897 resultados para Perturbação de Stress Pós-Traumático - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


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Reactions to stressful negative events have long been studied using approaches based on either the narrative interpretation of the event or the traits of the individual. Here, we integrate these 2 approaches by using individual-differences measures of both the narrative interpretation of the stressful event as central to one's life and the personality characteristic of negative affectivity. We show that they each have independent contributions to stress reactions and that high levels on both produce greater than additive effects. The effects on posttraumatic stress symptoms are substantial for both undergraduates (Study 1, n = 2,296; Study 3, n = 488) and veterans (Study 2, n = 104), with mean levels for participants low on both measures near floor on posttraumatic stress symptoms and those high on both measures scoring at or above diagnostic thresholds. Study 3 included 3 measures of narrative centrality and 3 of negative affectivity to demonstrate that the effects were not limited to a single measure. In Study 4 (n = 987), measures associated with symptoms of posttraumatic stress correlated substantially with either measures of narrative centrality or measures of negative affectivity. The concepts of narrative centrality and negative affectivity and the results are consistent with findings from clinical populations using similar measures and with current approaches to therapy. In broad nonclinical populations, such as those used here, the results suggest that we might be able to substantially increase our ability to account for the severity of stress response by including both concepts.


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A representative sample of older Danes were interviewed about experiences from the German occupation of Denmark in World War II. The number of participants with flashbulb memories for the German invasion (1940) and capitulation (1945) increased with participants' age at the time of the events up to age 8. Among participants under 8 years at the time of their most traumatic event, age at the time correlated positively with the current level of posttraumatic stress reactions and the vividness of stressful memories and their centrality to life story and identity. These findings were replicated in Study 2 for self-nominated stressful events sampled from the entire life span using a representative sample of Danes born after 1945. The results are discussed in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder and childhood amnesia.


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Peu d’études explorent les fréquences de traumas et d’état de stress posttraumatique (ÉSPT) chez les itinérants, spécifiquement parmi ceux avec des troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances (TUS). L’objectif principal de cette étude était de mesurer les fréquences de trauma et d’ÉSPT parmi les usagers en traitement pour des TUS à Montréal. L’autre objectif était de vérifier les différences entre ceux ayant ou non un ÉSPT. 51 individus itinérants, 9 femmes et 42 hommes, ont constitué l’échantillon. L’âge moyen était de 46 ans (SD = 7.19). Les participants ont vécu en moyenne 4.24 (SD = 2.06) types de trauma. 49% de l’échantillon avaient potentiellement un diagnostic d’ÉSPT. La majorité avait: un parent alcoolique, vécu un trauma dans l’enfance et un soutien social faible. Les participants qui avaient potentiellement un diagnostic d’ÉSPT: avaient un parent alcoolique, vécurent un trauma dans l’enfance et utilisaient davantage de stratégies de coping inadaptées.


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Les mauvais traitements représentent un facteur de risque pouvant entraver le développement normal des enfants qui en sont victimes. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre le concept d’état de stress post-traumatique-complexe (ÉSPT-C) et ce, en permettant l’évaluation rigoureuse de ses symptômes et en documentant sa relation avec d’autres variables. La présente thèse est composée de deux articles empiriques. L’objectif du premier article est d’obtenir une mesure de l’ÉSPT-C pour une population francophone. Pour ce faire, les qualités psychométriques de la traduction francophone du Structured Interview of Disorders of Extreme Stress-Self-Report (SIDES-SR) ont été testées par le biais d’analyses préliminaires auprès de 438 adultes canadiens-français provenant de la population générale et de l’Université de Montréal. Les résultats démontrent que l’instrument possède une structure factorielle de 5 facteurs comparable à celle obtenue pour l’instrument en anglais dans sa version originale. Les facteurs obtenus sont : 1) les croyances pessimistes par rapport aux autres et au futur, 2) la gestion des affects, 3) l’évitement des contacts physiques et sexuels, 4) la somatisation et 5) la prise de risques. La cohérence interne de 4 facteurs sur 5 varie d’acceptable à très satisfaisante alors que leur stabilité temporelle et leur validité convergente, divergente et concurrente ressortent comme étant assez satisfaisantes. Le but du deuxième article de cette thèse est d’examiner l’apport des symptômes d’ÉSPT-C retrouvés chez les mères et de leurs pratiques parentales (supervision et utilisation abusive de la punition) pour expliquer les symptômes d’ordre psychologique chez leurs enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle (AS). Les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères et leurs pratiques éducatives ont été évalués auprès de 96 mères à l’aide de mesures auto-rapportées alors que les symptômes de leur enfant ont été mesurés à partir d’un instrument qui leur était destiné. Les résultats suggèrent qu’en contrôlant les variables sociodémographiques et les caractéristiques de l’AS de l’enfant, les symptômes d’ÉSPT-C des mères sont liés à plusieurs symptômes retrouvés chez les enfants après le dévoilement de l’AS qu’ils ont subie. Le rôle modérateur de la supervision maternelle dans la relation entre l’ÉSPT-C des mères et les symptômes de dépression et d’opposition des enfants a également été démontré. Les implications théoriques et cliniques concernant les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce projet doctoral sont finalement abordées.


