In order to defend themselves against arthropod herbivores, maize plants produce 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones (BXs), which are stored as weakly active glucosides in the vacuole. Upon tissue disruption, BXs come into contact with β-glucosidases, resulting in the release of active aglycones and their breakdown products. While some aglycones can be reglucosylated by specialist herbivores, little is known about how they detoxify BX breakdown products. Here we report on the structure of an N-glucoside, 3-β-d-glucopyranosyl-6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (MBOA-N-Glc), purified from Spodoptera frugiperda faeces. In vitro assays showed that MBOA-N-Glc is formed enzymatically in the insect gut using the BX breakdown product 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (MBOA) as precursor. While Spodoptera littoralis and S. frugiperda caterpillars readily glucosylated MBOA, larvae of the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis were hardly able to process the molecule. Accordingly, Spodoptera caterpillar growth was unaffected by the presence of MBOA, while O. nubilalis growth was reduced. We conclude that glucosylation of MBOA is an important detoxification mechanism that helps insects tolerate maize BXs.
Senescence is a highly organized and well‐regulated process. As much as 75% of total cellular nitrogen may be located in mesophyll chloroplasts of C3‐plants. Proteolysis of chloroplast proteins begins in an early phase of senescence and the liberated amino acids can be exported to growing parts of the plant (e.g. maturing fruits). Rubisco and other stromal enzymes can be degraded in isolated chloroplasts, implying the involvement of plastidial peptide hydrolases. Whether or not ATP is required and if stromal proteins are modified (e.g. by reactive oxygen species) prior to their degradation are questions still under debate. Several proteins, in particular cysteine proteases, have been demonstrated to be specifically expressed during senescence. Their contribution to the general degradation of chloroplast proteins is unclear. The accumulation in intact cells of peptide fragments and inhibitor studies suggest that multiple degradation pathways may exist for stromal proteins and that vacuolar endopeptidases might also be involved under certain conditions. The breakdown of chlorophyll‐binding proteins associated with the thylakoid membrane is less well investigated. The degradation of these proteins requires the simultaneous catabolism of chlorophylls. The breakdown of chlorophylls has been elucidated during the last decade. Interestingly, nitrogen present in chlorophyll is not exported from senescencing leaves, but remains within the cells in the form of linear tetrapyrrolic catabolites that accumulate in the vacuole. The degradation pathways for chlorophylls and chloroplast proteins are partially interconnected.
Background Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the protozoan Besnoitia besnoiti, reduces productivity and fertility of affected herds. Besnoitiosis continues to expand in Europe and no effective control tools are currently available. Experimental models are urgently needed. Herein, we describe for the first time the kinetics of standardised in vitro models for the B. besnoiti lytic cycle. This will aid to study the pathogenesis of the disease, in the screening for vaccine targets and drugs potentially useful for the treatment of besnoitiosis. Methods We compared invasion and proliferation of one B. tarandi (from Finland) and seven B. besnoiti isolates (Bb-Spain1, Bb-Spain2, Bb-Israel, Bb-Evora03, Bb-Ger1, Bb-France, Bb-Italy2) in MARC-145 cell culture. Host cell invasion was studied at 4, 6, 8 and 24 h post infection (hpi), and proliferation characteristics were compared at 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 hpi. Results In Besnoitia spp., the key parameters that determine the sequential adhesion-invasion, proliferation and egress steps are clearly distinct from those in the related apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. Besnoitia spp. host cell invasion is a rather slow process, since only 50 % of parasites were found intracellular after 3–6 h of exposure to host cells, and invasion still took place after 24 h. Invasion efficacy was significantly higher for Bb-France, Bb-Evora03 and Bb-Israel. In addition, the time span for endodyogeny to take place was as long as 18–35 h. Bb-Israel and B. tarandi isolates were most prolific, as determined by the tachyzoite yield at 72 hpi. The total tachyzoite yield could not be predicted neither by invasion-related parameters (velocity and half time invasion) nor by proliferation parameters (lag phase and doubling time (dT)). The lytic cycle of Besnoitia was asynchronous as evidenced by the presence of three different plaque-forming tachyzoite categories (lysis plaques, large and small parasitophorous vacuoles). Conclusions This study provides first insights into the lytic cycle of B. besnoiti isolates and a standardised in vitro model that allows screening of drug candidates for the treatment of besnoitiosis.
