445 resultados para Organelles


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The objective of the present study was to characterize ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles of buffalo fetus in different ages of gestation. For this, 29 fetuses were collected from a slaughterhouse (Frigol, Brazil) and crown-rump lengths were measured to estimate the fetal age (0-3, 4-6, 7-10 months of gestation). The ovaries were removed and ovarian tissue was processed for classic histology and transmission eletron microscopy examination. The structural evaluation demonstrated that in the first period of the gestation (0-3 months) the buffalo fetus showed ovogones (in mitotic division) and in some cases, the primary oocytes surrounded by somatic cells. In the second period (4-6 months), it was verified that the preantral follicles were completely formed. In the last period (70 month to the end of gestation) the ovaries contained a large amount of preantral follicles, and in some fetuses, antral follicles were observed. The ultrastructural analysis of the ovogones, primary oocytes and preantral follicles showed that these cells have few organelles and the quantity of mitochondria, endoplasmatic reticulum and apparatus Golgi complex is increased as the germinative cells passing from one stage to another.


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The characteristics of the lining and glandular epithelial types of the wall of the stomach of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887) were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Columnar mucous cells were observed in the lining epithelial surface and the glandular epithelium that invaginated in the lamina propria showed secretory cells or oxyntopeptic cells as called by some authors in the literature. The columnar epithelial cells are narrow and show a basal nucleus. They are rich in organelles and contain secretory granules of round or rectangular shape heterogeneously electron dense in the apical portion. In the basal region of the glands there are secretory cells. The luminal half of these cells has abundant tubules (tubulo-vesicular system) that communicate with the external medium. Deeper basally in the cytoplasm there are the nucleus, mitochondria of various shapes and other scattered organelles.


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The RT of domestic quail from Italian variety showed mainly an albuginic pattern being represented by tortuous channels lined predominately by a simple cubic epithelium. RT channels extended along the testicular albuginea and penetrates into the epididymal region (ER) through its myoconnective matrix. Passageways were continuous to proximal efferent ducts of the ER. Epithelium lining ultrastructure of RT passageways showed some differences between the spring and the inactive phase at middle fall, concerning the quail testicular reproductive cycle. The features observed in RT epitheliocytes in fall were the low cytoplasmic electrodensity, paucity of supranuclear vesicles, which were abundant and variable in form and shape in spring, and some degenerative aspects of cell organelles mainly in ER lamellae. Moreover, presence of apical cytoplasmic extrusions were verified in the fall. No marked features were seen in the RT ultrastructure during the winter and summer comparatively to the active phase of spring.


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The ultrastructural characteristics and the morphometric evaluation of the different types of neurons present in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of the South American opossum (Didelphis albiventris) were studied. Four adult male animals were used and the neurons from cervical and lumbar DRG were removed and processed for histological and transmission electron microscopy observations. The morphometric data were obtained from serial sections stained by H/E and Masson's trichrome. The number of neurons in cervical and lumbar DRG was 22 300 and 31 000, respectively. About 68% of the cervical neurons and 62.5% of the lumbar neurons presented areas up to 1300 mu m(2) and were considered as the small neurons of the DRG. The ultrastructural observations revealed two morphological types of neurons: clear large neurons and dark small neurons. The nuclei of both cell types are spherical and the chromatin is disperse and rarefected. The cytoplasm of the dark small neuron is more electron dense and shows a regular distribution of small mitochondria and many rough reticulum cisterns in the periphery. A small Golgi apparatus was close to the nucleus and many disperse neurofilaments occupy most parts of the cytoplasm. Smooth reticulum cisterns are rare and lipofucsin-like inclusions are present at some points. In the clear large neurons, the organelles are homogenously scattered through the cytoplasm. The neurofilaments are close packed forming bundles and small mitochondria and rough reticulum cisterns are disperse. Lipofucsin-like inclusions are more frequent in these cells.


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Pearl glands are scattered throughout the lamina of developing leaves and rarely found on adult leaves of Piper regnellii (Piperaceae). The pearl gland is a bicellular secretory trichome composed of a short broad basal cell and a spatula-like, semiglobular apical cell. Four different stages of the pearl grand were determined during its ontogenesis: origin, pre-secretory, secretory and post-secretory. During the pre-secretory stage, mitochondria, ribosomes, dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids with electron dense inclusions were present in the cytoplasm of the apical cell. During the secretory stage, the most remarkable characteristics of the apical cell are the proliferation of dictyosomes and their vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and modified plastids. At this stage, electron-dense oil drops occur in the plastids as well as scattered within the cytoplasm, proteins and polysaccharides are seen in the plastids, vesicles, and vacuoles. Only polysaccharides are present in the periplasmic space, wall cavities, and on the surface of the apical cell. The polysaccharides are one of the main components of the mucilagenous exudate that covers the developing leaf structures. The apical cell of the senescing trichomes undergoes a progressive degeneration of its cellular components, the plastids being the first organelles to undergo lysis.