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Introduction: Les personnes ayant développé un état de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT) évitent systématiquement d’aborder avec leurs proches le sujet du trauma ainsi que tout élément y étant associé. Cette forme d’évitement peut entraver le processus naturel de rétablissement. Les hypothèses suivantes peuvent être énoncées à cet égard. Tout d’abord, une discussion avec une personne proche et centrée sur le trauma peut être vécue comme étant anxiogène et, par conséquent, provoquer une augmentation de la fréquence du rythme cardiaque, d’ailleurs communément connue sous le nom de réactivité du rythme cardiaque. La réactivité provoquée par une telle situation peut positivement varier en fonction de l’intensité des symptômes d’ÉSPT. Cette association entre les symptômes et la réactivité peut, à son tour, varier en fonction des perceptions de la personne anxieuse du soutien social de la part de son proche et/ou de son entourage. Il en va de même pour les individus ayant développé un trouble anxieux comparable, soit le trouble panique (TP). Toutefois, toutes ces hypothèses n’ayant pas été jusqu’à maintenant vérifiées empiriquement, la présente thèse a eu pour objectif de les tester. Méthodologie: Un total de 46 personnes avec un ÉSPT et de 22 personnes avec un TP ont complété des entrevues diagnostiques et des questionnaires auto-rapportés concernant leurs symptômes ainsi que leurs perceptions des interactions sociales soutenantes et non soutenantes ou négatives avec leur proche significatif et leur entourage. Elles ont également participé à une interaction sociale avec une personne proche et centrée sur leur trouble anxieux, situation qui incluait également des mesures continues du rythme cardiaque. Résultats: Les résultats ont démontré qu’une interaction sociale centrée sur le trauma avec une personne proche provoquait une augmentation significative de la fréquence du rythme cardiaque des participants en comparaison à une interaction sociale non conflictuelle et non anxiogène avec cette même personne. Cette réactivité du rythme cardiaque corrélait de façon significative et positive avec l’intensité de leurs symptômes d’ÉSPT. Les résultats ont également permis de constater que l’hypothèse de modération concernant les perceptions d’interactions sociales positives était partiellement confirmée, soit pour les symptômes d’évitement; les perceptions d’interactions sociales négatives étant quant à elles associées de façon significative et positive à cette réactivité (c.à.d. suivant un effet principal). Quant aux personnes avec un TP, une atténuation significative dans la fréquence de leur rythme cardiaque fut observée dans le contexte analogue, atténuation qui était positivement liée à la sévérité de leurs attaques de panique. Certaines dimensions de leurs perceptions de soutien social étaient significativement et négativement liées à cette atténuation (c.à.d. suivant un effet principal). Discussion: La présente thèse a notamment démontré qu’il existait des liens entre les symptômes d’ÉSPT et la réactivité du rythme cardiaque dans le contexte d’une interaction sociale avec un proche et centrée sur le trauma. Elle a également permis de constater que les symptômes d’ÉSPT et les perceptions d’interaction sociales positives et négatives peuvent prédire cette réactivité. Dans l’avenir, des devis longitudinaux pourront informer davantage à propos de la direction des liens ici explorés.


