262 resultados para Oligomerization


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Glutamine is an essential nutrient for cancer cell proliferation, especially in the context of citric acid cycle anaplerosis. In this manuscript we present results that collectively demonstrate that, of the three major mammalian glutaminases identified to date, the lesser studied splice variant of the gene gls, known as Glutaminase C (GAC), is important for tumor metabolism. We show that, although levels of both the kidney-type isoforms are elevated in tumor vs. normal tissues, GAC is distinctly mitochondrial. GAC is also most responsive to the activator inorganic phosphate, the content of which is supposedly higher in mitochondria subject to hypoxia. Analysis of X-ray crystal structures of GAC in different bound states suggests a mechanism that introduces the tetramerization-induced lifting of a "gating loop" as essential for the phosphate-dependent activation process. Surprisingly, phosphate binds inside the catalytic pocket rather than at the oligomerization interface. Phosphate also mediates substrate entry by competing with glutamate. A greater tendency to oligomerize differentiates GAC from its alternatively spliced isoform and the cycling of phosphate in and out of the active site distinguishes it from the liver-type isozyme, which is known to be less dependent on this ion.


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Many pathways can be used to synthesize polythiophenes derivatives. The polycondensation reactions performed with organometallics are preferred since they lead to regioregular polymers (with high content of heat-to-tail coupling) which have enhanced conductivity and luminescence. However, these pathways have several steps; the reactants are highly moisture sensitive and expensive. On the other hand, the oxidative polymerization using FeCl3 is a one-pot reaction that requires less moisture sensitive reactants with lower cost, although the most common reaction conditions lead to polymers with low regioregularity. Here, we report that by changing the reaction conditions, such as FeCl3 addition rate and reaction temperature, poly-3-octylthiophenes with different the regioregularities can be obtained, reaching about 80% of heat-to-tail coupling. Different molar mass distributions and polydispersivities were obtained. The preliminary results suggest that the oxidative polymerization process could be improved to yield polythiophenes with higher regioregularity degree and narrower molar mass distributions by just setting some reaction conditions. We also verified that it is possible to solvent extract part of the lower regioregular fraction of the polymer further improving the regioregularity degree. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012


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Intracellular pattern recognition receptors such as the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors family members are key for innate immune recognition of microbial infection and may play important roles in the development of inflammatory diseases, including rheumatic diseases. In this study, we evaluated the role of NOD1 and NOD2 on development of experimental arthritis. Ag-induced arthritis was generated in wild-type, NOD1(-/-)!, NOD2(-/-), or receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 2(-/-) (RIPK2(-/-)) immunized mice challenged intra-articularly with methylated BSA. Nociception was determined by electronic Von Frey test. Neutrophil recruitment and histopathological analysis of proteoglycan lost was evaluated in inflamed joints. Joint levels of inflammatory cytokine/chemokine were measured by ELISA. Cytokine (IL-6 and IL-23) and NOD2 expressions were determined in mice synovial tissue by RT-PCR. The NOD2(-/-) and RIPK2(-/-), but not NOD1(-/-), mice are protected from Ag-induced arthritis, which was characterized by a reduction in neutrophil recruitment, nociception, and cartilage degradation. NOD2/RIPK2 signaling impairment was associated with a reduction in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines (TNF, IL-1 beta, and CXCL1/KC). IL-17 and IL-17 triggering cytokines (IL-6 and IL-23) were also reduced in the joint, but there is no difference in the percentage of CD4(+) IL-17(+) cells in the lymph node between arthritic wild-type and NOD2(-/-) mice. Altogether, these findings point to a pivotal role of the NOD2/RIPK2 signaling in the onset of experimental arthritis by triggering an IL-17-dependent joint immune response. Therefore, we could propose that NOD2 signaling is a target for the development of new therapies for the control of rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 188: 5116-5122.


