933 resultados para Non-Piston-Like Displacement


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Significant changes are reported in extreme rainfall characteristics over India in recent studies though there are disagreements on the spatial uniformity and causes of trends. Based on recent theoretical advancements in the Extreme Value Theory (EVT), we analyze changes in extreme rainfall characteristics over India using a high-resolution daily gridded (1 degrees latitude x 1 degrees longitude) dataset. Intensity, duration and frequency of excess rain over a high threshold in the summer monsoon season are modeled by non-stationary distributions whose parameters vary with physical covariates like the El-Nino Southern Oscillation index (ENSO-index) which is an indicator of large-scale natural variability, global average temperature which is an indicator of human-induced global warming and local mean temperatures which possibly indicate more localized changes. Each non-stationary model considers one physical covariate and the best chosen statistical model at each rainfall grid gives the most significant physical driver for each extreme rainfall characteristic at that grid. Intensity, duration and frequency of extreme rainfall exhibit non-stationarity due to different drivers and no spatially uniform pattern is observed in the changes in them across the country. At most of the locations, duration of extreme rainfall spells is found to be stationary, while non-stationary associations between intensity and frequency and local changes in temperature are detected at a large number of locations. This study presents the first application of nonstationary statistical modeling of intensity, duration and frequency of extreme rainfall over India. The developed models are further used for rainfall frequency analysis to show changes in the 100-year extreme rainfall event. Our findings indicate the varying nature of each extreme rainfall characteristic and their drivers and emphasize the necessity of a comprehensive framework to assess resulting risks of precipitation induced flooding. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents the study of wave propagation in quasicrystals. Our interest is in the computation of the wavenumber (k(n)) and group speed (c(g)) of the phonon and phason displacement modes of one, two, and three dimensional quasicrystals. These wave parameter expressions are derived and computed using the elasto-hydrodynamic equations for quasicrystals. For the computation of the wavenumber and group speeds, we use Fourier transform approximation of the phonon and the phason displacement modes. The characteristic equations obtained are a polynomial equation of the wavenumber (k(n)), with frequency as a parameter. The corresponding group speeds (c(g)) for different frequencies are then computed from the wavenumber k(n). The variation of wavenumber and group speeds with frequency is plotted for the 1-D quasicrystal, 2-D decagonal Al-Ni-Co quasicrystals, and 3-D icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn and Zn-Mg-Sc quasicrystals. From the wavenumber and group speeds plots, we obtain the cut-off frequencies for different spatial wavenumber eta(m). The results show that for 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D quasicrystals, the phonon displacement modes are non-dispersive for low values of eta(m) and becomes dispersive for increasing values of eta(m). The cut-off frequencies are not observed for very low values of eta(m), whereas the cut-off frequency starts to appear with increasing eta(m). The group speeds of the phason displacement modes are orders of magnitude lower than that of the phonon displacement modes, showing that the phason modes do not propagate, and they are essentially the diffusive modes. The group speeds of the phason modes are also not influenced by eta(m). The group speeds for the 2-D quasicrystal at 35 kHz is also simulated numerically using Galerkin spectral finite element methods in frequency domain and is compared with the results obtained using wave propagation analysis. The effect of the phonon and phason elastic constants on the group speeds is studied using 3-D icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn and Zn-Mg-Sc quasicrystals. It is also shown that the phason elastic constants and the coupling coefficient do not affect the group speeds of the phonon displacement modes. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Sheet-like clouds are common in turbulent gas and perhaps form via collisions between turbulent gas flows. Having examined the evolution of an isothermal shocked slab in an earlier contribution, in this work we follow the evolution of a sheet-like cloud confined by (thermal) pressure and gas in it is allowed to cool. The extant purpose of this endeavour is to study the early phases of core-formation. The observed evolution of this cloud supports the conjecture that molecular clouds themselves are three-phase media (comprising viz. a stable cold and warm medium, and a third thermally unstable medium), though it appears, clouds may evolve in this manner irrespective of whether they are gravitationally bound. We report, this sheet fragments initially due to the growth of the thermal instability (TI) and some fragments are elongated, filament-like. Subsequently, relatively large fragments become gravitationally unstable and sub-fragment into smaller cores. The formation of cores appears to be a three stage process: first, growth of the TI leads to rapid fragmentation of the slab; second, relatively small fragments acquire mass via gas-accretion and/or merger and third, sufficiently massive fragments become susceptible to the gravitational instability and sub-fragment to form smaller cores. We investigate typical properties of clumps (and smaller cores) resulting from this fragmentation process. Findings of this work support the suggestion that the weak velocity field usually observed in dense clumps and smaller cores is likely seeded by the growth of dynamic instabilities. Simulations were performed using the smooth particle hydrodynamics algorithm.


