912 resultados para Non destructive testing
El proyecto de rehabilitación de una de las naves del complejo fabril de la industria química ?CROS? en Valencia se llevó a cabo con el criterio de mantener, en la medida de lo posible, los elementos estructurales presentes en la nave. Con este objetivo se realizaron una serie de ensayos no destructivos (END) in situ. Estos ensayos permitieron evaluar la calidad de la madera, determinar qué elementos estructurales debían ser sustituidos y comprobar la aptitud de los que iban a ser reutilizados. Los END empleados en este estudio fueron los siguientes: (1) Identificación de la especie por técnicas anatómicas, (2) Clasificación resistente por método visual, (3) Estimación de humedad por la técnica de resistencia eléctrica; (4) Obtención de velocidades de propagación ultrasónicas (5) Resistógrafía y (6) Alteración de la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas por medio de Georradar. Para la calibración de estos END se tomó una muestra de piezas y se hicieron ensayos destructivos bajo condiciones controladas en laboratorio. En el trabajo que aquí se presenta se muestra la metodología empleada durante el proceso de toma de datos, de análisis de resultados y de cruce de la información obtenida a partir de cada uno de los ensayos hasta llegar a un diagnóstico para los elementos analizados. The assessment of structural timber was requested in the rehabilitation project of the Naves of the chemical industry "CROS". The criterion was to maintain as much as possible timber of the structure and to make only partial replacements. In order not to damage the existing structure and to assess the quality of the existing timber, a series of non-destructive testing (NDT) in the entire structure were performed: (1) Identification of the species by anatomical techniques, (2) Strength grading by visual method, (3) Estimation of moisture content by the technique of electrical resistance, (4) Acquisition of ultrasonic propagation velocities (5) Resistography and (6) Record of the propagation of electromagnetic waves by means of Ground-penetrating radar. Following, a sample group was chose to carry out destructive testing in the lab and compare the NDT results with those obtained with the standard UNE-EN408 (modules of strength, stiffness and density). In the present work, the results provided by each of the NDT techniques are detailed and above all, what is more important, the validity of these after they have been contrasted with the destructive standard tests.
This paper studies the relationship between aging, physical changes and the results of non-destructive testing of plywood. 176 pieces of plywood were tested to analyze their actual and estimated density using non-destructive methods (screw withdrawal force and ultrasound wave velocity) during a laboratory aging test. From the results of statistical analysis it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between the non-destructive measurements carried out, and the decline in the physical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate board density. The best results are obtained with ultrasound. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented. Breeder blanket materials have to produce tritium from lithium while fulfilling several strict conditions. In particular, when dealing with materials to be applied in fusion reactors, one of the key questions is the study of light ions retention, which can be produced by transmutation reactions and/or introduced by interaction with the plasma. In ceramic breeders the understanding of the hydrogen isotopes behaviour and specially the diffusion of tritium to the surface is crucial. Moreover the evolution of the microstructure during irradiation with energetic ions, neutrons and electrons is complex because of the interaction of a high number of processes.
Freezing of water or salt solution in concrete pores is a main cause for severe damage and significant reduction of the service life. Most of the freeze-thaw (F-T) accelerated tests measure the scaling of concrete by weighting. This paper presents complementary procedures based on the use of strain gages and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) for measuring the deterioration of concrete due to freezing and thawing. These non-destructive testing (NDT) procedures are applied to two types of concretes, one susceptible to F-T damage and the other does not. The results show a good correlation between scaling and the measurements obtained with NDT. Showing NDT the advantage to detect before the damage and to perform continuous measurement
Safety is one of the most important feature in the aviation industry, and this involves too many factors. One of these is the aircraft maintenance. Over time, the procedures have been changing, and improving themselves. Non Destructive Testing (NDT) appeared in the late 19th century as a great option, because it enabled to inspect any structure without damaging it. Nowadays, there are several kinds of NDT, but ultrasound is one of the most widely used. This Master Thesis is devoted to an innovative ultrasound technique for crack detection. A technique, whose main aim lies in getting a good location of defects from a few measures, breaking with the currently widespread methods, as phased array. It is not necessary to use trains of waves, only discrete excitations, which means a great saving of time and energy. This work is divided into two steps: the first is to develop a multiphysics simulator, which is able to solve linear elasticity 3D problems (via Finite Element Method, FEM). This simulator allows to obtain in a computationally efficient way the displacement field for different frequencies and excitations. The solution of this elastic problem is needed to be used in the second step, which consists of generating a code that implements a mathematical tool named topological derivative, allowing to locate defects in the studied domain. In this work, the domain is a plate, and the defect is a hidden spherical void. The simulator has been developed using open source software (Elmer, Gmsh, ...), achieving a highly versatile simulator, which allows to change the configuration easily: domain size and shape, number and position of transducers, etc. Just one comercial software is used, Matlab. It is used to implement the topological derivative. In this work, the performance of the method is tested in several examples comparing the results when one or more frequencies are considered for different configurations of emisors/receptors.
