979 resultados para ORGANIC-SYNTHESIS


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Dynamic combinatorial libraries are mixtures of compounds that exist in a dynamic equilibrium and can be driven to compositional self adaptation via selective binding of a specific assembly of certain components to a molecular target. We present here an extension of this initial concept to dynamic libraries that consists of two levels, the first formed by the coordination of terpyridine-based ligands to the transition metal template, and the second, by the imine formation with the aldehyde substituents on the terpyridine moieties. Dialdehyde 7 has been synthesized, converted into a variety of ligands, oxime ethers L11–L33 and acyl hydrazones L44–L77, and subsequently into corresponding cobalt complexes. A typical complex, Co(L22)22+ is shown to engage in rapid exchange with a competing ligand L11 and with another complex, Co(L22)22+ in 30% acetonitrile/water at pH 7.0 and 25°C. The exchange in the corresponding Co(III) complexes is shown to be much slower. Imine exchange in the acyl hydrazone complexes (L44–L77) is strongly controlled by pH and temperature. The two types of exchange, ligand and imine, can thus be used as independent equilibrium processes controlled by different types of external intervention, i.e., via oxidation/reduction of the metal template and/or change in the pH/temperature of the medium. The resulting double-level dynamic libraries are therefore named orthogonal, in similarity with the orthogonal protecting groups in organic synthesis. Sample libraries of this type have been synthesized and showed the complete expected set of components in electrospray ionization MS.


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Clay minerals are layer type aluminosilicates that figure in terrestrial biogeochemical cycles, in the buffering capacity of the oceans, and in the containment of toxic waste materials. They are also used as lubricants in petroleum extraction and as industrial catalysts for the synthesis of many organic compounds. These applications derive fundamentally from the colloidal size and permanent structural charge of clay mineral particles, which endow them with significant surface reactivity. Unraveling the surface geochemistry of hydrated clay minerals is an abiding, if difficult, topic in earth sciences research. Recent experimental and computational studies that take advantage of new methodologies and basic insights derived from the study of concentrated ionic solutions have begun to clarify the structure of electrical double layers formed on hydrated clay mineral surfaces, particularly those in the interlayer region of swelling 2:1 layer type clay minerals. One emerging trend is that the coordination of interlayer cations with water molecules and clay mineral surface oxygens is governed largely by cation size and charge, similarly to a concentrated ionic solution, but the location of structural charge within a clay layer and the existence of hydrophobic patches on its surface provide important modulations. The larger the interlayer cation, the greater the influence of clay mineral structure and hydrophobicity on the configurations of adsorbed water molecules. This picture extends readily to hydrophobic molecules adsorbed within an interlayer region, with important implications for clay–hydrocarbon interactions and the design of catalysts for organic synthesis.


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Sais de diazônio são um classe de compostos amplamente usados em química orgânica. Sua aplicação abrange uma gama de sínteses desde corantes até reações de hetero-acoplamento para produção de fármacos, mas pouco é conhecido de sua redução eletroquímica para fins sintéticos. As metodologias empregadas na redução de sais de diazônio geralmente envolvem o uso de metais ou compostos capazes de transferir elétrons como Pd, Cu ou tetratiafulvaleno. Neste trabalho é descrita a redução eletroquímica de dois sais de diazônio: tetrafluoroborato de 2-(2-propen-1-ilóxi)benzenodiazônio (1) e tetrafluoroborato de 2-(2-propen-1-iltio)benzenodiazônio (2) usando três eletrodos: Pt, Hg e pó de grafite. Quando foi feita a eletrólise de (1) utilizando cátodo de Hg vários produtos foram formados envolvendo uma reação de ciclização intramolecular, porém não conseguimos separá-los pelos métodos cromatográficos. A eletrólise de (2) em condições experimentais similares conduziu a uma mistura complexa de produtos provavelmente devido a uma interação do Hg com o átomo de enxofre do substrato e seus produtos de redução. Usando o cátodo de Pt e sal (1) a reação não foi eficiente pois ocorria uma queda brusca da corrente, provavelmente devido ao bloqueio da superfície do eletrodo. Concernente ao eletrodo de pó de grafite, apenas alguns experimentos preliminares foram feitos, portanto uma análise de seu desemprenho é prematura.


