939 resultados para Peritoneal Diseases
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the elimination of certain chronic diseases is capable of leading to the compression of morbidity among elderly individuals.METHODS: A population-based, cross-sectional study was carried out with official data for the city of Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil in 2000 and data from the SABE (Health, Wellbeing and Ageing) study. Sullivan's method was used to calculate disability-free life expectancy. Cause-deleted life tables were used to calculate the probabilities of death and disabilities with the elimination of health conditions.RESULTS: The largest gains in disability-free life expectancy, with the elimination of chronic illness, occurred in the female gender. Among individuals of a more advanced age, gains in disability-free life expectancy occurred as result of a relative compression of morbidity. Among men aged 75 years, all conditions studied, except heart disease and systemic arterial pressure, led to an absolute expansion of morbidity and, at the same time, to a relative compression of morbidity upon being eliminated.CONCLUSIONS: The elimination of chronic diseases in the elderly could lead to the compression of morbidity in elderly men and women.
OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence and factors associated with intimate partner violence after the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.METHODS This cross-sectional study was conducted in Fortaleza, CE, Northeastern Brazil, in 2012 and involved 221 individuals (40.3% male and 59.7% female) attended to at reference health care units for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Data were collected using a questionnaire applied during interviews with each participant. A multivariate analysis with a logistic regression model was conducted using the stepwise technique. Only the variables with a p value < 0.05 were included in the adjusted analysis. The odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was used as the measure of effect.RESULTS A total of 30.3% of the participants reported experiencing some type of violence (27.6%, psychological; 5.9%, physical; and 7.2%, sexual) after the diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease. In the multivariate analysis adjusted to assess intimate partner violence after the revelation of the diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, the following variables remained statistically significant: extramarital relations (OR = 3.72; 95%CI 1.91;7.26; p = 0.000), alcohol consumption by the partner (OR = 2.16; 95%CI 1.08;4.33; p = 0.026), history of violence prior to diagnosis (OR = 2.87; 95%CI 1.44;5.69; p = 0.003), and fear of disclosing the diagnosis to the partner (OR = 2.66; 95%CI 1.32;5.32; p = 0.006).CONCLUSIONS Individuals who had extramarital relations, experienced violence prior to the diagnosis of sexually transmitted disease, feared disclosing the diagnosis to the partner, and those whose partner consumed alcohol had an increased likelihood of suffering violence. The high prevalence of intimate partner violence suggests that this population is vulnerable and therefore intervention efforts should be directed to them. Referral health care services for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can be strategic places to identify and prevent intimate partner violence.
Backgound - In developed countries people are living longer and the incidence of chronic disease is increasing. Chronic disease and its treatments can have a negative impact on sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction. Aim of study - To explore and to compare sexual function and sexual satisfaction in people with stable chronic diseases.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the physical inactivity-related inpatient costs of chronic non-communicable diseases. METHODS This study used data from 2013, from Brazilian Unified Health System, regarding inpatient numbers and costs due to malignant colon and breast neoplasms, cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis. In order to calculate the share physical inactivity represents in that, the physical inactivity-related risks, which apply to each disease, were considered, and physical inactivity prevalence during leisure activities was obtained from Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílio (Brazil's National Household Sample Survey). The analysis was stratified by genders and residing country regions of subjects who were 40 years or older. The physical inactivity-related hospitalization cost regarding each cause was multiplied by the respective share it regarded to. RESULTS In 2013, 974,641 patients were admitted due to seven different causes in Brazil, which represented a high cost. South region was found to have the highest patient admission rate in most studied causes. The highest prevalences for physical inactivity were observed in North and Northeast regions. The highest inactivity-related share in men was found for osteoporosis in all regions (≈ 35.0%), whereas diabetes was found to have a higher share regarding inactivity in women (33.0% to 37.0% variation in the regions). Ischemic heart diseases accounted for the highest total costs that could be linked to physical inactivity in all regions and for both genders, being followed by cerebrovascular diseases. Approximately 15.0% of inpatient costs from Brazilian Unified Health System were connected to physical inactivity. CONCLUSIONS Physical inactivity significantly impacts the number of patient admissions due to the evaluated causes and through their resulting costs, with different genders and country regions representing different shares.