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Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is an important protein of the innate immune system and protects the body against infection through opsonization and activation of the complement system on surfaces with an appropriate presentation of carbohydrate ligands. The quaternary structure of human MBL is built from oligomerization of structural units into polydisperse complexes typically with three to eight structural units, each containing three lectin domains. Insight into the connection between the structure and ligand-binding properties of these oligomers has been lacking. In this article, we present an analysis of the binding to neoglycoprotein-coated surfaces by size-fractionated human MBL oligomers studied with small-angle x-ray scattering and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. The MBL oligomers bound to these surfaces mainly in two modes, with dissociation constants in the micro to nanomolar order. The binding kinetics were markedly influenced by both the density of ligands and the number of ligand-binding domains in the oligomers. These findings demonstrated that the MBL-binding kinetics are critically dependent on structural characteristics on the nanometer scale, both with regard to the dimensions of the oligomer, as well as the ligand presentation on surfaces. Therefore, our work suggested that the surface binding of MBL involves recognition of patterns with dimensions on the order of 10-20 nm. The recent understanding that the surfaces of many microbes are organized with structural features on the nanometer scale suggests that these properties of MBL ligand recognition potentially constitute an important part of the pattern-recognition ability of these polyvalent oligomers. The Journal of Immunology, 2012, 188: 1292-1306.


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Abstract Background Signaling by the vitamin A-derived morphogen retinoic acid (RA) is required at multiple steps of cardiac development. Since conversion of retinaldehyde to RA by retinaldehyde dehydrogenase type II (ALDH1A2, a.k.a RALDH2) is critical for cardiac development, we screened patients with congenital heart disease (CHDs) for genetic variation at the ALDH1A2 locus. Methods One-hundred and thirty-three CHD patients were screened for genetic variation at the ALDH1A2 locus through bi-directional sequencing. In addition, six SNPs (rs2704188, rs1441815, rs3784259, rs1530293, rs1899430) at the same locus were studied using a TDT-based association approach in 101 CHD trios. Observed mutations were modeled through molecular mechanics (MM) simulations using the AMBER 9 package, Sander and Pmemd programs. Sequence conservation of observed mutations was evaluated through phylogenetic tree construction from ungapped alignments containing ALDH8 s, ALDH1Ls, ALDH1 s and ALDH2 s. Trees were generated by the Neighbor Joining method. Variations potentially affecting splicing mechanisms were cloned and functional assays were designed to test splicing alterations using the pSPL3 splicing assay. Results We describe in Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) the mutations Ala151Ser and Ile157Thr that change non-polar to polar residues at exon 4. Exon 4 encodes part of the highly-conserved tetramerization domain, a structural motif required for ALDH oligomerization. Molecular mechanics simulation studies of the two mutations indicate that they hinder tetramerization. We determined that the SNP rs16939660, previously associated with spina bifida and observed in patients with TOF, does not affect splicing. Moreover, association studies performed with classical models and with the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) design using single marker genotype, or haplotype information do not show differences between cases and controls. Conclusion In summary, our screen indicates that ALDH1A2 genetic variation is present in TOF patients, suggesting a possible causal role for this gene in rare cases of human CHD, but does not support the hypothesis that variation at the ALDH1A2 locus is a significant modifier of the risk for CHD in humans.


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NAIP5/NLRC4 (neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein 5/nucleotide oligomerization domain-like receptor family, caspase activation recruitment domain domain-containing 4) inflammasome activation by cytosolic flagellin results in caspase-1-mediated processing and secretion of IL-1β/IL-18 and pyroptosis, an inflammatory cell death pathway. Here, we found that although NLRC4, ASC, and caspase-1 are required for IL-1β secretion in response to cytosolic flagellin, cell death, nevertheless, occurs in the absence of these molecules. Cytosolic flagellin-induced inflammasome-independent cell death is accompanied by IL-1α secretion and is temporally correlated with the restriction of Salmonella Typhimurium infection. Despite displaying some apoptotic features, this peculiar form of cell death do not require caspase activation but is regulated by a lysosomal pathway, in which cathepsin B and cathepsin D play redundant roles. Moreover, cathepsin B contributes to NAIP5/NLRC4 inflammasome-induced pyroptosis and IL-1α and IL-1β production in response to cytosolic flagellin. Together, our data describe a pathway induced by cytosolic flagellin that induces a peculiar form of cell death and regulates inflammasome-mediated effector mechanisms of macrophages


