833 resultados para Oldenlandia Affinis
These data sets report the fossil beetle assemblages identified from the Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age at eight sites in the London region. All but one of the study sites are within 2 km of the modern course of the Thames. The sites produced 128 faunal assemblages that yielded 218 identified species in 41 families of Coleoptera (beetles). Beetle faunas of Mesolithic age indicate extensive wetlands near the Thames, bordered by rich deciduous woodlands. The proportion of woodland species declined in the Neolithic, apparently because of the expansion of wetlands, rather than because of human activities. The Early Bronze Age faunas contained a greater proportion of coniferous woodland and aquatic (standing water) species. An increase in the dung beetle fauna indicates the presence of sheep, cattle and horses, and various beetles associated with crop lands demonstrate the local rise of agriculture, albeit several centuries after the beginnings of farming in other regions of Britain. Late Bronze Age faunas show the continued development of agriculture and animal husbandry along the lower Thames. About 33% of the total identified beetle fauna from the London area sites have limited modern distributions or are extinct in the U.K. Some of these species are associated with the dead wood found in primeval forests; others are wetland species whose habitat has been severely reduced in recent centuries. The third group is stream-dwelling beetles that require clean, clear waters and river bottoms.
Sparse to moderately abundant foraminiferal assemblages from Oligocene and Lower Miocene sediments in the CRP-2/2A drillhole contain C.27 genera and 42 species of calcareous benthic foraminifera. No planktic or agglutinated taxa were observed. On the basis of their faunal characteristics, four Foraminiferal Units are defined in drillhole succession: Foraminiferal Unit I (26.91-193.95 mbsf), mostly sparse assemblages with Elphidium magellanicum and Cribroelphidium sp.; Foraminiferal Unit II (193.95-342.42 mbsf), mostly moderately abundant assemblages with Cassidulinoides aequilatera and Eponides bradyi; Foraminiferal Unit III (342.42-486.19 mbsf), moderately abundant to sparse assemblages characterised by Cassidulinoides chapmani and Stainforthia sp.; and Foraminiferal Unit IV, Improverished (486.19-624.15, total depth, mbsf), with mostly barren residues, but with large Milioliidae recorded in situ at various horizons in the drill core. Foraminiferal Units I-IV lack taxa allowing correlation to standard zonal schemes. Inspection of faunal records from CIROS-1 and DSDP 270 indicates that, although the faunas show an overall similarity, CRP-2/2A Foraminiferal Units I-IV are not identifiable at these sites. The units are therefore most likely to reflect local environmental changes, and probably will prove useful for local correlation, but their lateral extent is undetermined. All four assemblages apparently represent various glacially-influenced shelf environments, and appear to reflect a long term deepening trend from Units IV to II, from perhaps inner to mid or outer-shelf depths, followed by a return to shallower, inner shelf, conditios for Unit I.
Samples collected at two different depths (ca. 3200 and ca. 4200 m) in the Setúbal and Cascais canyons off the Portuguese coast, during the HERMES RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD179, were analysed for (1) sediment biogeochemistry (TOC, TN) and (2) composition, and structural and trophic diversity of nematode communities. Multivariate PERMANOVA analysis on the nematode community data revealed differences between sediment layers that were greater than differences between canyons, water depths, and stations. This suggests that biogeochemical gradients along the vertical sediment profile are crucial in determining nematode community structure. The interaction between canyon conditions and the nematode community is illustrated by biogeochemical patterns in the sediment and the prevalence of nematode genera that are able to persist in disturbed sediments. Trophic analysis of the nematode community indicated that non-selective deposit feeders are dominant, presumably because of their non-selective feeding behaviour compared to other feeding types, which gives them a competitive advantage in exploiting lower-quality food resources. This study presents a preliminary conceptual scheme for interactions between canyon conditions and the resident fauna.
Samples collected in the deep Nazaré Canyon and at the adjacent slope, during the HERMES RRS Discovery D297 cruise (2005), were analysed for metazoan meiofauna, nematode structure and diversity and its relation to quality and quantity of sedimentary organic material. The amount and quality of organic matter available for direct consumption was much higher in the canyon compared to the slope and positively correlated with high nematode abundances (795-1171 ind. 10 cm**-2) and biomass (93.2-343.5 µg dry weight 10 cm**-2), thus leading to higher standing stocks. Canyon nematode assemblages also showed particular adaptations (e.g. higher trophic complexity, variability of nematode morphology, and presence of opportunistic genera) to canyon conditions, particularly in the deeper sediment layers. The Nazaré Canyon's nematode diversity was slightly lower than that of the adjacent slope and its assemblages were characterised by a higher dominance of certain genera. Still, the canyon contributes considerably to total Western Iberian Margin diversity due to different assemblages present compared to the slope. Furthermore, the harsh conditions in terms of hydrodynamic disturbance and the high organic matter flux are likely to have a negative impact on the establishment of species rich meiobenthic communities, especially in the canyon axis.
