926 resultados para Oil painting on copper


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O estudo objetivou avaliar translocação orgânica, índices fisiológicos da análise de crescimento e rendimento do óleo essencial de Mentha piperita L. cultivada em solução nutritiva com variação dos níveis de N, P, K e Mg. Assim, foram avaliados os quatro tratamentos contendo 50% N, P, K, 25% Mg; 50% N, P, K, Mg; 65%N, 50%P, 25%K, 100% Mg e 100% N, P, K, Mg. A translocação orgânica foi avaliada por meio da determinação da razão de massa foliar (RMF) e da distribuição de massa seca para os diferentes órgãos. Os índices fisiológicos razão de área foliar (RAF), área foliar específica (AFE), taxa assimilatória líquida (TAL) e taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR) derivadas que compõem a análise de crescimento foram estimados pelo programa ANACRES, após ajuste exponencial quadrático da área foliar e massa seca de lâminas foliares e total da planta em relação ao tempo. O rendimento do óleo essencial, em porcentagem, foi calculado após extração da parte aérea por hidrodestilação. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com nível completo de nutrientes (100%N/P/K/Mg) exportaram com menor eficiência o material orgânico a partir da folha e a RMF mostrou queda mais lenta, devido à retenção desse material por mais tempo no local de sua produção. Além disso, não apresentaram melhor produtividade e as curvas da TAL e TCR mostraram quedas mais lentas. As plantas submetidas ao tratamento com 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg revelaram adequada exportação de matéria orgânica da folha para caule e pecíolos, conforme demonstra a RMF e a distribuição de massa seca para esses órgãos. Revelaram ainda a RAF mais elevada no inicio do desenvolvimento e mais baixa aos 94 DAT, indicando sombreamento das folhas como resultado de seu crescimento. A AFE dessas plantas mostrou menor variação durante o ciclo, refletindo espessura mais constante de suas folhas. A TAL e a TCR apresentaram curvas decrescentes, com quedas bem acentuadas em relação às demais plantas. Todos esses índices indicam melhor produtividade das plantas submetidas ao tratamento 65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg, que também apresentaram rendimento de óleo essencial, em média, maior durante o ciclo. Conclui-se que a redução de 35% de N, 50% de P, 75% de K (65%N/50%P/25%K/100%Mg) é indicada para o cultivo e extração de óleo essencial de M. piperita.


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Oil spill on the sea, accidental or not, generates enormous negative consequences for the affected area. The damages are ambient and economic, mainly with the proximity of these spots of preservation areas and/or coastal zones. The development of automatic techniques for identification of oil spots on the sea surface, captured through Radar images, assist in a complete monitoring of the oceans and seas. However spots of different origins can be visualized in this type of imaging, which is a very difficult task. The system proposed in this work, based on techniques of digital image processing and artificial neural network, has the objective to identify the analyzed spot and to discern between oil and other generating phenomena of spot. Tests in functional blocks that compose the proposed system allow the implementation of different algorithms, as well as its detailed and prompt analysis. The algorithms of digital image processing (speckle filtering and gradient), as well as classifier algorithms (Multilayer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine and Committe Machine) are presented and commented.The final performance of the system, with different kind of classifiers, is presented by ROC curve. The true positive rates are considered agreed with the literature about oil slick detection through SAR images presents


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The oil industry`s need to produce with maximum efficiency, not to mention the safety and the environment aspects, encourages the optimization of processes. It makes them look for a level of excellence in acquisition of equipment, ensuring the quality without prejudice security of facilities and peoples. Knowing the reliability of equipment and that this stands for a system is fundamental to the production strategy to seeks the maximum return on investment. The reliability analysis techniques have been increasingly applied in the industry as strategy for predicting failures likelihood ensuring the integrity of processes. Some reliability theories underlie the decisions to use stochastic calculations to estimate equipment failure. This dissertation proposes two techniques associating qualitative (through expertise opinion) and quantitative data (European North Sea oil companies fault database, Ored) applied on centrifugal pump to water injection system for secondary oil recovery on two scenarios. The data were processed in reliability commercial software. As a result of hybridization, it was possible to determine the pump life cycle and what impact on production if it fails. The technique guides the best maintenance policy - important tool for strategic decisions on asset management.


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As áreas com plantios florestais estão constantemente em expansão, e a interferência das plantas daninhas alteram o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas de eucalipto, pois estas competem por água, nutrientes, espaço e luz. Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a seletividade do herbicida saflufenacil, aplicado com e sem óleo mineral Dash, em plantas de Eucalyptus urograndis, em diferentes locais de aplicação (planta, solo e solo + planta). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, constituído de um fatorial 3 x 11, sendo três locais de aplicação do herbicida na planta e 11doses do herbicida saflufenacil combinadas ou não com o adjuvante Dash. Cada parcela constou de um vaso com uma planta. Os tratamentos usados foram: 0, 25, 25+Dash (0,5% v/v), 50, 50+Dash (0,5% v/v), 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 e 200 g i.a. ha-1 . Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de fitointoxicação durante 56 dias após aplicação (DAA). Avaliouse, ainda, a altura, o diâmetro de caule e a biomassa seca das plantas. Todas as doses testadas de saflufenacil sem adjuvante mostraram-se seletivas às plantas de E. urograndis, independentemente do local de aplicação. A adição de Dash aos tratamentos proporcionou injúrias severas às plantas nas avaliações iniciais, quando aplicado sobre as plantas, com a recuperação total destas no fim do ensaio, aos 56 DAA. A aplicação do herbicida em mistura com adjuvante somente no solo não causou intoxicação às plantas de eucalipto.


