319 resultados para Pennisetum


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito dos cortes efetuados a 0, 15, 30 e 45 cm sobre a composição química do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) cv. Roxo, em épocas seca e chuvosa. As amostras foram obtidas de uma área útil de 8,4 m² de cada parcela. Após o corte de uniformização, efetuaram-se dois cortes no período seco, em intervalos de 90 dias, e três no período chuvoso, em intervalos de 60 dias. de cada parcela foi tomada uma amostra de 3 a 5 perfilhos, desidratada em estufa e triturada para analises laboratoriais. Foram avaliados os percentuais de matéria seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), celulose (CEL), hemicelulose (HCEL), lignina (LIG) e cinzas. As alturas de corte não influenciaram a composição química da forrageira, nem houve interação com as épocas. Com exceção de hemicelulose e cinzas, os cortes na época seca mostraram resultados superiores à chuvosa. As médias nas duas épocas foram 19,70 e 17,44% para MS; 7,74 e 7,25% para PB; 76,41 e 71,13% para FDN; 42,75 e 41,02% para FDA; 31,44 e 30,43% para CEL; 30,66 e 30,28% para HCEL; 9,25 e 7,83% para LIG; e 1,97 e 3,38% para cinzas, nos períodos seco e chuvoso, respectivamente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito dos cortes efetuados a 0, 15, 30 e 45 cm sobre algumas características morfofisiológicas do Pennisetum purpureum, Schum. cv. Roxo nas épocas seca e chuvosa no Brejo Paraibano. As amostras foram obtidas de uma área útil de 8,4 m² de cada parcela. Após o corte de uniformização, efetuaram-se dois cortes no período seco, em intervalos de 90 dias, e três no período chuvoso, em intervalos de 60 dias. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: perfilhamento, altura das plantas, porcentagens de folhas e colmos e relação folha/colmo (RF/C). Aos 25 dias após cada corte, foram feitas as contagens dos perfilhos existentes nas parcelas. de cada parcela tomou-se uma amostra de 3 a 5 perfilhos, seca em estufa, e separaram-se as frações de folhas e colmos. Houve interação dos fatores (altura x época do corte) quanto ao número de perfilhos por m² e à RF/C. No período chuvoso, houve mais perfilhos basais que no período seco, e o número de perfilhos aéreo foi superior em todos os cortes acima do nível do solo. A RF/C foi superior na época chuvosa nas alturas de 30 e 45 cm do solo. Cortes mais altos apresentaram maior proporção de folhas e menor proporção de colmos. Os percentuais de folhas na época chuvosa foram maiores que os da época seca.


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Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos dos grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou ensilados úmidos, sobre o consumo de nutrientes e o desempenho de cordeiros em confinamento. O confinamento teve duração de 77 dias e foi dividido em dois períodos: no primeiro (35 dias), utilizou-se como volumoso capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), na proporção de 50:50 e, no segundo (42 dias), feno de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha), na proporção de 30:70. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em blocos, de acordo com o peso, conforme os tratamentos, que consistiram de diferentes fontes de alimento concentrado energético: silagem de grão úmido de milho; silagem de grão úmido de sorgo; grão seco de milho; e grão seco de sorgo. Os consumos de MS, em g/dia, em %PV e em PV0,75, não diferiram entre os animais alimentados com grãos de milho e sorgo, secos ou úmidos, e capim-elefante cv. Napier, com média de 920,79 g/dia; 3,59% e 81,01 g/kg PV0,75. Os grãos de milho e de sorgo ensilados úmidos, quando comparados aos grãos secos, proporcionaram melhor ganho de peso (0,17 vs 0,13 e 0,19 vs 0,13 kg/dia), conversão (5,57 vs 6,37 e 5,05 vs 6,86) e eficiência alimentar (17,95 vs 15,69 e 19,79 vs 14,74). O uso de grãos de sorgo, secos e úmidos, em dietas à base de feno de capim-braquiária, resultou em maior ganho de peso, ao passo que o de grãos secos de sorgo promoveu melhor conversão alimentar. Na proporção volumoso:concentrado 50:50, os grãos de milho e sorgo ensilados proporcionaram melhores ganhos de peso, conversão e eficiência alimentar que os grãos secos. em dietas com maior participação de concentrado (proporção 30:70), fontes de maior degradabilidade (milho) influenciaram negativamente o ambiente ruminal, resultando em desempenho inferior.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de capim-elefante contendo subproduto do processamento do urucum. Vinte ovinos machos, não-castrados, foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco dietas (0; 4; 8; 12 e 16% de subproduto de urucum na silagem) e quatro repetições, e utilizados para estimar o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes, o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais e o balanço de nitrogênio. A adição de subproduto de urucum elevou os consumos de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), extrato etéreo (EE), carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF), carboidratos totais e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT), tanto em relação ao peso vivo (%PV) quanto em relação ao peso metabólico (g kg-1PV0,75). As digestibilidades de MS (55,95%), MO (58,19%), PB (45,34%), FDN (52,79%), FDA (45,79%), EE (34,96%) e CNF (99,86%) não foram influenciadas pela adição de subproduto de urucum. A inclusão de subproduto de urucum na silagem de capim-elefante promoveu aumento na digestibilidade dos carboidratos totais, no teor de NDT e no balanço de nitrogênio. A adição de subproduto de urucum em níveis de até 16% da matéria natural na ensilagem de capim-elefante melhora o consumo de nutrientes e o balanço de nitrogênio.


