967 resultados para PILOT SCALE


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Este trabalho apresenta as avaliações de desempenho, das demandas operacionais e dos fatores intervenientes no aumento da escala da unidade piloto do Reator anaeróbio Horizontal de Leito Fixo (RAHLF) no tratamento de esgoto sanitário após passagem por peneira com malha de 1 mm, durante dois anos de operação. O reator dispunha de volume total de 237,5 1, construídos com tubos comerciais de PVC de 14,5 cm de diâmetro (D), dispostos em cinco módulos horizontais em série de 2,88 m, perfazendo um comprimento total de (L) de 14,4 m e relação de total de L/D de 100. O suporte de imobilização de biomassa, espuma de poliuretano em matrizes cúbicas de 1 cm de aresta, mostrou-se adequado ao desenvolvimento do biofilme. Em partida, sem inoculação prévia, ocorreu a sua consolidação a partir de 70 dias, com predominância de morfologia semelhante a Methanosaeta sp. em relação a da Methanosarcina. Em torno de 90 dias com afluente de 350 mg/l de DQO, observe-se a melhor qualidade do efluente, com valor de 100 mg/l de DQO. Em longa operação ocorreu queda de rendimento e menor reprodutibilidade das previsões do projeto, atribuída aos constantes entupimentos e ineficácia das operações de limpeza, com o comprometimento de volume reacional verificados por estudos de hidrodinâmica. Da investigação das origens dos equipamentos observou-se tratar mais de um efeito local e qualitativamente relacionado à biomassa retida que propriamente quantitativo e extensivo ao longo de todo reator, com produção continuada de polímeros extracelulares, promovendo um efeito sinérgico com os predominantes organismos filamentosos e com os sólidos particulados retidos no leito. Diante das potencialidades desta configuração de reator apontam-se alternativas de mitigação dos entupimentos e o direcionamento dos estudos necessários para novo aumento de escala para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário.


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Os organismos marinhos constituem uma fonte potencial de metabólitos secundários biologicamente ativos. Neste contexto, os micro-organismos isolados de algas marinhas, dentre eles fungos endofíticos, representam alvos para a pesquisa de novas substâncias com potencial farmacológico pronunciado. Substâncias naturais provenientes de espécies de fungos associados às algas marinhas vêm sendo bastante utilizadas em formulações fotoprotetoras devido à ação antioxidante e ao potencial contra a radiação solar. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação biológica e química dos fungos endofíticos marinhos pertencentes à família Xylariaceae, o Annulohypoxylon stygium, o Cladosporium sp. e o Acremonium implicatum (Hypocreaceae). A princípio, foi realizado um screening para avaliar a absorção de luz ultravioleta na faixa do UVA e UVB pelos extratos obtidos em escala piloto destes fungos endofíticos associados às algas marinhas. O extrato do fungo A. stygium apresentou intensa absorção na região do UV, mostrando-se promissor para a produção de metabólitos secundários com ação fotoprotetora. Além do ensaio proposto, foi realizada a avaliação do potencial antibacteriano e antifúngico da espécie A. stygium. O estudo químico em escala ampliada deste fungo proporcionou o isolamento e identificação de uma substância inédita da classe derivada da 2,5- dicetopiperazina, 3-benzilideno-2-metil-hexahidro-pirrolo [1,2-?] pirazina-1,4-diona (Sf3), e além desta, foram isolados mais quatro metabólitos como, os diasteroisômeros 1-fenil-1,2- propanediol (Sd2) e 1-fenil-1,2-propanediol (Sd3), 1,3-benzodioxole-5-metanol (Sc1), 1,2- propanodiol-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-il) (Se1). Ainda foi possível a desreplicação de substâncias via cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG-EM), entre elas o ácido palmítico, palmitato de metila, ácido metil linoléico, ácido oléico, álcool benzílico e o piperonal. Quanto ao estudo da atividade biológica, não foi observado potencial antibacteriano e antifúngico para os extratos e frações do fungo. Entretanto, notouse um potencial como fotoprotetor in vitro para as frações n-Hexano/AcOEt (2:3) e n- Hexano/AcOEt (1:4) obtidas a partir do extrato do cultivo de 28 dias do fungo A. stygium, extraído com solventes diclorometano/metanol (CH2Cl2/MeOH 2:1) e para a substância (Sf3) isolada do mesmo. Desta forma, o estudo químico e biológico do fungo Annulohypoxylon stygium demonstrou potencial para a produção de metabólitos secundários com atividade fotoprotetora, visto que uma estrutura inédita com esta atividade foi isolada e identificada como produto natural.