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The peptidolytic enzyme THIMET-oligopeptidase (TOP) is able to act as a reducing agent in the peroxidase cycle of myoglobin (Mb) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The TOP-promoted recycling of the high valence states of the peroxidases to the respective resting form was accompanied by a significant decrease in the thiol content of the peptidolytic enzyme. EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) analysis using DBNBS spin trapping revealed that TOP also prevented the formation of tryptophanyl radical in Mb challenged by H2O2. The oxidation of TOP thiol groups by peroxidases did not promote the inactivating oligomerization observed in the oxidation promoted by the enzyme aging. These findings are discussed towards a possible occurrence of these reactions in cells.


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Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDA), is the most frequent form among Ectodermal Dysplasias, hereditary genetic disorders causing ectodermal appendages defective development. Indeed, EDA is characterized by defective formation of hair follicles, sweat glands and teeth both in human patients and animals. EDA, the gene mutated in Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, encodes Ectodysplasin, a TNF family member that activates NF-kB mediated transcription. This disease can occur with mutations in other EDA-NF-kB pathway members, as EDA receptor, EDAR and its adapter, EDARADD. Moreover, mutations in TRAF6, NEMO, IKB and NF-kBs genes are responsible for Immunodeficiency associated EDA (EDA-ID). Several molecules, as SHH, WNT/DKK, BMP and LTβ, have already been reported to be EDA pathway regulators or effectors although the knowledge of the full spectrum of EDA targets remains incomplete. During the first part of the research project a gene expression analysis was performed in primary keratinocytes from Wild-type and Tabby (EDA model mouse) mice to identify novel EDA target genes. Earlier expression profiling at various developmental time points in Tabby and Wild-type mouse skin reported genes differentially expressed in the two samples and, to increase the resolution to find genes whose expression may be restricted to epidermal cells, the study was extended to primary keratinocyte cultures established from E19 Wild-type and Tabby skin. Using microarrays bearing 44,000 gene probes, we found 385 “preliminary candidate” genes whose expression was significantly affected by Eda defect. By comparing expression profiles to those from Eda-A1 (where Eda-A1 is highly expressed) transgenic skin, we restricted the list to 38 “candidate EDA targets”, 14 of which were already known to be expressed in hair follicles or epidermis. This work confirmed expression changes for 3 selected genes, Tbx1, Bmp7, and Jag1, both in primary keratinocytes and in Wild-type and Tabby whole skin, by Q-PCR and Western blotting analyses. Thus, this study detected novel candidate pathways downstream of EDA. In the second part of the research project, plasmid constructs were produced and analyzed to create a transgenic mouse model for Immunodeficiency associated EDA disease (XL-EDA-ID). In particular, plasmids containing mouse Wild-type and mutated Nemo cDNA under K-17 epidermis-specific promoter control and a Flag tag, were prepared, on the way to confine transgene expression to mice epidermis and to determine EDA phenotype without immunodeficiency for a comparison to Tabby model phenotype. EDA-ID mutations reported in patients and selected for this study are: C417R (C409R in mouse), causing Zinc Finger protein domain destabilization and A288G (A282G in mouse) affecting oligomerization of the protein. Moreover, the ex-novo mutation, ZnF, C-terminal Zinc Finger domain deletion, was tested. Thus, the constructs were analyzed by transient transfection, Western blotting and luciferase assays techniques, detecting Nemo Wild-type and mutant protein products and residue NF-kB activity in presence of mutants, after TNF stimulation. In particular, MEF_Nemo-/- cell line was used to monitor NF-kB activity without endogenous Nemo gene. Results show reduced NF-kB activity in presence of mutated Nemo forms compared to Wild-type: 81% for A282G (A288G in human); 24% for C409R (C417R in human); 15% for ZnF. C409R mutation (C417R in human), reported in 6 EDA-ID human patients, was selected to prepare transgenic model mouse. Mice (white, FVP) born following K17-promoter-Flag-Nemo_C409R plasmid region pronuclear injection, were analyzed for the transgene presence in the genotype and a preliminar examination of their phenotype was performed. In particular, one mouse showed considerable coat defects if compared to Wild-type mice. This preliminar analysis suggests a possible influence of Nemo mutant over-expression in epidermis without immunodeficiency. Still, more microscopic studies to analyze hair subtypes, Guard, Awl and Zigzag (usually alterated inTabby mouse model), Immunohistochemistry experiments to detect epidermis restricted Nemo expression and sweat glands analysis, will follow. This and other transgene positive mice will be crossed with black mice C57BL6 to obtain at least two indipendent agouti lines to analyze. Theses mice will be used in EDA target genes detection through microarrays. Following, plasmid constructs containing other Nemo mutant forms (A282G and ZnF) might be studied by the same experimental approaches to prepare more transgenic model mice to compare to Nemo_C409R and Tabby mouse models.