Heterotrimeric G protein-mediated signal transduction is one of numerous means that cells utilize to respond to external stimuli. G proteins consist of α, β andγ subunits. Extracellular ligands bind to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, triggering conformational changes. This is followed by activation of coupled G proteins through the exchange of GDP for GTP on the Gα subunit. Once activated, Gα-GTP dissociates from the βγ dimer. Both of these two moieties can interact with downstream effectors, such as adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase C, phosphodiesterases, or ion channels, leading to a series of changes in cellular metabolism and physiology. ^ Neurospora crassa is a eukaryotic multicellular filamentous fungus, with asexual/vegetative and sexual phases to its life cycle. Three Gα (GNA-1, GNA-2, GNA-3) and one Gβ (GNB-1) proteins have been identified in this organism. This dissertation investigates GNA-1 and GNB-1 mediated signaling pathways in N. crassa. ^ GNA-1 was the first identified microbial Gα that belongs to a mammalian superfamily (Gαi). Deletion of GNA-1 leads to multiple defects in N. crassa. During the asexual cycle, Δgna-1 strains display a slower growth rate and delayed conidiation on solid medium. In the sexual cycle, the Δgna-1 mutant is male-fertile but female-sterile. Biochemical studies have shown that Δ gna-1 strains have lower adenosine 3′–5 ′ cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) levels than wild type under conditions where phenotypic defects are observed. In this thesis work, strains containing one of two GTPase-deficient gna-1 alleles (gna-1 R178C, gna-1Q204L) leading to constitutive activation of GNA-1 have been constructed and characterized. Activation of GNA-1 causes uncontrolled aerial hyphae proliferation, elevated sensitivity to heat and oxidative stresses, and lower carotenoid synthesis. To further study the function of GNA-1, constructs to enable expression of mammalian Gαi superfamily members were transformed into a Δ gna-1 strain, and complementation of Δgna-1 defects investigated. Gαs, which is not a member of Gα i superfamily was used as a control. These mammalian Gα genes were able to rescue the vegetative growth rate defect of the Δ gna-1 strain in the following order: Gαz > Gα o > Gαs > Gαt > Gαi. In contrast, only Gαo was able to complement the sexual defect of a Δgna-1 strain. With regard to the thermotolerance phenotype, none of the mammalian Gα genes restored the sensitivity to a wild type level. These results suggest that GNA-1 regulates two independent pathways during the vegetative and sexual cycles in N. crassa. ^ GNB-1, a G protein β subunit from N. crassa, was identified and its functions investigated in this thesis work. The sequence of the gnb-1 gene predicts a polypeptide of 358 residues with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. GNB-1 exhibits 91% identity to Cryphonectria parasitica CPGB-1, and also displays significant homology with human and Dictyostelium Gβ genes (∼66%). A Δ gnb-1 strain was constructed and shown to exhibit defects in asexual spore germination, vacuole number and size, mass accumulation and female fertility. A novel role for GNB-1 in regulation of GNA-1 and GNA-2 protein levels was also demonstrated. ^
Apple fruits, cv. Granny Smith, were subjected to mechanical impact and compression loads utilizing a steel rod with a spherical tip 19 mm diameter, 50.6 g mass. Energies applied were low enough to produce enzymatic reaction: 0.0120 J for impact, and 0.0199 J for compression. Bruised material was cut and examined with a transmission electron microscope. In both compression and impact, bruises showed a central region located in the flesh parenchyma, at a distance that approximately equalled the indentor tip radius. The parenchyma cells of this region were more altered than cells from the epidermis and hypodermis. Tissues under compression presented numerous deformed parenchyma cells with broken tonoplasts and tissue degradation as predicted by several investigators. The impacted cells supported different kinds of stresses than compressed cells, resulting in the formation of intensive vesiculation, either in the vacuole or in the middle lamella region between cell walls of adjacent cells. A large proportion of parenchyma cells completely split or had initiated splitting at the middle lamella. Bruising may develop with or without cell rupture. Therefore, cell wall rupture is not essential for the development of a bruise, at least the smallest one, as predicted previously
