820 resultados para Non verbal communication


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Diversos estudos têm apontado os benefícios da habilidade empática. Ela está associada à saúde e bem-estar psicológicos, a relacionamentos mais satisfatórios, a comportamentos pró-sociais e morais, à resiliência etc., ao passo que sua ausência está associada a diversos prejuízos pessoais e interpessoais. Como habilidade social, entende-se que a empatia é um fenômeno multidimensional, com aspectos cognitivos, afetivos e comportamentais. Respectivamente, envolve a capacidade de compreender o ponto de vista do outro, de se interessar genuinamente pelo seu bem-estar, e de expressar, por meio de comportamentos verbais e/ou não verbais, sua compreensão e interesse ao interlocutor, permitindo a este se sentir entendido e validado em suas experiências. Esta habilidade tem sido associada, mais recentemente, por diversos estudos internacionais, à capacidade de perdoar um ofensor por suas transgressões. Com isso, o propósito do presente trabalho foi investigar a influência da habilidade empática sobre o perdão interpessoal, em uma amostra brasileira. O perdão também vem sendo considerado uma experiência multifatorial, com domínios cognitivos, afetivos e comportamentais, que abrangem os pensamentos, as emoções e os comportamentos em relação a um ofensor. Para a realização desta investigação, 172 participantes responderam o Inventário de Empatia (IE), a Escala de Atitudes (o Enright Forgiveness Inventory EFI) e uma ficha sobre dados socidemográficos. O IE apresenta quatro subescalas: Tomada de Perspectiva, Sensibilidade Afetiva, Flexibilidade Interpessoal e Altruísmo. O EFI apresenta uma Escala Global de perdão e três Subescalas: Afetiva, Cognitiva e Comportamental. Testes correlacionais e de regressão foram processados a fim de investigar as relações entre os fatores do IE e do EFI, bem como a predição da empatia sobre o perdão. Os resultados indicaram diversas relações positivas e significativas estatisticamente: a Tomada de Perspectiva se relacionou à Escala Global do perdão e às Subescalas Afetiva e Comportamental; a Sensibilidade Afetiva e o Altruísmo se relacionaram à Escala Global e à Comportamental do perdão; a Flexibilidade Interpessoal foi o único fator empático que não apresentou correlações significativas com o perdão. Com a regressão, constatou-se que: Altruísmo e Tomada de Perspectiva, combinados, ou Tomada de Perspectiva, sozinha, predisseram o Perdão Global; Sensibilidade Afetiva, Tomada de Perspectiva e Altruísmo, combinados ou individualmente, tiveram valor preditivo sobre a Subescala Comportamental do perdão; e apenas a Tomada de Perspectiva, sozinha, predisse a Subescala Afetiva do perdão. Nenhum fator do IE teve valor preditivo sobre a Subescala Cognitiva do perdão e a Flexibilidade Interpessoal não predisse qualquer dimensão do EFI. Os resultados encontrados apoiam pesquisas anteriores, confirmando a importância da empatia para a ocorrência do perdão interpessoal. Contudo, ressalta-se que a Tomada de Perspectiva se destacou como a dimensão empática mais importante, sugerindo a relevância que a capacidade de adotar o ponto de vista do outro tem para que o perdão seja alcançado.