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This paper reports on a study of the zinc iodide-osmium tetroxide method (ZIO) applicability to formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde prefixed extrafloral nectary tissues of Citharexylum mirianthum Cham. (Verbenaceae). The ZIO solution impregnates the dictyosome stacks and adjacent vesicles, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, multivesicular bodies, and peroxisomes. The use of this method greatly facilitates the observation and recognition of organelles in each nectary region. it also allows the correlation between structure and function in nectariferous cells. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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The ultrastructural features and the plastid changes caused by sample preparation were studied in sieve elements of Panicum maximum leaves. Samples of expanded leaves, taken near the ligule region, were fixed and processed by common light and transmission electron microscopy methods. In mature sieve-tube elements, the protoplast is electron-translucent and plastids are the most frequent organelles. Mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum segments are also visible and occupy a parietal position within the cell. The plastids are globular and show electron-dense proteinaceous inclusions in the stroma. The protein crystals are predominantly cuneate, but thin crystalloids and amorphous and/or filamentous proteins also occur. The presence of intact plastids plus others in different phases of plastid envelope rupture were interpreted as evidence that this rupture is a normal event in response to injury. This plastid envelope rupture is possibly activated by the release of pressure in the sieve-tube element. After plastid membrane vesiculation, the stroma and the protein crystals are dispersed within the sieve-element ground cytoplasm. The vesicles originating from the plastid envelope move to one cell pole, while protein crystalloids move to the opposite pole and agglomerate in the sieve-plate region. Our findings indicate that these protein crystalloids, which deposit in the sieve plate, may act in sieve-plate pores occlusion, preventing the release of phloem sap, similar to the role of P-protein in dicotyledons. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ultrastructural characteristics of the organelles present in Serrasalmus spilopleura oogonia and oocytes undergoing primary growth were described in detail, considering its role in the nuclear and cytoplasmic metabolic processes that occur in these cell types. Even though these cells do not significantly differ from those similar to them that are found in other teleost groups, the analysis of their ultrastructure makes available new data on the reproductive biology of Characiformes. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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The morphophysiological changes that occur during oocyte primary growth in Serrasalmus spilopleura were studied using ultrastructural cytochemical techniques. In the previtellogenic oocytes endoplasmic reticulum components, Golgi complex cisternae and vesicles, lysosomes, multivesicular bodies and some electron-dense vesicles react to acid phosphatase (AcPase) detection. The endoplasmic reticulum components, Golgi complex cisternae and vesicles also react to osmium tetroxide and potassium iodide impregnation (KI). These structures, except for the Golgi complex cisternae, are strongly contrasted by osmium tetroxide and zinc iodide impregnation (ZIO). Some electron-dense vesicles are ZIO-stained, while microvesicles in the multivesicular bodies and other large isolated cytoplasmic vesicles are contrasted by KI. At primary oocyte growth, the activity of the endomembranous system and the proliferation of membranous organelles are intense. The biosynthetic pathway of the lysosomal proteins such as acid phosphatase, involves the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, vesicles with inactive hydrolytic enzymes and, finally, the lysosomes. The oocyte endomembranous system have reduction capacity and are involved in the metabolism of rich in SH groups. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The ultrastructure of Sorubim lima spermatogenesis during the premeiotic and meiotic periods was studied. Our observations showed that the germ cells in the cysts are connected by cytoplasmic bridges and the mitotic and meiotic divisions are slightly asynchronous, the first and the last spermatogonial generations differ in the cellular and nuclear volume, nucleolus, chromatin condensation, distribution, size, density, and shape of the mitochondria, presence of 'lamellae anulata', amount and dimension of the 'nuages', and movement of the centrioles. In addition to the nuclear prophase structures, the spermatocyte I shows changes in all other cellular organelles and elongated vesicles appear in the cytoplasm. The accentuated cytoplasmic density and thickened walled vesicles are morphological characteristics that differentiate spermatocytes II from the other germ cells in the cysts of Sorubim lima testis. (C) 1999 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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The mandibular glands of Hymenoptera are structures associated with the mandibles and constitute part of the salivary glands system. Histological studies in workers of Atta sexdens rubropilosa revealed that this gland contains two portions: a secretory and a storage portion or reservoir. Both portions are connected by means of canaliculi. The object of the present work was the study of the ultratructure of the mandibular glands of minima, media and soldier ant of A. s. rubropilosa by TEM techniques. The glands, in the three castes studied, possess a reservoir, constituted by a simple pavementous epithelium surrounded by the cuticular intima and the secretory portion is constituted by cells of rounded shape. The secretory cells, mainly of minima and soldier, were rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The media worker and soldier presented a large number of mitochondria, of varying shape. Well-developed Golgi complexes were also present in the soldiers. The secretory cells in minima, media and soldier were provided with collecting intracellular canaliculi, which were linked to the reservoir through the extracellular portion. The cytoplasm of the canaliculi-forming cell was poor in organelles. In the individuals of the three castes of A. s. rubropilosa, the presence of lipid secretion granules suggested, beyond the other functions, also a possible pheromonal action. The different roles executed by the different insect castes are directly dependent on the glandular products and, consequently, on the secretory cellular characteristics. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fat body of the diplopod Rhinocricus padbergi is located in two preferential areas of its body: a) immediately below the tegument, denominated parietal, and b) filling the body cavity, close to the viscera, mainly the ovaries and alimentary canal, denominated perivisceral.Ultrastructurally, its cells, the adipocytes, presented varied morphology and contained organelles indicating that they are cells that mainly produce and store lipids and proteins. The presence of cells similar to the oenocytes found in insects was observed for the first time in diplopods, associated to the fat body of R. padbergi. Our observations suggest that this tissue probably maintains activity cycles, since the presence of cells undergoing apoptosis was detected.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)