesquisa de campo, onde foram utilizados três instrumentos, abrangendo as seguites áreas: avaliação dos cursos; metodologia; estágio supervisionado; avaliação do rendimento; realidade social e condições de atuação. A população estudada consta de 80 elementos exercendo as funções de Diretores, Administradores Escolares e Orientadores Educacionais. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram um hiato entre a formação oferecida pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Amazonas, e as condições de atuaçao dos profissionais em estudo. Os Adm. Esc. (em função de Assessor) estão exercendo funções para as quais não necessitam formação em nível superior; os O.E. não dispõem de condições para uma atuação efetiva, dentro do que é preconizado pelos teóricos da Orientação Educacional; os profissionais estudados apontam como principal ponto de estrangulamento em seu desempenho o distanciamento entre a teoria e a prática oferecidas nos cursos de graduação; notou-se que os O.E. mostraram-se mais críticos quanto à formação recebida, do que os Adm. Esc. Sugere-se no final do trabalho, pesquisas que visem aprofundar o conhecimento da realidade educacional pesquisada.


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É no interior das relações sociais capitalistas que situamos e buscamos compreender a Formação e a Prática do Educador. Marcadas pelas contradições inerentes às relações de dominação, a Formação e a Prática do Educador refletem e expressam essas contradições. Assim, a formação que o educador recebe e a prática que ele desenvolve como trabalhador da educação, ao mesmo temoo em que reproduzem as relações de dominação, podem contribuir para a transformação dessas relações. Partindo deste pressuposto, o nosso trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre a interferência da formação do educador na sua prática diária junto às classes populares. A suposição de que o instrumental teórico/metodológico veiculado pelos cursos de formação pouco contribui para o educador desenvolver e analisar a sua prática junto às classes populares e de que, assim, pode contribuir para o fracasso escolar dessas crianças foi trabalhada, tendo como base de informações a experiência de dois projetos educativos. Um deles envolve o Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Santa Ursula, e o outro, o "MEC/USU", integrando a Universidade e escolas públicas de 1o grau no Município do Rio de Janeiro. O processo de análise nos permitiu, por um lado, concluir que existe uma coerência, unificada pela ideologia do sistema, entre o tipo de formação alienada e diluída dos educadores e sua prática junto as classes populares, evidenciando que esta formação e esta prática contribuem para a reprodução do "status quo". Por outro lado, constatamos a presença de elementos indicadores de postura critica, o que revela a existência de contradições no interior do curso de Pedagogia e das escolas de 1o grau, demonstrando a possibilidade de a Formação e a Prática do Educador contribuir para as transformações educacionais, sociais, politicas, econômicas e culturais no bojo das contradições do processo histórico, na medida em que estes indicadores forem trabalhados e reforçados.


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Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)


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For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoiético epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching


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The essay "A local view of a national project: the course in Media Education" presents a research aimed at analyzing how the course Media in Education is being implemented by both Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and State University of Rio Grande do Norte, with the intention of pointing out weaknesses in its use, which should be resolved in order to contribute to the design of other courses along these lines. Therefore, we performed a survey in which data collection, have used open questionnaires available in online pages created specifically for this purpose and administered to alumni and former participants, course participants and tutors from the two universities involved in the research. Through these questionnaires, we identified, especially, those aspects that negatively affect the provision of course related to the student's profile, the virtual learning environment where the course is hosted, the meetings, the contents and activities, the mentoring and the dropout, and the changes to improve the implementation of the course. The research collaborators are professors of public basic education. To understand the continuing education of teachers, conducted through distance education, using the virtual learning environment, we contextualize this from the nineties, in the context of the Brazilian educational reform took place in that decade. The Media in Education course is presented as a different proposition because it allows teachers to follow different pathways, materialized in the learning cycle. At the end of the study, we conclude that the implementation of this course, of the RN, the conditions for dialogue to happen, specifically, are not given


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This dissertation aims to identify the profile of the course coordinators of the Estacio/Natal Group Units , toward an understanding of the factors that can improve the relationship of this person within the HEIs surveyed , with students , teachers , directors . Seeks to understand the entrepreneurial and strategic actions in offering quality higher education . At first , a literature search , with the purpose of collecting issues related to theme , focusing on the concepts and landscapes through which they come to higher education was conducted , the course coordinator and entrepreneur profile. The research approach is quantitative . As for goals is descriptive exploratory , by providing greater understanding of the phenomenon investigated and understand the relationships among the concepts involved in the issue studied . A survey of data was done through personal interview , since this method allows the study of questions based on organizational and managerial field. The object of investigation are all the course coordinators of the four units of Estacio / Natal Group . The research instrument consisted of 13 closed questions to identify the profile of the engineer, 17 questions with Likert scale of 5 points for identifying the entrepreneurial profile , 42 questions with Likert scale of 5 points which measured the dimensions of the activity coordinator , 4 open and optional questions that measured the difficulties and opportunities that impact the development of entrepreneurship in the management of courses . Was used as statistical method ( analysis) and descriptive statistics. We conclude that the information collected and knowledge gained can contribute to the HEIs surveyed overcome challenges , foster strategic innovation management courses focusing on the implementation of a new vision of the course coordinator , as a professional who balances skills management and pedagogical skills , and innovation through entrepreneurial skills


