928 resultados para Partículas Discursivas
This work proposes two optimization algorithms for the solution of the Berth Allocation Problem (PAB). Due to the economic development of the country, it became necessary for the improvement of means of transport, which mainly shipping. For this, you need a better system management port, you will receive a lot of ships carrying cargo. In this work the PAB is approached so that the goals are to reduce costs and time handling in ports. For this, we applied two computational techniques, genetic algorithms and optimization for cloud particles, to obtain the best results for this problem. The results obtained with each type of algorithm are compared to conclude which method is more efficient for the port system
In the treatment plans in conventional Proton therapy are considered only the elastic interactions of protons with electrons and/or nuclei, it means, mainly ionization and coulomb excitation processes. As the energy needed to reach the deep tumors should be of several hundred of MeVs, certainly the nuclear inelastic channels are open. Only some previous studies of the contribution of these processes in the full dose have been made towards targets composed of water. In this study will be presented the results of the simulation of the processes of interaction of beams of protons in the range of 100-200 MeV of energy with a cylindrical phantom composed by striated muscle (ICRU), emphasizing in the contribution to total dose due to the deposition of energy by secondary particles alpha (α), deuterium (2H), tritium (3H), neutron (n) and hélio3 (3He), originated by nuclear inelastic processes. The simulations were performed by using the method of Monte Carlo, via the computer code MCNPX v2.50 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended). The results will be shown demonstrated through the graphics of the deposited dose with or without nuclear interaction, the percentual of dose deposited by secondary particles, the radial dispersion of neutrons, as well as the multiplicity of secondary particles
In proton therapy, the deposition of secondary particles energy originated by nuclear inelastic process (n, 2H, 3H, 3He and α) has a contribution in the total dose that deserves to be discussed. In calculations of plans implemented for routine treatment, the paid dose is calculated whereas the proton loses energy by ionization and or coulomb excitement. The contribution of inelastic processes associated with nuclear reactions is not considered. There are only estimates for pure materials or simple composition (water, for example), because of the difficulty of processing targets consisting of different materials. For this project, we use the Monte Carlo method employing the code MCNPX v2.50 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) to present results of the contribution to the total dose of secondary particles. In this work, it was implemented a cylindrical phantom composed by cortical bone, for proton beams between 100 and 200 MeV. With the results obtained, it was possible to generate graphics to analyze: the dose deposition relation with and without nuclear interaction, the multiplicity and percentage of deposited dose for each secondary particle and a radial dispersion of neutrons in the material
This work consisted in analysing five materials which mean respect to subjects related to Particle Physics, aiming to explore their potentialities for the use in the High School levels, particularly by physics teachers. On this perspective, we sought to describe the contents of each material and point out their potentialities as material of didactic support. They are: 1. The purpose of Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, presented in the Teacher's Guide of the Program São Paulo faz escola; 2. The Game Sprace Game, elaborated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); 3. The book O discreto charme das partículas elementares, written by the professor Maria Cristina Abdalla; 4. The video O discreto charme das partículas elementares, based on the book of Professor Maria Cristina Abdalla which was produced by TV Cultura in association with the Ministério da Educação e Cultura” (MEC). The book Partículas elementares no ensino médio: uma abordagem a partir do LHC written by Wagner Franklin Balthazar and Alexandre Lopes de Oliveira, from the collection CBPF - Tópicos de Física. The work was constructed on a qualitative perspective, that is, it did not attempt to quantify the help that each material could offer to Physics teaching. One sought to describe and analyse, from different theoretical frames, their potentialities for the use in the High School level. The results indicate that all the materials analysed can contribute to the Physics teaching, and beyond, as they own format and approches distinct from the subject, they can be used as a whole or in parts, together or separately, depending on the objectives to be reached and on the profile of the target public
Cosmic radiation has been identi ed as one of the main hazard to crew, aircraft and sensitive equipments involved in long-term missions and even high-altitude commercial ights. Generally, shields are used in spatial units to avoid excessive exposure, by holding the incident radiation. Unfortunatelly, shielding in space is problematic, especially when high-energy cosmic particles are considered, due to the production of large number of secondary particles, mainly neutrons, protons and alpha particles, caused by spallation reactions and quasi-elastic processes of the corpuscular radiation with the shield. Good parameters for checking the secondary particle production at target material are diferential cross section and energy deposited in the shield. Addition experiments, some computer codes based on Monte Carlo method show themselves a suitable tool to calculate shield parameters, due to have evaluated nuclear data libraries implemented on the algorithm. In view of this, the aim of this work is determining the parameters evaluated in shielding materials, by using MCNPX code, who shows good agreement with experimental data from literature. Among the materials, Aluminium had lower emission and production of secondary particles