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How do we assess the capability of a compliant mechanism of given topology and shape? The kinetoelastostatic maps proposed in this paper help answer this question. These maps are drawn in 2D using two non-dimensional quantities, one capturing the nonlinear static response and the other the geometry, material, and applied forces. Geometrically nonlinear finite element analysis is used to create the maps for compliant mechanisms consisting of slender beams. In addition to the topology and shape, the overall proportions and the proportions of the cross-sections of the beam segments are kept fixed for a map. The finite region of the map is parameterized using a non-dimensional quantity defined as the slenderness ratio. The shape and size of the map and the parameterized curves inside it indicate the complete kinetoelastostatic capability of the corresponding compliant mechanism of given topology, shape, and fixed proportions. Static responses considered in this paper include input/output displacement, geometric amplification, mechanical advantage, maximum stress, etc. The maps can be used to compare mechanisms, to choose a suitable mechanism for an application, or re-design as may be needed. The usefulness of the non-dimensional maps is presented with multiple applications of different variety. Non-dimensional portrayal of snap-through mechanisms is one such example. The effect of the shape of the cross-section of the beam segments and the role of different segments in the mechanism as well as extension to 3D compliant mechanisms, the cases of multiple inputs and outputs, and moment loads are also explained. The effects of disproportionate changes on the maps are also analyzed.


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Using coherent light interrogating a turbid object perturbed by a focused ultrasound (US) beam, we demonstrate localized measurement of dynamics in the focal region, termed the region-of-interest (ROI), from the decay of the modulation in intensity autocorrelation of light. When the ROI contains a pipe flow, the decay is shown to be sensitive to the average flow velocity from which the mean-squared displacement (MSD) of the scattering centers in the flow can be estimated. While the MSD estimated is seen to be an order of magnitude higher than that obtainable through the usual diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) without the US, it is seen to be more accurate as verified by the volume flow estimated from it. It is further observed that, whereas the MSD from the localized measurement grows with time as tau(alpha) with alpha approximate to 1.65, without using the US, a is seen to be much less. Moreover, with the local measurement, this super-diffusive nature of the pipe flow is seen to persist longer, i.e., over a wider range of initial tau, than with the unassisted DWS. The reason for the super-diffusivity of flow, i.e., alpha < 2, in the ROI is the presence of a fluctuating (thermodynamically nonequilibrium) component in the dynamics induced by the US forcing. Beyond this initial range, both methods measure MSDs that rise linearly with time, indicating that ballistic and near-ballistic photons hardly capture anything beyond the background Brownian motion. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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A comparative study of field-induced domain switching and lattice strain was carried out by in situ electric-field-dependent high-energy synchrotron x-ray diffraction on a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) and a near-MPB rhombohedral/pseudomonoclinic composition of a high-performance piezoelectric alloy (1-x) PbTiO3-(x)BiScO3. It is demonstrated that the MPB composition showing large d(33) similar to 425 pC/N exhibits significantly reduced propensity of field-induced domain switching as compared to the non-MPB rhombohedral composition (d(33) similar to 260 pC/N). These experimental observations contradict the basic premise of the martensitic-theory-based explanation which emphasizes on enhanced domain wall motion as the primary factor for the anomalous piezoelectric response in MPB piezoelectrics. Our results favor field-induced structural transformation to be the primary mechanism contributing to the large piezoresponse of the critical MPB composition of this system.