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The aim of my dissertation is to provide new knowledge and applications of microfluidics in a variety of problems, from materials science, devices, and biomedicine, where the control on the fluid dynamics and the local concentration of the solutions containing the relevant molecules (either materials, precursors, or biomolecules) is crucial. The control of interfacial phenomena occurring in solutions at dierent length scales is compelling in nanotechnology for devising new sensors, molecular electronics devices, memories. Microfluidic devices were fabricated and integrated with organic electronics devices. The transduction involves the species in the solution which infills the transistor channel and confined by the microfluidic device. This device measures what happens on the surface, at few nanometers from the semiconductor channel. Soft-lithography was adopted to fabricate platinum electrodes, starting from platinum carbonyl precursor. I proposed a simple method to assemble these nanostructures in periodic arrays of microstripes, and form conductive electrodes with characteristic dimension of 600 nm. The conductivity of these sub-microwires is compared with the values reported in literature and bulk platinum. The process is suitable for fabricating thin conductive patterns for electronic devices or electrochemical cells, where the periodicity of the conductive pattern is comparable with the diusion length of the molecules in solution. The ordering induced among artificial nanostructures is of particular interest in science. I show that large building blocks, like carbon nanotubes or core-shell nanoparticles, can be ordered and self-organised on a surface in patterns due to capillary forces. The eective probability of inducing order with microfluidic flow is modeled with finite element calculation on the real geometry of the microcapillaries, in soft-lithographic process. The oligomerization of A40 peptide in microconfined environment represents a new investigation of the extensively studied peptide aggregation. The added value of the approach I devised is the precise control on the local concentration of peptides together with the possibility to mimick cellular crowding. Four populations of oligomers where distinguished, with diameters ranging from 15 to 200 nm. These aggregates could not be addresses separately in fluorescence. The statistical analysis on the atomic force microscopy images together with a model of growth reveal new insights on the kinetics of amyloidogenesis as well as allows me to identify the minimum stable nucleus size. This is an important result owing to its implications in the understanding and early diagnosis and therapy of the Alzheimer’s disease


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In the present study we analyzed new neuroprotective therapeutical strategies in PD (Parkinson’s disease) and AD (Alzheimer’s disease). Current therapeutic strategies for treating PD and AD offer mainly transient symptomatic relief but it is still impossible to block the loss of neuron and then the progression of PD and AD. There is considerable consensus that the increased production and/or aggregation of α- synuclein (α-syn) and β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), plays a central role in the pathogenesis of PD, related synucleinopathies and AD. Therefore, we identified antiamyloidogenic compounds and we tested their effect as neuroprotective drug-like molecules against α-syn and β-amyloid cytotoxicity in PC12. Herein, we show that two nitro-catechol compounds (entacapone and tolcapone) and 5 cathecol-containing compounds (dopamine, pyrogallol, gallic acid, caffeic acid and quercetin) with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, are potent inhibitors of α-syn and β-amyloid oligomerization and fibrillization. Subsequently, we show that the inhibition of α-syn and β-amyloid oligomerization and fibrillization is correlated with the neuroprotection of these compounds against the α-syn and β-amyloid-induced cytotoxicity in PC12. Finally, we focused on the study of the neuroprotective role of microglia and on the possibility that the neuroprotection properties of these cells could be use as therapeutical strategy in PD and AD. Here, we have used an in vitro model to demonstrate neuroprotection of a 48 h-microglial conditioned medium (MCM) towards cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) challenged with the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), which induces a Parkinson-like neurodegeneration, with Aβ42, which induces a Alzheimer-like neurodegeneration, and glutamate, involved in the major neurodegenerative diseases. We show that MCM nearly completely protects CGNs from 6-OHDA neurotoxicity, partially from glutamate excitotoxicity but not from Aβ42 toxin.