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate performance, mortality and incidence of lesions on the breasts, hooks and foot pads of broilers raised on wood-scrap litter, rice hulls, Brachiaria hey (Brachiaria decumbens), Napier hay (Pennisetum purpureum) and Coast-cross hay (Cynodon dactylon). A randomized experimental design with five litters, two sexes, four replications and fifty birds per box was used. A standard litter height of 5 cm of wood-scraps and a weight of 20 250 g were adopted as criteria for use of other materials in the boxes. The amount of excreta deposited was 1697 g per raised bird (34,00 % of feed consumption). The incidence of lesions was evaluated in five birds per box after 35, 42 and 49 days and after slaughter. The criteria for scoring lesions were: 0 = without lesion; 1 = inflammation; 2 = mild ulceration; 3 = severe ulceration. At the end of experimental period (49 days) no differences were observed For weight, weight gain, feed consumption, feed/gain ratio and mortality among treatments. The lesions of the hocks and foot pads of the birds, raised on either Coast-cross hay and Napier hay, were more severe than those on wood-scraps and Brachiaria hay. Males showed better performance than females, but their hock lesions were more severe, independent of the litter used. Based on the performance and lesions scores, it was concluded that Braquiaria hay could be used as litter in replace wood-scraps and rice bulls.


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The experiment was conducted at UNESP-Jaboticabal during the 2001-2002 winter-spring-summer periods to evaluate the herbage mass, botanical composition, dry matter production of mix pastures, and leaf: sheat-stem ration of Tifton 85 or overseeding with annual winter or summer species. The treatments were: pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) plus bristeal oat (Avena strigosa Schreb); sorghum sudan grass (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf) (SS AG2501 C) plus bristeal oat, overseeded on Tifton 85 area on 06/19/02/04, or 07/02/02, and Tifton 85, conducted in a randomized block design. The AG2501 contributed with a small participation in the botanical composition and the presence of millet in the experiment was not observed. Highest herbage mass at first and second evaluations related to first seeding time was 63% higher compared to the second seeding time. The herbage mass were similar he production in the other evaluations were similar. on the second seeding time, it was observed highest oat species in relation to the first seeding time. The leaf: sheat-stem ration decreased during the experiment due to the pasture botanical composition changes.


