188 resultados para PFGE


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Background: The emergence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases is rare. We report an occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases in a Chinese tertiary care hospital from November 2010 to December 2012. Methods: The clinical characteristics of 30 patients were described. The genetic relationship of isolates was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Carbapenemases were detected by modified Hodge test (MHT) and polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Amplicons were sequenced and blasted to determine the genotype. Results: Most infected patients were from intensive care unit and had complex and serious underlying illnesses requiring mechanical ventilation. PFGE revealed that Klebsiella pneumoniae showed two major PFGE types. Two Klebsiella oxytoca had an indistinguishable PFGE pattern, while four Enterobacter cloacae were different strains. The sequencing studies showed Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemase in the 23 infected patients. The majority of patients had infections with the carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) strain, most were successfully treated with a range of antibiotics and discharged. Conclusion: It is important to maintain a high index of suspicion to screen for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains. Rapid identification of these strains and implementation of stringent procedures are the key to prevent major outbreaks in a hospital setting. Keywords:


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Le développement de la multirésistance chez Escherichia coli est un problème important en médecine animale et humaine. En outre, l’émergence et la diffusion des déterminants de résistance aux céphalosporines à larges spectres de troisième génération (ESCs) parmi les isolats, incluant des céphalosporines essentielles en médecine humaine (ex. ceftriaxone et ceftiofur), est un problème majeur de santé publique. Cette thèse visait trois objectifs. D’abord étudier la dynamique de la résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) ainsi que la virulence et les profils génétiques de la AMR des E. coli isolées de porcs recevant une nourriture post-sevrage supplémentée avec de la chlortétracycline et de la pénicilline G, et, accessoirement, évaluer les effets d'additifs alimentaires sur cette dynamique en prenant pour exemple d'étude un minéral argileux, la clinoptilolite, étant donné son possible lien avec le gène blaCMY-2 qui confère la résistance au ceftiofur. L'objectif suivant était d'investiguer les mécanismes menant à une augmentation de la prévalence du gène blaCMY-2 chez les porcs qui reçoivent de la nourriture médicamentée et qui n'ont pas été exposés au ceftiofur Ici encore,nous avons examiné les effets d’un supplément alimentaire avec un minéral argileux sur ce phénomène. Enfin, notre dernier objectif était d’étudier, dans le temps, les génotypes des isolats cliniques d'E. coli résistant au ceftiofur, isolés de porcs malades au Québec à partir du moment où la résistance au ceftiofur a été rapportée, soit de 1997 jusqu'à 2012. Dans l'étude initiale, la prévalence de la résistance à 10 agents antimicrobiens, incluant le ceftiofur, s’accroît avec le temps chez les E.coli isolées de porcelets sevrés. Une augmentation tardive de la fréquence du gène blaCMY-2, encodant pour la résistance au ceftiofur, et la présence des gènes de virulence iucD et tsh a été observée chez les isolats. La nourriture supplémentée avec de la clinoptilolite a été associée à une augmentation rapide mais, par la suite, à une diminution de la fréquence des gènes blaCMY-2 dans les isolats. En parallèle, une augmentation tardive dans la fréquence des gènes blaCMY-2 et des gènes de virulence iucD et tsh a été observée dans les isolats des porcs contrôles, étant significativement plus élevé que dans les porcs ayant reçu l'additif au jour 28. La diversité, au sein des E. coli positives pour blaCMY-2 , a été observée au regard des profils AMR. Certaines lignées clonales d'E.coli sont devenues prédominantes avec le temps. La lignée clonale du phylotype A prédominait dans le groupe supplémenté, alors que les lignées clonales du phylotype B1, qui possèdent souvent le gène de virulence iucD associé aux ExPEC, prédominaient dans le groupe contrôle. Les plasmides d'incompatibilité (Inc) des groupes, I1, A/C, et ColE, porteurs de blaCMY-2, ont été observés dans les transformants. Parmi les souches cliniques d'E.coli ESC-résistantes, isolées de porcs malades au Québec de 1997 à 2012, blaCMY-2 était le gène codant pour une β-lactamase le plus fréquemment détecté; suivi par blaTEM et blaCTX-M,. De plus, les analyses clonales montrent une grande diversité génétique. Par contre, des isolats d'E. coli avec des profils PFGE identiques ont été retrouvés dans de multiples fermes la même année mais aussi dans des années différentes. La résistance à la gentamicine, kanamycine, chloramphenicol, et la fréquence de blaTEM et de IncA/C diminuent significativement au cour de la période étudiée, alors que la fréquence de IncI1 et de la multirésistance à sept catégories d'agents antimicrobiens augmente significativement avec le temps. L'émergence d'isolats d'E. coli positifs pour blaCTX-M, une β-lactamase à large spectre et produisant des ESBL, a été observée en 2011 et 2012 à partir de lignées clonales distinctes et chez de nombreuses fermes. Ces résultats, mis ensemble, apportent des précisions sur la dissémination de la résistance au ceftiofur dans les E. coli isolées de porcs. Au sein des échantillons prélevés chez les porcs sevrés recevant l'alimentation médicamentée sur une ferme, et pour laquelle une augmentation de la résistance au ceftiofur a été observée, les données révèlent que les souches d'E. coli positives pour blaCMY-2 et résistantes aux ESCs appartenaient à plusieurs lignées clonales différentes arborant divers profils AMR. Le gène blaCMY-2 se répand à la fois horizontalement et clonalement chez ces E. coli. L'ajout de clinoptilotite à la nourriture et le temps après le sevrage influencent la clonalité et la prévalence du gène blaCMY-2 dans les E. coli. Durant les 16 années d'étude, plusieurs lignées clonales différentes ont été observées parmi les souches d'E. coli résistantes au ceftiofur isolées de porc malades de fermes québécoises, bien qu’aucune lignée n'était persistante ou prédominante pendant l'étude. Les résultats suggèrent aussi que le gène blaCMY-2 s'est répandu à la fois horizontalement et clonalement au sein des fermes. De plus, blaCMY-2 est le gène majeur des β-lactamases chez ces isolats. À partir de 2011, nous rapportons l'émergence du gène blaCTX-M dans des lignées génétiques distinctes.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde Animal, 2016.


