910 resultados para Non clinical population


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Background: The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is used worldwide for detecting depressive symptoms. This questionnaire has been revised (1996) to match the DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive episode. We assessed the reliability and the validity of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the BDI-II for non-clinical adults. Methods: The questionnaire was applied to 60 college students on two occasions. Afterwards, 182 community-dwelling adults completed the BDI-II, the Self-Report Questionnaire, and the K10 Scale. Trained psychiatrists performed face-to-face interviews with the respondents using the Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-I), the Montgomery-angstrom sberg Depression Scale, and the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. Descriptive analysis, signal detection analysis (Receiver Operating Characteristics), correlation analysis, and discriminant function analysis were performed to investigate the psychometric properties of the BDI-II. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient of the BDI-II was 0.89, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency was 0.93. Taking the SCID as the gold standard, the cut-off point of 10/11 was the best threshold for detecting depression, yielding a sensitivity of 70% and a specificity of 87%. The concurrent validity (a correlation of 0.63-0.93 with scales applied simultaneously) and the predictive ability of the severity level (over 65% correct classification) were acceptable. Conclusion: The BDI-II is reliable and valid for measuring depressive symptomatology among Portuguese-speaking Brazilian non-clinical populations.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) as a self-report measure of depression in a variety of settings and populations. METHODS: Relevant studies of the BDI-II were retrieved through a search of electronic databases, a hand search, and contact with authors. Retained studies (k = 118) were allocated into three groups: non-clinical, psychiatric/institutionalized, and medical samples. RESULTS: The internal consistency was described as around 0.9 and the retest reliability ranged from 0.73 to 0.96. The correlation between BDI-II and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I) was high and substantial overlap with measures of depression and anxiety was reported. The criterion-based validity showed good sensitivity and specificity for detecting depression in comparison to the adopted gold standard. However, the cutoff score to screen for depression varied according to the type of sample. Factor analysis showed a robust dimension of general depression composed by two constructs: cognitive-affective and somatic-vegetative. CONCLUSIONS: The BDI-II is a relevant psychometric instrument, showing high reliability, capacity to discriminate between depressed and non-depressed subjects, and improved concurrent, content, and structural validity. Based on available psychometric evidence, the BDI-II can be viewed as a cost-effective questionnaire for measuring the severity of depression, with broad applicability for research and clinical practice worldwide.


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Für die Entwicklung objektiver Testverfahren zur Messung von Angstbewältigungsdispositionen, d.h. von Tests, deren Meßprinzip für die Probanden nicht durchschaubar ist, wurde das Dot-Probe-Paradigma verwendet. Mit diesem Paradigma läßt sich das Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten gegenüber bedrohlichem Material messen. Es wurde angenommen, daß dieses Paradigma besonders gut für eine objektive Messung der Angstbewältigungsdispositionen Vigilanz und kognitive Vermeidung geeignet ist, da Vigilanz durch verstärkte Aufnahme und Verarbeitung bedrohungsbezogener Information gekennzeichnet ist, während sich kognitive Vermeidung in der Abwendung der Aufmerksamkeit von diesen Reizen zeigt. In drei Studien wurde für verschiedene Versionen des Dot-Probe-Paradigmas überprüft, ob die für den Einsatz als Testinstrument in der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik notwendigen Gütekriterien erfüllt sind. Dabei wurde festgestellt, daß das Dot-Probe-Paradigma sowohl bei Verwendung von Wörtern als auch von Bildern als Stimuli für klinisch unauffällige Testpersonen keine reliable Messung ermöglicht. Die erhobenen Werte waren weder über eine Woche hinweg stabil, noch waren sie intern konsistent. Infolge der ungenügenden Reliabilität fanden sich in den Studien nur unsystematische Befunde zum Zusammenhang zwischen dem Aufmerksamkeitsverhalten im Dot-Probe-Paradigma und verschiedenen Fragebogenmaßen. Darüber hinaus vermag die mangelnde Reliabilität auch die in der Literatur berichteten inkonsistenten Befunde bei der Untersuchung nicht-klinischer Stichproben mit diesem Paradigma zu erklären. Mögliche Gründe für die mangelnde Reliabilität der Messung werden diskutiert.