The Gollum Channels and Whittard Canyon (NE Atlantic) are two areas that receive high input of organic matter and phytodetritus from euphotic layers, but they are typified by different trophic and hydrodynamic conditions. Sediment biogeochemistry was analysed in conjunction with structure and diversity of the nematode community and differences were tested between study areas, water depths (700 m vs 1000 m), stations, and sediment layers. The Gollum Channels and Whittard Canyon harboured high meiofauna abundances (1054-1426 ind. 10 cm**-2) and high nematode diversity (total of 181 genera). Next to enhanced meiofauna abundance and nematode biomass, there were signs of high levels of organic matter deposition leading to reduced sedimentary conditions, which in turn structured the nematode community. Striking in this respect was the presence of large numbers of 'chemosynthetic' Astomonema nematodes (Astomonema southwardorum, Order Monhysterida, Family Siphonolaimidae). This genus lacks a mouth, buccal cavity and pharynx and possesses a rudimentary gut containing internal, symbiotic prokaryotes which have been recognised as sulphur-oxidising bacteria. Dominance of Astomonema may indicate the presence of reduced environments in the study areas, which is partially confirmed by the local biogeochemical environment. The nematode communities were mostly affected by sediment layer differences and concomitant trophic conditions rather than other spatial gradients related to study area, water depth or station differences, pointing to small-scale heterogeneity as the main source of variation in nematode structure and function. Furthermore, the positive relation between nematode standing stocks, and quantity and quality of the organic matter was stronger when hydrodynamic disturbance was greater. Analogically, this study also suggests that structural diversity can be positively correlated with trophic conditions and that this relation is tighter when hydrodynamic disturbance is greater.
Submarine canyon systems provide a heterogeneous habitat for deep-sea benthos in terms of topography, hydrography, and the quality and quantity of organic matter present. Enhanced meiofauna densities as found in organically enriched canyon sediments suggest that nematodes, as the dominant metazoan meiobenthic taxon, may play an important role in the benthic food web of these sediments. Very little is known about the natural diets and trophic biology of deep-sea nematodes, but enrichment experiments can shed light on nematode feeding selectivity and trophic position. An in-situ pulse-chase experiment (Feedex) was performed in the Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese margin in summer 2007 to study nematode feeding behaviour. 13C-labelled diatoms and bacteria were added to sediment cores which were then sampled over a 14-day period. There was differential uptake by the nematode community of the food sources provided, indicating selective feeding processes. 13C isotope results revealed that selective feeding was less pronounced at the surface, compared to the sediment subsurface. This was supported by a higher trophic diversity in surface sediments compared to the subsurface, implying that more food items may be used by the nematode community at the sediment surface. Predatory and scavenging nematodes contributed relatively more to biomass than other feeding types and can be seen as key contributors to the nematode food web at the canyon site. Non-selective deposit feeding nematodes were the dominant trophic group in terms of abundance and contributed substantially to total nematode biomass. The high levels of 'fresh' (bioavailable) organic matter input and moderate hydrodynamic disturbance of the canyon environment lead to a more complex trophic structure in canyon nematode communities than that found on the open continental slope, and favours predator/scavengers and non-selective deposit feeders.
How organisms may adapt to rising global temperatures is uncertain, but concepts can emerge from studying adaptive physiological trait variations across existing spatial climate gradients. Many ectotherms, particularly fish, have evolved increasing genetic growth capacities with latitude (i.e. countergradient variation (CnGV) in growth), which are thought to be an adaptation primarily to strong gradients in seasonality. In contrast, evolutionary responses to gradients in mean temperature are often assumed to involve an alternative mode, 'thermal adaptation'. We measured thermal growth reaction norms in Pacific silverside populations (Atherinops affinis) occurring across a weak latitudinal temperature gradient with invariant seasonality along the North American Pacific coast. Instead of thermal adaptation, we found novel evidence for CnGV in growth, suggesting that CnGV is a ubiquitous mode of reaction-norm evolution in ectotherms even in response to weak spatial and, by inference, temporal climate gradients. A novel, large-scale comparison between ecologically equivalent Pacific versus Atlantic silversides (Menidia menidia) revealed how closely growth CnGV patterns reflect their respective climate gradients. While steep growth reaction norms and increasing growth plasticity with latitude in M. menidia mimicked the strong, highly seasonal Atlantic coastal gradient, shallow reaction norms and much smaller, latitude-independent growth plasticity in A. affinis resembled the weak Pacific latitudinal temperature gradient.