El deterioro del hormigón por ciclos de hielo-deshielo en presencia de sales fundentes es causa frecuente de problemas en los puentes e infraestructuras existentes en los países europeos. Los daños producidos por los ciclos de hielo-deshielo en el hormigón pueden ser internos, fundamentalmente la fisuración y/o externos como el descascarillamiento (desgaste superficial). La España peninsular presenta unas características geográficas y climáticas particulares. El 18% de la superficie tiene una altura superior a 1000mts y, además, la altura media geográfica con respecto al nivel del mar es de 660mts (siendo el segundo país más montañoso de toda Europa).Esto hace que la Red de Carreteras del Estado se vea afectada, durante determinados periodos, por fenómenos meteorológicos adversos, en particular por nevadas y heladas, que pueden comprometer las condiciones de vialidad para la circulación de vehículos. Por este motivo la Dirección General de Carreteras realiza trabajos anualmente (campañas de vialidad invernal, de 6 meses de duración) para el mantenimiento de la vialidad de las carreteras cuando éstas se ven afectadas por estos fenómenos. Existen protocolos y planes operativos que permiten sistematizar estos trabajos de mantenimiento que, además, se han intensificado en los últimos 10 años, y que se fundamentan en el empleo de sales fundentes, principalmente NaCl, con la misión de que no haya placas de hielo, ni nieve, en las carreteras. En zonas de fuerte oscilación térmica, que con frecuencia en España se localizan en la zona central del Pirineo, parte de la cornisa Cantábrica y Sistema Central, se producen importantes deterioros en las estructuras y paramentos de hormigón producidos por los ciclos de hielo- deshielo. Pero además el uso de fundentes de vialidad invernal acelera en gran medida la evolución de estos daños. Los tableros de hormigón de puentes de carretera de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad carecen, en general, de un sistema de impermeabilización, y están formados frecuentemente por un firme de mezcla asfáltica, una emulsión adherente y el hormigón de la losa. En la presente tesis se realiza una investigación que pretende reproducir en laboratorio los procesos que tienen lugar en el hormigón de tableros de puentes existentes de carreteras, de unos 40-50 años de antigüedad, que están expuestos durante largos periodos a sales fundentes, con objeto de facilitar la vialidad invernal, y a cambios drásticos de temperatura (hielo y deshielo). Por ello se realizaron cuatro campañas de investigación, teniendo en cuenta que, si bien nos basamos en la norma europea UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 “Ensayos de hormigón endurecido. Resistencia al hielo-deshielo. Pérdida de masa”, se fabricaron probetas no estandarizadas para este ensayo, pensado en realidad para determinar la afección de los ciclos únicamente a la pérdida de masa. Las dimensiones de las probetas en nuestro caso fueron 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (cilíndricas normalizadas para roturas a compresión según la norma UNE-EN 12390-3) y 286x76x76 (prismáticas normalizadas para estudiar cambio de volumen según la norma ASTM C157), lo cual nos permitió realizar sobre las mismas probetas más ensayos, según se presentan en la tesis y, sobre todo, poder comparar los resultados con probetas extraídas de dimensiones similares en puentes existentes. En la primera campaña, por aplicación de la citada norma, se realizaron ciclos de H/D, con y sin contacto con sales de deshielo (NaCl en disolución del 3% según establece dicha norma). El hormigón fabricado en laboratorio, tratando de simular el de losas de tableros de puentes antiguos, presentó una fc de 22,6 MPa y relación agua/cemento de 0,65. Las probetas de hormigón fabricadas se sometieron a ciclos agresivos de hielo/deshielo (H/D), empleando una temperatura máxima de +20ºC y una temperatura mínima de -20ºC al objeto de poder determinar la sensibilidad de este ensayo tanto al tipo de hormigón elaborado como al tipo de probeta fabricado (cilíndrica y prismática). Esta campaña tuvo una segunda fase para profundizar más en el comportamiento de las probetas sometidas a ciclos H/D en presencia de sales. En la segunda campaña, realizada sobre probetas de hormigón fabricadas en laboratorio iguales a las anteriores, la temperaturas mínima del ensayo se subió a -14ºC, lo que nos permitió analizar el proceso de deterioro con más detalle. (Realizando una serie de ensayos de caracterización no destructivos y otros destructivos, y validando su aplicación a la detección de los deterioros causados tras los ensayos acelerados de hielodeshielo. También mediante aplicación de técnicas de microscopía electrónica.) La tercera campaña, se realizó sobre probetas de hormigón de laboratorio similares a las anteriores, fc de 29,3Mpa y relación a/c de 0,65, en las que se aplicó en una cara un revestimiento asfáltico de 2-4cms, según fueran prismáticas y cilíndricas respectivamente, compuesto por una mezcla asfáltica real (AC16), sobre una imprimación bituminosa. (Para simular el nivel de impermeabilización que produce un firme sobre el tablero de un puente) La cuarta campaña, se desarrolló tras una cuidadosa selección de dos puentes de hormigón de 40-50 años de antigüedad, expuestos y sensibles a deterioros de hielodeshielo, y en carreteras con aportación de fundentes. Una vez esto se extrajeron testigos de hormigón de zonas sanas (nervios del tablero), para realizar en laboratorio los mismos ensayos acelerados de hielo-deshielo y de caracterización, de la segunda campaña, basados en la misma norma. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que cuando se emplean sales fundentes se acelera de forma significativa el deterioro, aumentando tanto el contenido de agua en los poros como el gradiente generado (mecanismo de deterioro físico). Las sales de deshielo aceleran claramente la aparición del daño, que se incrementa incluso en un factor de 5 según se constata en esta investigación para los hormigones ensayados. Pero además se produce un gradiente de cloruros que se ha detectado tanto en los hormigones diseñados en laboratorio como en los extraídos de puentes existentes. En casi todos los casos han aparecido cambios en la microestructura de la pasta de cemento (mecanismo de deterioro químico), confirmándose la formación de un compuesto en el gel CSH de la pasta de cemento, del tipo Ca2SiO3Cl2, que posiblemente está contribuyendo a la alteración de la pasta y a la aceleración de los daños en presencia de sales fundentes. Existe un periodo entre la aparición de fisuración y la pérdida de masa. Las fisuras progresan rápidamente desde la interfase de los áridos más pequeños y angulosos, facilitando así el deterioro del hormigón. Se puede deducir así que el tipo de árido afecta al deterioro. En el caso de los testigos con recubrimiento asfáltico, parece haberse demostrado que la precipitación de sales genera tensiones en las zonas de hormigón cercanas al recubrimiento, que terminan por fisurar el material. Y se constata que el mecanimo de deterioro químico, probablemente tenga más repercusión que el físico, por cuanto el recubrimiento asfáltico es capaz de retener suficiente agua, como para que el gradiente de contenido de agua en el hormigón sea mucho menor que sin el recubrimiento. Se constató, sin embargo, la importancia del gradiente de cloruros en el hormigon. Por lo que se deduce que si bien el recubrimiento asfáltico es ciertamente protector frente a los ciclos H/D, su protección disminuye en presencia de sales; es decir, los cloruros acabarán afectando al hormigón del tablero del puente. Finalmente, entre los hormigones recientes y los antiguos extraídos de puentes reales, se observa que existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a la resistencia a los ciclos H/D entre ellos. Los hormigones más recientes resultan, a igualdad de propiedades, más resistentes tanto a ciclos de H/D en agua como en sales. Posiblemente el hecho de que los hormigones de los puentes hayan estado expuestos a condiciones de temperaturas extremas durante largos periodos de tiempo les ha sensibilizado. La tesis realizada, junto con nuevos contrastes que se realicen en el futuro, nos permitirá implementar una metodología basada en la extracción de testigos de tableros de puente reales para someterlos a ensayos de hielo-deshielo, basados en la norma europea UNECEN/ TS 12390-9 aunque con probetas no normalizadas para el mismo, y, a su vez, realizar sobre estas probetas otros ensayos de caracterización destructivos, que posibilitarán evaluar los daños ocasionados por este fenómeno y su evolución temporal, para actuar consecuentemente priorizando intervenciones de impermeabilización y reparación en el parque de puentes de la RCE. Incluso será posible la elaboración de mapas de riesgo, en función de las zonas de climatología más desfavorable y de los tratamientos de vialidad invernal que se lleven a cabo. Concrete damage by freeze-thaw cycles in the presence of melting salts frequently causes problems on bridges and infrastructures in European countries. Damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles in the concrete can be internal, essentially cracking and / or external as flaking (surface weathering due to environmental action). The peninsular Spain presents specific climatic and geographical characteristics. 18% of the surface has a height greater than 1,000 m and the geographical average height from the sea level is 660 m (being the second most mountainous country in Europe). This makes the National Road Network affected during certain periods due to adverse weather, particularly snow and ice, which can compromise road conditions for vehicular traffic. For this reason the National Road Authority performs works annually (Winter Road Campaign, along 6 months) to maintain the viability of the roads when they are affected by these phenomena. There are protocols and operational plans that allow systematize these maintenance jobs, that also have intensified in the last 10 years, and which are based on the use of deicing salts, mainly NaCl, with the mission that no ice sheets, or snow appear on the roads. In areas of strong thermal cycling, which in Spain are located in the central area of the Pyrenees, part of the Cantabrian coast and Central System, significant deterioration take place in the structures and wall surfaces of concrete due to freeze-thaw. But also the use of deicing salts for winter maintenance greatly accelerated the development of such damages. The concrete decks for road bridges about 40-50 years old, lack generally a waterproofing system, and are often formed by a pavement of asphalt, an adhesive emulsion and concrete slab. In this thesis the research going on aims to reproduce in the laboratory the processes taking place in the concrete of an existing deck at road bridges, about 40-50 years old, they are exposed for long periods to icing salt, to be performed in order to facilitate winter maintenance, and drastic temperature changes (freezing and thawing). Therefore four campaigns of research were conducted, considering that while we rely on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 "Testing hardened concrete. Freezethaw resistance. Mass loss", nonstandard specimens were fabricated for this test, actually conceived to determine the affection of the cycles only to the mass loss. Dimensions of the samples were in our case 150x300 mm, 75 x 150mm (standard cylindrical specimens for compression fractures UNE-EN 12390-3) and 286x76x76 (standard prismatic specimens to study volume change ASTM C157), which allowed us to carry on same samples more trials, as presented in the thesis, and especially to compare the results with similar sized samples taken from real bridges. In the first campaign, by application of that European standard, freeze-thaw cycles, with and without contact with deicing salt (NaCl 3% solution in compliance with such standard) were performed. Concrete made in the laboratory, trying to simulate the old bridges, provided a compressive strength of 22.6 MPa and water/cement ratio of 0.65. In this activity, the concrete specimens produced were subjected to aggressive freeze/thaw using a maximum temperature of +20ºC and a minimum temperature of - 20°C in order to be able to determine the sensitivity of this test to the concrete and specimens fabricated. This campaign had a second phase to go deeper into the behavior of the specimens subjected to cycled freeze/thaw in the presence of salts. In the second campaign, conducted on similar concrete specimens manufactured in laboratory, temperatures of +20ºC and -14ºC were used in the tests, which allowed us to analyze the deterioration process in more detail (performing a series of non-destructive testing and other destructive characterization, validating its application to the detection of the damage caused after the accelerated freeze-thaw tests, and also by applying electron microscopy techniques). The third campaign was conducted on concrete specimens similar to the above manufactured in laboratory, both cylindrical and prismatic, which was applied on one side a 4 cm asphalt coating, consisting of a real asphalt mixture, on a bituminous primer (for simulate the level of waterproofing that produces a pavement on the bridge deck). The fourth campaign was developed after careful selection of two concrete bridges 40- 50 years old, exposed and sensitive to freeze-thaw damage, in roads with input of melting salts. Concrete cores were extracted from healthy areas, for the same accelerated laboratory freeze-thaw testing and characterization made for the second campaign, based on the same standard. From the results obtained it is concluded that when melting salts are employed deterioration accelerates significantly, thus increasing the water content in the pores, as the gradient. Besides, chloride gradient was detected both in the concrete designed in the laboratory and in the extracted in existing bridges. In all cases there have been changes in the microstructure of the cement paste, confirming the formation of a compound gel CSH of the cement paste, Ca2SiO3Cl2 type, which is possibly contributing to impair the cement paste and accelerating the damage in the presence of melting salts. The detailed study has demonstrated that the formation of new compounds can cause porosity at certain times of the cycles may decrease, paradoxically, as the new compound fills the pores, although this phenomenon does not stop the deterioration mechanism and impairments increase with the number of cycles. There is a period between the occurrence of cracking and mass loss. Cracks progress rapidly from the interface of the smallest and angular aggregate, thus facilitating the deterioration of concrete. It can be deduced so the aggregate type affects the deterioration. The presence of melting salts in the system clearly accelerates the onset of damage, which increases even by a factor of 5 as can be seen in this investigation for concrete tested. In the case of specimens with asphalt coating, it seems to have demonstrated that the precipitation of salts generate tensions in the areas close to the concrete coating that end up cracking the material. It follows that while the asphalt coating is certainly a protection against the freeze/thaw cycles, this protection decreases in the presence of salts; so the chlorides will finally affect the concrete bridge deck. Finally, among the recent concrete specimens and the old ones extracted from real bridges, it is observed that the mechanical strengths are very similar to each other, as well as the porosity values and the accumulation capacity after pore water saturation. However, there are significant differences in resistance to freeze/thaw cycles between them. More recent concrete are at equal properties more resistant both cycles freeze/thaw in water with or without salts. Possibly the fact that concrete bridges have been exposed to extreme temperatures for long periods of time has sensitized them. The study, along with new contrasts that occur in the future, allow us to implement a methodology based on the extraction of cores from the deck of real bridges for submission to freeze-thaw tests based on the European standard UNE-CEN/TS 12390-9 even with non-standard specimens for it, and in turn, performed on these samples other destructive characterization tests, which will enable to assess the damage caused by this phenomenon and its evolution, to act rightly prioritizing interventions improving the waterproofing and other repairs in the bridge stock of the National Road Network. It will even be possible to develop risk maps, depending on the worst weather areas and winter road treatments to be carried out.