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Os métodos construtivos de revestimento externo produzidos com argamassa vêm evoluindo ao longo do tempo, apresentando como maior mudança a substituição da aplicação manual pela projeção mecânica. Atualmente destaca-se no mercado o sistema de execução de revestimento externo com argamassa industrializada e projeção mecânica contínua com bombas helicoidais. Por se tratar de uma tecnologia ainda não muito utilizada pelas construtoras brasileiras, faltam dados confiáveis acerca de seu potencial de ganho de produtividade, redução de perdas, diminuição de contingente de mão de obra, exigências de infraestrutura para aplicação e custos envolvidos. Sem parâmetros confiáveis, adotar a tecnologia significa assumir um nível de risco elevado e isto dificulta a tomada de decisão por parte das construtoras e, por consequência, dificulta-se a evolução tecnológica. Buscando contribuir para o necessário avanço nas tecnologias de produção de revestimentos de edifícios, o objetivo desta pesquisa é estabelecer parâmetros em relação à tecnologia de produção de revestimentos de fachada que empregam argamassa com projeção contínua. Para tanto, buscou-se informações em referências como teses, dissertações, textos técnicos, normas nacionais, dentre outras, bem como, acompanhou-se e avaliou-se os resultados da implantação de um método construtivo de revestimento de argamassa com projeção mecânica contínua em uma construtora de São Paulo. Foram realizados um protótipo e um piloto que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia por meio de apresentação de soluções para os problemas encontrados, do levantamento de melhores práticas e de dados para o cálculo de índices de produtividade e perda. Buscou-se, portanto, a consolidação da tecnologia de projeção contínua na construtora anteriormente mencionada e no mercado em geral.


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O Brasil ocupa o 3º lugar entre os maiores produtores mundiais de cerveja e o mercado consumidor vem aumentando progressivamente. Tendo em vista que o consumidor brasileiro está em busca de novos sabores e aromas para a cerveja, uma alternativa para a redução de custos explorando tais características reside no uso de adjuntos não convencionais que possam agregar valor à bebida, principalmente na obtenção de boas características sensoriais. Ainda, visando à sustentabilidade, estes adjuntos podem ser coprodutos do processamento de alimentos. O permeado concentrado de leite, um coproduto dos laticínios, é obtido através da ultrafiltração do leite, sendo composto por água, lactose e sais. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um processo para a produção de uma cerveja de alta fermentação (ale), utilizando o permeado concentrado de leite como adjunto de fabricação. Foram obtidas cervejas ale com a proporção malte/permeado de 55/45 e 90/10, utilizando para isso, permeado hidrolisado pela enzima ?-galactosidase e permeado não hidrolisado. A caracterização do permeado revelou que este possui três vezes mais lactose que o soro de queijo. A melhor condição de hidrólise enzimática da lactose presente no permeado foi obtida empregando-se 2,0 mL/L de ?-galactosidase em 90 minutos, alcançando 92,5% de hidrólise. Nas cervejas com permeado hidrolisado observou-se que a presença de galactose aumentou o tempo de fermentação para 168h e a atenuação real de fermentação dos mostos também foi maior em comparação as cervejas com permeado não hidrolisado, nos quais a lactose não foi fermentada. As cervejas 90/10 com permeado hidrolisado e não hidrolisado receberam as maiores notas na análise sensorial, tendo boa aceitação entre os provadores. Como não houve diferença estatística entre as duas, foi possível reduzir custo e tempo na produção da cerveja 90/10 em escala piloto (120L) por não ser necessário o processo de hidrólise enzimática. O permeado concentrado de leite mostrou-se um excelente adjunto na produção de cervejas ale e quando empregado em baixa concentração, produziu cervejas com boa aceitação sensorial.


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In Canada, increases in rural development has led to a growing need to effectively manage the resulting municipal and city sewage without the addition of significant cost- and energy- expending infrastructure. Storring Septic Service Limited is a family-owned, licensed wastewater treatment facility located in eastern Ontario. It makes use of a passive waste stabilization pond system to treat and dispose of waste and wastewater in an environmentally responsible manner. Storring Septic, like many other similar small-scale wastewater treatment facilities across Canada, has the potential to act as a sustainable eco-engineered facility that municipalities and service providers could utilize to manage and dispose of their wastewater. However, it is of concern that the substantial inclusion of third party material could be detrimental to the stability and robustness of the pond system. In order to augment the capacity of the current facility, and ensure it remains a self-sustaining system with the capacity to safely accept septage from other sewage haulers, it was hypothesized that pond effluent treatment could be further enhanced through the incorporation of one of three different technology solutions, which would allow the reduction of wastewater quality parameters below existing regulatory effluent discharge limits put in place by Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC). Two of these solutions make use of biofilm technologies in order to enhance the removal of wastewater parameters of interest, and the third utilizes the natural water filtration capabilities of zebra mussels. Pilot-scale testing investigated the effects of each of these technologies on treatment performance under both cold and warm weather operation. This research aimed to understand the important mechanisms behind biological filtration methods in order to choose and optimize the best treatment strategy for full-scale testing and implementation. In doing so, a recommendation matrix was elaborated provided with the potential to be used as a universal operational strategy for wastewater treatment facilities located in environments of similar climate and ecology.