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Ziel war die Entwicklung und Erprobung von Varianten des emotionalen Strooptests zur Analyse angstbezogener Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei Grundschulkindern. Dabei wurde überprüft, ob dieses kognitiv-experimentelle Verfahren zukünftig als objektives Testverfahren zur Diagnostik von Ängstlichkeit im Kindesalter geeignet ist. Ausgangspunkt waren zahlreiche Befunde für die Gruppe Erwachsener, wonach die Zuwendung auf bedrohliche Situationsmerkmalen für Ängstliche charakteristisch ist. Für das Kindesalter liegen hierzu nur wenige Studien mit zudem inkonsistenten Befundmuster vor. In insgesamt drei Studien wurde der emotionale Strooptest für das Grundschulalter adaptiert, indem Bilder bzw. altersentsprechendes Wortmaterial als Stimuli eingesetzt wurden. An den Studien nahmen nicht-klinische, nicht-ausgelesene Stichproben mit Kindern der zweiten bis vierten Grundschulklassen teil. Sowohl Ängstlichkeit als auch Zustandsangst der Kinder wurden jeweils über Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzungen (Eltern, Klassenlehrer, Versuchsleiter) erhoben. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für eine nur unzureichende Reliabilität emotionaler Interferenzeffekte. Auch ergaben sich (möglichenfalls infolge) keine substantiellen Hinweise auf differentielle angstbezogene Interferenzeffekte. Die Befunde sprechen vielmehr dafür, dass alle Kinder unabhängig von der Ängstlichkeit höhere Benennungszeiten für bedrohliche Stimuli im Vergleich zur Kontrollbedingung mit neutralen oder freundlichen Stimuli zeigten, wobei zugleich methodische Einflussfaktoren des Strooptests von Relevanz waren. Die Diskussion konzentriert sich auf entwicklungspsychologische Überlegungen sowie mögliche Bedingungen emotionaler Interferenzeffekte unter kritischer Berücksichtigung der Reliabilität emotionaler Stroopinterferenz.


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L’obiettivo del presente progetto di ricerca era determinare se l’utilizzo non clinico del simulatore d’alba (un dispositivo che emette luce in graduale aumento prima del risveglio), basato su specifiche conoscenze cronobiologiche, potesse ridurre alcune delle conseguenze del social jetlag, in studenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. A tal fine, sono stati valutati gli effetti del simulatore d’alba su tono dell’umore (valutato soggettivamente tramite la Global and Vigor Affect Scale-GVA), livelli di attivazione (valutati soggettivamente tramite la GVA), qualità/quantità di sonno (valutate oggettivamente e soggettivamente tramite attigrafia e Mini Sleep Questionnaire-MSQ), architettura del sonno (valutata oggettivamente tramite Zeo®) ed efficienza dei tre network attentivi (alerting, orienting ed executive), valutata oggettivamente tramite l’Attention Network Test (ANT). In totale, hanno preso parte alla ricerca 56 adolescenti (24 femmine e 32 maschi), frequentanti due istituti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado nella città di Cesena, la cui età media era di 17.68 anni (range d’età 15-20 anni). Ad ogni studente è stata richiesta una partecipazione di 5 settimane consecutive ed il disegno di ricerca prevedeva 3 condizioni sperimentali: baseline, simulatore d’alba e controllo. All’MSQ, in seguito all’utilizzo del simulatore d’alba, sono state osservate una minore percezione di sonnolenza diurna, una frequenza inferiore di risvegli notturni ed una riduzione del numero di partecipanti che presentavano una cattiva qualità della veglia. All’ANT, è stato documentato un significativo miglioramento dell’efficienza del network attentivo dell’alerting, successivo all’impiego del simulatore d’alba, dovuto ad una maggiore reattività dei partecipanti in seguito alla comparsa del double cue, che anticipava la presentazione del target (freccia centrale di cui i partecipanti dovevano giudicare la direzione). Tali risultati convergono nell’evidenziare la capacità del simulatore d’alba di esercitare un effetto attivante/stimolante, mostrando dunque come esso possa essere considerato uno strumento potenzialmente utilizzabile quale contromisura al social jetlag in adolescenza.


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Chromosomal and genetic syndromes are frequently associated with dental and cranio-facial alterations. The aim of our study is to identify and describe the dental and craniofacial alterations typical of six genetic and chromosomal syndromes examined. Materials and Methods- A dental visit was performed to 195 patients referred from Sant’Orsola Hospital of Bologna, University of Bologna, to Service of Special Need Dentistry, Dental Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science, University of Bologna. The patients recruited were 137 females and 58 males, in an age range of 3-49 years (mean age of 13.8±7.4). The total sample consisted of subjects affected with Down Syndrome (n=133), Familiar Hypophosphatemic Ricket (n=10), Muscular Dystrophies (n=12), Noonan Syndrome (n=13), Turner Syndrome (n=17), Williams Syndrome(n=10). A questionnaire regarding detailed medical and dental history, oral health and dietary habits, was filled by parents/caregivers, or patients themselves when possible. The intra-oral and extra-oral examination valued the presence of facial asymmetries, oral habits, dental and skeletal malocclusions, dental formula, dental anomalies, Plaque Index (Silness&LÖe Index), caries prevalence (dmft/DMFT index), gingivitis and periodontal disease, and mucosal lesions. Radiographic examinations (Intraoral radiographies, Orthopanoramic, Skull teleradiography) were executed according to patient’s age and treatment planning. A review of literature about each syndrome and its dental and cranio-facial characteristics and about caries, hygiene status and malocclusion prevalence on syndromic and non-syndromic population was performed. Results - The data of all the patients were collected in the “Data Collection Tables” created for each syndrome. General anamnesis information, oral hygiene habits and dmft/DMFT, PI, malocclusion prevalence were calculated and compared to syndromic and non-syndromic population results found in literature. Discussions and conclusions - Guidelines of Special Care dentistry were indicated for each syndrome, in relation to each syndrome features and individual patient characteristics.