Los sistemas de imagen por ultrasonidos son hoy una herramienta indispensable en aplicaciones de diagnóstico en medicina y son cada vez más utilizados en aplicaciones industriales en el área de ensayos no destructivos. El array es el elemento primario de estos sistemas y su diseño determina las características de los haces que se pueden construir (forma y tamaño del lóbulo principal, de los lóbulos secundarios y de rejilla, etc.), condicionando la calidad de las imágenes que pueden conseguirse. En arrays regulares la distancia máxima entre elementos se establece en media longitud de onda para evitar la formación de artefactos. Al mismo tiempo, la resolución en la imagen de los objetos presentes en la escena aumenta con el tamaño total de la apertura, por lo que una pequeña mejora en la calidad de la imagen se traduce en un aumento significativo del número de elementos del transductor. Esto tiene, entre otras, las siguientes consecuencias: Problemas de fabricación de los arrays por la gran densidad de conexiones (téngase en cuenta que en aplicaciones típicas de imagen médica, el valor de la longitud de onda es de décimas de milímetro) Baja relación señal/ruido y, en consecuencia, bajo rango dinámico de las señales por el reducido tamaño de los elementos. Complejidad de los equipos que deben manejar un elevado número de canales independientes. Por ejemplo, se necesitarían 10.000 elementos separados λ 2 para una apertura cuadrada de 50 λ. Una forma sencilla para resolver estos problemas existen alternativas que reducen el número de elementos activos de un array pleno, sacrificando hasta cierto punto la calidad de imagen, la energía emitida, el rango dinámico, el contraste, etc. Nosotros planteamos una estrategia diferente, y es desarrollar una metodología de optimización capaz de hallar de forma sistemática configuraciones de arrays de ultrasonido adaptados a aplicaciones específicas. Para realizar dicha labor proponemos el uso de los algoritmos evolutivos para buscar y seleccionar en el espacio de configuraciones de arrays aquellas que mejor se adaptan a los requisitos fijados por cada aplicación. En la memoria se trata el problema de la codificación de las configuraciones de arrays para que puedan ser utilizados como individuos de la población sobre la que van a actuar los algoritmos evolutivos. También se aborda la definición de funciones de idoneidad que permitan realizar comparaciones entre dichas configuraciones de acuerdo con los requisitos y restricciones de cada problema de diseño. Finalmente, se propone emplear el algoritmo multiobjetivo NSGA II como herramienta primaria de optimización y, a continuación, utilizar algoritmos mono-objetivo tipo Simulated Annealing para seleccionar y retinar las soluciones proporcionadas por el NSGA II. Muchas de las funciones de idoneidad que definen las características deseadas del array a diseñar se calculan partir de uno o más patrones de radiación generados por cada solución candidata. La obtención de estos patrones con los métodos habituales de simulación de campo acústico en banda ancha requiere tiempos de cálculo muy grandes que pueden hacer inviable el proceso de optimización con algoritmos evolutivos en la práctica. Como solución, se propone un método de cálculo en banda estrecha que reduce en, al menos, un orden de magnitud el tiempo de cálculo necesario Finalmente se presentan una serie de ejemplos, con arrays lineales y bidimensionales, para validar la metodología de diseño propuesta comparando experimentalmente las características reales de los diseños construidos con las predicciones del método de optimización. ABSTRACT Currently, the ultrasound imaging system is one of the powerful tools in medical diagnostic and non-destructive testing for industrial applications. Ultrasonic arrays design determines the beam characteristics (main and secondary lobes, beam pattern, etc...) which assist to enhance the image resolution. The maximum distance between the elements of the array should be the half of the wavelength to avoid the formation of grating lobes. At the same time, the image resolution of the target in the region of interest increases with the aperture size. Consequently, the larger number of elements in arrays assures the better image quality but this improvement contains the following drawbacks: Difficulties in the arrays manufacturing due to the large connection density. Low noise to signal ratio. Complexity of the ultrasonic system to handle large number of channels. The easiest way to resolve these issues is to reduce the number of active elements in full arrays, but on the other hand the image quality, dynamic range, contrast, etc, are compromised by this solutions In this thesis, an optimization methodology able to find ultrasound array configurations adapted for specific applications is presented. The evolutionary algorithms are used to obtain the ideal arrays among the existing configurations. This work addressed problems such as: the codification of ultrasound arrays to be interpreted as individuals in the evolutionary algorithm population and the fitness function and constraints, which will assess the behaviour of individuals. Therefore, it is proposed to use the multi-objective algorithm NSGA-II as a primary optimization tool, and then use the mono-objective Simulated Annealing algorithm to select and refine the solutions provided by the NSGA I I . The acoustic field is calculated many times for each individual and in every generation for every fitness functions. An acoustic narrow band field simulator, where the number of operations is reduced, this ensures a quick calculation of the acoustic field to reduce the expensive computing time required by these functions we have employed. Finally a set of examples are presented in order to validate our proposed design methodology, using linear and bidimensional arrays where the actual characteristics of the design are compared with the predictions of the optimization methodology.