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O presente trabalho visa o estudo da eletrossíntese de H2O2 a partir da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO) utilizando carbono Printex 6L modificado com óxidos binários compostos de nióbio, molibdênio e paládio, síntetizados pelo método dos precursores poliméricos. A análise dos materiais preparados foi feita a partir de experimentos de análise termogravimétrica (do inglês, TGA), fluorescência de raios X (FRX) e também de difração de raios X (DRX). As temperaturas de síntese foram escolhidas a partir dos resultados de TGA e tendo como temperatura máxima de 400 °C. As análises dos espectros de emissão de FRX mostraram a eficiência na incorporação dos materiais na matriz de carbono. Experimentos de DRX mostraram a presença de fases cristalinas de MoO2 e Nb2 O5 e PdO, e em comparação aos resultados da técnica de voltametria cíclica, existem pares redox que podem ser associados as transições dos metais nos estados de oxidação de +4 e +5, para molibdênio e nióbio, respectivamente e do estado +2 para o paládio. Nos experimentos de voltametria de varredura linear pode-se observar a tendência de maior geração de H2O2 pelo material com teor de 1% NbMo quando comparado com o carbono Printex 6L, de modo que foram calculadas as eficiências de geração de H2O2 , obtendo um resultado de 55,5% para o modificador de 1% NbMo comparado com 47,4% para o Printex 6L, e também de número de elétrons envolvidos na reação com um valor de 2,9 para o material de 1% e 3,1 para o carbono Printex. As análises das curvas de Koutechy-Levich confirmam os resultados anteriores. Análises em condições reduzidas na síntese orgânica corroboraram a melhor eficiência do material de 1% para o material com nióbio e molibdênio e revelaram a também a melhora eletrocatalítica do carbono quando incorporado com óxidos mistos de nióbio e paládio, sendo o melhor resultado expresso no material contendo 5% de nióbio e paládio, na proporção molar de 95 para 5% de cada elemento, respectivamente.


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A presente Dissertação relata a síntese e o estudo conformacional das α-fenilseleno-α-dietóxifosforilacetofenonas para-substituídas p-X-Φ-C(O)CH[SeΦ][P(O)(OEt2] (X=OMe 1, Me 2, H 3, F 4, Cl 5, Br 6 e NO2 7) através da banda de estiramento da carbonila no infravermelho, em solventes de polaridade crescente apoiado por cálculos ab initio HF/6-3IG**. A comparação entre a freqüência e a intensidade relativa dos componentes do dubleto, para os derivados 6 e 7, e do singleto para os derivados 1-5, no solvente apolar tetracloreto de carbono, e dos componentes do dubleto, nos solventes de polaridade crescente (clorofórmio, diclorometano e acetonitrila), para os derivados 1-7, com os dados do cálculo ab initio de 3 (composto de referência), indicou que ambas as conformações estáveis (g1 e g2) apresentam a ligação C-Se na geometria anti-clinal (gauche) em relação à carbonila (C=O), enquanto que a ligação C-P assume uma geometria sin-periplanar (cis) em relação à carbonila. A análise dos contatos interatômicos de átomos relevante em comparação com a soma de seus raios de van der Waals, indicou que ambas as conformações g1 e g2 são fortemente estabilizadas pelo sinergismo das interações orbitalares e eletrostáticas π*(CO) / nSe e Oδ-[CO].....Pδ+[PO]. Analogamente, as interações mais fracas Oδ-[OR]..... Cδ+[CO], 0-Hδ+[SeΦ]....Oδ-[PO] e 0-Hδ+[ΦC(O)]....Oδ-[CO] estabilizam as conformações g1 e g2, aproximadamente na mesma extensão. No entanto, somente a conformação g1 é estabilizada pela interação eletrostática (ligação de hidrogênio) Hδ+[α-CH].....Oδ-[OR], enquanto que sómente a conformação g2 é desestabilizada pelo Efeito de Campo Repulsivo entre os dipolos Cδ+=.Oδ- e Pδ+-ORδ- Assim sendo, pode-se concluir que no dubleto de VCO no IV, o componente de maior freqüência e de menor intensidade corresponde à conformação menos estável g2 (do cálculo) enquanto que o componente de menor freqüência e mais intenso corresponde à conformação mais estável g1 (do cálculo). Estes dados estão de pleno acordo com os deslocamentos de freqüência mais negativos da carbonila (ΔVCO) do confôrmero mais estável g1 em relação ao menos estável g2.