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Hämocyanine sind große, multimere Sauerstofftransport- proteine, die frei gelöst in der Hämolymphe von Arthropoden und Mollusken vorkommen.Zur Charakterisierung verschiedener Arthropoden-hämocyanine wurden deren molare Massen bestimmt. Die mit einer Vielwinkel-Laser-Lichtstreuapparatur ermittelten Molekulargewichte zeigten eine grosse Schwankungsbreite. Dies konnte auf Ungenauigkeiten der zur Berechnung der Molekulargewichte verwendeten spezifischen Extinktions- koeffizienten und Brechungsindex-Inkremente zurückgeführt werden.Mit der Methode der Massenspektrometrie (MALDI-TOF) bestimmte Molekulargewichte einzelner Untereinheiten des Hämocyanins der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum zeigten eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung mit aus der Sequenz errechneten Werten.Für das 24-mere Spinnenhämocyanin von Eurypelma californicum wurde die Stabilität gegenüber GdnHCl und der Temperatur auf den verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen des Proteins untersucht.Viele Stabilitätsuntersuchungen werden an kleinen Proteinen durchgeführt, deren Entfaltung kooperativerfolgt. Bei größeren Proteinen mit unterschiedlichen strukturellen Bereichen (Domänen) ist der Entfaltungs-prozess weitaus komplexer. Ziel war es, durch die Denaturierung des Spinnen-Hämocyanins Erkenntnisse über die Stabilität und Entfaltung der verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen eines so großen Proteinkomplexes zu gewinnen.Ein wichtiges Charakteristikum für die Interpretation der Entfaltungsexperimente ist die starke Löschung der Tryptophanfluoreszenz im oxygenierten Spinnen-Hämocyanin. Die Löschung kann vollständig durch Förster-Transfer erklärt werden kann. Sie bleibt auf die einzelnen Untereinheiten beschränkt und stellt somit ein reines O2-Beladungssignal dar.Unter Einwirkung von GdnHCl dissoziiert das native, 24-mere Spinnen-Hämocyanin ohne die Entstehung langlebiger Inter- mediate. Die Untereinheiten werden durch das Oligomer stabilisiert. Die Entfaltung eines Monomers, der Unter- einheit e, folgt einer Hierarchie der verschiedenen strukturellen Ebenen des Moleküls. Die Entfaltung beginnt zunächst von außen mit der Auflockerung der Tertiärstruktur. Der Kern von Domäne II mit dem aktiven Zentrum weist hingegen eine besondere Stabilität auf.Die ausgeprägte Hitzestabilität des Eurypelma-Hämocyanins hängt vom Oligomerisierungsgrad, dem verwendeten Puffer und dessen Ausgangs-pH-Wert ab und spiegelt offensichtlich die extremen Lebensbedingungen im Habitat wider.