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The centromere, on which kinetochore proteins assemble, ensures precise chromosome segregation. Centromeres are largely specified by the histone H3 variant CENP-A (also known as Cse4 in yeasts). Structurally, centromere DNA sequences are highly diverse in nature. However, the evolutionary consequence of these structural diversities on de novo CENP-A chromatin formation remains elusive. Here, we report the identification of centromeres, as the binding sites of four evolutionarily conserved kinetochore proteins, in the human pathogenic budding yeast Candida tropicalis. Each of the seven centromeres comprises a 2 to 5 kb non-repetitive mid core flanked by 2 to 5 kb inverted repeats. The repeat-associated centromeres of C. tropicalis all share a high degree of sequence conservation with each other and are strikingly diverged from the unique and mostly non-repetitive centromeres of related Candida species-Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, and Candida lusitaniae. Using a plasmid-based assay, we further demonstrate that pericentric inverted repeats and the underlying DNA sequence provide a structural determinant in CENP-A recruitment in C. tropicalis, as opposed to epigenetically regulated CENP-A loading at centromeres in C. albicans. Thus, the centromere structure and its influence on de novo CENP-A recruitment has been significantly rewired in closely related Candida species. Strikingly, the centromere structural properties along with role of pericentric repeats in de novo CENP-A loading in C. tropicalis are more reminiscent to those of the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Taken together, we demonstrate, for the first time, fission yeast-like repeat-associated centromeres in an ascomycetous budding yeast.


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In order to investigate the characteristics of water wave induced liquefaction in highly saturated sand in vertical direction, a one-dimensional model of highly saturated sand to water pressure oscillation is presented based oil the two-phase continuous media theory. The development of the effective stresses and the liquefaction thickness are analyzed. It is shown that water pressure oscillating loading affects liquefaction severely and the developing rate of liquefaction increases with the decreasing of the sand strength or the increasing of the loading strength. It is shown also that there is obvious phase lag in the sand Column. If the sand permeability is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain rise sharply at which the smallest permeability occurs. This solution may explain Why the fracture occurs in the sand column in some conditions.


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In order to investigate the influence of the vertical vibration loading on the liquefaction of saturated sand, one dimensional model for the saturated sand with a vertical vibration is presented based on the two phase continuous media theory. The development of the liquefaction and the liquefaction region are analyzed. It is shown that the vertical vibration loading could induce liquefaction. The rate of the liquefaction increases with the increase of the initial limit strain or initial porosity or amplitude and frequency of loading, and increases with the decrease of the permeability or initial modulus. It is shown also that there is a phase lag in the sand column. When the sand permeability distribution is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain will rise sharply where the permeability is the smallest, and fracture might be induced. With the development of liquefaction, the strength of the soil foundation becomes smaller and smaller. In the limiting case, landslides or debris flows could occur.


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Resumen: La vera intenzione teologica di Anselmo d’Aosta nello scrivere il Proslogion e il vero significato del suo celebre unum argumentum vanno visti nella funzione che la ragione svolge necessariamente all’interno della vita di fede del cristiano. Anselmo, come Tommaso d’Aquino, non sostiene che l’esistenza di Dio sia un “articulus fidei” ma piuttosto uno dei “praeambula fidei”. La ragione naturale ha la certezza che Dio esiste, ancora prima della dimostrazione metafisica, e questo non fa che confermare l’assurdità di pensare che non esista il fondamento reale di tutte le cose esistenti.


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The perturbation theory is applied further to the discussion of the equilibrium properties of a sunspot-like magnetic field with a strong twisted component. The basic state reduces to the usual one discussed extensively for the axisymmetric magnetostatic equilibrium with twisted component of magnetic field, and the perturbed state is described by two coupled equations. As the magnetic force-line is twisted, there is a magnetic tension in the azimuthal direction. In this case, the perturbed total pressure is no longer independent of the azimuthal variable θ, and the magnetic field in the dark penumbal fibril may be either stronger or weaker relatively.


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The observational data show that large scale loop or bubble-like coronal transients frequently associate with forerunners. The forerunner should be related to the rapid motion of the transient behind it, and they are controlled by the same dynamic process. In the present paper, the gasdynamic model with a spherical piston moving at certain speed in the solar gravitational field is devoted to studying the coronal transient with a forerunner. In comparison with observations, the theoretical results show that the piston model may, reasonably explain the configuration, kinetic and dynamic features in the regions of both forerunner and high-speed transient behind it.


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.


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The use of synthetic and non-synthetic hormones have been reported in different regions with the recommendation of different doses. The adaptability of these findings have however not been very successful due to the high cost of building and maintaining hatchery, high cost of synthetic hormone (when available) and high level manpower required. It is obvious that adaptive research in the past ten years in developing countries like Nigeria have been geared towards utilization of resources that are equally effective but cheap and ready to come by. This paper reports the utilization of the pituitary extract of bull frog (Rana adspersa) and the toad (Bufo regularis) in the induced breeding of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. The extraction and dosage are discussed alongside the preliminary rearing of fries in outdoor hatchery tanks. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and Clarias pituitary extracts were used as control