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This work presents studies related to the use of microemulsions in the solubilization of heavy crude oil fractions responsible by the formation of deposits. The first stage of the work was addressed to the construction of phases diagrams, with the intention of determining the area within which the microemulsion is formed. The following systems were studied: UNITOL L 90 n-Butanol - Water - Kerosene (system 1); UNITOL L 90 - n-Butanol - Water - Xylene (system 2); UNITOL L 90 n-Butanol - Water - Kerosene/Xylene 10% (system 3); UNITOL L 90 - Sec-Butanol - Water - Xylene (system 4). In parallel experiments of physical adsorption were carried out by the static method, with the intention of simulating natural conditions of reservoirs. Crude oil of the Fazenda Belém field (Rio Grande do Norte), was used as solute, xylene as solvent and the Assu sandstone (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) and Botucatu sandstone (Paraná, Brazil) as rock reservoirs. The curves of adsorption presented the S format type, in agreement with the classification proposed by Giles, Smith and Huitson (1974). The solubilization process was accomplished in the batch method, by varying the time of agitation, the microemulsions and the solid/solution ratio. The experiments showed that the microemulsions presented high efficiency in the solubilization of the crude oil adsorbed on the sandstones. System 2 presented an efficiency of 99% for the Assu sandstone and 97% for the Botucatu sandstone


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Over exploitation of oil deposits on land onshore or offshore, there is simultaneous generation of waste water, known as produced water, which represents the largest waste stream in the production of crude oil. The relationship between the chemical composition of oil and water production and the conditions in which this process occurs or is favored are still poorly studied. The area chosen for the study has an important oil reserve and an important aquifer saturated with freshwater meteoric. The aim of this work is to study some chemical parameters in water produced for each reservoir zone of production in mature oil fields of Açu Formation, using the hydrochemical and statistical analysis to serve as a reference and be used as tools against the indicator ranges water producers in oil producing wells. Samples were collected from different wells in 6 different areas of production and were measured 50 parameters, which can be classified into three groups: anions, cations and physicochemical properties (considering only the parameters that generated values above detection limits in all samples). Through the characterization hydrochemistry observed an area of water and chlorinated sodium, chlorinated calcium or magnesium (mixed) in well water in different areas of Açu, by applying a statistical treatment, we obtained a discriminant function that distinguishes chemically production areas. Thus, it was possible to calculate the rate of correct classification of the function was 76.3%. To validate this model the accuracy rate was 86%


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This study presents the Environmental Sensibility Mapping to oil spillings on the Potengi estuary - RN and neighboring coastline through remote sensing data, collecting, treatment and integration of the geomorphologic, oceanographic (temperature, salinity, density, direction and intensity), meteorological (wind speed and direction) and high resolution seismic (bathymetry and sonography) data. The Potengi river estuary is located on the eastern coastline of the Rio Grande do Norte State, being inserted in the geological context for the coastal Pernambuco-Paraíba basin and spreading over 18 km; it shelters the Natal harbor zone and an oil terminal, centralizing, therefore, important oil transport operations that can cause accidental spillings. Under the oceanographic point of view, the Potengi estuary is characterized by the absence of any expressive thermic stratification, being classified as partially mixed, B type according to Pritchard (1955), and 2 type in conformity to the stratification-circulation diagram by Hansen & Rattray (1966). Two main wind systems are responsable for the formation of wave sets that occur in the area. The dynamic tide presents, in the Natal Harbor, mean amplitude in spring and quadrature tides, with around 2.8 and 2m, respectively. The mechanism of saline tide mixing was defined through the salinity which is the main parameter for the identification of this mechanism. Important variations of the salinity mean values (36.32 psu), temperature (28.11ºC) and density (22.96 kg/m3) in the estuarine waters presented features belonging to low latitude regions. The water temperature follows the air temperature variations, in the region, with expressive daily amplitudes. In this study, the identification of the estuarine bed morphology through bathymetric and sonographic analysis, had the purpose to evaluate the influence of the superficial and bottom currents for the bottom shaping. In this way, the use of the side scan sonar showed, to be very useful in the identification of the bottom morphology and its relationship with the predominant action of the tidal currents in the Potengi estuary. Besides, it showed how the sonograms can be a support to the comparison of the several patterns derived from the local hydrodynamic variations. The holocene sediments, which fill the estuarine channel, are predominantly sandy, varying from selected, sometimes silty. The sedimentation is controlled by the environmental hydrodynamic conditions, being recognized two important textural facies: Muddy Facies and Sandy Facies. The distribution of these textural facies apparently oscillates owing to the tidal cycle and flow intensity. Each one of the above mentioned data was integrated in a Geographic Information System (GIS), from which was produced the Environmental Sensibility Map to oil spillings with Coastal Sensibility Index (CSI) to the Potengi estuary. The integrated analysis of these data is essential to oil spilling contingency plans, in order to reduce the spilling environmental consequences and to make efficient the endeavours of contention and cleaning up/removal on the Natal Harbor. This study has the aim to collaborate for the increase of informations about the estuarine environment and contribute to a better management of the question: environment/polluting loads