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At the Merrick Landfill, located outside of North Bay (Ontario, CA), an investigation into the potential for an environmental impact to the Little Sturgeon River as a result of landfill leachate discharge was undertaken using toxicity testing using 96 hour acute lethality on Oncorhynchus mykiss (Rainbow Trout). Landfill leachate may present a risk to receiving environments as it is comprised of an array of chemicals including organics, ammonia, and metals. Testing was conducted in three phases, firstly testing was completed on site throughout an existing natural attenuation zone where the presence of several groundwater seeps down gradient of the site had been identified to determine the effectiveness of the existing leachate control features at reducing the environmental risks. These tests indicated that the existing capture strategies were largely effective at reducing toxicity risks to the receiving environment. Testing was also completed on two pilot-scale hybrid-passive treatment systems to determine their effectiveness for leachate treatment. Summer performance of a constructed gravel wetland system was also shown to be effective at reducing the toxicity of the landfill leachate at the site. Lastly in order to support evaluation of leachate treatment requirements, a toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) was performed to determine the principle cause of toxicity within the leachate. Based on water chemistry analyses of samples collected at various locations at the site, the TIE identified ammonia toxicity as the primary source of toxicity in the leachate, with a secondary focus on metal toxicity.


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Vermicompost filtration is a new on-site waste treatment system. Consequently, little is known about the filter medium properties. The aim of this preliminary study was to quantify physical and compositional properties of vermicompost filter beds that had been used to treat domestic solid organic waste and wastewater. This paper presents the trials performed on pilot-scale reactors filled with vermicompost from a full-scale vermicompost filtration system. Household solid organic waste and raw wastewater at the rate of 130 L/m(2)/d was applied to the reactor bed surface over a four-month period. It was found that fresh casts laid on the bed surface had a BOD of 1290 mg/g VS while casts buried to a depth of 10 cm had a BOD of 605 mg/g VS. Below this depth there was little further biodegradation of earthworm casts despite cast ages of up to five years. Solid material in the reactor accounted for only 7-10% of the reactor volume. The total voidage comprised of large free-draining pores, which accounted for 15-20% of the reactor volume and 60-70% micropores, able to hold up water against gravity. It was shown that water could flow through the medium micropores and macropores following a wastewater application. The wastewater flow characteristics were modeled by a two-region model based on the Richards Equation, an equation used to describe porous spatially heterogeneous materials.