La presente tesis propone un nuevo método de cartografía de ensayos no destructivos en edificios históricos mediante el uso de técnicas basadas en SIG. Primeramente, se define el método por el cual es posible elaborar y convertir una cartografía 3D basada en nubes de puntos de un elemento arquitectónico obtenida mediante fotogrametría, en cartografía raster y vectorial, legible por los sistemas SIG mediante un sistema de coordenadas particular que referencian cada punto de la nube obtenida por fotogrametría. A esta cartografía inicial la denominaremos cartografía base. Después, se define el método por el cual los puntos donde se realiza un ensayo NDT se referencian al sistema de coordenadas del plano base, lo que permite la generación de cartografías de los ensayos referenciadas y la posibilidad de obtener sobre un mismo plano base diferentes datos de múltiples ensayos. Estas nuevas cartografías las denominaremos cartografías de datos, y se demostrará la utilidad de las mismas en el estudio del deterioro y la humedad. Se incluirá el factor tiempo en las cartografías, y se mostrará cómo este nuevo hecho posibilita el trabajo interdisciplinar en la elaboración del diagnóstico. Finalmente, se generarán nuevas cartografías inéditas hasta entonces consistentes en la combinación de diferentes cartografías de datos con la misma planimetría base. Estas nuevas cartografías, darán pie a la obtención de lo que se ha definido como mapas de isograma de humedad, mapa de isograma de salinidad, factor de humedad, factor de evaporación, factor de salinidad y factor de degradación del material. Mediante este sistema se facilitará una mejor visión del conjunto de los datos obtenidos en el estudio del edificio histórico, lo que favorecerá la correcta y rigurosa interpretación de los datos para su posterior restauración. ABSTRACT This research work proposes a new mapping method of non-destructive testing in historical buildings, by using techniques based on GIS. First of all, the method that makes it possible to produce and convert a 3D map based on cloud points from an architectural element obtained by photogrammetry, are defined, as raster and vector, legible by GIS mapping systems using a particular coordinate system that will refer each cloud point obtained by photogrammetry. This initial mapping will be named base planimetry. Afterwards, the method by which the points where the NDT test is performed are referenced to the coordinate system of the base plane , which allows the generation of maps of the referenced tests and the possibility of obtaining different data from multiple tests on the same base plane. These new maps will be named mapping data and their usefulness will be demonstrated in the deterioration and moisture study. The time factor in maps will be included, and how this new fact will enable the interdisciplinary work in the elaboration of the diagnosis will be proved. Finally, new maps (unpublished until now) will be generated by combining different mapping from the same planimetry data base. These new maps will enable us to obtain what have been called isograma moisture maps, isograma salinity- maps, humidity factor, evaporation factor, salinity factor and the material degradation factor. This system will provide a better vision of all data obtained in the study of historical buildings , and will ease the proper and rigorous data interpretation for its subsequent restoration.
