880 resultados para O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R


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Marine plants colonise several interconnected ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef region including tidal wetlands, seagrass meadows and coral reefs. Water quality in some coastal areas is declining from human activities. Losses of mangrove and other tidal wetland communities are mostly the result of reclamation for coastal development of estuaries, e.g. for residential use, port infrastructure or marina development, and result in river bank destabilisation, deterioration of water clarity and loss of key coastal marine habitat. Coastal seagrass meadows are characterized by small ephemeral species. They are disturbed by increased turbidity after extreme flood events, but generally recover. There is no evidence of an overall seagrass decline or expansion. High nutrient and substrate availability and low grazing pressure on nearshore reefs have lead to changed benthic communities with high macroalgal abundance. Conservation and management of GBR macrophytes and their ecosystems is hampered by scarce ecological knowledge across macrophyte community types. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mutations in the ATM gene (mutated in ataxia telangiectasia) in both humans and mice predispose to lymphoid tumors. A defect in this gene also causes neurodegeneration in humans and a less severe neurological phenotype in mice. There is some evidence that oxidative stress contributes to these defects, suggesting that antioxidants could alleviate the phenotype. We demonstrate here that the antioxidant 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl (CTMIO) dramatically delays the onset of thymic lymphomas in Atm(-/-) mice which is not due to an enhancement of apoptosis by CTMIO. We also show that this compound corrects neurobehavioral deficits in these mice and reduces oxidative damage to Purkinje cells. The likely mechanism of action of CTMIO is due to a reduction in oxidative stress, which is protective against both the tumor progression and the development of neurological abnormalities. These data suggest that antioxidant therapy has considerable potential in the management of ataxia telangiectasia and possibly other neurodegenerative disorders where oxidative stress is implicated. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper provides an overview of the scenario of management of human resources and the factors influencing the same in the Sultanate of Oman. The initial section of the paper builds the case for investigating HRM practices in the Omani context. This is followed by an analysis of the background information and aspects of social environment of the Sultanate of Oman along with key national initiatives that are likely to influence the take-up and endorsement of HRM in Oman. Next, research evidence in support of key issues related to management of human resources is presented, and conclusions are drawn by analysing the significance of the reported findings. This is done by considering the current situation in Oman and by assessing key challenges for the future.


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Research on temporal-order perception uses temporal-order judgment (TOJ) tasks or synchrony judgment (SJ) tasks in their binary SJ2 or ternary SJ3 variants. In all cases, two stimuli are presented with some temporal delay, and observers judge the order of presentation. Arbitrary psychometric functions are typically fitted to obtain performance measures such as sensitivity or the point of subjective simultaneity, but the parameters of these functions are uninterpretable. We describe routines in MATLAB and R that fit model-based functions whose parameters are interpretable in terms of the processes underlying temporal-order and simultaneity judgments and responses. These functions arise from an independent-channels model assuming arrival latencies with exponential distributions and a trichotomous decision space. Different routines fit data separately for SJ2, SJ3, and TOJ tasks, jointly for any two tasks, or also jointly for the three tasks (for common cases in which two or even the three tasks were used with the same stimuli and participants). Additional routines provide bootstrap p-values and confidence intervals for estimated parameters. A further routine is included that obtains performance measures from the fitted functions. An R package for Windows and source code of the MATLAB and R routines are available as Supplementary Files.


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The study analyzed hydro-climatic and land use sensitivities of stormwater runoff and quality in the complex coastal urban watershed of Miami River Basin, Florida by developing a Storm Water Management Model (EPA SWMM 5). Regression-based empirical models were also developed to explain stream water quality in relation to internal (land uses and hydrology) and external (upstream contribution, seawater) sources and drivers in six highly urbanized canal basins of Southeast Florida. Stormwater runoff and quality were most sensitive to rainfall, imperviousness, and conversion of open lands/parks to residential, commercial and industrial areas. In-stream dissolved oxygen and total phosphorus in the watersheds were dictated by internal stressors while external stressors were dominant for total nitrogen and specific conductance. The research findings and tools will be useful for proactive monitoring and management of storm runoff and urban stream water quality under the changing climate and environment in South Florida and around the world.