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Right ventricular (RV) systolic function is prognostically important, but its assessment by echocardiography remains challenging, in part because of the multitude of available measurement methods. The purpose of this prospective study was to rank these methods against the reference of RV ejection fraction (EF) as obtained in a broad clinical population by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


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This study presents a new inventory to assess thought-action fusion (TAF). 160 college students ages 18 to 22 (M = 19.17, SD = 1.11) completed the new Modified Thought Action Scale (MTAFS). Results indicated high internal consistency in the MTAFS (Cronbach’s α = .95). A principal component analysis suggested a three factor solution of TAF-Moral (TAFM), TAFLikelihood (TAFL), and TAF-Harm avoidance-Positive (TAFHP) all with eigenvalues above 1, and factor loadings above .4. A second study examined the association between TAF, obsessivecompulsive and anxiety tendencies after the activation of TAF-like thought processes in a nonclinical sample (n=76). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups intended to provoke TAFL-self, TAFL-other, and TAF moral thought processes. Stepwise regression analyses revealed: 1) the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory subscales Neutralizing and Ordering significantly predicted instructed neutralization behavior (INB) in non-clinical participants; 2) TAF-Likelihood contributed significant unique variance in INB. These findings suggest that the provocation of neutralization behavior may be mediated by specific subsets of TAF and obsessive-compulsive tendencies.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate compulsive-like behaviors (CLB) of typical development: how they relate to the obsessions and compulsions of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); and the implication of their lingering past 6 years of age (i.e., past their normative, 2-to-5 year, drop). CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that normative CLB exist on a continuum (with regard to both symptomatology and functional difficulties) with clinical obsessions and compulsions. With normative repetitive behaviors predicting behavioral perseveration among typically developing individuals aged 6 to 17 years, the present study also suggests that, even in a non-clinical sample, some levels of CLB are maladaptive in middle childhood through adolescence. While studies to date have evaded investigation of high and low CLB in relation to OCD, this latter finding contributes to the growing emphasis upon continuity between typical and atypical development.


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An accurate assessment of the computer skills of students is a pre-requisite for the success of any e-learning interventions. The aim of the present study was to assess objectively the computer literacy and attitudes in a group of Greek post-graduate students, using a task-oriented questionnaire developed and validated in the University of Malmö, Sweden. 50 post-graduate students in the Athens University School of Dentistry in April 2005 took part in the study. A total competence score of 0-49 was calculated. Socio-demographic characteristics were recorded. Attitudes towards computer use were assessed. Descriptive statistics and linear regression modeling were employed for data analysis. Total competence score was normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: W = 0.99, V = 0.40, P = 0.97) and ranged from 5 to 42.5, with a mean of 22.6 (+/-8.4). Multivariate analysis revealed 'gender', 'e-mail ownership' and 'enrollment in non-clinical programs' as significant predictors of computer literacy. Conclusively, computer literacy of Greek post-graduate dental students was increased amongst males, students in non-clinical programs and those with more positive attitudes towards the implementation of computer assisted learning.


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Clinical observations suggest abnormal gaze perception to be an important indicator of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Experimental research has yet paid relatively little attention to the study of gaze perception in SAD. In this article we first discuss gaze perception in healthy human beings before reviewing self-referential and threat-related biases of gaze perception in clinical and non-clinical socially anxious samples. Relative to controls, socially anxious individuals exhibit an enhanced self-directed perception of gaze directions and demonstrate a pronounced fear of direct eye contact, though findings are less consistent regarding the avoidance of mutual gaze in SAD. Prospects for future research and clinical implications are discussed.


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Die NMR-SF ist die Kurzversion der NMR Skala. Die NMR-SF misst die selbsteingeschätze Fähigkeit zur Regulation negativer Stimmungen. Das von der NMR-SF erfasste Konstrukt spielt in der Ätiologie und Psychotherapie psychischer Störungen eine wichtige Rolle. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Konstruktvalidität des Verfahrens in 2 nicht-klinischen und einer depressiven Stichprobe. Die NMR-SF korreliert positiv mit funktionalen Strategien zum Umgang mit negativen Stimmungen und negativ mit dysfunktionalen Strategien. Hohe Werte in der NMR-SF gehen weiterhin mit weniger psychischen Beschwerden einher. Die NMR-SF korreliert leicht positiv mit sozialer Erwünschtheit. Die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Studie unterstützen die Kon­struktvalidität der NMR-SF. Die NMR-SF stellt sich als ein psychometrisch gutes Verfahren zur Messung von NMR-Erwartungen dar. Aufgrund ihrer Ökonomie empfiehlt sich die NMR-SF für die Anwendung in klinischen Stichproben, insbesondere im Rahmen von Verlaufsmessungen.


