788 resultados para Pediatric Nursing.
INTRODUCTION: Human pappilomavirus is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, and persistent HPV infection is considered the most important cause of cervical cancer. It is detected in more than 98% of this type of cancer. This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge concerning human papillomavirus among nursing college students of a private educational institution located in the City of Bauru, SP, and correlate their knowledge according to the course year. METHODS: A descriptive study with a quantitative approach, performed with a questionnaire that permitted the quantification of data and opinions, thus guaranteeing the precision of the results without distortions in analysis or interpretation. The survey was applied to randomly selected 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-year nursing college students. Twenty students from each level were selected during August 2009, totaling 80 students of both genders. RESULTS: Observation revealed that 4th-year students had greater knowledge than 1st-year students, reflecting the greater period of study, the lack of knowledge of 1st-year students was due to the low level of information acquired before entering college. CONCLUSIONS: The need for complementary studies which determine the profile and knowledge of a larger number of teenagers in relation to HPV was established. The need for educational programs that can overcome this lack of information is undeniable, especially those aimed at making adolescents less susceptible to HPV and other STDs.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to isolate and identify Candida spp. from the environment, health practitioners, and patients with the presumptive diagnosis of candidiasis in the Pediatric Unit at the Universitary Hospital of the Jundiaí Medical College, to verify the production of enzymes regarded as virulence factors, and to determine how susceptible the isolated samples from patients with candidiasis are to antifungal agents. METHODS: Between March and November of 2008 a total of 283 samples were taken randomly from the environment and from the hands of health staff, and samples of all the suspected cases of Candida spp. hospital-acquired infection were collected and selected by the Infection Control Committee. The material was processed and the yeast genus Candida was isolated and identified by physiological, microscopic, and macroscopic attributes. RESULTS: The incidence of Candida spp. in the environment and employees was 19.2%. The most frequent species were C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis among the workers, C. guilliermondii and C. tropicalis in the air, C. lusitanae on the contact surfaces, and C. tropicalis and C. guilliermondii in the climate control equipment. The college hospital had 320 admissions, of which 13 (4%) presented Candida spp. infections; three of them died, two being victims of a C. tropicalis infection and the remaining one of C. albicans. All the Candida spp. in the isolates evidenced sensitivity to amphotericin B, nystatin, and fluconazole. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the rate of hospital-acquired infections caused by Candida spp. indicates the need to take larger measures regarding recurrent control of the environment.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the epidemiology of the three most common nosocomial infections (NI), namely, sepsis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infection (UTI), in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in a developing country and to define the risk factors associated with NI. METHODS: We performed a prospective study on the incidence of NI in a single PICU, between August 2009 and August 2010. Active surveillance by National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) was conducted in the unit and children with NI (cases) were compared with a group (matched controls) in a case-control fashion. RESULTS: We analyzed 172 patients; 22.1% had NI, 71.1% of whom acquired it in the unit. The incidence densities of sepsis, pneumonia, and UTI per 1,000 patients/day were 17.9, 11.4, and 4.3, respectively. The most common agents in sepsis were Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli (18% each); Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 13% of cases. In pneumonias Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause (3.2%), and in UTI the most frequent agents were yeasts (33.3%). The presence of NI was associated with a long period of hospitalization, use of invasive devices (central venous catheter, nasogastric tube), and use of antibiotics. The last two were independent factors for NI. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of NI acquired in this unit was high and was associated with extrinsic factors.
Introduction Envenomation by scorpion stings is a major public health problem in numerous tropical countries because of its frequent incidence and potential severity. Approximately 1,900 species of scorpions are known in the world, and at least 130 of these have been described in Brazil. Methods This work reports on 3 child deaths caused by Tityus stigmurus stings and characterizes epidemiological and clinical surveys on pediatric cases of scorpionism recorded in the Centro de Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (Ceatox-PE). Results Scorpion stings accounted for more than 60% of all cases recorded for venomous animals. The children were from 37 cities of the Pernambuco state and accounted for 28.8% of the victims treated for scorpion stings, with the highest incidence in the metropolitan area of Recife. Stings occurred throughout the year and slightly increased during the rainy season. Independent of the elapsed time for a prognosis, most cases showed mild symptoms. Three moderate cases that resulted in death featured cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary edema or severe neurological symptoms. For the first time, death attributed to T. stigmurus was confirmed by the presence of the scorpion. Conclusions These results suggest that scorpionism in Pernambuco is a public health problem that needs to be monitored carefully throughout the year by the government.