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Winter cover crops can affect N nutrition of the following maize crop. Although legumes have been recommend for maize rotations, in tropical areas grasses may be more interesting because they provide a longer protection of soil surface. Legumes can add N to the system and grasses can compete with maize for the available nutrient. An experiment was conducted in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, to study N dynamics in the soil surface straw-maize system as affected by N fertilization management and species included in the no-till rotation. Treatments were fallow, black oat (Avena strigosa), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), white lupins (Lupinus albus), black oat fertilized with N. and pearl millet fertilized with N. Maize was grown afterwards in the same plots, receiving 0.0, 60.0 and 120.0 kg ha(-1) of N sidedressed 30 days after plant emergence. Soil, straw and maize samples were taken periodically. The highest corn yields were observed when it was cropped after pearl millet fertilized with N. Nitrogen side dressed application up to 120 kg ha(-1) was not able to avoid corn yield decrease caused by black oat. Grasses can be recommended in maize rotations in tropical areas, provided they receive nitrogen fertilizer and show no allelopathy. Due to its higher ON ratio and dry matter yield they are better than legumes, protecting the soil surface for a longer period. Pearl millet is particularly interesting because it enhances N use efficiency by the following maize crop. For a better N availability/demand synchronism, the cover crops should be desiccated right before maize planting.


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Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.), was cut after nine weeks of regrowth and mixed with 10, 20, 30 and 40% of sugar cane bagasse (SCB) with the objective of reducing the moisture content of the ensiled mass. Willing of the grass for eight and twelve hours was used as a comparative treatment. Initial dry matter of the grass (13%) increased in the forage mass to 17, 23, 24 and 27% by the addition of 10, 20, 30 and 40% of the SCB respectively. Wilting for eight and twelve hours increased initial dry matter to 18 and 24% respectively. Buffering capacity of elephant grass was reduced by the addition of 40% of SCB. Clostridium spores in the ensiled mass tended to be lower due to the effect of the two pre-treatments. Initial dry matter and number of spores of Clostridium were negatively correlated although without statistic significance. The addition of SCB reduced (P < 0.0.5) soluble carbohydrates and crude protein percentages in the ensiled mass. It was concluded that wilting is more effective than the addition of SCB in the practice of ensiling elephant grass.


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Nitrogen (N) mineralization dynamics in no-till systems is affected, among other factors, by N amount and quality in the mulch and by climatic conditions. Leaching of NO3-N and NH4-N from six plant species used as soil cover crops in tropical environments were evaluated when the straw was submitted to rainfall after chemical desiccation. Millet (Pennisetum glaucum), guinea sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), black oat (Avena strigosa), triticale (Triticum secale), Indian hemp (Crotalaria juncea), and brachiaria (Brachiaria decumbens) were grown in a greenhouse, in Botucatu-SP, Brazil. Forty-five days after emergence, the plants were cut at the root collar, oven-dried, and submitted to simulated rainfalls of 4.4, 8.7, 17.04, 34.9, and 69.8 mm, considering an amount of straw equivalent to 8 t ha(-1) of dry matter. The amounts of N-NO3- extracted from the straw by rainwater were very small. However, accumulated rainfall around 70 mm caused ammonium leaching ranging from 2.5 to 9.5kg ha(-1), depending on the species. Plant residues of triticale and black oat (grasses) and Indian hemp (legume) showed high N leaching intensity with the first rains after chemical desiccation. The amount of N leached from straw was highly correlated with N tissue content.