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Objective. To investigate the association of the three major genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis in clustered and non-clustered TB cases in the Houston area. ^ Study design. Secondary analysis of an ambi-directional study. ^ Study population. Three hundred fifty-eight confirmed cases of tuberculosis in the Houston that occurred between October 1995 and May 1997, who had been interviewed by the Houston T13 Initiative staff at Baylor College of Medicine, and whose isolates have had their DNA fingerprint and genetic group determined. ^ Exclusions. Individuals whose mycobacterial genotype was unknown, or whose data variables were unavailable. ^ Source of data. Laboratory results, patient interviews, and medical records at clinics and hospitals of the study population. ^ Results. In clustered cases, the majority of both, pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB cases were caused by genetic group 1. Independent factors were assessed to determine the interactions that may influence the site of infection or increase the risk for one site or another. HIV negative males were protected against extra-pulmonary TB compared to HIV negative females. Individuals ages 1–14 years were at higher risk of having extra-pulmonary TB. Group 3 organisms were found less frequently in the total population in general, especially in extra-pulmonary disease. This supports the evidence in previous studies that this group is the least virulent and genetically distinct from the other two groups. Group 1 was found more frequently among African Americans than other ethnic groups, a trend for future investigations. ^ Among the non-clustered cases, group 2 organisms were the majority of the organisms found in both sites. They were also the majority of organisms found in African Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics causing the majority of the infections at both sites. However, group 1 organisms were the overwhelming majority found in Asian/Pacific Islander individuals, which may indicate these organisms are either endemic to that area, or that there is an ethnic biological factor involved. This may also be due to a systematic bias, since isolates from individuals from that geographic region lack adequate copies of the insertion sequence IS6110, which leads to their placement in the non-clustered population. ^ The three genetic groups of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were not found equally distributed between sites of infection in both clustered and non-clustered cases. Furthermore, these groups were not distributed in the same patterns among the clustered and non-clustered cases, but rather in distinct patterns. ^


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The evaluation for European Union market approval of coronary stents falls under the Medical Device Directive that was adopted in 1993. Specific requirements for the assessment of coronary stents are laid out in supplementary advisory documents. In response to a call by the European Commission to make recommendations for a revision of the advisory document on the evaluation of coronary stents (Appendix 1 of MEDDEV 2.7.1), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) established a Task Force to develop an expert advisory report. As basis for its report, the ESC-EAPCI Task Force reviewed existing processes, established a comprehensive list of all coronary drug-eluting stents that have received a CE mark to date, and undertook a systematic review of the literature of all published randomized clinical trials evaluating clinical and angiographic outcomes of coronary artery stents between 2002 and 2013. Based on these data, the TF provided recommendations to inform a new regulatory process for coronary stents. The main recommendations of the task force include implementation of a standardized non-clinical assessment of stents and a novel clinical evaluation pathway for market approval. The two-stage clinical evaluation plan includes recommendation for an initial pre-market trial with objective performance criteria (OPC) benchmarking using invasive imaging follow-up leading to conditional CE-mark approval and a subsequent mandatory, large-scale randomized trial with clinical endpoint evaluation leading to unconditional CE-mark. The data analysis from the systematic review of the Task Force may provide a basis for determination of OPC for use in future studies. This paper represents an executive summary of the Task Force's report.


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Myocardial infarction (MI) leads to a severe loss of cardiomyocytes, which in mammals are replaced by scar tissue. Epicardial derived cells (EPDCs) have been reported to differentiate into cardiomyocytes during development, and proposed to have cardiomyogenic potential in the adult heart. However, mouse MI models reveal little if any contribution of EPDCs to myocardium. In contrast to adult mammals, teleosts possess a high myocardial regenerative capacity. To test if this advantage relates to the properties of their epicardium, we studied the fate of EPDCs in cryoinjured zebrafish hearts. To avoid the limitations of genetic labelling, which might trace only a subpopulation of EPDCs, we used cell transplantation to track all EPDCs during regeneration. EPDCs migrated to the injured myocardium, where they differentiated into myofibroblasts and perivascular fibroblasts. However, we did not detect any differentiation of EPDCs nor any other non-cardiomyocyte population into cardiomyocytes, even in a context of impaired cardiomyocyte proliferation. Our results support a model in which the epicardium promotes myocardial regeneration by forming a cellular scaffold, and suggests that it might induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and contribute to neoangiogenesis in a paracrine manner.