959 resultados para Ovos - Embalagens


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This article presents as main focus, a research where it was verified and it analyzed the found problems of usability during the manuscript of the plastic packings of 20 liters for agrotóxicos. On the basis of the raised theoretical data and in the diagnosised problems of usability in the field research, a Guide of Ergonomic Parameters for the Design elaborated itself or Redesign of the Packings Plastic for Agrotóxicos, contributing of practical form, accomplishes and ergonomic for the development of these packings.


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Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for subjective aspects of the interface between human beings and the products and systems that surround them, whether in the workplace or at home. This study addresses the association of age and the perception of difficulty during a simulation of opening process PET bottles for soft drinks. During the activities, the subjects exerted their maximum torque forces, trying to open five different models of these packages, and then they assigned scores for perception in a scale. The results indicate that for some models, there were differences between levels of perceived difficulty between age groups.


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The packaging often presents faults that difficult the communication between product and consumer. The aim of this research is to study the interaction between a group of elderly people with five food packagings, that being illinterpreted, can bring them health problems. The results of this study evidence the importance of ergonomics in graphic design for food packaging.


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Pós-graduação em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento - Tupã


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos de qualidade e de durabilidade dos ovos de duas diferentes linhagens de poedeiras, com dietas contendo aditivos artificiais ou naturais, em diferentes períodos de armazenamento. Foram quantificadas durante o armazenamento as variáveis perda de peso, pH da gema e albúmen, gravidade específica, índice de gema (IG) e foi realizada também classificação por peso e Unidade Haugh (UH). Os resultados foram avaliados segundo teste de Tukey (P≤0,05). As linhagens diferiram quanto à classificação extra dos ovos, com maior porcentagem para a Isa Brown. Os ovos obtidos das poedeiras Carijó apresentaram maior porcentagem de gema (Carijó 30,66 e Isa-Brown 24,55). O tempo de armazenamento fez com que a porcentagem de gema aumentasse nas duas linhagens (Carijó 30,66 tempo zero para 34,85 depois de 36 dias; e Isa- Brown de 24,55 para 27,48). As dietas com aditivos artificiais ou naturais não influenciaram a porcentagem de clara (% Clara 58,72 Controle; 59,52 Aditivo; 60,11 Urucum 1,5%; 59,43 e de gema %Gema 27,64 Controle; 27,90 Aditivo; 27,21 Urucum 1,5%; 27,66 Urucum 2%). O pH da clara diferiu entre os tratamentos no tempo inicial e aos 36 dias de armazenamento, mas o pH da gema não diferiu durante todo o armazenamento. O índice de gema diferiu nos tempos de armazenamento, mas não diferiu considerando os tratamentos. Em dietas com aditivos artificiais ou naturais, as linhagens e os tempos de armazenamento influenciam na qualidade e durabilidade dos ovos.