930 resultados para Operational standardization


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The REsearch on a CRuiser Enabled Air Transport Environment (RECREATE) project is considers the introduction and airworthiness of cruiser-feeder operations for civil aircraft. Cruiser-feeder operations are investigated as a promising pioneering idea for the air transport of the future. The soundness of the concept of cruiser-feeder operations for civil aircraft can be understood, taking air-to-air refueling operations as an example. For this example, a comprehensive estimate of the benefits can be made, which shows a fuel burn reduction potential and a CO2 emission reduction of 31% for a typical 6000 nautical miles flight with a payload of 250 passengers. This reduction potential is known to be large by any standard. The top level objective of the RECREATE project is to demonstrate on a preliminary design level that cruiser-feeder operations (as a concept to reduce fuel burn and CO2 emission levels) can be shown to comply with the airworthiness requirements for civil aircraft. The underlying Scientific and Technological (S&T) objectives are to determine and study airworthy operational concepts for cruiser-feeder operations, and to derive and quantify benefits in terms of CO2 emission reduction but also other benefits.

Work Package (WP) 3 has the objective to substantiate the assumed benefits of the cruiser/feeder operations through refined analysis and simulation. In this report, initial benefits evaluation of the initial RECREATE cruiser/feeder concepts is presented. The benefits analysis is conducted in delta mode, i.e. comparison is made with a baseline system. Since comparing different aircraft and air transport systems is never a trivial task, appropriate measures and metrics are defined and selected first. Non-dimensional parameters are defined and values for the baseline system derived.

The impact of cruiser/feeder operations such as air-to-air refueling are studied with respect to fuel-burn (or carbon-dioxide), noise and congestion. For this purpose, traffic simulations have been conducted.
Cruiser/feeder operations will have an impact on dispatch reliability as well. An initial assessment of the effect on dispatch reliability has been made and is reported.

Finally, a considerable effort has been made to create the infrastructure for economic delta analysis of the cruiser/feeder concept of operation. First results of the cost analysis have been obtained.


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The project REsearch on a CRuiser Enabled Air Transport Environment (RECREATE) is about the introduction and airworthiness of cruiser-feeder operations for civil aircraft. Cruiser-feeder operations are investigated as a promising pioneering idea for the air transport of the future.
The top level objective of the project is to demonstrate on a preliminary design level that cruiser-feeder operations (as a concept to reduce fuel burn and CO2 emission levels) can be shown to comply with the airworthiness requirements for civil aircraft. The project is funded through the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission. Work Package (WP) 1 has the objective to substantiate that viable and acceptable concepts for cruiser/feeder operations exist. In this deliverable the initial operational concept of the RECREATE cruiser/feeder is presented.


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The BDI architecture, where agents are modelled based on their beliefs, desires and intentions, provides a practical approach to develop large scale systems. However, it is not well suited to model complex Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems pervaded by uncertainty. In this paper we address this issue by extending the operational semantics of Can(Plan) into Can(Plan)+. We start by modelling the beliefs of an agent as a set of epistemic states where each state, possibly using a different representation, models part of the agent's beliefs. These epistemic states are stratified to make them commensurable and to reason about the uncertain beliefs of the agent. The syntax and semantics of a BDI agent are extended accordingly and we identify fragments with computationally efficient semantics. Finally, we examine how primitive actions are affected by uncertainty and we define an appropriate form of lookahead planning.