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Esta tese examina o possível sentido atribuído por Ferenczi à amizade. São feitas considerações sobre o mesmo, a partir de um exame de relações pessoais de Ferenczi com alguns de seus pares, e no contexto de sua obra. A importância de uma reflexão sobre a amizade, sobretudo no campo psicanalítico da atualidade, se deve a uma preocupação sobre em relação ais desafios gerados no âmbito da clínica psicanalítica contemporânea. Considera-se que a liberdade dominante na cultura contemporânea contribui para a formação de subjetividades bastante resistentes à aceitação das condições mediante as quais a terapia psicanalítica costuma se desenvolver, ou seja, pela via da comunicação verbal. Por outro lado, a redução do senso de responsabilidade e da função crítica implicadas em escolhas e decisões, e observadas na contemporaneidade, se constituem em fatores adversos à situação analítica. Um dos aspectos da resistência então verificada deriva de uma formação egóica que pode ser caracterizada como tão plástica quanto rígida, cujo funcionamento opera de acordo com circunstâncias, e em função de os indivíduos não serem, na contemporaneidade, na verdade tão livres quanto a princípio se espera. Ferenczi, divergindo em parte de Freud, concede um maior destaque à importância dos afetos nas relações interpessoais, notadamente no âmbito terapêutico, de forma que enfatiza, por exemplo, a importância terapêutica da regressão e da contratransferência, para se lograr o equilíbrio da economia psíquica do analisado. Então, desde um destaque dado à implicação do afeto amizade em experimentações técnicas realizadas e nas considerações propostas por Ferenczi, esta tese situa o afeto amizade, experimentado pelo analista junto ao analisando, como uma variante importante na condução da cura analítica. Como suporte desta tematização, se recorre à Filosofia, no intuito de recensear alguns dos sentidos historicamente atribuído à amizade. O principal suporte bibliográfico utilizado é uma trilogia dedicada a este tema, pulicada por Francisco Ortega, em que aquele é investigado desde a Antiguidade até a Contemporaneidade. Outros filósofos, aos quais este autor recorre, são Derrida e Foucault. Assim, conclui-se ser recomendável que o analista não se mantenha alheio às condições culturais e aos valores que influem nos processos de subjetivação, nem tampouco distanciado do que envolve o sofrimento de seu analisando, não se furtando, portanto, a apresentar-se, em certa medida, como um artigo. Compreende-se, então, que é preciso que o analista se implique cada vez mais no processo analítico, apresentando-se também como uma amigo, à medida que esta postura possa se revelar terapêutica.


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Objetiva-se, neste trabalho, compreender as lutas de resistência e os poderes que estão em jogo no contexto de manifestações populares de dois mil e treze, no Brasil, realizando uma análise discursiva de duas notícias televisivas. Por meio deste estudo, analisamos a imagem construída acerca dos participantes e suas motivações e entendemos como a grande imprensa retratou as manifestações em contraponto com o que foi apresentado nas novas mídias alternativas, elegendo como entradas linguísticas as designações atribuídas aos eventos e aos seus participantes e as vozes relatadas nas notícias. O estudo que ora se apresenta trata de uma análise do discurso midiático, segundo a teoria da AD de linha francesa, com base, nos postulados de Maingueneau (2008b), através da semântica global proposta pelo autor. Consideramos ainda que uma entrada que privilegia o estudo dos performativos e pressupostos (Rocha, 2014) vem permitindo avanços notáveis nos encaminhamentos de uma perspectiva discursiva. Para fundamentar nossa abordagem teórica, seguiremos a perspectiva dialógica da linguagem (Bakhtin, 2003) e a noção de gêneros do discurso através dos critérios de Maingueneau (2011). Além disso, abordaremos as noções de poder e as lutas de resistência (Foucault, 1979) e a produção de subjetividade por meio dos agenciamentos e das máquinas de expressão (Guattari & Rolnik, 2005). Através de um estudo sobre as imagens no campo midiático, pretendemos desnaturalizar a visão de que o telejornal apresenta a verdade única e concreta em suas notícias, mostrando que essas notícias são apenas uma das diversas perspectivas de realidade possíveis, seguindo os postulados de Wolff (2005). O corpus de análise selecionado foi obtido a partir da página na internet do telejornal, com a retirada dos vídeos das manifestações dos dias vinte e três e vinte e quatro de julho de dois mil e treze, pelo site do Jornal Nacional, da Rede Globo de televisão. Com esses vídeos, poderemos observar que as polêmicas e os posicionamentos discursivos entre as diferentes mídias são evidenciados e perpassam esse evento. Busca-se, enfim, realizar uma análise mais apurada do discurso midiático, que, por sua vez, evidencie a relação entre as modalidades da linguagem: verbal e não verbal e o seu funcionamento. Como resultados, observamos que as notícias podem apresentar um descolamento entre as modalidades da linguagem, ou seja, entre o que é falado e o que é mostrado ao telespectador. Sendo assim, a parte verbal (designações) evidencia um possível equilíbrio entre policiais e manifestantes, diferentemente, do que pudemos identificar na parte não verbal (vozes e imagens) da notícia. Por fim, através desse deslocamento percebemos que a ideia de um aparente equilíbrio entre as partes é mas um efeito produzido pela própria linguagem do que uma evidência empírica exterior à notícia.