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The performance of a sulfide-removal system based on biofilms dominated by green sulfur bacteria (GSB) has been investigated. The system was supplied with radiant energy in the band 720-780 nm, and fed with a synthetic wastewater. The areal net sulfide removal rate and the efficacy of the incident radiant energy for sulfide removal have been characterized over ranges of bulk sulfide concentration (1.6-11.5 mg L-1) and incident irradiance (0.21-1.51 W m(-2)). The areal net sulfide removal rate increased monotonically with both increasing incident irradiance and increasing bulk sulfide concentration. The efficacy of the radiant energy for sulfide removal (the amount of sulfide removed per unit radiant energy supplied) also increased monotonically with rising bulk sulfide concentration, but exhibited a maximum value with respect to incident irradiance. The maximum observed values of this net removal rate and this efficacy were, respectively, 2.08 g m(-2) d(-1) and 2.04 g W-1 d(-1). In-band changes in the spectral composition of the radiant energy affected this efficacy only slightly. The products of sulfide removal were sulfate and elemental-S. The elemental-S was scarcely released into the liquid, however, and reasons for this, such as sulfur reduction and polysulfide formation, are considered. Between 1.45 and 3.85 photons were needed for the net removal of one electron from S-species. Intact samples of the biofilm were characterized by microscopy, and their thicknesses lay between 39 +/- 9 and 429 +/- 57 mum. The use of the experimentally determined rates and efficacies for the design of a pilot-scale system is illustrated. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A new theory of particle discharge in high tension roll (HTR) separation is presented. The discharge dynamics of an isolated charged particle resting on a conducting surface are studied first. The analysis is extended to particle discharge in a homogenous particle bed. Finally, the paper looks at the more realistic scenario of particle discharge in a non-homogenous particle bed. The consequences of the resulting theory on HTR separation are discussed. Predictions from the new theory are tested against experimental HTR separations at the pilot scale. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the study presented was to implement a process model to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a pilot-scale process for anaerobic two-stage digestion of sewage sludge. The model implemented was initiated to support experimental investigations of the anaerobic two-stage digestion process. The model concept implemented in the simulation software package MATLAB(TM)/Simulink(R) is a derivative of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) that has been developed by the IWA task group for mathematical modelling of anaerobic processes. In the present study the original model concept has been adapted and applied to replicate a two-stage digestion process. Testing procedures, including balance checks and 'benchmarking' tests were carried out to verify the accuracy of the implementation. These combined measures ensured a faultless model implementation without numerical inconsistencies. Parameters for both, the thermophilic and the mesophilic process stage, have been estimated successfully using data from lab-scale experiments described in literature. Due to the high number of parameters in the structured model, it was necessary to develop a customised procedure that limited the range of parameters to be estimated. The accuracy of the optimised parameter sets has been assessed against experimental data from pilot-scale experiments. Under these conditions, the model predicted reasonably well the dynamic behaviour of a two-stage digestion process in pilot scale. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of surface stickiness of droplets of sugar and acid-rich foods during spray drying can be explained using the notion of glass transition temperature (T-g). In this work, criteria for a safe drying regime have been developed and their physical basis provided. A dimensionless time (psi) is introduced as an indicator of spray dryability and it is correlated with the recovery of powders in practical spray drying. Droplets with initial diameters of 120 mum were subjected to simulated spray drying conditions and their safe drying regime and 41 values generated. The model predicted the recovery in a pilot scale spray dryer reasonably well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The difficulties associated with slurry transportation in autogenous (ag) and semi-autogenous (sag) grinding mills have become more apparent in recent years with the increasing trend to build larger diameter mills for grinding high tonnages. This is particularly noticeable when ag/sag mills are run in closed circuit with classifiers such as fine screens/cyclones. Extensive test work carried out on slurry removal mechanism in grate discharge mills (ag/sag) has shown that the conventional pulp lifters (radial and curved) have inherent drawbacks. They allow short-circuiting of the slurry from pulp lifters into the grinding chamber leading to slurry pool formation. Slurry pool absorbs part of the impact thus inhibiting the grinding process. Twin Chamber Pulp Lifter (TCPL) - an efficient design of pulp lifter developed by the authors overcomes the inherent drawbacks of the conventional pulp lifters. Extensive testing in both laboratory and pilot scale mills has shown that the TCPL completely blocks the flow-back process, thus allowing the mill to operate close to their design flow capacity. The TCPL performance is also found to be independent of variations in charge volume and grate design, whereas they significantly affect the performance of conventional pulp lifters (radial and curved). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stirred Mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. In the first part of this paper, media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions were analysed to provide a good understanding of the media flow and the collisional environment in these mills. In this second part we analyse steady state coherent flow structures, liner stress and wear by impact and abrasion. We also examine mixing and transport efficiency. Together these provide a comprehensive understanding of all the key processes operating in these mills and a clear understanding of the relative performance issues. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stirred mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. Media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions are analysed here. In the second part of this paper, coherent flow structures, equipment wear and mixing and transport efficiency are analysed. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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A bacterium (MJ-PV) previously demonstrated to degrade the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin LR, was investigated for bioremediation applications in natural water microcosms and biologically active slow sand filters. Enhanced degradation of microcystin LR was observed with inoculated (1 x 10(6) cell/mL) treatments of river water dosed with microcystin LR (> 80% degradation within 2 days) compared to uninoculated controls. Inoculation of MJ-PV at lower concentrations (1 x 10(2)-1 x 10(5)cells/mL) also demonstrated enhanced microcystin LR degradation over control treatments. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) specifically targeting amplification of 16S rDNA of MJ-PV and the gene responsible for initial degradation of microcystin LR (mlrA) were successfully applied to monitor the presence of the bacterium in experimental trials. No amplified products indicative of an endemic MJ-PV population were observed in uninoculated treatments indicating other bacterial strains were active in degradation of microcystin LR, Pilot scale biologically active slow sand filters demonstrated degradation of microcystin LR irrespective of MJ-PV bacterial inoculation. PCR analysis detected the MJ-PV population at all locations within the sand filters where microcystin degradation was measured. Despite not observing enhanced degradation of microcystin LR in inoculated columns compared to uninoculated column, these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of a low-technology water treatment system like biologically active slow sand filters for removal of microcystins from reticulated water supplies. Crown Copyright (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.