El suelo salino impone un estrés abiótico importante que causa graves problemas en la agricultura ya que la mayoría de los cultivos se ven afectados por la salinidad debido a efectos osmóticos y tóxicos. Por ello, la contaminación y la escasez de agua dulce, la salinización progresiva de tierras y el aumento exponencial de la población humana representan un grave problema que amenaza la seguridad alimentaria mundial para las generaciones futuras. Por lo tanto, aumentar la tolerancia a la salinidad de los cultivos es un objetivo estratégico e ineludible para garantizar el suministro de alimentos en el futuro. Mantener una óptima homeostasis de K+ en plantas que sufren estrés salino es un objetivo importante en el proceso de obtención de plantas tolerantes a la salinidad. Aunque el modelo de la homeostasis de K+ en las plantas está razonablemente bien descrito en términos de entrada de K+, muy poco se sabe acerca de los genes implicados en la salida de K+ o de su liberación desde la vacuola. En este trabajo se pretende aclarar algunos de los mecanismos implicados en la homeostasis de K+ en plantas. Para ello se eligió la briofita Physcomitrella patens, una planta no vascular de estructura simple y de fase haploide dominante que, entre muchas otras cualidades, hacen que sea un modelo ideal. Lo más importante es que no sólo P. patens es muy tolerante a altas concentraciones de Na+, sino que también su posición filogenética en la evolución de las plantas abre la posibilidad de estudiar los cambios claves que, durante el curso de la evolución, se produjeron en las diversas familias de los transportadores de K+. Se han propuesto varios transportadores de cationes como candidatos que podrían tener un papel en la salida de K+ o su liberación desde la vacuola, especialmente miembros de la familia CPA2 que contienen las familias de transportadores KEA y CHX. En este estudio se intenta aumentar nuestra comprensión de las funciones de los transportadores de CHX en las células de las plantas usando P. patens, como ya se ha dicho. En esta especie, se han identificado cuatro genes CHX, PpCHX1-4. Dos de estos genes, PpCHX1 y PpCHX2, se expresan aproximadamente al mismo nivel que el gen PpACT5, y los otros dos genes muestran una expresión muy baja. La expresión de PpCHX1 y PpCHX2 en mutantes de Escherichia coli defectivos en el transporte de K+ restauraron el crecimiento de esta cepa en medios con bajo contenido de K+, lo que viii sugiere que la entrada de K+ es energizada por un mecanismo de simporte con H+. Por otra parte, estos transportadores suprimieron el defecto asociado a la mutación kha1 en Saccharomyces cerevisiae, lo que sugiere que podrían mediar un antiporte en K+/H+. La proteína PpCHX1-GFP expresada transitoriamente en protoplastos de P. patens co-localizó con un marcador de Golgi. En experimentos similares, la proteína PpCHX2-GFP localizó aparentemente en la membrana plasmática y tonoplasto. Se construyeron las líneas mutantes simples de P. patens ΔPpchx1 y ΔPpchx2, y también el mutante doble ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1. Los mutantes simples crecieron normalmente en todas las condiciones ensayadas y mostraron flujos de entrada normales de K+ y Rb+; la mutación ΔPpchx2 no aumentó el defecto de las plantas ΔPphak1. En experimentos a largo plazo, las plantas ΔPpchx2 mostraron una retención de Rb+ ligeramente superior que las plantas silvestres, lo que sugiere que PpCHX2 promueve la transferencia de Rb+ desde la vacuola al citosol o desde el citosol al medio externo, actuando en paralelo con otros transportadores. Sugerimos que transportadores de K+ de varias familias están involucrados en la homeostasis de pH de orgánulos ya sea mediante antiporte K+/H+ o simporte K+-H+.ix ABSTRACT Soil salinity is a major abiotic stress causing serious problems in agriculture as most crops are affected by it. Moreover, the contamination and shortage of freshwater, progressive land salinization and exponential increase of human population aggravates the problem implying that world food security may not be ensured for the next generations. Thus, a strategic and an unavoidable goal would be increasing salinity tolerance of plant crops to secure future food supply. Maintaining an optimum K+ homeostasis in plants under salinity stress is an important trait to pursue in the process of engineering salt tolerant plants. Although the model of K+ homeostasis in plants is reasonably well described in terms of K+ influx, very little is known about the genes implicated in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole. In this work, we aim to clarify some of the mechanisms involved in K+ homeostasis in plants. For this purpose, we chose the bryophyte plant Physcomitrella patens, a nonvascular plant of simple structure and dominant haploid phase that, among many other characteristics, makes it an ideal model. Most importantly, not only P. patens is very tolerant to high concentrations of Na+, but also its phylogenetic position in land plant evolution opens the possibility to study the key changes that occurred in K+ transporter families during the course of evolution. Several cation transporter candidates have been proposed to have a role in K+ efflux