Introduction: This study describes the frequency of late diagnosis and HIV among children attending a pediatric AIDS clinic. Methods: Cross-sectional study in children exposed to HIV from 2005-2008. A questionnaire was given that included questions on demographics and clinical information. Results: Two-hundred twenty-one (97.8%) children were exposed to HIV during pregnancy/childbirth. A total of 193 (87.3%) children had late enrolment in the service and late access to HIV serology. The frequency of HIV was 21.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 15.9%-26.7%). Protective factors were earlier diagnosis [odds ratio (OR)=0.17 (0.08-0.37)] and receiving complete prophylaxis [OR=0.29 (0.09-0.97)]; being born by vaginal delivery was a risk factor [OR=4.45 (1.47-13.47)]. Conclusions: There was a high frequency of late diagnosis in this patient cohort. Earlier diagnosis is an important measure for controlling HIV among children.
The underlying thesis examines the value drivers of direct investments in nursing home real estate in Germany. A survey among investors and operators is conducted in order to identify significant value drivers. Moreover, based on survey results, a framework for assessing German nursing home real estate is developed. This is applied in a case-study about the set-up of a nursing home value-add fund which will demonstrate the value creation process of redeveloping an existing nursing home real estate portfolio. Through a concluding analysis the sources of value creation, sensitivities and future prospects of direct investing into German nursing home real estate are concluded.
The association of lymphoma with necrotic granuloma can pose diagnostic challenges and delay treatment, especially in settings with a high burden of infection. In these settings, the timely use of cytogenetic and molecular methods is most relevant. Here, we report a case of B-cell lymphoma with t (8;14) in a 5-year-old male child. The lymphoma was associated with necrotic granuloma and was initially misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. Polymerase chain reaction was used to detect clonal lymphoproliferation and to rule out Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Tumor cells harbored Epstein-Barr virus and expressed CD20, CD10, BCL6, and Ki67 (30%), leading to the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma with features intermediate between diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt lymphoma.
The Heart Institute of the University of São Paulo, Medical School is a referral center for the treatment of congenital heart diseases of neonates and infants. In the recent years, the excellent surgical results obtained in our institution may be in part due to modern anesthetic care and to postoperative care based on well-structured protocols. The purpose of this article is to review unique aspects of neonate cardiovascular physiology, the impact of extracorporeal circulation on postoperative evolution, and the prescription for pharmacological support of acute cardiac dysfunction based on our cardiac unit protocols. The main causes of low cardiac output after surgical correction of heart congenital disease are reviewed, and methods of treatment and support are proposed as derived from the relevant literature and our protocols.
Nutrition is essential for maintenance of physiologic homeostasis and growth. Hypermetabolic states lead to a depletion of body stores, with decreased immunocompetence and increased morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this paper is to provide an update regarding the provision of appropriate nutrition for the pediatric surgical patient, emphasizing the preoperative and postoperative periods. Modern nutritional support for the surgical patient comprises numerous stages, including assessment of nutritional status, nutritional requirements, and nutritional therapy. Nutritional assessment is performed utilizing the clinical history, clinical examination, anthropometry, and biochemical evaluation. Anthropometric parameters include body weight, height, arm and head circumference, and skinfold thickness measurements. The biochemical evaluation is conducted using determinations of plasma levels of proteins, including album, pre-albumin, transferrin, and retinol-binding protein. These parameters are subject to error and are influenced by the rapid changes in body composition in the peri-operative period. Nutritional therapy includes enteral and/or parenteral nutrition. Enteral feeding is the first choice for nutritional therapy. If enteral feeding is not indicated, parenteral nutrition must be utilized. In all cases, an individualized, adequate diet (enteral formula or parenteral solution) is obligatory to decrease the occurrence of overfeeding and its undesirable consequences.
Ethical aspects in the management of the terminally ill patient in the pediatric intensive care unit
OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of management plans and decision-making processes for terminal care patients in pediatric intensive care units. METHODOLOGY: Evidence-based medicine was done by a systematic review using an electronic data base (LILACS, 1982 through 2000) and (MEDLINE, 1966 through 2000). The key words used are listed and age limits (0 to 18 years) were used. RESULTS: One hundred and eighty two articles were found and after selection according to the exclusion/inclusion criteria and objectives 17 relevant papers were identified. The most common decisions found were do-not-resuscitation orders and withdrawal or withholding life support care. The justifications for these were "imminent death" and "unsatisfatory quality of life". CONCLUSION: Care management was based on ethical principles aiming at improving benefits, avoiding harm, and when possible, respecting the autonomy of the terminally ill patient.