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Pandemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal complex 97 (CC97) lineages originated from livestock-to-human host jumps. In recent years, CC97 has become one of the major MRSA lineages detected in Italian farmed animals. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze differences in MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) mainly of swine and bovine origins. Forty-seven CC97 isolates, 35 MRSA isolates, and 6 MSSA isolates from different Italian pig and cattle holdings; 5 pig MRSA isolates from Germany; and 1 human MSSA isolate from Spain were characterized by macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing, and antimicrobial resistance pattern analysis. Virulence and resistance genes were investigated by PCR and microarray analysis. Most of the isolates were of SCCmec type V (SCCmec V), except for two German MRSA isolates (SCCmec III). Five main clusters were identified by PFGE, with the German isolates (clusters I and II) showing 60.5% similarity with the Italian isolates, most of which (68.1%) grouped into cluster V. All CC97 isolates were Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) negative, and a few (n = 7) tested positive for sak or scn. All MRSA isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR), and the main features were erm(B)- or erm(C)-mediated (n = 18) macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance, vga(A)-mediated (n = 37) pleuromutilin resistance, fluoroquinolone resistance (n = 33), tet(K) in 32/37 tet(M)-positive isolates, and blaZ in almost all MRSA isolates. Few host-associated differences were detected among CC97 MRSA isolates: their extensive MDR nature in both pigs and dairy cattle may be a consequence of a spillback from pigs of a MRSA lineage that originated in cattle as MSSA and needs further investigation. Measures should be implemented at the farm level to prevent spillover to humans in intensive farming areas.