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Zusammenfassung Kooperativität bei Atmungsproteinen bedeutet eine Änderung der O2-Affinität während der Beladung mit O2 und läßt sich durch die Wechselbeziehung zwischen O2-Beladung und Konformation beschreiben. In dieser Arbeit wurde das 24-mere Hämocyanin der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum bzgl. Beladung und Konformationen sowohl auf der Ensemble- wie auch auf der Einzel-Molekül-Ebene charakterisiert. EnsembleDie Bindung von O2 an Hämocyanine ist mit einer drastischen Abnahme der Fluoreszenz-Quantenausbeute verbunden. Durch Vergleich von theoretisch und experimentell bestimmten Quantenausbeuten konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Löschung auf Förster-Transfer zurückzuführen ist, und daß kein Einfluß der Oligomerisierung, Protein-Konformation, Beweglichkeit oder Tierart besteht. Die Konformation von Hämocyaninen konnte mit Crosslinkern im oxy- und deoxy-Zustand fixiert werden. Die Charakterisierung der Produkte führte zu einer neuen Vorstellung, wie unterschiedliche Affinitäten realisiert sein können. Hierbei kommt der Dynamik der Protein-Matrix eine entscheidende Rolle zu. Einzel-MoleküleMittels Zwei-Photonen-Anregung konnten erstmalig einzelne Proteine über ihre intrinsische Tryptophan-Fluoreszenz nachgewiesen werden. Zum einen gelang es, Modellsysteme mit nur 340 Trp abzubilden, andererseits konnte die Diffusion einzelner Hämocyanine (148 Trp) mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenz-Korrelationsspektroskopie nachgewiesen werden.Einzelne Hämocyanine konnten durch Adsorption und mildes Eintrocknen an verschiedenen Oberflächen immobilisiert werden. Mittels Atomarer Kraft-Mikroskopie (AFM) ließen sich individuelle Hämocyanine abgebilden, wobei Details der Quarärstruktur aufgelöst werden konnten.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Pigmentbindung verschiedener Pflanzenproteine untersucht, um daraus Rückschlüsse auf ihre Funktion zu ziehen. PsbS, die S-Untereinheit des Photosystems II, konnte mit Pigmenten isoliert werden. Es wurde kein Hinweis auf eine spezifische Wechselwirkung der Chromophore gefunden, Ergebnisse wie pigmentabhängig stärkere Helixbildung unterstützen jedoch die Vermutung, PsbS fungiere als transienter Pigmentcarrier. Die Sequenzverwandten OHP, Sep1 und Sep2 binden entweder keine Pigmente oder nur so schwach, dass eine Bindung mit den verwendeten Methoden nicht nachweisbar ist.WSCP aus Blumenkohl ist ein wasserlösliches chlorophyllbindendes Protein mit unbekannter Funktion. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein rekombinantes WSCP mit N-terminal angehängtem His-Tag hergestellt und überexprimiert. WSCP-his tetramerisiert pigmentabhängig und bindet Chlorophylle, nicht aber Carotinoide. In seinen biochemischen und spektroskopischen Eigenschaften gleicht das rekombinante dem nativen WSCP und kann als Werkzeug für Untersuchungen zur Funktion herangezogen werden. Rekonstitutionsexperimente mit Chlorophyll-Derivaten zeigten, dass der Phytolrest für die Oligomerisierung des Proteins verantwortlich ist. WSCP bindet außerdem die Chlorophyll-Vorstufen Chlorophyllid und Mg-Protoporphyrin IX. Es könnte sich um ein Carrierprotein handeln, welches die Vorstufen von der Chloroplastenhülle durch das Stroma zur Thylakoidmembran transportiert. Der Fall eines chlorophyllbindenden Pflanzenproteins ohne Carotinoide ist einmalig. Messungen zu Photostabilität und Singulettsauerstoffbildung zeigten, dass es dennoch gebundenes Chlorophyll vor photooxidativer Schädigung schützt.