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Considerando-se a linguagem um elemento de interação social, concebe-se o texto, em todas as suas manifestações, como objeto norteador do ensino da Língua Materna, cujo objetivo, segundo orientações dos PCN de Língua Portuguesa, é formar cidadãos reflexivos e críticos, proficientes na prática da leitura e da escrita. Entretanto, face a um currículo extenso e limitada carga horária, as aulas de produção textual, não raras vezes, deixam de propiciar uma formação autônoma e reproduzem práticas que visam apenas à apropriação da norma padrão e à apreensão de modelos de escrita, gerando um aprendizado desvinculado da realidade do educando. Dessa forma, a presente dissertação pretende mostrar os desafios enfrentados por professores do Ensino Médio para desconstruir a passividade que se instaura no educando, ao longo do Ensino Fundamental II, perante seu próprio texto, seja no ato de exposição do tema proposto para a redação, seja na etapa destinada à avaliação da mesma, na qual pouco se estimula sua participação. Com base na perspectiva sociointeracionista de Bakhtin (2009), este trabalho defende a ideia de que o envolvimento do educando com seu texto deve se iniciar na fase de elaboração do tema, de modo que este possa ser integrado à vivência do aluno, até a fase de revisão e correção, em que o acompanhamento do processo visa a garantir ao autor o direito à analise e à reescritura de sua produção, momentos imprescindíveis ao desenvolvimento da competência leitora e escritora. O corpus desta pesquisa é formado por produções textuais de estudantes do primeiro e do segundo anos do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede particular do município do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisadas 64 redações, sendo 28 produzidas a partir de temas determinados pelo professor, focando procedimentos relativos à análise do tema e à reescrita, e 36 relacionadas à construção de temas a partir de textos não verbais, buscando-se maior amplitude interpretativa. Além disso, também foram aplicados questionários, nos quais os alunos expuseram seus pontos de vista sobre as aulas de redação na escola. A análise do corpus demonstrou que a escrita é um processo e que o ensino de produção de textos se torna mais produtivo na medida em que se possibilita maior participação dos educandos em todas as etapas.


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Studies on lie-detection by western psychologists indicate that lying cues people usually hold are not in accordance with the real verbal and non-verbal behaviors that liars usually show. A cross-culture study carried out by C.F.Bond and its global research team finds that the commonest view held by people from 75 nations about lying behavior is that liars usually avert gaze, while study shows that gaze-aversion has no relation with lying. In Bond’s view, stereotype of the liar reflect more about common cross-culture values than an objective description of how liars behave. Different culture has its norms based upon which people judge whether a person is credible or not. As a nation of long Confucianism tradition, how Chinese view liars differently from people of other culture is the interest of this study. By a comparative study with that of Bond’s research, it is found that, in line with Bond’s finding, Chinese generally hold the same stereotype about liars with that of the westerners; but it seems that Chinese rely significantly less on gaze-aversion as a cue to lying, and they concern more about senders’ motivation and emotion. It is also found that confidence about their detection ability among Chinese is lower than westerners. A further study on different professions and their view about lying behaviors shows that people in law-enforcement and related professions generally hold a more accurate view toward how liars behave. Possible explanations to the above mentioned findings in view of culture differences, aspects to be improved in this study and direction of future research are discussed in the later part of the thesis.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.