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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Sequence Type (ST)1, Clonal Complex(CC)1, SCCmec V is one of the major Livestock-Associated (LA-) lineages in pig farming industry in Italy and is associated with pigs in other European countries. Recently, it has been increasingly detected in Italian dairy cattle herds. The aim of this study was to analyse the differences between ST1 MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) from cattle and pig herds in Italy and Europe and human isolates. Sixty-tree animal isolates from different holdings and 20 human isolates were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), spa-typing, SCCmec typing, and by micro-array analysis for several virulence, antimicrobial resistance, and strain/host-specific marker genes. Three major PFGE clusters were detected. The bovine isolates shared a high (≥90% to 100%) similarity with human isolates and carried the same SCCmec type IVa. They often showed genetic features typical of human adaptation or present in human-associated CC1: Immune evasion cluster (IEC) genes sak and scn, or sea; sat and aphA3-mediated aminoglycoside resistance. Contrary, typical markers of porcine origin in Italy and Spain, like erm(A) mediated macrolide-lincosamide-streptograminB, and of vga(A)-mediated pleuromutilin resistance were always absent in human and bovine isolates. Most of ST(CC)1 MRSA from dairy cattle were multidrug-resistant and contained virulence and immunomodulatory genes associated with full capability of colonizing humans. As such, these strains may represent a greater human hazard than the porcine strains. The zoonotic capacity of CC1 LA-MRSA from livestock must be taken seriously and measures should be implemented at farm-level to prevent spill-over.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate if the treatments with ceftiofur and amoxicillin are risk factors for the emergence of cephalosporin resistant (CR) E. coli in a pig farm during the rearing period. One hundred 7-day-old piglets were divided into two groups, a control (n = 50) group and a group parenterally treated with ceftiofur (n = 50). During the fattening period, both groups were subdivided in two. A second treatment with amoxicillin was administered in feed to two of the four groups, as follows: group 1 (untreated, n = 20), group 2 (treated with amoxicillin, n = 26), group 3 (treated with ceftiofur, n = 20), and group 4 (treated with ceftiofur and amoxicillin, n = 26). During treatment with ceftiofur, fecal samples were collected before treatment (day 0) and at days 2, 7, 14, 21, and 42 posttreatment, whereas with amoxicillin, the sampling was extended 73 days posttreatment. CR E. coli bacteria were selected on MacConkey agar with ceftriaxone (1 mg/liter). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), MICs of 14 antimicrobials, the presence of cephalosporin resistance genes, and replicon typing of plasmids were analyzed. Both treatments generated an increase in the prevalence of CR E. coli, which was statistically significant in the treated groups. Resistance diminished after treatment. A total of 47 CR E. coli isolates were recovered during the study period; of these, 15 contained blaCTX-M-1, 10 contained blaCTX-M-14, 4 contained blaCTX-M-9, 2 contained blaCTX-M-15, and 5 contained blaSHV-12. The treatment with ceftiofur and amoxicillin was associated with the emergence of CR E. coli during the course of the treatment. However, by the time of finishing, CR E. coli bacteria were not recovered from the animals.


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BACKGROUND Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) causes an infectious chronic enteritis (paratuberculosis or Johne's disease) principally of ruminants. The epidemiology of Map is poorly understood, particularly with respect to the role of wildlife reservoirs and the controversial issue of zoonotic potential (Crohn's disease). Genotypic discrimination of Map isolates is pivotal to descriptive epidemiology and resolving these issues. This study was undertaken to determine the genetic diversity of Map, enhance our understanding of the host range and distribution and assess the potential for interspecies transmission. RESULTS 164 Map isolates from seven European countries representing 19 different host species were genotyped by standardized IS900--restriction fragment length polymorphism (IS900-RFLP), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and mycobacterial interspersed repeat unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) analyses. Six PstI and 17 BstEII IS900-RFLP, 31 multiplex [SnaBI-SpeI] PFGE profiles and 23 MIRU-VNTR profiles were detected. AFLP gave insufficient discrimination of isolates for meaningful genetic analysis. Point estimates for Simpson's index of diversity calculated for the individual typing techniques were in the range of 0.636 to 0.664 but a combination of all three methods increased the discriminating power to 0.879, sufficient for investigating transmission dynamics. Two predominant strain types were detected across Europe with all three typing techniques. Evidence for interspecies transmission between wildlife and domestic ruminants on the same property was demonstrated in four cases, between wildlife species on the same property in two cases and between different species of domestic livestock on one property. CONCLUSION The results of this study showed that it is necessary to use multiple genotyping techniques targeting different sources of genetic variation to obtain the level of discrimination necessary to investigate transmission dynamics and trace the source of Map infections. Furthermore, the combination of genotyping techniques may depend on the geographical location of the population to be tested. Identical genotypes were obtained from Map isolated from different host species co-habiting on the same property strongly suggesting that interspecies transmission occurs. Interspecies transmission of Map between wildlife species and domestic livestock on the same property provides further evidence to support a role for wildlife reservoirs of infection.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic characteristics and virulence phenotypes of Streptococcus suis, specifically, in clinical isolates of serotypes 2 and 9 (n = 195), obtained from diverse geographical areas across Spain. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing identified 97 genetic profiles, 68% of which were represented by single isolates, indicative of a substantial genetic diversity among the S. suis isolates analyzed. Five PFGE profiles accounted for 33.3% of the isolates and were isolated from 38% of the herds in nine different provinces, indicative of the bacterium's widespread distribution in the Spanish swine population. Representative isolates of the most prevalent PFGE profiles of both serotypes were subjected to multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis. The results indicated that serotypes 2 and 9 have distinct genetic backgrounds. Serotype 2 isolates belong to the ST1 complex, a highly successful clone that has spread over most European countries. In accordance with isolates of this complex, most serotype 2 isolates also expressed the phenotype MRP(+)EF(+)SLY(+). Serotype 9 isolates belong to the ST61 complex, which is distantly related to the widespread European ST87 clone. Also, in contrast to most isolates of the European ST87 clone, which express the large variant MRP*, the majority of serotype 9 isolates (97.9%) did not express the protein.