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A evolução observada nas redes de comunicações durante a última década traduziu-se na diversificação de serviços que utilizam a rede, no aumento das taxas de transferência e na massificação da utilização de serviços de acesso à Internet e de comunicações celulares. Durante esta década, várias organizações, das quais se destacam os operadores de telecomunicações, têm dedicado consideráveis esforços no sentido de definir e normalizar arquitecturas de redes de próxima geração. A principal característica deste tipo de rede reside no facto de possuir uma arquitectura modular capaz de fornecer serviços multimédia a clientes de uma rede de acesso com características tecnológicas heterogéneas. Os trabalhos de normalização das arquitecturas de rede NGN têm-se limitado, até ao momento, a especificar detalhes relativos ao funcionamento da rede não tendo ainda sido definida a arquitectura de gestão. Em termos de tecnologias de gestão de redes, foram propostos nas últimas duas décadas novos paradigmas de gestão, novos modelos de dados, novos protocolos de transporte e várias linguagens de definição de informação de gestão. Os modelos de dados têm vindo a ser enriquecidos, os protocolos são mais flexíveis e poderosos, as soluções de gestão oferecem interoperabilidade acrescida e as linguagens permitem definir formatos de configuração mais ricos. Simultaneamente tem crescido a complexidade das soluções de gestão, aumentado a sobrecarga causada pelo aumento de complexidade nos equipamentos bem como nas plataformas computacionais que suportam os sistemas de gestão. O presente trabalho propõe uma solução de gestão para redes NGN capaz de gerir os recursos de rede garantindo Qualidade de Serviço. A solução de gestão proposta inclui uma plataforma de execução de políticas que utiliza os eventos ocorridos na rede para empreender acções de configuração, autonomizando o processo de gestão. Inclui uma avaliação da complexidade de várias tecnologias de gestão estudando a sobrecarga causada pela tecnologia tanto no processo de gestão como na operação da rede. É ainda estudada a escalabilidade das várias tecnologias e analisado o seu comportamento num cenário da rede de um operador de telecomunicações. O trabalho propõe ainda uma metodologia de configuração integrada dos elementos de gestão, através de uma interface de configuração amigável para o administrador do sistema.


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Dissertação de Mestrado , Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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This study attempts to implement a hydrodynamic operational model which can ultimately be used for projecting oil spill dispersal patterns and also sewage, pollution and can also be used in wave forecasting. A two layer nested model was created using MOHID Water, which is powerful ocean modelling software. The first layer (father) is used to impose the boundary conditions for the second layer (son). This was repeated for two different wind dominant regimes, Easterly and Westerly winds respectively. A qualitative comparison was done between measured tidal data and the tidal output. Sea surface temperature was also qualitatively compared with the model’s results. The results from both simulations were analysed and compared to historical literature. The comparison was done at the surface layer, 100 metre depth and at 800m depth. In the surface layer the first simulation generated an upwelling event near Cape St. Vincent and within the Algarve. The second simulation generated a non-upwelling event within which the surface was flow reversed and the warm water mass was along the Algarve coastline and evening turning clockwise around Cape St. Vincent. At the 100 metre depth for both simulations, velocity vortexes were observed near Cape St. Vincent travelling northerly and southerly at various instances. At 800metre depth a strong oceanic flow was observed moving north westerly along the continental shelf.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Modelação), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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This paper proposes a method for analysing the operational complexity in supply chains by using an entropic measure based on information theory. The proposed approach estimates the operational complexity at each stage of the supply chain and analyses the changes between stages. In this paper a stage is identified by the exchange of data and/or material. Through analysis the method identifies the stages where the operational complexity is both generated and propagated (exported, imported, generated or absorbed). Central to the method is the identification of a reference point within the supply chain. This is where the operational complexity is at a local minimum along the data transfer stages. Such a point can be thought of as a ‘sink’ for turbulence generated in the supply chain. Where it exists, it has the merit of stabilising the supply chain by attenuating uncertainty. However, the location of the reference point is also a matter of choice. If the preferred location is other than the current one, this is a trigger for management action. The analysis can help decide appropriate remedial action. More generally, the approach can assist logistics management by highlighting problem areas. An industrial application is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the method.


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A new operationalmatrix of fractional integration of arbitrary order for generalized Laguerre polynomials is derived.The fractional integration is described in the Riemann-Liouville sense.This operational matrix is applied together with generalized Laguerre tau method for solving general linearmultitermfractional differential equations (FDEs).Themethod has the advantage of obtaining the solution in terms of the generalized Laguerre parameter. In addition, only a small dimension of generalized Laguerre operational matrix is needed to obtain a satisfactory result. Illustrative examples reveal that the proposedmethod is very effective and convenient for linear multiterm FDEs on a semi-infinite interval.