or release from the vacuole especially members of the CPA2 family which contains the KEA and CHX transporter families. We intended in this study to increase our understanding of the functions of CHX transporters in plant cells using P. patens, in which four CHX genes have been identified, PpCHX1-4. Two of these genes, PpCHX1 and PpCHX2, are expressed at approximately the same level as the PpACT5 gene, but the other two genes show an extremely low expression. PpCHX1 and PpCHX2 restored growth of Escherichia coli mutants on low K+-containing media, suggesting they mediated K+ uptake that may be energized by symport with H+. In contrast, these genes suppressed the defect associated to the kha1 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which suggest that they might mediate K+/H+ antiport. PpCHX1-GFP protein transiently expressed in P. patens protoplasts co-localized with a Golgi marker. In similar experiments, the PpCHX2-GFP protein appeared to localize to tonoplast and plasma x membrane. We constructed the ΔPpchx1 and ΔPpchx2 single mutant lines, and the ΔPpchx2 ΔPphak1 double mutant. Single mutant plants grew normally under all the conditions tested and exhibited normal K+ and Rb+ influxes; the ΔPpchx2 mutation did not increase the defect of ΔPphak1 plants. In long-term experiments, ΔPpchx2 plants showed a slightly higher Rb+ retention than wild type plants, which suggests that PpCHX2 mediates the transfer of Rb+ from either the vacuole to the cytosol or from the cytosol to the external medium in parallel with other transporters. We suggest that K+ transporters of several families are involved in the pH homeostasis of organelles by mediating either K+/H+ antiport or K+-H+ symport.
The malarial parasite dramatically alters its host cell by exporting and targeting proteins to specific locations within the erythrocyte. Little is known about the mechanisms by which the parasite is able to carry out this extraparasite transport. The fungal metabolite brefeldin A (BFA) has been used to study the secretory pathway in eukaryotes. BFA treatment of infected erythrocytes inhibits protein export and results in the accumulation of exported Plasmodium proteins into a compartment that is at the parasite periphery. Parasite proteins that are normally localized to the erythrocyte membrane, to nonmembrane bound inclusions in the erythrocyte cytoplasm, or to the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane accumulate in this BFA-induced compartment. A single BFA-induced compartment is detected per parasite and the various exported proteins colocalize to this compartment regardless of their final destinations. Parasite membrane proteins do not accumulate in this novel compartment, but accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), suggesting that the parasite has two secretory pathways. This alternate secretory pathway is established immediately after merozoite invasion and at least some dense granule proteins also use the alternate pathway. The BFA-induced compartment exhibits properties that are similar to the ER, but it is clearly distinct from the ER. We propose to call this new organelle the secondary ER of apicomplexa. This ER-like organelle is an early, if not the first, step in the export of Plasmodium proteins into the host erythrocyte.
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the β-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the β-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.
We studied the ligand-induced endocytosis of the yeast α-factor receptor Ste2p by immuno-electron microscopy. We observed and quantitated time-dependent loss of Ste2p from the plasma membrane of cells exposed to α-factor. This ligand-induced internalization of Ste2p was blocked in the well-characterized endocytosis-deficient mutant sac6Δ. We provide evidence that implicates furrow-like invaginations of the plasma membrane as the site of receptor internalization. These invaginations are distinct from the finger-like plasma membrane invaginations within actin cortical patches. Consistent with this, we show that Ste2p is not located within the cortical actin patch before and during receptor-mediated endocytosis. In wild-type cells exposed to α-factor we also observed and quantitated a time-dependent accumulation of Ste2p in intracellular, membrane-bound compartments. These compartments have a characteristic electron density but variable shape and size and are often located adjacent to the vacuole. In immuno-electron microscopy experiments these compartments labeled with antibodies directed against the rab5 homologue Ypt51p (Vps21p), the resident vacuolar protease carboxypeptidase Y, and the vacuolar H+-ATPase Vph1p. Using a new double-labeling technique we have colocalized antibodies against Ste2p and carboxypeptidase Y to this compartment, thereby identifying these compartments as prevacuolar late endosomes.