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Delivering a lecture requires confidence, a sound knowledge and well developed teaching skills (Cooper and Simonds, 2007, Quinn and Hughes, 2007). However, practitioners who are new to lecturing large groups in higher education may initially lack the confidence to do so which can manifest itself in their verbal and non-verbal cues and the fluency of their teaching skills. This results in the perception that students can identify the confident and non-confident teacher during a lecture (Street, 2007) and so potentially contributing to a lecturer’s level of anxiety prior to, and during, a lecture. Therefore, in the current educational climate of consumerisation, with the increased evaluation of teaching by students, having the ability to deliver high-quality, informed, and interesting lectures assumes greater significance for both lecturers and universities (Carr, 2007; Higher Education Founding Council 2008, Glass et al., 2006). This paper will present both the quantitative and qualitative data from a two-phase mixed method study with 75 nurse lecturers and 62 nursing students in one university in the United Kingdom. The study investigated the notion that lecturing has similarities to acting (Street, 2007). The findings presented here are concerned with how students perceived lecturers’ level of confidence and how lecturers believed they demonstrated confidence. In phase one a specifically designed questionnaire was distributed to both lecturers and students and a response rate of 91% (n=125) was achieved, while in phase two 12 in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with lecturers. Results suggested that students in a lecture could identify if the lecturer was confident or not by the way they performed a lecture. Students identified 57 manifestations of non-confidence and lecturers identified 85, while 57 manifestations of confidence were identified by students and 88 by lecturers. Overall, these fell into 12 main converse categories, ranging from body language to the use of space within the room. Both students and lecturers ranked body language, vocal qualities, delivery skills, involving the students and the ability to share knowledge as the most evident manifestations of confidence. Elements like good eye contact, smiling, speaking clearly and being fluent in the use of media recourses where all seen as manifestations confidence, conversely if these were poorly executed then a presentation of under confidence was evident. Furthermore, if the lecturer appeared enthusiastic it was clearly underpinned by the manifestation of a highly confidence lecturer who was secure in their knowledge base and teaching abilities: Some lecturers do appear enthusiastic but others don’t. I think the ones that do know what they are talking about, you can see it in their voice and in their lively body language. I think they are also good at involving the students even. I think the good ones are able to turn boring subjects into lively and interesting ones. (Student 50) Significantly more lecturers than students felt the lecturer should appear confident when lecturing. The lecturers stated it was particularly important to do so when they did not feel confident, because they were concerned with appearing capable. It seems that these students and lecturers perceived that expressive and apparently confident lecturers can make a positive impact on student groups in terms of involvement in lectures; the data also suggested the reverse, for the under confident lecturer. Findings from phase two indicated that these lecturers assumed a persona when lecturing, particularly, but not exclusively, when they were nervous. These lecturers went through a process of assuming and maintaining this persona before and during a lecture as a way of promoting their internal perceptions of confidence but also their outward manifestation of confidence. Although assuming a convincing persona may have a degree of deception about it, providing the knowledge communicated is accurate, the deception may aid rather than hinder learning, because enhances the delivery of a lecture. Therefore, the deception of acting a little more confidently than one feels might be justified when the lecturer knows the knowledge they are communicating is correct, unlike the Dr Fox Effect where the person delivering a lecture is an actor and does not know the subject in any detail or depth and where the deception to be justified (Naftulin, et al., 1973). In conclusion, these students and lecturers perceive that confident and enthusiastic lecturers communicate their passion for the subject in an interesting and meaningful manner through the use of their voice, body, space and interactions in such a way that shows confidence in their knowledge as well as their teaching abilities. If lecturers, therefore, can take a step back to consider how they deliver lectures in apparently confident ways this may increase their ability to engage their students and not only help them being perceived as good lecturers, but also contribute to the genuine act of education.


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The present longitudinal study sought to investigate the impact of poor phonology on children’s mathematical status. From a screening sample of 256 five-year-olds, 82 children were identified as either typically achieving (TA; N = 31), having comorbid poor phonology and mathematical difficulties (PDMD; N =31), or having only poor phonology (phonological difficulty, PD; N = 20). Children were assessed on eight components of informal and formal mathematics achievement at ages 5–7 years. PD children were found to have significant impairments in some, mainly formal, components of mathematics by age 7 compared to TA children. Analysis also revealed that, by age 7, approximately half of the PD children met the criteria for PDMD, while the remainder exhibited less severe deficits in some components of formal mathematics. Children’s mathematical performance at age 5, however, did not predict which PD children were more likely to become PDMD at age 7, nor did they differ in terms of phonological awareness at age 5. However, those PD children who later became PDMD had lower scores on verbal and non-verbal tests of general ability.


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This paper describes a substantial effort to build a real-time interactive multimodal dialogue system with a focus on emotional and non-verbal interaction capabilities. The work is motivated by the aim to provide technology with competences in perceiving and producing the emotional and non-verbal behaviours required to sustain a conversational dialogue. We present the Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) scenario as a setting which seems particularly suited for the study of emotional and non- verbal behaviour, since it requires only very limited verbal understanding on the part of the machine. This scenario allows us to concentrate on non-verbal capabilities without having to address at the same time the challenges of spoken language understanding, task modeling etc. We first report on three prototype versions of the SAL scenario, in which the behaviour of the Sensitive Artificial Listener characters was determined by a human operator. These prototypes served the purpose of verifying the effectiveness of the SAL scenario and allowed us to collect data required for building system components for analysing and synthesising the respective behaviours. We then describe the fully autonomous integrated real-time system we created, which combines incremental analysis of user behaviour, dialogue management, and synthesis of speaker and listener behaviour of a SAL character displayed as a virtual agent. We discuss principles that should underlie the evaluation of SAL-type systems. Since the system is designed for modularity and reuse, and since it is publicly available, the SAL system has potential as a joint research tool in the affective computing research community.