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This study aimed to describe and analyze aspects of the historical course of teaching Mathematics by Radio Experiences in Rio Grande do Norte, between the decades from 1950 to 1970 in order to organize a documentary (CD-ROM) containing information about Mathematics studied by Radio who have experienced it. In this, we use qualitative research. We seek support in the theoretical framework of cultural history and memory researchers as Certeau (1998), Chartier (1990), Le Goff (2008), Thompson (2002) and Peter Burke (2004). Moreover, we take the elements of oral history. We focus on the teaching of literacy and the primary of the Radio schools in two rural communities - Logradouro and Catolé - who are currently part of the city of Lagoa Salgada (RN) and, with respect to the Junior High School, we stopped in the Course of Madureza at Radio. We used as written sources, especially the documents found in the General Archives of the Archdiocese of Natal (RN) and the employees assigned by the participants of the survey. Our sources come from the oral testimonies of pupils and monitors Lagoa Salgada City, teachers, broadcasters and technicians of Rural Support Service (SAR) Natal (RN). In this study, we identify the geometry Cubação social practices of Lagoa Salgada students. Also identified in the research material, the Global Method with the pedagogy of Paulo Freire, that guided the production of lessons in literacy and primary courses. Content in Mathematics, we find traces of the trend-Empirical activist. In the course of Madureza, there was a tendency formal technique Fiorentini (1995). Finally, as a result of this study, organize and present a documentary (CD-ROM), along with the analysis of this study, containing the history of Mathematics teaching by Radio, from the speech of those who experienced Radio, emphasizing the methodology teaching developed in class, that serves as a reference material for students, professors and researchers.


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Over the last decades, the digital inclusion public policies have significantly invested in the purchase of hardwares and softwares in order to offer technology to the Brazilian public teaching institutions, specifically computers and broadband Internet. However, the teachers education to handle these artefacts is put away, even though there is some demand from the information society. With that, this dissertation chooses as an object of study the digital literacy practices performed by 38 (thirty-eight) teachers in initial and continuous education by means of the extension course Literacies and technologies: portuguese language teaching and cyberculture demands. In this direction, we aim at investigating the digital literacy practices of developing teachers in three specific moments: before, while and after this extension action with the intent to (i) delineate the digital literacy practices performed by the collaborators before the formative action; (ii) to narrate the literacy events made possible by the extension course; (iii) to investigate the contributions of the education course to the collaborators teaching practice. We sought theoretical contributions in the literacy studies (BAYNHAM, 1995; KLEIMAN, 1995; HAMILTON; BARTON; IVANIC, 2000), specifically when it comes to digital literacy (COPE, KALANTZIS, 2000; BUZATO, 2001, 2007, 2009; SNYDER, 2002, 2008; LANKSHEAR & KNOBEL, 2002, 2008) and teacher education (PERRENOUD, 2000; SILVA, 2001). Methodologically, this virtual ethnography study (KOZINETS, 1997; HINE, 2000) is inserted into the field of Applied Linguistics and adopts a quali-quantitative research approach (NUNAN, 1992; DÖRNYEI, 2006). The data analysis permitted to evidentiate that (i) before the course, the digital literacy practices focused on the personal and academic dimensions of their realities at the expense of the professional dimension; (ii) during the extension action, the teachers collaboratively took part in the hybrid study sessions, which had a pedagogical focus on the use of ICTs, accomplishing the use of digital literacy practices - unknown before that; (iii) after the course, the attitude of the collaborator teachers concerning the use of ICTs on their regular professional basis had changed, once those teachers started to effectively make use of them, promoting social visibility to what was produced in the school. We also observed that teachers in initial education acted as more experienced peers in collaborative learning process, offering support scaffolding (VYGOTSKY, 1978; BRUNER, 1985) to teachers in continuous education. This occurred because of the undergraduates actualize digital literacy practices were more sophisticated, besides the fact being integrate generation Y (PRENSKY, 2001)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Propomos que uma evolução de idéias científicas seja usada como instrumento de aprendizagem de conteúdos específicos e, em particular, para ressaltar como os conteúdos se articulam entre as disciplinas. Como exemplo, apresentamos um estudo sobre a proposta do demônio de Maxwell e discussões sobre sua exorcização, isto é, um estudo sobre a compreensão da natureza de um ser inteligente que atua dentro de um sistema físico e de como seria essa atuação. Estão envolvidos nesse problema fenômenos relacionados com várias teorias - Termodinâmica, Física Molecular, Mecânica Estatística, Teoria da Informação - dentro das disciplinas de Física, Química, Biologia, Computação. Entre diversas questões epistemológicas e conceituais aí contidas, será enfatizada a questão do objeto limitado de uma eoria científica, isto é, da limitação de seu significado aos fenômenos por ela compreendidos. A delimitação dos fenômenos estudados e as teorias e técnicas caracterizam a compreensão que vai realizar sua emergência concreta nos laboratórios. Essa compreensão vai dar também a possibilidade de atuação interdisciplinar.


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O presente estudo propõe analisar as projeções e expectativas dos ingressantes em um curso de formação docente, que visa superar a fragmentação disciplinar e criar maior aproximação com o mundo do trabalho. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo realizado a partir de entrevistas com 33 ingressantes do curso. Para a análise dos dados, pautou-se na técnica de análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Os resultados do estudo permitiram elencar as seguintes categorias temáticas: possibilidade de ensinar-aprender; necessidade de capacitação pedagógica e de constante busca de aprendizagem; possibilidade de mudança da realidade. Conclui-se que os ingressantes vislumbram a transformação da realidade social na qual estão inseridos, considerando a necessidade de aquisição de novas habilidades e competências profissionais, com intuito de exercer eficazmente o trabalho e ocupar um espaço competitivo no mercado.