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It was studied the effect of energy levels in the diet, obtained from vegetal oil inclusion, on the performance, diet cost per kilogram of broiler and fat content of the carcass, There were used 4,800 broiler chicks, 2,400 males and 2,400 females, and they were distributed in six treatment (energy levels in kcal ME/kg of diet) in three different phases: start diet from one to 20 days of age: A - 2930, B - 2980, C - 3030, D - 3080, E - 3130, F - 3180, growth diet from 21 to 40 days: A - 2980, B - 3030, C - 3050, D - 3130, E - 3150, F - 3230, finishing diet from 41 to 45 days of age: A - 3030, B - 3080, C - 3130,, D - 3180, E - 3230, F - 3280. The protein content was 22, 20 and 18% in each phase, respectively, There were evaluated the feed intake, energy intake, protein intake, weight gain, feed conversion mortality, diet cost per kg/bw. Sixty broilers were slaughtered, five males and five females per treatment, randomly chosen to determine the carcass composition considering the dry matter content, lipids content and protein content, total fat in carcass and fat per kilogram of broiler. The data were submitted to variance analysis and the means were compared using SNK. The broilers fed with medium and low levels of dietary energy showed the highest weight gain. At energy levels of the treatment D in the three phases, the lowest cost per kilogram of broiler was obtained. The females presented the highest fat content per kilogram of broiler produced.


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Dried biomass of the zoosporic fungi Saprolegnia subterranea and Pythium torulosum was evaluated for copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption from aqueous solutions using the "q" (mg of adsorbed metal per g of biomass) and the "R%" (percent removal) indices. The highest q values were observed when the biomass was placed in contact with high metal concentrations, whereas the highest R% values were observed at low concentrations (p< 0.05). S. subterranea SPC 1244 biomass surpassed the others for copper biosorption (q = 7.48 mg/ g; R% = 49.03), P. torulosum SPC 1425 biomass was the best for manganese biosorption (q = 4.13 mg/g; R% = 26.71), and S. subterranea SPC 1431 biomass was the best for cadmium biosorption (q = 6.75 mg/g; R% = 42.26). This is the first report on copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption by the biomass of these zoosporic fungi, indicating the potential to remove ions from diluted solutions.


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The authors studied linear alterations processed on copper-aluminum casten MOD blocks, obtained from two expansion techniques (termic and hygroscopic by immersion). UNITERMS: Investment expansion. Thermic expansion. Hygroscopic expansion. Casten Technique.


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Includes bibliography


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of fish oil acidity on the growth of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) juveniles. Two hundred juveniles with 10.53±0.65 g of weight and 8.74±0.13 cm of total length, were distributed in a totally randomized design in 20, 0.15 m3 meshmade tanks placed in a 25 m3 holding tank. Extruded commercial diets sprayed with soybean oil (control) with acidity index of 0.24 and fish oil with acidity index of 1.48, 6.40 and 9.85 were used. The fish were fed four times a day until apparent satiety. Productive performance, centesimal composition and blood biochemistry were analysed. At the end of the feeding period none of the analyzed parameters was affected by the use of acidified fish oil. Therefore, fish oil may be supplied to the pacu juveniles regardless of their pH.


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The development of gas sensors with innovative designs and advanced functional materials has attracted considerable scientific interest given their potential for addressing important technological challenges. This work presents new insight towards the development of high-performance p-type semiconductor gas sensors. Gas sensor test devices, based on copper (II) oxide (CuO) with innovative and unique designs (urchin-like, fiber-like, and nanorods), are prepared by a microwave-assisted synthesis method. The crystalline composition, surface area, porosity, and morphological characteristics are studied by X-ray powder diffraction, nitrogen adsorption isotherms, field-emission scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Gas sensor measurements, performed simultaneously on multiple samples, show that morphology can have a substantial influence on gas sensor performance. An assembly of urchin-like structures is found to be most effective for hydrogen detection in the range of parts-per-million at 200 °C with 300-fold larger response than the previously best reported values for semiconducting CuO hydrogen gas sensors. These results show that morphology plays an important role in the gas sensing performance of CuO and can be effectively applied in the further development of gas sensors based on p-type semiconductors. High-performance gas sensors based on CuO hierarchical morphologies with in situ gas sensor comparison are reported. Urchin-like morphologies with high hydrogen sensitivity and selectivity that show chemical and thermal stability and low temperature operation are analyzed. The role of morphological influences in p-type gas sensor materials is discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.