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Nesta tese, efetuamos estudos visando à síntese de sesquiterpenos bacanos, cuja etapa chave consistiu na construção do sistema cis-hidrindânico, através de reação de contração de anel de cis-octalinas e 2-octalonas mediada por trinitrato de tálio (TTN). Apenas as cis-octalinas como, por exemplo, o cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octahidronaftaleno e o cis-4a, 7-dimetil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno, foram passíveis de reação de contração de anel em rendimentos satisfatórios; já a cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona levou ao produto de contração em baixo rendimento. Tentamos utilizar a reação de cis-4a-metil-l,2,3,4,4a,5,8,8a-octa-hidronaftaleno com TTN na síntese da nor-baquenolida-A, porém não conseguimos completar a síntese desta, pois não foi possível efetuar a última etapa sintética, nas várias abordagens testadas. Grandes esforços também foram empregados na preparação diastereosseletiva da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona através de três abordagens diferentes que foram investigadas, sendo duas delas com êxito. Contudo, o baixo rendimento (38%) da etapa de contração de anel da cis-5,10-dimetil-l(9)-octal-2-ona não permitiu a continuação da rota sintética proposta para a baquenolida-A. Também realizamos a resolução cinética de três diferentes cis-octalóis que foram preparados através da reação de Diels-Alder seguida de redução diastereosseletiva - com a lipase Novozym 435, e os produtos resolvidos foram obtidos em excelentes rendimentos isolados (≥ 40% para cada enantiômero) e excelentes excessos enantioméricos (≥ 98%).


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Neste trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de hidróxi-calcogenetos (Se e Te) frente a biotransformações, empregando enzimas isoladas em meio orgânico ou aquoso e empregando microorganismos (fungos). Estudos comparativos sobre a influência de diversas variáveis, como solvente, temperatura, imobilização enzimática e estrutura do hidróxi-calcogeneto, foram realizados. Inicialmente os compostos foram sintetizados utilizando métodos descritos na literatura, em seguida foi estudada a resolução de hidróxiselenetos em meio orgânico empregando lipases isoladas (Esquema 1), (ver arquivo), incluindo um estudo de imobilização da PSL em diversos suportes, além do estudo da influência da variação do solvente, da temperatura, da lipase, etc. Na resolução em meio aquoso empregando enzimas isoladas, primeiramente os hidróxi-selenetos foram acetilados quimicamente e depois realizado uma triagem (com dez enzimas de diferentes fontes) empregando indicador de pH colori métrico. Posteriormente os acetatos dos hidróxi-selenetos (Esquema 2) (ver arquivo) foram submetidos à resolução enzimática em meio aquoso empregando as enzimas que foram selecionadas na triagem enzimática. As biotransformações utilizando fungos foram realizadas empregando células inteiras de algumas linhagens de Aspergillus terreus. Na seqüência foi realizada a resolução de hidróxi-teluretos em meio orgânico utilizando lipases isoladas (Esquema 3)(ver arquivo). Nessas resoluções também foi estudada a influência da variação do solvente, da lipase, do tempo, etc. De forma a demonstrar a importância dos compostos resolvidos, um hidróxi-seleneto quiral e dois hidróxi-teluretos quirais foram usados para preparar compostos pertencentes a classes de unidades estruturais de vasta ocorrência em produtos naturais: um álcool alílico e duas lactonas (Esquema 4)(ver arquivo).