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This research was carried out to evaluate the ruminal degradation of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of silages of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) cutting in 70; 90 and 110 days after regrowth with inclusion of 0; 5; 10 and 15% of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) meal, based on natural matter in a completely randomized design, in split plot arrangement. Samples of silages were incubated in the rumen of two Jersey cows for 3; 6; 12; 24; 48; 72 and 96 h, and the bags at time "zero" were only washed with water to determine the soluble fraction. There was not interaction (P> 0.05) incubation time x inclusion of mesquite pods x cutting age of the grass for DM degradability, there was only interaction (P <0.05) between these factors for CP and NDF degradability. The most effective DM degradability (42.54%) was observed for 15% inclusion of mesquite pods. The effective CP degradability was higher (69.04%) for elephant grass silage with 70 days after regrowth with 15% of mesquite pods. The inclusion of mesquite pods in elephant grass silages improve DM, CP and NDF degradability, while increment of the age after regrowth result in reduction of this parameters.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the application of N fertilizer and the cutting age on the dry biomass production of elephant grass. The experiment was performed with the variety Paraiso and planted in a Ferralsol in 2008 in the district of Gurupi (State of Tocantins). Four different rates of urea application were tested (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha(-1)) and harvests were made at 120, 150 or 180 days after germination (DAG) of the setts. The dry matter and total N accumulation were evaluated. Dry matter production increased with dose of N, the greatest effect being observed at 180 DAG. There was a linear increase in dry matter (R-2 = 0.75**) and N accumulation (R-2 = 0.96**) permitting a productivity of 34 t ha(-1) of dry matter and an accumulation of 471 kg N ha(-1). The N utilization efficiency (biomass production per unit of applied N) increased with plant age. The higher efficiency of N use favored the quality of biomass production for energy production owing to the higher fibre content.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate two grazing intervals (IG) for elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Cameroon) pasture: one variable, determined by the entry of animals to the paddocks when 95% of active photosynthetic radiation was intercepted by the sward, and fixed 26-day grazing interval. Eight dairy cows were used, averaging 124 days lactation, 516 kg body weight and 17.5 kg daily milk production at the beginning of the trial. The experimental period was 80 days divided into four sub-periods of 20 days each. Data were analyzed in a cross-over design. The grazing frequencies did not influence milk production and composition, plasma urea nitrogen, body condition score and variations in body weight. However, the stocking rate and milk production per hectare were higher for pasture with interval of grazing determined by 95% of active photosynthetic radiation. Thus grazing frequency defined in variable intervals by sward interception of active photosynthetic radiation result in higher milk production per area unit.


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The effect of the addition of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, on the rate of 0, 8, 16 and 24% (dry weight of additive/wet weight of cut green grass), upon the chemical composition of both fodder and silage of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu was evaluated. A split-plot randomized block design was used. The plots were the additives and their levels and the sub-plots the material types (forage + additives and their silages). The grass was fertilized with 20 t/ha of green manure and 80, 160 and 160 kg/ha of P2O5, N and K2O, respectively. The material (chopped grass mixed with the levels of the additives) was ensiled in experimental silos (200 L plastic vessels). The dry matter percentages increased linearly as additive levels increased, being greater the effect of ground ear corn with husks. Wheat bran addition and saccharin increased the crude protein and soluble carbohydrates percentages while the ground ear corn with husks addition decreased them. Losses of dry matter soluble compounds (CP, ash and NFE) and a relative rise in the less soluble compounds (CF and organic matter) were observed.


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Silages of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu prepared with 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear com with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop basis. The experimental design was a randomized blocks one in split-plot; the plots were the additives and levels, and the sub-plots the sampling methods. The material was ensiled using plastic vessels in middle of which holed pvc pipes (3 inches diameter) were put. These pipes (one per vessel) had the same length as the height of the vessels, and were filled at the same time and compacted the same way as the vessels. The first method of sampling used the material ensiled inside the pvc pipe, which was lifted out from the vessel at the moment of the silo opening. The other sampling method, normaly used in digestibility trials, consisted of samples composed by daily sub-samples collected in the vessels. The pvc sampling method was more efficient because it sampled a profile of the whole silage. All of the silages showed high percentages of lactic acid and low percentages or even absence of butyric acid, though in all silages high ammoniacal-N percentages were detected.


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The intake, the apparent digestibility and the nutritive value of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silages prepared with the addition of 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop upon the silage were evaluated. A randomized block design with three replications, in a factorial arrangement (3 additives x 4 levels) was used. As experimental silos, 200-liter plastic vessels were used. Sheep weighing approximately 50 kg, kept in individual cages, receiving water and mineral mixture ad libitum, were used to measure the intake and apparent digestibility of silages. There was a ten-day period of adaptation to the experiment conditions. The voluntary intake of the silages was determined by the mean of the intake observed in the last three days of a ten-day period. The fecal collection period lasted for seven days. In this period the animals were fed 80% of the observed intake obtained in the previous phase. The dry matter intake increased as the levels of the additives in the silages were increased. The digestibility of the wall cell components decreased as the rates of the additives in the ensilage process increased. The silages prepared with wheat bran or ground ear corn with husks showed higher nutritive value than the ones with saccharin.