977 resultados para Pea aphid


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The impact of heat stress on the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus was examined in pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants grown at control (25 °C; 25 °C-plants) or moderately elevated temperature (35 °C; 35 °C-plants). In both types of plants net photosynthesis (Pn) decreased with increasing leaf temperature (LT) and was more than 80% reduced at 45 °C as compared to 25 °C. In the 25 °C-plants, LTs higher than 40 °C could result in a complete suppression of Pn. Short-term acclimation to heat stress did not alter the temperature response of Pn. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements revealed that photosynthetic electron transport (PET) started to decrease when LT increased above 35 °C and that growth at 35 °C improved the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes. In the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants, the maximum quantum yield of the photosystem II primary photochemistry, as judged by measuring the Fv/Fm ratio, decreased significantly at LTs higher than 38 °C. A post-illumination heat-induced reduction of the plastoquinone pool was observed in the 25 °C-plants, but not in the 35 °C-plants. Inhibition of Pn by heat stress correlated with a reduction of the activation state of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Western-blot analysis of Rubisco activase showed that heat stress resulted in a redistribution of activase polypeptides from the soluble to the insoluble fraction of extracts. Heat-dependent inhibition of Pn and PET could be reduced by increasing the intercellular CO2 concentration, but much more effectively so in the 35 °C-plants than in the 25 °C-plants. The 35 °C-plants recovered more efficiently from heat-dependent inhibition of Pn than the 25 °C-plants. The results show that growth at moderately high temperature hardly diminished inhibition of Pn by heat stress that originated from a reversible heat-dependent reduction of the Rubisco activation state. However, by improving the thermal stability of the thylakoid membranes it allowed the photosynthetic apparatus to preserve its functional potential at high LTs, thus minimizing the after-effects of heat stress.


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In intact chloroplasts isolated from mature pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.), the large subunit (LSU) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC was rapidly fragmented into several products upon illumination in the presence of 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). Very similar effects on LSU stability could be observed when illuminated chloroplasts were poisoned with cyanide which, like DTT, inhibits important plastid antioxidant enzymes, or when a light-dependent hydroxyl radical-producing system was added to the incubation medium. Moreover, DTT-stimulated light degradation of LSU was markedly delayed in the presence of scavengers of active oxygen species (AOS). It is therefore suggested that light degradation of LSU in the presence of DTT is mainly due to inhibition of the chloroplast antioxidant defense system and the subsequent accumulation of AOS in intact organelles. When chloroplasts were isolated from nonsenescent or senescent leaves, LSU remained very stable upon incubation without DTT, indicating that the antioxidant system was still functional in the isolated chloroplasts during leaf ageing. Our data support the notion that AOS might be important for the degradation of Rubisco in vivo under oxidative stress.


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Wolf Landau


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Text, Übers. u. Erklärung nebst einem textkrit. Anhang von Walter Bauer


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Soybean aphid has been a major pest for producers in Northwest Iowa since their first major outbreak in 2003. Control measures for managing this pest are warranted almost every growing season and much research is being done on managing this pest. Insecticide applications have been the sole management technique for soybean aphid and will continue to be important in the future. An economic threshold of 250 aphids/plant is the current threshold level recommended by Iowa State University. This study was conducted to determine if the current recommendations are useful in managing soybean aphid and maintaining profitability for producers.


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The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines), native to China, has become the most economically damaging insect in soybeans in northeast Iowa. Soybean aphid may have up to 18 generations per year, beginning with overwintering eggs on the alternate host buckthorn. In spring, winged aphids migrate from buckthorn to nearby emerged soybeans. Generations advance in these fields, and then another winged migration occurs in summer spreading from these fields to others. A third migration occurs in fall with aphids moving back to buckthorn. Depending on the season, soybean proximity to buckthorn, and soybean aphid migration patterns, populations of aphids tend to peak in soybeans anywhere from late July to early September. With higher aphid populations, the production of honeydew (the excrement of the aphid) and the resulting black fungus that grows on it (sooty mold) may become apparent. Aphid feeding may cause stunted plants, reduced pods and seeds, and may also transmit viruses that could cause mottling and distortion of leaves, reduced seed set, and discolored seeds.


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With the introduction of soybean aphid-resistant varieties, growers have another option for controlling the pest. This study was designed to see how each variety responded to Headline® fungicide at different application timings.


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Soybean (Glycine max), grown in Iowa and most of the north central region of the United States, has not required regular insecticide use. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), causes yield losses from direct plant feeding, and has been shown to transmit several plant viruses. In Iowa, soybean aphid can colonize soybean fields in June and has developed into outbreaks in July and August capable of reducing yields by nearly 40 percent.


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Soybean, Glycine max (L.), grown in Iowa and most of the north central region of the United States, has not required regular insecticide usage. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), causes yield losses from direct plant feeding, and has been shown to transmit several plant viruses. In Iowa, soybean aphid can colonize soybean fields in June and has developed into outbreaks in July and August capable of reducing yields by nearly 40 percent.


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Fil: Roig, Arturo Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


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Con la creación de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 1821 Luis José de la Peña (1798-1871) fue allí el segundo profesor de filosofía en la cátedra llamada Ideología en la que también se desempeñaron Juan Manuel Fernández de Agüero y Diego Alcorta. El texto aquí publicado corresponde en su cuerpo central a las "Lecciones" que dictara en 1827. Consta de una Introducción y setecientos noventa y seis parágrafos (sobre Metafísica, Moral, Lógica, y Retórica), más un Extracto Analítico. En décadas posteriores les antepuso cuatro conferencias sobre Gramática y la dedicatoria, también incluidas en esta edición. El manuscrito completo fue donado por el autor a la Universidad de Montevideo en 1850 y se halla depositado en el Archivo General del Uruguay.


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Fil: Agüero, Ricardo Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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La propuesta expone resultados del estudio de la Colección La Siringa, conformada por 35 libros de divulgación política y cultural publicados en Buenos Aires entre 1959 y 1966 por "A. Peña Lillo, editor", con relevantes logros de difusión, y que no había sido abordada aun por estudios de historia de la edición y de la lectura. Se partió de la hipótesis que la Colección reunió discursos diversos y dispersos y amalgamados de ese modo confluyeron en una posterior identidad reconocible, ligada al revisionismo histórico y al nacionalismo popular. Así, aborda el trabajo editorial que llevó a que La Siringa (LS) colaborara en la formación del clima de época característico los años 70 en la Argentina, y actuara como un puente generacional en contextos políticos y culturales restrictivos. Además, a partir de documentos inéditos del editor, se analiza la gestión empresarial editorial, las políticas de publicidad y de distribución de la Colección. Por último, muestra cómo el editor construyó discursivamente una comunidad de lectores, convocándolos como parte esencial de la propuesta, incluso desde la propia materialidad de la Colección. El trabajo indaga en las prácticas y propósitos de lectura ligados a LS y muestra casos concretos de lectores e indicaciones de lecturas de sus títulos. De allí constata que, efectivamente, se trató de lectores que consideraron sus lecturas como herramienta de formación política y a la vez práctica de resistencia