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Alkaline hydroxides, especially sodium and potassium hydroxides, are multi-million-ton per annum commodities and strong chemical bases that have large scale applications. Some of them are related with their consequent ability to degrade most materials, depending on the temperature used. As an example, these chemicals are involved in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, biodiesels, soaps and detergents, acid gases removal (e.g., SO2) and others, as well as in many organic synthesis processes. Sodium and potassium hydroxides are strong and corrosive bases, but they are also very stable chemicals that can melt without decomposition, NaOH at 318ºC, and KOH at 360ºC. Hence, they can react with most materials, even with relatively inert ones such as carbon materials. Thus, at temperatures higher than 360ºC these melted hydroxides easily react with most types of carbon-containing raw materials (coals, lignocellulosic materials, pitches, etc.), as well as with most pure carbon materials (carbon fibers, carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes). This reaction occurs via a solid-liquid redox reaction in which both hydroxides (NaOH or KOH) are converted to the following main products: hydrogen, alkaline metals and alkaline carbonates, as a result of the carbon precursor oxidation. By controlling this reaction, and after a suitable washing process, good quality activated carbons (ACs), a classical type of porous materials, can be prepared. Such carbon activation by hydroxides, known since long time ago, continues to be under research due to the unique properties of the resulting activated carbons. They have promising high porosity developments and interesting pore size distributions. These two properties are important for new applications such as gas storage (e.g., natural gas or hydrogen), capture, storage and transport of carbon dioxide, electricity storage demands (EDLC-supercapacitors-) or pollution control. Because these applications require new and superior quality activated carbons, there is no doubt that among the different existing activating processes, the one based on the chemical reaction between the carbon precursor and the alkaline hydroxide (NaOH or KOH) gives the best activation results. The present article covers different aspects of the activation by hydroxides, including the characteristics of the resulting activated carbons and their performance in some environment-related applications. The following topics are discussed: i) variables of the preparation method, such as the nature of the hydroxide, the type of carbon precursor, the hydroxide/carbon precursor ratio, the mixing procedure of carbon precursor and hydroxide (impregnation of the precursor with a hydroxide solution or mixing both, hydroxide and carbon precursor, as solids), or the temperature and time of the reaction are discussed, analyzing their effect on the resulting porosity; ii) analysis of the main reactions occurring during the activation process, iii) comparative analysis of the porosity development obtained from different activation processes (e.g., CO2, steam, phosphoric acid and hydroxides activation); and iv) performance of the prepared activated carbon materials on a few applications, such as VOC removal, electricity and gas storages.


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Reaction of 1,1-dichloro-2,5-diphenylcyclopropabenzene 6 with Meldrum's acid 8 in the presence of pyridine leads to coupling of the cycloproparenyl cation 7 with the stabilized diketo anion 9. Subsequent, spontaneous, base-induced dehydrochlorination gives the alkylidenecyclopropabenzene 11 in a one-pot reaction. Flash vacuum thermolysis of 11 at 650 degreesC ejects acetone and carbon dioxide, giving cyclopropabenzenylldenethenone 12 that is isolated in an Ar matrix at 20 K and characterized by a strong ketene band at 2107 cm(-1) in the IR spectrum.


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1. Biological catalysts have the advantage of being able to catalyse chemical reactions with an often exquisite degree of regio- and stereospecificity in contrast with traditional methods of organic synthesis. 2. The cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in human drug metabolism are ideal starting materials for the development of designer biocatalysts by virtue of their catalytic versatility and extreme substrate diversity. Applications can be envisaged in fine chemical synthesis, such as in the pharmaceutical industry and bioremediation. 3. A variety of techniques of enzyme engineering are currently being applied to P450 enzymes to explore their catalytic potential. Although most studies to date have been performed with bacterial P450s, reports are now emerging of work with mammalian forms of the enzymes. 4. The present minireview will explore the rationale and general techniques for redesigning P450s, review the results obtained to date with xenobiotic-metabolising forms and discuss strategies to overcome some of the logistic problems limiting the full exploitation of these enzymes as industrial-scale biocatalysts.