A análise dinâmica experimental tem sido amplamente pesquisada como uma ferramenta de avaliação de integridade de estruturas de concreto armado. Existem técnicas de identificação de danos baseadas em propriedades modais como frequências de ressonâncias, deformadas modais, curvaturas modais e amortecimento. Há também técnicas baseadas na não linearidade da resposta dinâmica, que apesar do grande potencial na detecção de danos, têm sido pouco exploradas nos últimos anos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a integridade estrutural de vigas de concreto armado através do comportamento da resposta dinâmica. Foram realizados ensaios dinâmicos em duas vigas de concreto armado com 3,5 m de comprimento, 25 cm de largura, 35 cm de altura e idênticas taxas de armaduras, mas configuradas com barras de aço de diferentes diâmetros, 2 ϕ 16 mm e 8 ϕ 8 mm, respectivamente. Tais vigas, inicialmente íntegras, foram submetidas a ciclos de carregamento e descarregamento com intensidades crescentes até atingir a ruptura do elemento. Após cada ciclo, as propriedades dinâmicas foram avaliadas experimentalmente, com o emprego de técnicas de excitação por sinais do tipo aleatório e tipo transiente, respectivamente, visando determinar parâmetros que indiquem a deterioração gradativa do elemento. Nesses ensaios dinâmicos aplicaram-se diferentes amplitudes da força de excitação. Verificou-se que o aumento da amplitude da força dinâmica de excitação provocou reduções nos valores das frequências de ressonância de 1,1% e 2,4%, associadas, respectivamente, às excitações aleatórias e transientes; e um comportamento não linear dos índices de amortecimento, associados às excitações aleatórias, mantendo um crescimento linear com as excitações transientes. Constatou-se, ainda, que os valores das frequências de ressonância decrescem com a redução de rigidez mecânica, diminuída com o aumento do nível de fissuração induzido nos modelos. Já os valores dos índices de amortecimento, após cada ciclo, se comportaram de forma não linear e assumiram diferentes valores, conforme a técnica de excitação empregada. Acredita-se que esta não linearidade está relacionada aos danos provocados no elemento pela solicitação estrutural e, por consequência, ao processo de como a dissipação de energia é empregada no processo de instauração, configuração e propagação das fissuras nos elementos de concreto armado.
La principal aportación del trabajo es la formulación de una alternativa que facilita la determinación experimental del factor de pérdidas y, en consecuencia, mejorar las predicciones de aislamiento a ruido aéreo para vidrios con una o más capas intermedias sea cual fuere su naturaleza. Además, se realiza una revisión de las normativas relacionadas con los ensayos de los parámetros mecánicos necesarios para la caracterizar los vidrios, centrándonos en los monolíticos y los laminados. En efecto, uno de los problemas que se plantea en el contexto de la acústica de la edificación actualmente es el de cumplir con los requisitos de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en fachada que exige el vigente Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE). Como sabemos, en la fachada podemos distinguir la parte ciega y la parte hueca. La parte más débil en lo concerniente a aislamiento a ruido aéreo es la hueca (compuesta por el vidrio, carpintería y otros elementos). Si la carpintería es la adecuada, la superficie de vidrio se convierte en el elemento limitante. El Catálogo de Elementos Constructivos (CEC) del CTE, la propia norma UNE-EN 12758:2011, así como algunos, cada vez más, fabricantes ofrecen datos del aislamiento de vidrios simples, vidrios laminados y vidrios dobles. En el caso de vidrios laminados, estos datos se limitan únicamente en los que tienen un sola lámina intermedia y, además, no acústicos. Podemos hablar, por tanto, de una laguna de información en este sentido. Para obtener predicciones fiables de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de particiones multicapa, como pueden ser los vidrios laminados es necesario disponer de las características mecánicas y una de las más relevantes es el factor de pérdidas.
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Sponsored by the Bureau of Naval Weapons.
Questa tesi ha lo scopo di indagare lo stato interno di materiali e strutture di diverso tipo tramite sollecitazione acustica o vibrazionale. Si sono sottoposte le strutture in esame a sollecitazione acustica (mediante speaker) o meccanica (mediante martello strumentato o altro percussore), acquisendo le onde meccaniche di ritorno con trasduttori microfonici, array microfonici, ed accelerometri. Si è valutato, di caso in caso, quale fosse la strumentazione più adeguata e quale il parametro da prendere in considerazione per effettuare una discriminazione tra oggetto integro ed oggetto danneggiato o contenente vuoti o inclusioni. Si è riflettuto sui dati raccolti allo scopo di capire quali caratteristiche accomunino strutture apparentemente diverse tra loro, e quali differenzino in realtà - rispetto alla possibilità di una efficace diagnosi acustica - strutture apparentemente simili. Si è sviluppato uno script su piattaforma MatLab® per elaborare i dati acquisiti. Tutte le analisi effettuate si basano sull'osservazione dello spettro acustico del segnale di ritorno dall'oggetto sollecitato. Ove necessario, si sono osservati la funzione di trasferimento del sistema (per il calcolo della quale si crosscorrelano i segnali di output e di input) o il waterfall. Da questa base, si sono sviluppati parametri specifici per i vari casi. Gli esami più proficui si sono effettuati sui solai, per la verifica dello sfondellamento dei laterizi. Anche lo studio su prodotti dell'industria alimentare (salami) si è rivelato molto soddisfacente, tanto da gettare le basi per la produzione di un tester da utilizzare in stabilimento per il controllo di qualità dei pezzi.
