357 resultados para Pekurinen, Arndt
Boberach: 82 "Stammbuchblätter und Sprüche" und 11 Gedichte u.a. auf Bassermann, den Tod Friedrich von Gagerns, Auerswalds und Lichnowskys, an Leubold, "Ihr Könige gebt Acht" und "Die Kaiserfahrt" verarbeiten Arndts Erlebnisse als Parlamentarier in der Fraktion im Weidenbusch
Boberach: Behandelt werden Alexander Freiherr von Soiron, Jakob Venedey, Oskar von Wydenbrugk, Gottlieb Christian Schüler, Heinrich Freiherr von Gagern, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Carl Theodor Welcker, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Franz Schuselka, Friedrich Siegmund Jucho, Johann Gustav Moritz Heckscher, Felix Fürst von Lichnowsky, Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann, Anton Ritter von Schmerling, Franz Raveaux, Heinrich Simon, Johann Jacoby, Robert Blum, Johann Erzherzog von Österreich, Louis Cavaignac, Friedrich Hecker, Friedrich von Wrangel, Joseph Wenzel Graf Radetzky, Joseph Freiherr Jellachich von Buszin, Hermann Rollett, Alphonse de Lamartine, Georg Jung, Louis Napoleon, Ernst Alfred Fürst zu Windischgrätz, Ferdinand Freiligrath, Ludwig Kossuth, Emanuel Geibel
PURPOSE Patients with biochemical failure (BF) after radical prostatectomy may benefit from dose-intensified salvage radiation therapy (SRT) of the prostate bed. We performed a randomized phase III trial assessing dose intensification. PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with BF but without evidence of macroscopic disease were randomly assigned to either 64 or 70 Gy. Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy or intensity-modulated radiation therapy/rotational techniques were used. The primary end point was freedom from BF. Secondary end points were acute toxicity according to the National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 4.0) and quality of life (QoL) according to the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaires C30 and PR25. RESULTS Three hundred fifty patients were enrolled between February 2011 and April 2014. Three patients withdrew informed consent, and three patients were not eligible, resulting in 344 patients age 48 to 75 years in the safety population. Thirty patients (8.7%) had grade 2 and two patients (0.6%) had grade 3 genitourinary (GU) baseline symptoms. Acute grade 2 and 3 GU toxicity was observed in 22 patients (13.0%) and one patient (0.6%), respectively, with 64 Gy and in 29 patients (16.6%) and three patients (1.7%), respectively, with 70 Gy (P = .2). Baseline grade 2 GI toxicity was observed in one patient (0.6%). Acute grade 2 and 3 GI toxicity was observed in 27 patients (16.0%) and one patient (0.6%), respectively, with 64 Gy, and in 27 patients (15.4%) and four patients (2.3%), respectively, with 70 Gy (P = .8). Changes in early QoL were minor. Patients receiving 70 Gy reported a more pronounced and clinically relevant worsening in urinary symptoms (mean difference in change score between arms, 3.6; P = .02). CONCLUSION Dose-intensified SRT was associated with low rates of acute grade 2 and 3 GU and GI toxicity. The impact of dose-intensified SRT on QoL was minor, except for a significantly greater worsening in urinary symptoms.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Vorüberlegungen zu den Wahlen zur Konstituierenden Nationalversammlung: Notwendig sind: Konstitutionelle Monarchie auf der Grundlage des Volkswillens, Abschaffung der Ausnahmegesetze, Einführung einer freisinnigen Gemeinde- und Kreisordnung. Warnung vor den Predigern der Ruhe und Ordnung um jeden Preis
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf zur Einigkeit Gesamtdeutschlands und zur Überwindung partikularstaatlicher Egoismen: "Wir woll'n in Preußen Deutsche sein." In Umformung des von Gustav Reichardt vertonten Gedichtes 'Was ist des Teutschen Vaterland?' von Ernst Moritz Arndt
Gottlieb Schnapper-Arndt
Gottlieb Schnapper-Arndt
Gottlieb Schnapper-Arndt
Species diversity promotes the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). However, the relative functional importance of rare and common species in driving the biodiversity–multifunctionality relationship remains unknown. We studied the relationship between the diversity of rare and common species (according to their local abundances and across nine different trophic groups), and multifunctionality indices derived from 14 ecosystem functions on 150 grasslands across a land-use intensity (LUI) gradient. The diversity of above- and below-ground rare species had opposite effects, with rare above-ground species being associated with high levels of multifunctionality, probably because their effects on different functions did not trade off against each other. Conversely, common species were only related to average, not high, levels of multifunctionality, and their functional effects declined with LUI. Apart from the community-level effects of diversity, we found significant positive associations between the abundance of individual species and multifunctionality in 6% of the species tested. Species-specific functional effects were best predicted by their response to LUI: species that declined in abundance with land use intensification were those associated with higher levels of multifunctionality. Our results highlight the importance of rare species for ecosystem multifunctionality and help guiding future conservation priorities.
Mina Arndt
[F. K.]
von Gottlieb Schnapper-Arndt