993 resultados para Paraná pine nut


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"Available online 21 March 2016"


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and other epidemiological characteristics of congenital heart diseases. METHODS: A retrospective population based study of children who were born in Londrina, from January '89 to December '98 (80,262 live births). Diagnoses were confirmed through autopsy, surgery, catheterization, or echocardiography. RESULTS: A total of 441 patients was as certained what corresponds to a prevalence of 5.494:1,000 live births. Ventricular septal defect was the commonest lesion. A small number of transpositions of the great vessels and of left ventricular hypoplasia was observed. A high propation of ventricular septal defect (28.3%) and atrioventricular septal defects (8.1%) occurred. Fifty-one (11.35%) affected children had syndromic diseases and 52 (12.01%) children had nonsyndromic anomalies. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of congenital heart diseases in Londrina is in accordance with that of other regions of the globe. This prevalence also may reflect the reality in the southern region of Brazil, because population characteristics are very similar in the 3 southernmost Brazilian states.


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Las acciones antrópicas han alterado los ecosistemas a escala global mediante cambios en la estructura y función de los sistemas terrestres y acuáticos. En este sentido, la deforestación de bosques ripariales impacta fuertemente sobre los sistemas lóticos como así también el proceso inverso, la conversión de pasturas naturales a bosques debido a forestaciones extensivas. Las nacientes de los arroyos de la provincia de Córdoba se ubican en pastizales dominados por gramíneas, muchos de los cuales han sido reemplazados por plantaciones de coníferas, con potenciales efectos sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento de los cursos de agua. En consecuencia, la evaluación de los efectos de esta actividad forestal sobre los arroyos es esencial para la implementación de adecuadas estrategias de manejo y conservación del recurso acuático. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar los efectos de la forestación con pináceas sobre la estructura y el funcionamiento de sistemas fluviales en pastizales de altura de las sierras de Córdoba. Se pretende analizar la dinámica de la biota acuática en arroyos de pastizales y en arroyos forestados. Se cuantificarán productores primarios y materia orgánica particulada y se medirán procesos ecológicos como la producción primaria y descomposición de materia orgánica gruesa. Se espera que la forestación con pináceas altere el ciclo de los nutrientes, disminuya el caudal y cambie el balance de temperatura al incrementar la sombra y el ingreso de materia orgánica particulada gruesa. En consecuencia, y debido a los cambios abióticos contrastantes generados por la implantación de pinos, podrían detectarse alteraciones drásticas en el ecosistema. Se seleccionarán seis arroyos de la subcuenca del arroyo Santa Rosa (Subcuenca Ctalamochita). Tres arroyos discurren en pastizales naturales y tres en áreas forestadas con pináceas. Se tomarán muestras de invertebrados y materia orgánica en el bentos en aguas altas y aguas bajas y se registrarán parámetros físico-químicos. Se colectarán muestras de perifiton para análisis de especies, biomasa y clorofila. Se realizarán experimentos de campo para medir la tasa de degradación de la materia orgánica y la producción primaria. La detección del grado de alteración de los sistemas naturales es el punto de partida para la implementación de apropiadas estragias de manejo del recurso. Entre los indicadores que permitirán verificar el efecto de las forestaciones estan los cambios en la biodiversidad, en la tasa de degradación de materia orgánica y en la producción primaria, como así también en la dinámica de los nutrientes y en los ciclos de caudales. Esta propuesta pretende generar lazos de interrelación entre distintos sectores para la implementación efectiva de planes de conservación y restauración y propiciar las relaciones necesarias para el logro de objetivos que beneficien a la sociedad como un todo.


