889 resultados para Obstetrical nursing. Humanization of Assistance. Humanizing delivery


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In der Pflegewissenschaft geben der Einsatz von Theorien und der daraus folgende Gewinn immer wieder Anlass zu Diskussionen. Ein Hauptvorwurf ist, dass Pflegetheorien als sehr abstrakt und wenig praxisnah gelten. Jedoch gibt es wenige Indikatoren, um das Abstraktionsniveau von Theorien und die damit verbundene Reichweite zu bestimmen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Fragen basierend auf die Definitionen und Grundannahmen von Theorien erstellt. Damit werden anschließend drei ausgesuchte Theorien auf ihr Abstraktionsniveau und Reichweite untersucht. Es wurden 18 Fragen zu den drei Bereichen ,,Zweck der Theorie", ,,Aufgabe der Theorie" und ,,Beschreibung der Theorie" entwickelt. Diese 18 Fragen wurden auf die Theorie der Adaptation von Sister Callista Roy, die Theorie zur Unsicherheit von Merle M. Mishel und die Theorie der Omnipräsenz von Krebs von Maya Shaha angewendet. [The use of nursing theories and their associated benefits remain an area of repeated discussion in nursing. One of the main objections is that nursing theories are abstract and therefore cannot be easily applied to practice. However, only few indicators exist to help identify a theory's level of abstraction or its scope. In this article, questions based on definitions and assumptions of theories have been developed. These questions have then been applied to three selected theories to investigate their level of abstraction and scope. A total of 18 questions divided into three domains were developed. The three categories were: ,,the purpose of the theory", ,,the aim of the theory" and ,,the description of the theory". The theory of Adaptation by Sister Callista Roy, the Theory of Uncertainty by Merle M. Mishel and the Theory of the Omnipresence of Cancer by Maya Shaha were selected to be analysed following the three domains with the 18 questions.]


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Annual report for the Board of Nursing.


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Annual Report for Board of Nursing


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Annual Report for Board of Nursing


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Annual Report of the Iowa Board of Nursing. Includes changes to rules,legislation and procedure during fiscal year 2004, as well as statistics pertaining to all aspects of board business: basic education, continuing education, enforcement, administration, financial report, and nursing demographics.


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Annual report of the Iowa Board of Nursing. Includes information on legislation, rule changes, and statistics related to all aspects of board business: education, continuing education, enforcement, administrative changes, financial report and general nursing demographics.


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Hemorrhage represents a set of causes that focuses on women during the pregnancy and puerperal period, and that, with improper attention, results in death. The authors aimed to analyze maternal deaths related to hemorrhage that occurred in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The data were obtained from the Mortality Information System and Live Births Information System from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. This was a descriptive study, in which 491 maternal deaths that occurred in the period 1997-2010 were analyzed. Of these, 61 were related to hemorrhage, corresponding to 12.42%; postpartum hemorrhage was the most prevalent cause, with 26 deaths, followed by placental abruption with 15, representing 67.21% of the cases. The maternal mortality from hemorrhage is a public health problem in the state of Santa Catarina, due to its high prevalence and the fact that its underlying causes are preventable.


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This study aimed to evaluate the content validity of the nursing diagnosis of nausea in the immediate post-operative period, considering Fehring’s model. Descriptive study with 52 nurses experts who responded an instrument containing identification and validation of nausea diagnosis data. Most experts considered the domain 12 (Comfort), Class 1 (Physical Comfort) and the statement (Nausea) adequate to the diagnosis. Modifications were suggested in the current definition of this nursing diagnosis. Four defining characteristics were considered primary (reported nausea, increased salivation, aversion to food and vomiting sensation) and eight secondary (increased swallowing, sour taste in the mouth, pallor, tachycardia, diaphoresis, sensation of hot and cold, changes in blood pressure and pupil dilation). The total score for the diagnosis of nausea was 0.79. Reports of nausea, vomiting sensation, increased salivation and aversion to food are strong predictors of nursing diagnosis of nausea.


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This is an exploratory, cross-sectional study of quantitative design that aimed to identify the communication strategies used and reported by the nursing staff in the care of aphasic patients after a stroke. The techniques used were the participant observation and interviews with 27 subjects of the nursing staff of neurological units in a general hospital. The most frequently mentioned strategies were gestures (100%), verbal communication (33.3%), written communication (29.6%) and the touch (18.5 %). Among the observed strategies, the gestures reached 40.7% and the touch was present in all situations, given its instrumental character essential to care. The findings show lack of knowledge of nonverbal, proxemics , kinesics and tacesics communication. No significant differences were observed among the professional categories depending on the length of experience with respect to the strategies reported by members of the nursing staff in the care for aphasic patients.