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Em um ambiente global dinâmico e competitivo, muitas empresas notam que constante desenvolvimento e lançamento de novos produtos são atividades-chave para seu crescimento e sobrevivência. Hoje, um dos maiores desafios enfrentados por tais empresas envolve saber como agir em um mundo em que tanto o escopo como a estrutura do ambiente competitivo estão em constante mudança, e em que reestruturações e mudanças de portfólio são centrais para as companhias que visam capitalizar com o crescimento global. Tanto o rápido ritmo de inovação tecnológica quando a crescente afluência de economias emergentes apresentam riscos e oportunidades para as empresas, o que torna importante não apenas que estas estejam atentas ao lançamento de produtos de última geração para mercados desenvolvidos: faz-se também necessário que saibam como lançar produtos antigos para novos mercados. Usando o mercado brasileiro como um exemplo, esta dissertação procurou estudar como multinacionais têm utilizado anúncios publicitários no lançamento, para novos mercados, de categorias e subcategorias de produtos já vendidas em outros países. Após uma revisão da literatura disponível, do desenvolvimento de proposições, e da avaliação destas através de três estudos de caso, foi possível verificar a existência de alguma linearidade entre os casos e a literatura estudada, incluindo: uma busca pela legitimação da categoria que precede àquela pela da marca; o uso de “especialistas” para a legitimação da categoria; o uso de apelos baseados em argumentos; e a divulgação de mais de uma característica de produto por anúncio. No entanto, dadas algumas discrepâncias entre o que foi observado nos casos e aquilo descrito na literatura consultada, também foi possível verificar que a maneira como os anúncios são feitos em diferentes lugares depende igualmente do cenário competitivo enfrentado pela empresa, bem como de variantes econômicas e culturais específicas da localidade em questão.


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The central objective of research in Information Retrieval (IR) is to discover new techniques to retrieve relevant information in order to satisfy an Information Need. The Information Need is satisfied when relevant information can be provided to the user. In IR, relevance is a fundamental concept which has changed over time, from popular to personal, i.e., what was considered relevant before was information for the whole population, but what is considered relevant now is specific information for each user. Hence, there is a need to connect the behavior of the system to the condition of a particular person and his social context; thereby an interdisciplinary sector called Human-Centered Computing was born. For the modern search engine, the information extracted for the individual user is crucial. According to the Personalized Search (PS), two different techniques are necessary to personalize a search: contextualization (interconnected conditions that occur in an activity), and individualization (characteristics that distinguish an individual). This movement of focus to the individual's need undermines the rigid linearity of the classical model overtaken the ``berry picking'' model which explains that the terms change thanks to the informational feedback received from the search activity introducing the concept of evolution of search terms. The development of Information Foraging theory, which observed the correlations between animal foraging and human information foraging, also contributed to this transformation through attempts to optimize the cost-benefit ratio. This thesis arose from the need to satisfy human individuality when searching for information, and it develops a synergistic collaboration between the frontiers of technological innovation and the recent advances in IR. The search method developed exploits what is relevant for the user by changing radically the way in which an Information Need is expressed, because now it is expressed through the generation of the query and its own context. As a matter of fact the method was born under the pretense to improve the quality of search by rewriting the query based on the contexts automatically generated from a local knowledge base. Furthermore, the idea of optimizing each IR system has led to develop it as a middleware of interaction between the user and the IR system. Thereby the system has just two possible actions: rewriting the query, and reordering the result. Equivalent actions to the approach was described from the PS that generally exploits information derived from analysis of user behavior, while the proposed approach exploits knowledge provided by the user. The thesis went further to generate a novel method for an assessment procedure, according to the "Cranfield paradigm", in order to evaluate this type of IR systems. The results achieved are interesting considering both the effectiveness achieved and the innovative approach undertaken together with the several applications inspired using a local knowledge base.