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FUNDAMENTO: A dislipidemia é considerada um dos principais fatores de risco para a doença cardiovascular, que, por sua vez, é mais freqüente em indivíduos de idade avançada. Contudo, evidências sugerem que uma parcela da população idosa desconhece a característica de seu perfil lipídico, assim como muitos não possuem acesso a um tratamento adequado. OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil lipídico e a freqüência da utilização da terapia hipolipemiante de mulheres idosas em Curitiba - Paraná. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 312 mulheres (idade média 68,8; desvio padrão 6,0 anos). O perfil lipídico foi determinado por meio das dosagens de colesterol total (CT), colesterol de lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL-C), colesterol de lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL-C) e triglicerídeos (TG). A utilização da terapia hipolipemiante foi verificada por meio de auto-relato, em seguida os grupos foram divididos em dois subgrupos, satisfatório e insatisfatório. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada uma grande prevalência de indivíduos com valores insatisfatórios nos componentes do perfil lipídico, no grupo que relatou não estar sob terapia hipolipemiante: 74,2% das mulheres portadoras de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) apresentaram valores superiores à meta lipêmica para o LDL-C (<100,0 mg/dl). Por sua vez, 45,8% a 49,3% dos indivíduos do grupo que relatou utilizar medicamento hipolipemiante apresentaram valores insatisfatórios para CT, TG e LDL-C, e 25,4% obtiveram valores de HDL-C inferiores a 40,0 mg/dl. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados desta investigação indicam uma alta prevalência de mulheres idosas, independentemente do auto-relato de utilizar terapia hipolipemiante, com o perfil lipídico desfavorável, principalmente em relação à meta lipêmica para o LDL-C nas mulheres idosas portadoras de DCV.


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FUNDAMENTO: A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) tornou-se um problema de saúde pública com incidência e prevalência aumentadas na última década, consequência do envelhecimento da população e melhoria das terapias farmacológicas e intervencionistas. Esta promove altas taxas de mortalidade e morbidade, refletidas em altas taxas de internações e readmissões hospitalares mesmo em pacientes submetidos às novas terapias, sobretudo o uso de IECA e β - bloqueadores. OBJETIVO: Este estudo é uma análise do impacto que a consulta de enfermagem promove na frequência de internações de pacientes com IC, residentes em Curitiba e região metropolitana - Paraná. MÉTODOS: Diagnóstico de IC e classificação funcional pela NYHA, acesso telefônico, residência em Curitiba ou região metropolitana, expectativa de sobrevida maior que 3 meses de doenças não cardíacas, idade superior a 18 anos, não usuário de drogas ilícitas. Os grupos foram formados por meio de amostragem aleatória simples (sorteio), em que um grupo recebeu atendimento médico usual, consulta de enfermagem e monitoração telefônica quinzenal de caráter educativo, grupo intervenção (GI) e o outro, atendimento médico usual, monitoração telefônica mensal de caráter administrativo e epidemiológico, grupo controle (GC). O acompanhamento se deu durante o período de 6 meses. RESULTADOS: O GI necessitou de 0,25±0,79 internamentos e o GC 1,10 ±1,41; p = 0,037. CONCLUSÃO: A consulta de enfermagem promove redução da frequência de internações hospitalares dos pacientes com IC em tratamento, residentes em Curitiba e região metropolitana.


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FUNDAMENTO: A redução da morbi-mortalidade pelas doenças do aparelho circulatório (DAC) é um dos maiores desafios da atenção básica, e a atuação da Saúde da Família possibilita o acesso às medidas multissetoriais e integrais que a abordagem dessas doenças exige. OBJETIVO: Analisar a mortalidade e a internação hospitalar, por DAC, antes e após a implantação da Saúde da Família em Londrina-PR. MÉTODOS: Estudo de agregados, comparando-se os coeficientes de mortalidade e de internação hospitalar pelo SUS, por DAC, doença cerebrovascular (DCbV) e doença isquêmica do coração (DIC), de residentes em Londrina, em dois quadriênios: 1997 a 2000 e 2002 a 2005. Os dados foram obtidos no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS. Foram calculadas razões entre as taxas nos dois períodos e os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: As DAC mantiveram-se como a primeira causa de morte no município nos dois quadriênios. As DCbV e as DIC responderam por mais de 63% das mortes por DAC. Na comparação dos dois quadriênios, observou-se a redução das taxas de mortalidade por DCbV, significativa apenas em maiores de 59 anos, em ambos os sexos, e o aumento da internação em 10%. Para as DIC não houve alteração significativa na mortalidade e ocorreu um aumento de 40% na taxa de internação. CONCLUSÃO: A redução significativa apenas na mortalidade por DCbV em idosos sugere a necessidade de ampliar a cobertura assistencial aos diferentes grupos populacionais e o desenvolvimento de ações de caráter preventivo e de promoção à saúde.