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Threatening intrusive images are central to posttraumatic stress disorder. It has been suggested that intrusive imagery in the context of a sense of threat leads to the development and persistence of posttraumatic stress symptoms. This study investigates London school children's (N = 76; age 10-11 years) self-reported posttraumatic stress symptoms in response to viewing the attacks of September 11, 2001 on television. Assessments were made at two time points. A minority of participants reported moderate-severe symptoms with functional impairment at 2 months (14.5%) and 6 months (9.2%) after viewing the September 11events. After controlling for symptom stability, persistent symptoms were associated with peri-traumatic factors, notably perceiving that one's life was in danger. The combined effect of intrusive imagery and peri-traumatic life threat was associated with symptom persistence. Assessments of intrusive image content via checklist and free-report indicated that the images were directly related to September 11 and were fairly stable over time. Implications for treating children's intrusive images following stressful events are explored. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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As a result of the 20th-century industrial development, and particularly after World War II, cars have become an important consumer good, and this has led to a large number of circulating vehicles. To this day, the number of cars has increased exponentially worldwide, which results in a high number of traffic accidents (TAs) every day. TAs are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide each year, and in Brazil, they are considered to be a public health problem, considering that its traffic is regarded as one of the worst and most dangerous in the world. In addition to temporary or permanent physical disabilities that bring great harm to individuals, accidents also cause psychological disorders, such as the post-traumatic stress disorder. Hence, considering the importance of TAs in the country and their outcomes, this study aimed at investigating the epidemiological aspects of car accidents occurring in 2010 who were assisted in the emergency room of a university hospital in São Paulo state. By means of records made by the nursing team and medical records analysis, it was possible to extract a stratified sample of 88 cases involving adults and eight cases involving children. The sample was analyzed by the SAS software for Windows, version 9.2. As regards the accidents involving adults, there was a predominance of males (67%), with an approximate 2:1 ratio in relation to females. The victims’ most frequent age range was 20-29 years (39%), and they were mostly single (56%). The month showing the largest number of occurrences was July, with 17%, and the weekday was Sunday, with 25%. Showing 32%, the time period when most accidents occurred was from 06:00 o’clock p.m. to 11:59 p.m. As regards vehicles types involved, motorcycles were in first place, with 47% of cases, and the most common accident type was crashing between vehicles, with 43%... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Anxiety is an important component of the psychopathology of the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). So far, most interventions that have proven to be effective for treating OCD are similar to those developed for other anxiety disorders. However, neurobiological studies of OCD came to conclusions that are not always compatible with those previously associated with other anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to review the degree of overlap between OCD and other anxiety disorders phenomenology and pathophysiology to support the rationale that guides research in this field. RESULTS: Clues about the neurocircuits involved in the manifestation of anxiety disorders have been obtained through the study of animal anxiety models, and structural and functional neuroimaging in humans. These investigations suggest that in OCD, in addition to dysfunction in cortico-striatal pathways, the functioning of an alternative neurocircuitry, which involves amygdalo-cortical interactions and participates in fear conditioning and extinction processes, may be impaired. CONCLUSION: It is likely that anxiety is a relevant dimension of OCD that impacts on other features of this disorder. Therefore, future studies may benefit from the investigation of the expression of fear and anxiety by OCD patients according to their type of obsessions and compulsions, age of OCD onset, comorbidities, and patterns of treatment response.


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Objectives Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prospectively increases the risk of incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) independent of other risk factors in otherwise healthy individuals. Between 10% and 20% of patients develop PTSD related to the traumatic experience of myocardial infarction (MI). We investigated the hypothesis that PTSD symptoms caused by MI predict adverse cardiovascular outcome. Methods We studied 297 patients (61 ± 10 years, 83% men) who self-rated PTSD symptoms attributable to a previous index MI. Non-fatal CVD-related hospital readmissions (i.e. recurrent MI, elective and non-elective intracoronary stenting, bypass surgery, pacemaker implantation, cardiac arrhythmia, cerebrovascular event) were assessed at follow-up. Cox proportional hazard models controlled for demographic factors, coronary heart disease severity, major CVD risk factors, cardiac medication, and mental health treatment. Results Forty-three patients (14.5%) experienced an adverse event during a mean follow-up of 2.8 years (range 1.3–3.8). A 10 point higher level in the PTSD symptom score (mean 8.8 ± 9.0, range 0–47) revealed a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.42 (95% CI 1.07–1.88) for a CVD-related hospital readmission in the fully adjusted model. A similarly increased risk (HR 1.45, 95% CI 1.07–1.97) emerged for patients with a major or unscheduled CVD-related readmission (i.e. when excluding patients with elective stenting). Conclusions Elevated levels of PTSD symptoms caused by MI may adversely impact non-fatal cardiovascular outcome in post-MI patients independent of other important prognostic factors. The possible importance of PTSD symptoms as a novel prognostic psychosocial risk factor in post-MI patients warrants further study.


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Stress is a strong modulator of memory function. However, memory is not a unitary process and stress seems to exert different effects depending on the memory type under study. Here, we explored the impact of social stress on different aspects of human memory, including tests for explicit memory and working memory (for neutral materials), as well as implicit memory (perceptual priming, contextual priming and classical conditioning for emotional stimuli). A total of 35 young adult male students were randomly assigned to either the stress or the control group, with stress being induced by the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Salivary cortisol levels were assessed repeatedly throughout the experiment to validate stress effects. The results support previous evidence indicating complex effects of stress on different types of memory: A pronounced working memory deficit was associated with exposure to stress. No performance differences between groups of stressed and unstressed subjects were observed in verbal explicit memory (but note that learning and recall took place within 1 h and immediately following stress) or in implicit memory for neutral stimuli. Stress enhanced classical conditioning for negative but not positive stimuli. In addition, stress improved spatial explicit memory. These results reinforce the view that acute stress can be highly disruptive for working memory processing. They provide new evidence for the facilitating effects of stress on implicit memory for negative emotional materials. Our findings are discussed with respect to their potential relevance for psychiatric disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder.