A wide range of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for the monitoring the health of concrete structure has been studied for several years. The recent rapid evolution of wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies has resulted in the development of sensing elements that can be embedded in concrete, to monitor the health of infrastructure, collect and report valuable related data. The monitoring system can potentially decrease the high installation time and reduce maintenance cost associated with wired monitoring systems. The monitoring sensors need to operate for a long period of time, but sensors batteries have a finite life span. Hence, novel wireless powering methods must be devised. The optimization of wireless power transfer via Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) to sensors embedded in concrete is studied here. First, we analytically derive the optimal geometric parameters for transmission of power in the air. This specifically leads to the identification of the local and global optimization parameters and conditions, it was validated through electromagnetic simulations. Second, the optimum conditions were employed in the model for propagation of energy through plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity conditions, and frequencies with extended Debye's model. This analysis leads to the conclusion that SCMR can be used to efficiently power sensors in plain and reinforced concrete at different humidity levels and depth, also validated through electromagnetic simulations. The optimization of wireless power transmission via SMCR to Wearable and Implantable Medical Device (WIMD) are also explored. The optimum conditions from the analytics were used in the model for propagation of energy through different human tissues. This analysis shows that SCMR can be used to efficiently transfer power to sensors in human tissue without overheating through electromagnetic simulations, as excessive power might result in overheating of the tissue. Standard SCMR is sensitive to misalignment; both 2-loops and 3-loops SCMR with misalignment-insensitive performances are presented. The power transfer efficiencies above 50% was achieved over the complete misalignment range of 0°-90° and dramatically better than typical SCMR with efficiencies less than 10% in extreme misalignment topologies.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of deep foundations has become an integral part of the industry's standard manufacturing processes. It is not unusual for the evaluation of the integrity of the concrete to include the measurement of ultrasonic wave speeds. Numerous methods have been proposed that use the propagation speed of ultrasonic waves to check the integrity of concrete for drilled shaft foundations. All such methods evaluate the integrity of the concrete inside the cage and between the access tubes. The integrity of the concrete outside the cage remains to be considered to determine the location of the border between the concrete and the soil in order to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft. It is also economic to devise a methodology to obtain the diameter of the drilled shaft using the Cross-Hole Sonic Logging system (CSL). Performing such a methodology using the CSL and following the CSL tests is performed and used to check the integrity of the inside concrete, thus allowing the determination of the drilled shaft diameter without having to set up another NDT device.^ This proposed new method is based on the installation of galvanized tubes outside the shaft across from each inside tube, and performing the CSL test between the inside and outside tubes. From the performed experimental work a model is developed to evaluate the relationship between the thickness of concrete and the ultrasonic wave properties using signal processing. The experimental results show that there is a direct correlation between concrete thicknesses outside the cage and maximum amplitude of the received signal obtained from frequency domain data. This study demonstrates how this new method to measuring the diameter of drilled shafts during construction using a NDT method overcomes the limitations of currently-used methods. ^ In the other part of study, a new method is proposed to visualize and quantify the extent and location of the defects. It is based on a color change in the frequency amplitude of the signal recorded by the receiver probe in the location of defects and it is called Frequency Tomography Analysis (FTA). Time-domain data is transferred to frequency-domain data of the signals propagated between tubes using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Then, distribution of the FTA will be evaluated. This method is employed after CSL has determined the high probability of an anomaly in a given area and is applied to improve location accuracy and to further characterize the feature. The technique has a very good resolution and clarifies the exact depth location of any void or defect through the length of the drilled shaft for the voids inside the cage. ^ The last part of study also evaluates the effect of voids inside and outside the reinforcement cage and corrosion in the longitudinal bars on the strength and axial load capacity of drilled shafts. The objective is to quantify the extent of loss in axial strength and stiffness of drilled shafts due to presence of different types of symmetric voids and corrosion throughout their lengths.^
For contain beneficial properties, aluminum alloys are gaining more importance in different industrial areas, becoming the subject of study in several academic fields. When related to welding these alloys have some peculiarities that may hinder the union, such as microscopic oxide layer present on the metal surface. The MIG welding process, also known as GMAW, has developed versions that can be effective for welding aluminum. Knowing this, for this paper, two versions of pulsed MIG (CC + and CA) were chosen to evaluate which best suits pass by filling bevel on AA5083 aluminum sheets with 8 and 12 mm thick respectively. Furthermore, two types of wire, ER5087 and ER5183 were evaluated. To evaluate the process and versions of the wires, the high-speed cameras and thermal were used to monitor the metal transfer and the thermal behavior respectively, and the metallographic analysis for macrographic view of the weld beads and non-destructive testing by radiography for observation of possible discontinuities. It was found that the technique of MIG-P CA showed better results ahead of another technique both welding conditions imposed. When connected to the wires, they showed similar results, with uniform cords and seamless