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Sand culture experiments, using a sub-irrigation technique, were installed in order to find out the effects of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S on growth, aspect, mineral composition, length of fibers, thickness of cell wall and cellulose concentration in slash pine. The aim was to obtain, under controlled conditions, basic information which could eventually lead to practical means designed to increase the rate of growth and to make of slash pine a richer source of cellulose. Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Nitrogen was supplied initially at the levels of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; phosphorus was given at the rates of 5, 10 and 20 ppm; potassium was supplied at the rates of 25, 50 and 100 ppm; six months after the experiment was started the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Others macro and all micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates. Fifteen hours of illumination per day were provided. The experimental technique for growing the slash pine seedlings proved quite satisfactory. Symptoms of deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were observed, described and recorded in photographs and water colors. These informations will help to identify abnormalities which may appear under field conditions. Chemical analysis of the several plant parts, on the other hand, give a valuable means to assess the nutritional status of slash pine, thus confirming when needed, the visual diagnosis. The correctness of manurial pratices, on the other hand, can be judged with the help of the analytical data tabulated. Under the experimental conditions nitrogen caused the highest increases on growth, as measured by increments in height and dry weights, whereas the effects of phosphorus and potassium were less marked. Cellulose concentration was not significantly affected by the treatments used. Higher levels of N seemed to decrease both length of fiber elements and the thickness of cell wall. The effects of P and K were not well defined. Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur Experiment A 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design with two replicates was used. Calcium was supplied initially at the levels of 12.5, 25 and 50 ppm; magnesium and sulfur were given at the rates of 6, 12.5 and 25 ppm. Other macro and micronutrients were supplied at uniform rates, common to all treatments. Three months after starting the experiment the first level for each element was dropped to zero. Symptoms of deficiency of calcium, magnesium and sulfur were observed, described and recorded as in the case of the previous experiment. Chemical analysis were made, both for mineral content and cellulose concentration. Length of fibers and thickness of cell wall were measured. Both calcium and magnesium increase height, sulfur failing to give significant response. Dry weight was beneficially affected by calcium and sulfur. The levels of calcium, magnesium and sulfur in the needles associated with deficiency and maximum growth are comparable with those found in the literature. Cellulose concentration increased when the level of sulfur in the substrate was raised. The thickness of cell wall was negatively affected by the treatments; no effect was observed with regards to length of fibers.


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Coletas quinzenais de ácaros de ramos do Pinheiro-do-Paraná, Araucária angustifolia, em Lages, Santa Catarina, revelaram a presença, durante um ano (Setembro de 1983 a Agosto de 1984) das espécies fitófagas Oligonychus urunguis (Jacobi) e Tydeus formosus (Cooreman) e de ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae, dos gêneros Amblyseius e Proprioseiopsis. Também ácaros oribatídeos foram coletados durante todo o ano. De ocorrência mais restrita foram obtidos ácaros das famílias Ascidae, Bdellidae, Cheyletidae e Acaridae. O método de coleta batendo-se o material vegetal sobre tela e bandeja revelou-se pouco mais eficiente do que o emprego do funil de Tullgren.