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This study was part of a larger scoping review and environmental scan conducted for Veterans Affairs Canada on the effects of operational stress injuries (OSIs) on the mental health and wellbeing of Veterans’ families. This paper focuses broadly on the relationships between combat (and/or deployment more generally), OSIs (primarily post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), and the family. Based on the scoping review, the paper finds that existing research investigates the impacts of a Veteran’s OSI on the family, but also how various aspects of the family (such as family functioning, family support, etc.) can impact a Veteran living with an OSI.


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Objective. To examine children's knowledge, understanding and experience of stress from 4 to 11 years of age across four age groups (4–5, 6–7, 8–9, and 10–11 years old). Methods. A semi-structured interview format was used to elicit information from 50 children about their understanding and experience of stress. Results. Most children were able to define stress, with older children providing more complex responses. Many children had indirect and/or personal experience of stress. Younger children were more likely than older children to report that there was nothing people could do to stop stress; children reported using both adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies to deal with stress. Conclusion. Some young children have a basic understanding of stress and many have experience of stress; both understanding and experience develop with age. Practice Implications. The research has potential implications for provider-patient communication, particularly within preventative health education and clinically within the field of childhood post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


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Obesity is a chronic disease that has multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by high degree of body fat; the degree of obesity will vary according to the Body Mass Index (BMI=m2 /kg). The severe degree of obesity is characterized by BMI>40 and it is regularly associated to endocrine-metabolic or mechanic clinical alterations, and to psychological disorders. Binge Eating (BE) results were overly high for this population. The Bariatric Surgery has been the treatment chosen by those diagnosed with severe obesity as this intervention provides prompt outcomes for loss of weight and clinical improvement conditions. However, recent research has acquiesced that after two years between 20% and 30% of people subject to this intervention gained weight. The main objective of this research is to assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of those diagnosed with severe obesity that have been subject to Gastric Bypass Surgery in the past 24 months. Specific aspects were investigated: (1) characteristics of different personalities and diagnose of clinic and personality disorders; (2) BE and its relation with loss of weight; (2) the difference between the groups regarding post-surgery care, e.g. physical activity, psychological and dietician input. Method: 40 adults (women and men) aged 23 and 60 year-old who went through a bariatric surgery in the past 24 months, in the city of Natal-RN (Brazil); they were assembled in two groups n=20, Gain group displaying loss of < 50% of their initial surplus of weight, and the Loss group displaying loss of >50%. The research protocol is made of a socio-demographic questionnaire and 3 psychometric instruments: Rorschach – Comprehensive System; Millon Personality Inventory (MCMI-III); and the Binge Eating Scale (Escala de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (ECAP). Through Rorschach significant differences between these groups were verified according to the kind of personality (EB) - more EB Extratensivo in Gain group and Intratensivo in Loss group – and the lack of control to express affect, increasing the answer for Color Pure at Group I. Concerning the people standardization, the sample as a whole tends to show psychic pain, denigrated selfperception, high levels of self-criticism, distorted perceptions, vulnerability to develop mood disorders and high scores regarding Suicide. MCMI-III results showed more clinic and personality disorders in Group I: Depressive Disorder and Schizotypal, Anxiety, Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder; Thought Disorder, Bipolar- Manic and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In relation to ECAP, the results indicated significant differences, showing increased BE results in Gain group. There were found significant differences between BE severity and the presence of clinic and personality disorders. Concerning the post-surgery care, the observed differences are statistically significant regarding physical activities with median-increased differences in Loss group. There is a difference between the initial weight and the time post-surgery, indicating that the higher the initial weight and the time after the surgery the higher the re-gain of weight post-surgery. Finally, the results show that the participants with more than 3 years of surgery will have Clinic and Major Depressive Disorders; Somatoform Disorder; Dysthymia. These results confirm prior studies related to BE post-surgery and re-gain of weight as well as the proneness of clinic disorders in severe obesity people. That means the results reinforce that the surgery process is a facet of the severe obesity treatment. The post-surgery process needs to be the main focus of attention and have a long-term input to sustain the care of the surgery results and the quality of life of the patients.


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This study was part of a larger scoping review and environmental scan conducted for Veterans Affairs Canada on the effects of operational stress injuries (OSIs) on the mental health and wellbeing of Veterans’ families. This paper focuses broadly on the relationships between combat (and/or deployment more generally), OSIs (primarily post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), and the family. Based on the scoping review, the paper finds that existing research investigates the impacts of a Veteran’s OSI on the family, but also how various aspects of the family (such as family functioning, family support, etc.) can impact a Veteran living with an OSI.