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El ánimo de superación y consecución de nuevos logros es una constante a lo largo de la historia arquitectura y la ingeniería. La construcción de estructuras cada vez más audaces, ligeras y esbeltas es un buen ejemplo de esta superación, pero este camino no está únicamente ligado a la consecución de nuevas formas estructurales y arquitectónicas, sino también a la búsqueda de una mayor economía de medios y materiales en su construcción, y el caso particular de las estructuras laminares metálicas no es una excepción. La presente tesis doctoral aborda el campo de las láminas de entramado desde una nueva perspectiva: la relación existente entre la introducción de una serie de innovaciones tecnológicas en la industria y la evolución formal de esta tipología estructural, tanto en lo que se refiere a la complejidad de las superficies construidas como en lo relativo a la elegancia de las mallas portantes alcanzada. Para ello esta investigación plantea la caracterización y clasificación de los sistemas constructivos prefabricados empleados en la construcción de láminas metálicas de celosía en función de la influencia de la tecnología y los procesos industriales de producción empleados en la fabricación de sus componentes, considerando asimismo las posibilidades formales y estéticas que ofrecen dichos sistemas y el grado de aprovechamiento de material que su diseño y fabricación permiten. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se propone una metodología analítica específica que aborda la caracterización de los diferentes casos no sólo desde un enfoque cualitativo y abstracto, en función de las propiedades de los sistemas, sino que propone el estudio de su aplicación práctica en la realización de estructuras existentes, pudiendo así cuantificar gran parte de los parámetros considerados en la clasificación. Gracias a la aplicación de esta metodología se ha podido establecer la relación inequívoca que existe entre los avances generados por la industria y la evolución formal de las láminas de celosía, gracias a la unión de la innovación tecnológica y el talento creativo de los diseñadores – arquitectos e ingenieros – en la búsqueda de la belleza. Asimismo se han podido determinar cómo, a pesar de los asombrosos avances realizados, aún existen aspectos susceptibles de optimización en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas constructivos prefabricados, proponiendo nuevas vías de investigación que puedan conducir a la obtención de diseños que puedan llevar aún más lejos el desarrollo de esta tipología estructural. ABSTRACT The aim of improvement and the achievement of new goals is a constant process throughout the history of the architecture and engineering. The construction of increasingly daring, light and slender structures is a great example of this surmounting, but this track is not only related to the attainment of new structural and architectural shapes, but also to the pursuit of a higher economy of means and materials in its building process, and the particular case of steel grid shells makes no exception. The present doctoral dissertation addresses the field of lattice shells from a new viewpoint: the existing relationship between the insertion of a number of technological innovations in the industry and the formal evolution of this structural type, either referring to the complexity of the built surfaces as related to the elegance of the achieved load bearing grids. Within this aim this investigation outlines the characterization and classification of the prefabricated building systems used in the construction of steel trussed shells according to the influence of technology and industrial production processes used in its component fabrication, also considering the formal and aesthetic possibilities that the mentioned systems provide and the performance degree of raw material which its design and fabrication makes possible. In order to reach the proposed objective, this work develops an specific methodology which addresses the characterization of the different cases not only from an abstract and qualitative focus, based on the system properties, but also regarding the analysis of their real use in existing structures, being thus capable to quantify most of the parameters which are considered in this classification. By means of this methodology it has been possible to lay down the unambiguous relationship between the advances provided by the industry and the formal evolution of lattice shells, given the combination of technological innovation and the creative talent of designers – architects and engineers – in the pursuit of beauty. Furthermore, it has been determined how, in spite the astonishing advances that have been made, some issues in the design and fabrication of systems are still suitable to be optimized, addressing new research paths which may lead to the achievement of new designs suitable to drive the development of this structural type even further.


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The emergence of the so-called “European Paradox” shows that R&D investment is not maximally effective and that increasing the scale of public R&D expenditures is not sufficient to generate employment and sustained economic growth. Increasing Governmental R&D Investment is far from being a “panacea” for stagnant growth. It is worth noting that Government R&D Investment does not have a statistically significant impact on employment, indicating the need to assess the trade-offs of policies that could lead to significant increases in government expenditure. Surprisingly, Governmental R&D Employment does not contribute to “mass-market” employment, despite its quite important role in reducing Youth-Unemployment. Despite the negative side-effects of Governmental R&D Employment on both GVA and GDP, University R&D Employment appears to have a quite important role in reducing Unemployment, especially Youth-Unemployment, while it also does not have a downside in terms of economic growth. Technological Capacity enhancement is the most effective instrument for reducing Unemployment and is a policy without any downside regarding sustainable economical development. In terms of wider policy implications, the results reinforce the idea that European Commission Research and Innovation policies must be restructured, shifting from a transnational framework to a more localised, measurable and operational approach.


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From a construction perspective, Public-Private Partnership projects (PPPs) are often credited as providing real incentives for the actors involved as well as a business environment that is conducive to innovation and improved practices. The validity of four common rhetorical arguments used to promote the PPP procurement route is explored: collaborative working, design freedom, long-term commitment and risk transfer. Particular interest is given to the extent to which espoused intentions correlate with experienced realities in allowing actors involved in the design and construction phases to be presented with, and able to exploit, opportunities for technological innovation. It is argued that there is reason to be cautious in fully accepting the purported benefits of the PPP framework and that the arguments often presented need to be revised. Alternative interpretations are provided.


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The Food and Nutrition stream of Australasian Child and Adolescent Obesity Research Network (ACAORN) aims to improve the quality of dietary methodologies and the reporting of dietary intake within Australasian child obesity research (http://www.acaorn.org.au/streams/nutrition/). With 2012 marking ACAORN’s 10th anniversary, this commentary profiles a selection of child obesity nutrition research published over the last decade by Food and Nutrition Stream members. In addition, stream activities have included the development of an online selection guide to assist researchers in their selection of appropriate dietary intake methodologies (http://www.acaorn.org.au/streams/nutrition/dietary-intake/index.php). The quantity and quality of research to guide effective child obesity prevention and treatment has increased substantially over the last decade. ACAORN provides a successful case study of how research networks can provide a collegial atmosphere to foster and co-ordinate research efforts in an otherwise competitive environment.