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Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder defined by atypical social behaviour, of which atypical social attention behaviours are among the earliest clinical markers (Volkmar et al., 1997). Eye tracking studies using still images and movie clips have provided a method for the precise quantification of atypical social attention in ASD. This is generally characterised by diminished viewing of the most socially pertinent regions (eyes), and increased viewing of less socially informative regions (body, background, objects) (Klin et al., 2002; Riby & Hancock, 2008, 2009). Ecological validity within eye tracking studies has become an increasingly important issue. As of yet, however, little is known about the precise nature of the atypicalities of social attention in ASD in real-life. Objectives: To capture and quantify gaze patterns for children with an ASD within a real life setting, compared to two Typically Developing (TD) comparison groups. Methods: Nine children with an ASD were compared to two age matched TD groups – a verbal (N=9) and a non-verbal (N=9) comparison group. A real-life scenario was created involving an experimenter posing as a magician, and consisted of 3 segments: a conversation segment; a magic trick segment; and a puppet segment. The first segment explored children’s attentional preferences during a real-life conversation; the magic trick segment explored children’s use of the eyes as a communicative cue, and the puppet segment explored attention capture. Finally, part of the puppet section explored children’s use of facial information in response to an unexpected event. Results: The most striking difference between the groups was the diminished viewing of the eyes by the ASD group in comparison to both control groups. This was found particularly during the conversation segment, but also during the magic trick segment, and during the puppet segment. When in conversation, participants with ASD were found to spend a greater proportion time looking off-screen, in comparison to TD participants. There was also a tendency for the ASD group to spend a greater proportion of time looking to the mouth of the experimenter. During the magic trick segment, despite the fact that the eyes were not predictive of a correct location, both TD comparison groups continued to use the eyes as a communicative cue, whereas the ASD group did not. In the puppet segment, all three groups spent a similar amount of time looking between the puppet and regions of the experimenter’s face. However, in response to an unexpected event, the ASD group were significantly slower to fixate back on the experimenter’s face. Conclusions: The results demonstrate the reduced salience of socially pertinent information for children with ASD in real life, and they provide support for the findings from previous eye tracking studies involving scene viewing. However, the results also highlight a pattern looking off-screen for both the TD and ASD groups. This eye movement behaviour is likely to be associated specifically with real-life interaction, as it has functional relevance (Doherty-Sneddon et al., 2002). However, the fact that it is significantly increased in the ASD group has implications for their understanding of real life social interactions.


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The application of Eye Tracking (ET) to the study of social functioning in Asperger Syndrome (AS) provides a unique perspective into social attention and cognition in this atypical neurodevelopmental group. Research in this area has shown how ET can capture social attention atypicalities within this group, such as diminished fixations to the eye region when viewing still images and movie clips; increased fixation to the mouth region; reduced face gaze. Issues exist, however, within the literature, where the type (static/dynamic) and the content (ecological validity) of stimuli used appear to affect the nature of the gaze patterns reported. Objectives: Our research aims were: using the same group of adolescents with AS, to compare their viewing patterns to age and IQ matched typically developing (TD) adolescents using stimuli considered to represent a hierarchy of ecological validity, building from static facial images; through a non-verbal movie clip; through verbal footage from real-life conversation; to eye tracking during real-life conversation. Methods: Eleven participants with AS were compared to 11 TD adolescents, matched for age and IQ. In Study 1, participants were shown 2 sets of static facial images (emotion faces, still images taken from the dynamic clips). In Study 2, three dynamic clips were presented (1 non-verbal movie clip, 2 verbal footage from real-life conversation). Study 3 was an exploratory study of eye tracking during a real-life conversation. Eye movements were recorded via a HiSpeeed (240Hz) SMI eye tracker fitted with chin and forehead rests. Various methods of analysis were used, including a paradigm for temporal analysis of the eye movement data. Results: Results from these studies confirmed that the atypical nature of social attention in AS was successfully captured by this paradigm. While results differed across stimulus sets,
collectively they demonstrated how individuals with AS failed to focus on the most socially relevant aspects of the various stimuli presented. There was also evidence that the eye movements of the AS group were atypically affected by the presence of motion and verbal information. Discriminant Function Analysis demonstrated that the ecological validity of stimuli was an important factor in identifying atypicalities associated with AS, with more accurate classifications of AS and TD groups occurring for more naturalistic stimuli (dynamic rather than static). Graphical analysis of temporal sequences of eye movements revealed the atypical manner in which AS participants followed interactions within the dynamic stimuli. Taken together with data on the order of gaze patterns, more subtle atypicalities were detected in the gaze behaviour of AS individuals towards more socially pertinent regions of the dynamic stimuli. Conclusions: These results have potentially important implications for our understanding of deficits in Asperger Syndrome, as they show that, with more naturalistic stimuli, subtle differences in social attention can be detected that