Resident membrane proteins of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are selectively retrieved from a prevacuolar/late endosomal compartment. Proper cycling of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p between the TGN and prevacuolar compartment depends on Vps35p, a hydrophilic peripheral membrane protein. In this study we use a temperature-sensitive vps35 allele to show that loss of Vps35p function rapidly leads to mislocalization of A-ALP, a model TGN membrane protein, to the vacuole. Vps35p is required for the prevacuolar compartment-to-TGN transport of both A-ALP and Vps10p. This was demonstrated by phenotypic analysis of vps35 mutant strains expressing A-ALP mutants lacking either the retrieval or static retention signals and by an assay for prevacuolar compartment-to-TGN transport. A novel vps35 allele was identified that was defective for retrieval of A-ALP but functional for retrieval of Vps10p. Moreover, several other vps35 alleles were identified with the opposite characteristics: they were defective for Vps10p retrieval but near normal for A-ALP localization. These data suggest a model in which distinct structural features within Vps35p are required for associating with the cytosolic domains of each cargo protein during the retrieval process.
Positively charged Nanogold (Nanoprobes, Stony Brook, NY) has been developed as a new marker to follow the endocytic pathway in yeast. Positively charged Nanogold binds extensively to the surface of yeast spheroplasts and is internalized in an energy-dependent manner. Internalization of gold is blocked in the end3 mutant. During a time course of incubation of yeast spheroplasts with positively charged Nanogold at 15°C, the gold was detected sequentially in small vesicles, a peripheral, vesicular/tubular compartment that we designate as an early endosome, a multivesicular body corresponding to the late endosome near the vacuole, and in the vacuole. Experiments examining endocytosis in the sec18 mutant showed an accumulation of positively charged Nanogold in approximately 30–50 nm diameter vesicles. These vesicles most likely represent the primary endocytic vesicles as no other intermediates were detected in the mutant cells, and they correspond in size to the first vesicles detected in wild-type spheroplasts at 15°C. These data lend strong support to the idea that the internalization step of endocytosis in yeast involves formation of small vesicles of uniform size from the plasma membrane.
Cytosolic and peroxisomal enzymes necessary for methanol assimilation are synthesized when Pichia pastoris is grown in methanol. Upon adaptation from methanol to a glucose environment, these enzymes are rapidly and selectively sequestered and degraded within the yeast vacuole. Sequestration begins when the vacuole changes shape and surrounds the peroxisomes. The opposing membranes then fuse, engulfing the peroxisome. In this study, we have characterized a mutant cell line (glucose-induced selective autophagy), gsa7, which is defective in glucose-induced selective autophagy of peroxisomes, and have identified the GSA7 gene. Upon glucose adaptation, gsa7 cells were unable to degrade peroxisomal alcohol oxidase. We observed that the peroxisomes were surrounded by the vacuole, but complete uptake into the vacuole did not occur. Therefore, we propose that GSA7 is not required for initiation of autophagy but is required for bringing the opposing vacuolar membranes together for homotypic fusion, thereby completing peroxisome sequestration. By sequencing the genomic DNA fragment that complemented the gsa7 phenotype, we have found that GSA7 encodes a protein of 71 kDa (Gsa7p) with limited sequence homology to a family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes, E1. The knockout mutant gsa7Δ had an identical phenotype to gsa7, and both mutants were rescued by an epitope-tagged Gsa7p (Gsa7-hemagglutinin [HA]). In addition, a GSA7 homolog, APG7, a protein required for autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was capable of rescuing gsa7. We have sequenced the human homolog of GSA7 and have shown many regions of identity between the yeast and human proteins. Two of these regions align to the putative ATP-binding domain and catalytic site of the family of ubiquitin activating enzymes, E1 (UBA1, UBA2, and UBA3). When either of these sites was mutated, the resulting mutants [Gsa7(ΔATP)-HA and Gsa7(C518S)-HA] were unable to rescue gsa7 cells. We provide evidence to suggest that Gsa7-HA formed a thio-ester linkage with a 25–30 kDa protein. This conjugate was not observed in cells expressing Gsa7(ΔATP)-HA or in cells expressing Gsa7(C518S)-HA. Our results suggest that this unique E1-like enzyme is required for homotypic membrane fusion, a late event in the sequestration of peroxisomes by the vacuole.