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Presenting the rates of obstetric admissions of women living in Paraná in 2010.Method: A descriptive study in which the admission information of the hospital system of the Unified Health System was analyzed. Data from women aged between 10 to 49 years available on the DATASUS website were analyzed, using percentage and according to primary diagnosis, age and Regional Health area.Results: The Rate of Obstetric Complications (RtOC) was 38%, increasing with the age of women. Complications of labor and delivery (10.5%), and pregnancy with abortive outcome (9.1%) were the diagnoses with highest RtOC. The RtOC ranged between 8.4% in Telêmaco Borba, until 62.6% in Ponta Grossa.Conclusion: The healthcare team should monitor the rates of admissions for obstetric complications as these indicate the quality of health care of women, mainly focused on labor, delivery and women of older age.


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Objective:To analyze the influence of stress factors and socio-demographic characteristics on the sleep quality of nursing students. Method: An analytical cross-sectional and quantitative study, conducted with 151 nursing students in São Paulo between March and April of 2012. A form for socio-demographic characteristics, the Instrument to Evaluate Stress in Nursing Students and the Pittsburgh Sleep Index were applied. Results: High levels of stress was predominant for Time Management (27.8%) and Professional Training (30.5%) and low sleep quality (78.8%). The Professional Communication, Professional Training and Theoretical Activity are positively correlated to sleep quality. Work activity, academic year and time for daily studies contributed to a low quality of sleep. Conclusion: Few stress factors from the academic environment and some socio-demographic characteristics contributed to the reduction of sleep quality in students.


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Objective: Identifying the prescribed nursing care for hospitalized patients at risk of falls and comparing them with the interventions of the Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC). Method: A cross-sectional study carried out in a university hospital in southern Brazil. It was a retrospective data collection in the nursing records system. The sample consisted of 174 adult patients admitted to medical and surgical units with the Nursing Diagnosis of Risk for falls. The prescribed care were compared with the NIC interventions by the cross-mapping method. Results: The most prevalent care were the following: keeping the bed rails, guiding patients/family regarding the risks and prevention of falls, keeping the bell within reach of patients, and maintaining patients’ belongings nearby, mapped in the interventions Environmental Management: safety and Fall Prevention. Conclusion: The treatment prescribed in clinical practice was corroborated by the NIC reference.


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Objective The article describes the steps in producing and validating an educational booklet for childbirth companions. Method Methodological study conducted in 2011 consisting of the following steps: situational assessment; establishing brochure content; content selection and referencing; drafting the text; design of illustrations; layout; consultation of specialists; consultation of target audience; amendments; proofreading; evaluation using the Flesch Reading Ease Formula. The topics portrayed the sequence of events involving support from gestation to the postpartum period. Results The concordance rate among companions was greater than or equal to 81.8% for the topics organisation, writing style, presentation and motives. The overall Content Validity Index of the booklet was 0.94. The booklet was classified as easy reading or very easy reading according to the results of the Flesch Reading Ease Formula. Conclusion The presentation and content of the manual were validated for use with the target audience by the specialists and representatives of the target audience.


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Objective To understand, together with nursing staff, the care needed to treat skin lesions in newborn children hospitalized in a neonatal unit. Method Qualitative research, of the convergent care type. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews, which were conducted from November to December 2012, in the neonatal unit of a hospital in southern Brazil. The participants were four auxiliary nurses, six nursing technicians and four nurses. Results The following three categories were designated: questions about what can be used in relation to newborn children; hospitalization can cause lesions on the skin of newborn children; and knowledge about care promotes professional autonomy. Conclusion There is an urgent need for staff to know more about the treatment of skin lesions, which would provide safer care for newborn children and would also support the autonomy of professional nurses in providing that care.


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We analyzed prenatal care (PN) provided at a unit of the Family Health Strategy Service in São Paulo, according to the indicators of the Program for the Humanization of Prenatal and Birth (PHPB). We compared adequacy of PN in terms of sociodemographic variables, procedures, examinations and maternal and perinatal outcomes. Cross-sectional study with data from records of 308 pregnant women enrolled in 2011. We observed early initiation of PN (82.1%), conducting of a minimum of six consultations (84.1%), puerperal consultation (89.0%); to the extent that there is a sum of the actions, there is a significant drop in the proportion of adequacy. Prenatal care was adequate for 67.9%, with a significant difference between adequacy groups in relation to gestational age and birth weight. Prenatal care deficiencies exist, especially in regards to registration of procedures, exams and immunization. The difference between adequacy groups with respect to perinatal outcomes reinforces the importance of prenatal care that adheres to the parameters of the PHPB.