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During two consecutive years, from January 1985 to December 1986, a comparative study of mosquitoes preferences for breeding habitat was carried out in the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Mar, Paraná State, Brazil. To achieve it, 1875 bamboo internodes aligned vertically in live green, bamboo plants Merostachys speciosa Munro and Merostachys sp. were used, in which metabolic water was exuded from the plant itself, and presenting different size/pattern holes at their lateral walls, bored by the local sylvan fauna. Another group of 1200 individual internode traps was used as comparative element, carved out with a transversal cut by a saw, filled with local stream water and held in branches at different heights in the vegetal strata nearby. At both microhabitat types, a total of 17 culicid species was registered. Culex (Microculex) neglectus Lutz, 1904, Cx. (Carrollia) soperi Antunes & Lane, 1937, Sabethes (Sabethes) batesi Lane & Cerqueira, 1942 and Sa. (Sabethinus) melanonymphe (Dyar, 1924)colonized exclusively live plant internodes, while Culex (Microculex) elongatus Rozeboom & Lane, 1950, Cx. (Carrollia) iridescens (Lutz, 1905), Cx. (Carrollia) kompi Valencia,1973and Trichoprosopon (Trichoprosopon) soaresi Dyar & Knab, 1907 bred only in internode traps. The remaining nine species colonized both habitats indistinctly. Quantitatively, was detected the abundance of 60.1% at live green internodes, against 39.9% for internode traps. Concerning the different patterns of bored live internode holes, 40.3% of the total computed specimens were collected in square or rectangular holes, 31.9% in two hole internodes, one minute circular, the other wider, and the remaining 28.8% of specimens distributed in other pattern type internodes. The mosquitoes breeding at these microhabitats fall in the culicid entomofauna specialized at locating and detecting peculiar and propitious mesogen conditions for breeding purposes.


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From October 1995 to January 1996 Aedes (Ochlerotatus) scapularis (Rondani, 1948) was studied in a small area of the Atlantic Forest, Serra do Marumbi, Morretes, Paraná, Brazil. Adults were captured with Shannon light traps for 48 nights, representing 12 nights for seven time intervals. Traps were operated from dusk to dawn. The influences on flight activity of the lunar phase, ambient temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall were analyzed. Ae. scapularis had a flight behaviour different in each of the four lunar phases. In relation to flight period, the species showed higher activity during the first three lunar intervals. Among the climatic variables, temperature and relative humidity positively influenced flight activity during the night.


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Ecological studies were conducted in the ichthyofauna of Cedro, a small headwater stream located in a degraded area of State of São Paulo, Brazil, situated in the upper Paraná River basin. These are the results of two non-consecutive years observations and collections in two biotopes of that stream: a pool and a rapid. The ecological characteristics studied change in space and time. The present richness of species is high (21 species), nine of which are constant, six accessory and six accidental. The diversity is low (0.69 to 2.38), and the numeric predominance, from one to three species, occurred in both biotopes. The most frequent species are Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859) (28.1%), Corydoras cf. aeneus (Gill, 1858) (20.3%) and Hypostomus cf. ancistroides (Ihering, 1911) (19.8%). The density ranges from 0.7 to 19.8 specimens/m³. The similarity index indicates high similarity between the ichthyofauna (45.0% to 95.0%) inside the same or contiguous biotopes. The evenness (0.46 to 1.0) is comparable to those found in similar studies carried out in other streams.


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The results of larval collections of mosquitoes from artificial containers and natural breeding at urban and rural areas carried out at Sertaneja, northern State Paraná, Brazil, from February to April, 1995, are presented. Among the 4534 immature forms collected, belonging to 21 species or species-groups, the species with higher density were Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894), Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 and Limatus durhami Theobald, 1901.


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The reproductive biology of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 from a stream in São José do Rio Preto, northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil, was monthly investigated in the period of August 1999 to July 2000. Measurements of total length, body weight, gonadal weight and macroscopic assessment of gonadal maturation were performed. Environmental parameters were considered in order to verify associations with the reproductive period. Populational structure showed total length amplitude between 14.2 and 50.8 mm. Pronounced sexual dimorphism was verified. The largest mean values of gonadosomatic relation for females coincided with the rainy season (November to March). Mean length at first sexual maturity was different for males (30.5 mm) and females (37.1 mm). Fecundity varied between 51 and 166 oocytes. Gonadal maturation curve, frequency of maturation stages and size frequency distributions of oocytes in mature ovaries revealed a long reproductive period, suggesting fractional spawning.