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Combinatorial chemistry has become an invaluable tool in medicinal chemistry for the identification of new drug leads. For example, libraries of predetermined sequences and head-to-tail cyclized peptides are routinely synthesized in our laboratory using the IRORI approach. Such libraries are used as molecular toolkits that enable the development of pharmacophores that define activity and specificity at receptor targets. These libraries can be quite large and difficult to handle, due to physical and chemical constraints imposed by their size. Therefore, smaller sub-libraries are often targeted for synthesis. The number of coupling reactions required can be greatly reduced if the peptides having common amino acids are grouped into the same sub-library (batching). This paper describes a schedule optimizer to minimize the number of coupling reactions by rotating and aligning sequences while simultaneously batching. The gradient descent method thereby reduces the number of coupling reactions required for synthesizing cyclic peptide libraries. We show that the algorithm results in a 75% reduction in the number of coupling reactions for a typical cyclic peptide library.


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Various room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), notably, 1-methoxyethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate [MeOEtMIM]+[CF3COO]ˉ , have been used to promote the Knoevenagel condensation to afford substituted olefins. All reactions proceeded effectively in the absence of any other catalysts or co-solvents with good to excellent yields. This method is simple and applicable to reactions involving a wide range of aldehydes and ketones with methylene compounds. The ionic liquid can be recycled without noticeable reduction of its catalytic activity. A plausible reaction mechanism is proposed.


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Recently, ammonia borane has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention because of its merging applications, such as organic synthesis, boron nitride compounds synthesis, and hydrogen storage. This dissertation presents the results from several studies related to ammonia borane. The pressure-induced tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in ammonia borane was studied in a diamond anvil cell using in situ Raman spectroscopy. We found a positive Clapeyron-slope for this phase transformation in the experiment, which implies that the phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic is exothermic. The result of this study indicates that the rehydrogenation of the high pressure orthorhombic phase is expected to be easier than that of the ambient pressure tetragonal phase due to its lower enthalpy. The high pressure behavior of ammonia borane after thermal decomposition was studied by in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 10 GPa. The sample of ammonia borane was first decomposed at ~140 degree Celcius and ~0.7 GPa and then compessed step wise in an isolated sample chamber of a diamond anvil cell for Raman spectroscopy measurement. We did not observe the characteristic shift of Raman mode under high pressure due to dihydrogen bonding, indicating that the dihydrogen bonding disappears in the decomposed ammonia borane. Although no chemical rehydrogenation was detected in this study, the decomposed ammonia borane could store extra hydrogen by physical absorption. The effect of nanoconfinement on ammonia borane at high pressures and different temperatures was studied. Ammonia borane was mixed with a type of mesoporous silica, SBA-15, and restricted within a small space of nanometer scale. The nano-scale ammonia borane was decomposed at ~125 degree Celcius in a diamond anvil cell and rehydrogenated after applying high pressures up to ~13 GPa at room temperature. The successful rehydrogenation of decomposed nano-scale ammonia borane gives guidance to further investigations on hydrogen storage. In addition, the high pressure behavior of lithium amidoborane, one derivative of ammonia borane, was studied at different temperatures. Lithium amidoborane (LAB) was decomposed and recompressed in a diamond anvil cell. After applying high pressures on the decomposed lithium amidoborane, its recovery peaks were discovered by Raman spectroscopy. This result suggests that the decomposition of LAB is reversible at high pressures.


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Intramolecular C–H insertion reactions of α-diazocarbonyl compounds typically proceed with preferential five-membered ring formation. However, the presence of a heteroatom such as nitrogen can activate an adjacent C–H site toward insertion resulting in regiocontrol issues. In the case of α-diazoacetamide derivatives, both β- and γ-lactam products are possible owing to this activating effect. Both β- and γ-lactam products are powerful synthetic building blocks in the area of organic synthesis, as well as a common scaffold in a range of natural and pharmaceutical products and therefore C–H insertion reactions to form such compounds are attractive processes.