Children are an especially vulnerable population, particularly in respect to drug administration. It is estimated that neonatal and pediatric patients are at least three times more vulnerable to damage due to adverse events and medication errors than adults are. With the development of this framework, it is intended the provision of a Clinical Decision Support System based on a prototype already tested in a real environment. The framework will include features such as preparation of Total Parenteral Nutrition prescriptions, table pediatric and neonatal emergency drugs, medical scales of morbidity and mortality, anthropometry percentiles (weight, length/height, head circumference and BMI), utilities for supporting medical decision on the treatment of neonatal jaundice and anemia and support for technical procedures and other calculators and widespread use tools. The solution in development means an extension of INTCare project. The main goal is to provide an approach to get the functionality at all times of clinical practice and outside the hospital environment for dissemination, education and simulation of hypothetical situations. The aim is also to develop an area for the study and analysis of information and extraction of knowledge from the data collected by the use of the system. This paper presents the architecture, their requirements and functionalities and a SWOT analysis of the solution proposed.
OBJECTIVE: To report the pattern of occurrence, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension in a female nursing staff of an emergency hospital. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study that included interviews and blood pressure measurements of 494 nursing professionals at an emergency hospital in the city of Salvador, in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We considered hypertensive all individual with blood pressure > or = 140/90 mmHg or normal pressure if on regular treatment. RESULTS: We found a prevalence of hypertension of 36.4%. Only 18.3% of the individuals ignored their hypertensive condition, and 64.2% admitted not being having regular treatment. Of those individuals who were having treatment, 69.4% had elevated blood pressure on examination. The major reasons for not being on treatment was the occasional elevation of blood pressure (22.2%) and medical counseling (20.0%). CONCLUSION: The results point to the need to introduce hypertension control measures in this occupational group, because of the magnitude of the disease and the potential impact on diffusion of knowledge and measures to control hypertension.
Los profesionales de enfermería sufren en este momento histórico el impacto de la crisis económica y los cambios en el contexto político y social en lo que se refiere a las políticas de empleo y ajustes salariales. El ambiente de trabajo en las unidades de hospitalización suele ser agobiante y las actividades que realizan los exponen a riesgos específicos tales como: los propios del ambiente, condiciones y tipo de trabajo y las relaciones interpersonales. Definimos la satisfacción laboral como el resultado de la apreciación que cada individuo tiene de su trabajo y la importancia para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.Objetivo General: Conocer y describir el nivel de satisfacción laboral y la percepción de riesgos en el trabajo que manifiestan los profesionales de Enfermería.Objetivos Específicos: - Describir la percepción de riesgos del ambiente de trabajo - Mostrar el nivel de satisfacción laboral según el tipo y número de pacientes que atienden, antigüedad en la profesión, estabilidad laboral, sexo, edad, situación de pareja, número de hijos,- Describir la satisfacción laboral en cuanto a los recursos con los que cuenta para el cuidado y la seguridad laboral de la institución, al salario que recibe y la cantidad de empleos que tiene, - Determinar la satisfacción laboral con respecto al estímulo que reciben de los superiores, al reconocimiento de los pares, equipo de salud y usuarios.El encuadre metodológico es el siguiente:El tipo de estudio elegido es el considerado correlacional simple ya que busca posibles vínculos entre dos o más variables.El universo lo componen los profesionales de enfermería que se desempeñan en instituciones públicas de salud de la ciudad de Río Cuarto y Córdoba Capital.La técnica de recolección de datos es la encuesta en su modalidad de cuestionario autoadministrado.
Somatic post-surgical pain is invalidating and distressing to patients and carries the risk of important complications. The anterior abdominal wall is involved in most surgical procedures in general, gynecologic, obstetric, urological, vascular and pediatric surgery. Combined multimodal strategies involving nerve blocks, opiates, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for systemic analgesia are necessary for optimal pain modulation. Anterior abdominal wall blocks, transverse abdominal plexus block, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerveblock, genitofemoral nerve block and rectus sheath block have an important role as components of multimodal analgesia for somatic intraoperative and postoperative pain control. Ultrasound visualization has improved the efficacy and safety of abdominal blocks and implemented the application in the clinical setting. For this reason, they are a very important tool for all anesthesiologists who aim to treat effectively patients’ pain. This guide provides an evidence based comprehensive and necessary overview of anatomical, anesthesiological and technical information needed to safely perform these blocks.