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Apg12p–Apg5p conjugating system is essential for autophagy. Apg7p is required for the conjugation reaction, because Apg12p is unable to form a conjugate with Apg5p in the apg7/cvt2 mutant. Apg7p shows a significant similarity to a ubiquitin-activating enzyme, Uba1p. In this article, we investigated the function of Apg7p as an Apg12p-activating enzyme. Hemagglutinin-tagged Apg12p was coimmunoprecipitated with c-myc–tagged Apg7p. A two-hybrid experiment confirmed the interaction. The coimmunoprecipitation was sensitive to a thiol-reducing reagent. Furthermore, a thioester conjugate of Apg7p was detected in a lysate of cells overexpressing both Apg7p and Apg12p. These results indicated that Apg12p interacts with Apg7p via a thioester bond. Mutational analyses of Apg7p suggested that Cys507 of Apg7p is an active site cysteine and that both the ATP-binding domain and the cysteine residue are essential for the conjugation of Apg7p with Apg12p to form the Apg12p–Apg5p conjugate. Cells expressing mutant Apg7ps, Apg7pG333A, or Apg7pC507A showed defects in autophagy and cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting of aminopeptidase I. These results indicated that Apg7p functions as a novel protein-activating enzyme necessary for Apg12p–Apg5p conjugation.
ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is thought to play a critical role in recruiting coatomer (COPI) to Golgi membranes to drive transport vesicle budding. Yeast strains harboring mutant COPI proteins exhibit defects in retrograde Golgi to endoplasmic reticulum protein transport and striking cargo-selective defects in anterograde endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi protein transport. To determine whether arf mutants exhibit similar phenotypes, the anterograde transport kinetics of multiple cargo proteins were examined in arf mutant cells, and, surprisingly, both COPI-dependent and COPI-independent cargo proteins exhibited comparable defects. Retrograde dilysine-mediated transport also appeared to be inefficient in the arf mutants, and coatomer mutants with no detectable anterograde transport defect exhibited a synthetic growth defect when combined with arf1Δ, supporting a role for ARF in retrograde transport. Remarkably, we found that early and medial Golgi glycosyltransferases localized to abnormally large ring-shaped structures. The endocytic marker FM4–64 also stained similar, but generally larger ring-shaped structures en route from the plasma membrane to the vacuole in arf mutants. Brefeldin A similarly perturbed endosome morphology and also inhibited transport of FM4–64 from endosomal structures to the vacuole. Electron microscopy of arf mutant cells revealed the presence of what appear to be hollow spheres of interconnected membrane tubules which likely correspond to the fluorescent ring structures. Together, these observations indicate that organelle morphology is significantly more affected than transport in the arf mutants, suggesting a fundamental role for ARF in regulating membrane dynamics. Possible mechanisms for producing this dramatic morphological change in intracellular organelles and its relation to the function of ARF in coat assembly are discussed.
We have addressed the mechanisms governing the activation and trafficking of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by analyzing constitutively active mating pheromone receptors (Ste2p and Ste3p) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Substitution of the highly conserved proline residue in transmembrane segment VI of these receptors causes constitutive signaling. This proline residue may facilitate folding of GPCRs into native, inactive conformations, and/or mediate agonist-induced structural changes leading to G protein activation. Constitutive signaling by mutant receptors is suppressed upon coexpression with wild-type, but not G protein coupling-defective, receptors. Wild-type receptors may therefore sequester a limiting pool of G proteins; this apparent “precoupling” of receptors and G proteins could facilitate signal production at sites where cell surface projections form during mating partner discrimination. Finally, rather than being expressed mainly at the cell surface, constitutively active pheromone receptors accumulate in post-endoplasmic reticulum compartments. This is in contrast to other defective membrane proteins, which apparently are targeted by default to the vacuole. We suggest that the quality-control mechanism that retains receptors in post-endoplasmic reticulum compartments may normally allow wild-type receptors to fold into their native, fully inactive conformations before reaching the cell surface. This may ensure that receptors do not trigger a response in the absence of agonist.