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Sensitive Artificial Listeners (SAL) are virtual dialogue partners based on audiovisual analysis and synthesis. Despite their very limited verbal understanding, they intend to engage the user in a conversation by paying attention to the user’s emotions and non- verbal expressions. The SAL characters have their own emotionally defined personality, and attempt to drag the user towards their dom- inant emotion through a combination of verbal and non-verbal ex- pression. The demonstrator shows the publicly available, fully au- tonomous SAL system.


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The ß-amyloid peptide may play a central role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis. We have evaluated variants in seven Aß-degrading genes (ACE, ECE1, ECE2, IDE, MME, PLAU, and TF) for association with AD risk in the Genetic and Environmental Risk in Alzheimer's Disease Consortium 1 (GERAD1) cohort, and with three cognitive phenotypes in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936), using 128 and 121 SNPs, respectively. In GERAD1, we identified a significant association between a four-SNP intragenic ECE1 haplotype and risk of AD in individuals that carried at least one APOE e4 allele (P = 0.00035, odds ratio = 1.61). In LBC1936, we identified a significant association between a different two-SNP ECE1 intragenic haplotype and non-verbal reasoning in individuals lacking the APOE e4 allele (P = 0.00036, ß = -0.19). Both results showed a trend towards significance after permutation (0.05 <P <0.10). A follow-up cognitive genetic study evaluated the association of ECE1 SNPs in three additional cohorts of non-demented older people. Meta-analysis of the four cohorts identified the significant association (Z <0.05) of SNPs in the ECE-1b promoter with non-verbal reasoning scores, particularly in individuals lacking the APOE e4 allele. Our genetic findings are not wholly consistent. Nonetheless, the AD associated intronic haplotype is linked to the 338A variant of known ECE1b promoter variant, 338C>A (rs213045). We observed significantly less expression from the 338A variant in two human neuroblastoma cell lines and speculate that this promoter may be subject to tissue-specific regulation.


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This study explored the pattern of memory functioning in 58 patients with chronic schizophrenia and compared their performance with 53 normal controls. Multiple domains of memory were assessed, including verbal and nonverbal memory span, verbal and non-verbal paired associate learning, verbal and visual long-term memory, spatial and non-spatial conditional associative learning, recognition memory and memory for temporal order. Consistent with previous studies, substantial deficits in long-term memory were observed, with relative preservation of memory span. Memory for temporal order and recognition memory was intact, although significant deficits were observed on the conditional associative learning tasks. There was no evidence of lateralized memory impairment. In these respects, the pattern of memory impairment in schizophrenia is more similar in nature to that found in patients with memory dysfunction following mesiotemporal lobe lesions, rather than that associated with focal frontal lobe damage. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Growing evidence suggests that significant motor problems are associated with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), particularly in catching tasks. Catching is a complex, dynamic skill that involves the ability to synchronise one's own movement to that of a moving target. To successfully complete the task, the participant must pick up and use perceptual information about the moving target to arrive at the catching place at the right time. This study looks at catching ability in children diagnosed with ASD (mean age 10.16 ± 0.9 years) and age-matched non-verbal (9.72 ± 0.79 years) and receptive language (9.51 ± 0.46) control groups. Participants were asked to "catch" a ball as it rolled down a fixed ramp. Two ramp heights provided two levels of task difficulty, whilst the sensory information (audio and visual) specifying ball arrival time was varied. Results showed children with ASD performed significantly worse than both the receptive language (p =.02) and non-verbal (p =.02) control groups in terms of total number of balls caught. A detailed analysis of the movement kinematics showed that difficulties with picking up and using the sensory information to guide the action may be the source of the problem. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.