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The research interest of this study is to investigate surface immobilization strategies for proteins and other biomolecules by the surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) technique. The recrystallization features of the S-layer proteins and the possibility of combining the S-layer lattice arrays with other functional molecules make this protein a prime candidate for supramolecular architectures. The recrystallization behavior on gold or on the secondary cell wall polymer (SCWP) was recorded by SPR. The optical thicknesses and surface densities for different protein layers were calculated. In DNA hybridization tests performed in order to discriminate different mismatches, recombinant S-layer-streptavidin fusion protein matrices showed their potential for new microarrays. Moreover, SCWPs coated gold chips, covered with a controlled and oriented assembly of S-layer fusion proteins, represent an even more sensitive fluorescence testing platform. Additionally, S-layer fusion proteins as the matrix for LHCII immobilization strongly demonstrate superiority over routine approaches, proving the possibility of utilizing them as a new strategy for biomolecular coupling. In the study of the SPFS hCG immunoassay, the biophysical and immunological characteristics of this glycoprotein hormone were presented first. After the investigation of the effect of the biotin thiol dilution on the coupling efficiently, the interfacial binding model including the appropriate binary SAM structure and the versatile streptavidin-biotin interaction was chosen as the basic supramolecular architecture for the fabrication of a SPFS-based immunoassay. Next, the affinity characteristics between different antibodies and hCG were measured via an equilibrium binding analysis, which is the first example for the titration of such a high affinity interaction by SPFS. The results agree very well with the constants derived from the literature. Finally, a sandwich assay and a competitive assay were selected as templates for SPFS-based hCG detection, and an excellent LOD of 0.15 mIU/ml was attained via the “one step” sandwich method. Such high sensitivity not only fulfills clinical requirements, but is also better than most other biosensors. Fully understanding how LHCII complexes transfer the sunlight energy directionally and efficiently to the reaction center is potentially useful for constructing biomimetic devices as solar cells. After the introduction of the structural and the spectroscopic features of LHCII, different surface immobilization strategies of LHCII were summarized next. Among them the strategy based on the His-tag and the immobilized metal (ion) affinity chromatography (IMAC) technique were of great interest and resulted in different kinds of home-fabricated His-tag chelating chips. Their substantial protein coupling capacity, maintenance of high biological activity and a remarkably repeatable binding ability on the same chip after regeneration was demonstrated. Moreover, different parameters related to the stability of surface coupled reconstituted complexes, including sucrose, detergent, lipid, oligomerization, temperature and circulation rate, were evaluated in order to standardize the most effective immobilization conditions. In addition, partial lipid bilayers obtained from LHCII contained proteo-liposomes fusion on the surface were observed by the QCM technique. Finally, the inter-complex energy transfer between neighboring LHCIIs on a gold protected silver surface by excitation with a blue laser (λ = 473nm) was recorded for the first time, and the factors influencing the energy transfer efficiency were evaluated.


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Das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert die Expression der Gene der anaeroben Fumaratatmung in E. coli in Abhängigkeit von externen C4-Dicarbonsäuren. Die membranständige Histidinkinase DcuS detektiert den Reiz und leitet ihn über die Membran an den Responseregulaor DcuR weiter, der die Aktivität der Zielgene reguliert. Das Substratspektrum von DcuS wurde näher untersucht und strukturelle Eigenschaften der Substrate sowie ihre Affinität zu DcuS bestimmt. Es wird vermutet, dass Histidinkinasen im aktiven Zustand als Dimere oder höhere Oligomere vorliegen. Der Oligomerisierungszustand von DcuS in der Membran wurde mittels EPR-Spektroskopie untersucht. Es wurden funktionelle Cysteinmutanten von DcuS hergestellt, die nur an bestimmten Positionen der periplasmatischen Domäne Cysteinreste, aber sonst keine weiteren Cysteinreste, enthielten. Die Proteine wurden isoliert, über die Cysteinreste mit Nitroxiden markiert und in Liposomen rekonstituiert. Erste EPR-Messungen zeigten, dass rekonstituiertes DcuS in einem geordneten Zustand in der Membran vorliegt, der diskrete Abstände zwischen den Monomeren aufweist. Die Struktur von rekonstituiertem DcuS in der Membran soll durch Festkörper-NMR aufgeklärt werden. Ein geeignetes C-terminal verkürztes Konstrukt, DcuS-PD/PAS wurde zu diesem Zweck hergestellt. Das Protein ließ sich in hoher Reinheit isolieren und konnte wieder in Liposomen rekonstituiert werden. Vorbereitende NMR-Messungen zeigten, dass eine Strukturaufklärung an diesem Protein möglich ist. Weitere Strukturuntersuchungen werden zur Zeit durchgeführt.