Rev Port Pneumol. VII(2): 191-208, 2001
Rev Port Pneumol. VII(2): 210-233, 2001
Rev Port Pneumol. VII(2): 234-250, 2001
Rev Port Pneumol. VII(2): 251-263, 2001
Since the first in vivo studies of cerebral function with radionuclides by Ingvar and Lassen, nuclear medicine (NM) brain applications have evolved dramatically, with marked improvements in both methods and tracers. Consequently it is now possible to assess not only cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism but also neurotransmission. Planar functional imaging was soon substituted by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET); it now has limited application in brain imaging, being reserved for the assessment of brain death.
Tentou-se obter imunoproteção contra infecção cercariana pela inoculação de vermes vivos na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos. Embora os vermes sobrevivessem bem nestas condições e não ocorresse postura de ovos, não foi possível obter imunoproteção, Também a inoculação de ovos viáveis por via sangüínea e peritoneal não propiciou o aparecimento de imunoproteção nos camundongos com vermes na cavidade peritoneal.
The occurrence of different viruses in nasopharyngeal secretions from children less than 5 years old with acute respiratory infections (ARI) was investigated over a period of 4 years (1982-1985) in Rio de Janeiro. Of the viruses known to be associated with ARI, all but influenza C and parainfluenza types 1, 2 and 4 were found. Viruses were found more frequently in children attending emergency or pediatric wards than in outpatients. This was clearly related to the high incidence of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the more severe cases of ARI. RSV positive specimens appeared mainly during the fall, over four consecutive years, showing a clear seasonal ocurrence of this virus. Emergency wards provide the best source of data for RSV surveillance, showing sharp increase in the number of positive cases coinciding with increased incidence of ARI cases. Adenovirus were the second most frequent viruses isolated and among these serotypes 1,2 and 7 were predominant. Influenza virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 were next in frequency. Influenza A virus were isolated with equal frequency in outpatient departments, emergency and pediatric wards. Influenza B was more frequent among outpatients. Parainfluenza type 3 caused outbreaks in the shanty town population annually during the late winter or spring and were isolated mainly from outpatients. Herpesvirus, enterovi-rus and rhinovirus were found less frequently. Other viruses than RSV and parainfluenza type 3 did not show a clear seasonal incidence.
Foram examinados exsudatos peritoneais e órgãos (cérebro, coração, pulmão e músculo estriado) de 53 camundongos infectados experimentalmente pelo Toxoplasma gondii, sendo 21 na fase aguda e 32 na crônica. Camundongos albinos, machos, de cerca de 25 g e 2 meses de idade foram inoculados, por via intraperitoneal, com 0,5 ml de exsudato peritoneal (taquizoitas) ou macerado de cérebro (cistos) de camundongos previamente infectados. O exame a fresco foi feito no exsudato peritoneal, entre 3 e 12 dias após inoculação e no cérebro, após 10 dias. Foram realizadas inoculações de macerados de órgãos em novos camundongos (repiques) para a recuperação do parasita no exsudato ou no cérebro. Na infecção aguda as positividades foram, ao exame a fresco: exsudato peritoneal 19/19, pulmão 12/14, músculo 6/9, coração 4/9 e cérebro 1/3. Após inoculação: exsudato peritoneal 5/5, cérebro 2/2, coração 19/19, pulmão 13/13 e músculo 14/17. Após estes últimos resultados foram registrados 9 novos órgãos positivos. A positividade final (igual à recuperação do parasita) foi: exsudato peritoneal 19/19 (100%), coração 15/17 (88,5%), músculo 12/14 (85,7%), pulmão 14/14 (100%) e cérebro 2/3 (66,6%). Na infecção crônica, que transcorreu entre 10 e 495 dias, as positividades foram, ao exame a fresco: cérebro 28/32, coração 0/4 e músculo 0/4. Após repique: cérebro 6/6, coração 14/29 e músculo 16/26. Neste exame foi revelado um novo camundongo positivo elevando para 29 o total de camundongos positivos ou 90,6%. O resultado final foi: cérebro 28/32 (87,5%), músculo 16/28 (57,15%) e coração 14/31 (45,1%). No fim da pesquisa, aos 495 dias, o cérebro apresentava grandes cistos ao exame a fresco e coração e músculo mostravam-se positivos através da inoculação. Conclusões: 1º) nos camundongos o toxoplasma persistiu por 495 dias no cérebro, coração e músculo estriado; 2º) o exame a fresco do pulmão pode substituir ou confirmar o do exsudato peritoneal; 3º) a inoculação de órgãos é necessária pois pode revelar novos casos positivos; 4º) a atividade dos cistos foi demonstrada pelo aumento gradual do seu tamanho e pela recuperação do toxoplasma no cérebro, coração e músculo, após o longo tempo de infecção.