The contribution of the total dose due to deposition of secondary energy particles caused by nuclear inelastic processes (n, 2H, 3H, 3He and ) in proton therapy is an opened problem and in discussion. In the calculations of plans implemented for routine treatment, the paid dose is calculated whereas that the proton loses energy by ionization and or coulomb excitement. The contribution of inelastic processes associated with nuclear reactions is not considered, mainly due to the difficulty of processing targets consisting of various materials. In this sense, there are only estimates for pure materials or simple composition (water, for example).This work presents the results of simulations by the Monte Carlo method employing the code MCNPX v2.50 (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) of the contribution to the total dose of secondary particles. The study was implemented in a cylindrical phantom composed by compact bone, for monochromatic beams of protons between 100 and 200 MeV with pencil beam form
In this graduate work we will perform the dimensional reduction of particles of spin s=0, s=1 and s=2 via Kaluza Klein mechanism. The method of Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction is introduced by the dimensional reduction from D to D
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Inegavelmente, as mídias tradicionais como a televisão, o rádio e a mídia impressa detêm grande influência na sociedade contemporânea, tanto para o delineamento do pensamento coletivo, quanto para a sugestão à formação cultural por meio de enunciados produzidos por sujeitos que ocupam determinadas formações sócio- ideológicas. Entretanto, atualmente, um objeto que tem ganhado espaço privilegiado, diferente das mídias tradicionais, são as mídias digitais. Fluidos no grande oceano do ciberespaço que se constitui como um aglutinador de mídias, onde se mesclam mídias tradicionais e novas mídias, centros recepto-difusores encontram-se dispersos em toda parte e, efetivamente, em parte alguma, tornando-se, assim, um espaço onde a cultura participativa e (d)a interatividade ganham traços. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho, embasado principalmente pelo aporte teórico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, tendo como fio condutor as reflexões de Michel Foucault, procura discutir questões de identidades produzidas e veiculadas nos meios digitais. Toma-se como corpus de análise vídeos caseiros de pessoas “anônimas” que transmitem-se pelo canal do YouTube, onde mostram suas habilidades vocais, artísticas e até mesmo conhecimentos de técnicas áudio-visuais para a produção de efeitos de sentido. Estes sujeitos fazem uso de técnicas de confissão para a construção e afirmação de uma identidade de “artista” e, por essas práticas, produzem novas subjetividades. Em torno destes vídeos, ainda, são originadas comunidades inteligentes de pertencimento pontuadas no próprio YouTube e em outras plataformas, como no Twitter, Facebook, My Space, etc. onde são mobilizados e compartilhados os savoir-faire desses sujeitos e virtualizadas e atualizadas as identidades à luz de uma cultura da convergência.
Based on functional theory, the text discusses the relations between spoken language and written language, defending not only the existence of a sole grammatical system for both, but also the relevance of studies contemplating specificities of use, some of these being more directed toward interaction, and others being more directed toward system. The investigation that aims to prove these premises used the chronicle as examination material, due to its linguistic colloquialism in general and due to the chronicler’s personal engagement, which involve linguistic strategies available for the expression of information and for the reader’s understanding. The investigation was concentrated on the discourse parenthesis, especially on its connection with the degree of language planning and with the creation of view plans and the establishment of emphasis. It was concluded that the resource of parenthesis both represents linguistic informality (which is more directed toward speaking) and shows the care with preparation and marking of style (which is more directed toward writing), illustrating specificities.
Volume eletrônico. Número especial. 2a parte
The aim of this research consisted in the use of wastes from tropical wood (Cordia goeldiana) with low density and the polyurethane resin (mono and bicomponent) castor oil based in the manufacture of particleboards, generating subsidies as application in rural and civil construction, as well in the furniture industry. The particleboards were manufactured with 15% of polyurethane resin content (one part of pre-polymer and one part of polyol), compaction pressure of 4MPa, pressing temperature of 90 degrees C and press time of 7 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties investigated were density, moisture content, strength modulus in bending and internal bond, both obtained according to the recommendations of the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 14810:2002. The mean values obtained for these properties were systematically superior to the Brazilian standard requirement. This point showed that it is possible the use of Cordia goeldiana wastes in the particleboard production. We confirmed the hypothesis of a significant linear relation between density and the internal bond of the panels, allowing the estimation of the internal bond of particleboards.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA