950 resultados para Noise - Loss hearing
We examined the effect of partial hearing, including cochlear implantation, on the development of motor skills in children (aged 6-12y).
Three independent groups of children were selected: a partial hearing group (n=25 [14 males, 11 females]; mean age 8y 8mo, SD 1y 10mo), a nonverbal IQ-matched group (n=27 [15 males, 12 females]; mean age 9y, SD 1y 6mo), and an age-matched group (n=26 [8 males, 18 females]; mean age 8y 8mo, SD 1y 7mo) from three schools with special units for children with partial hearing. All children with partial hearing had a bilateral hearing loss >60 decibels. Motor and balance skills were assessed using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) and two protocols from the NeuroCom Balance Master clinical procedures.
The mean standardized total MABC score of the children with partial hearing (95% confidence interval [CI] 71.8-88.7) was significantly lower than both the age-matched (95% CI 95.8-111.4; p<0.01) and the IQ-matched (95% CI 87.6-103.0; p=0.03) comparison groups. The children with partial hearing had particular difficulties with balance, most notably during tests of intersensory demand. However, subgroup analyses revealed that the effect of cochlear implantation was clearly dependent on the nature of the task.
Children with partial hearing are at high risk of clinical levels of motor deficit, with balance difficulties providing support for conventional vestibular deficit theory. However, the effect of cochlear implantation suggests that other sensory systems may be involved. A broader ecological perspective, which takes into account factors external to the child, may prove a useful framework for future research.
The reasons why animal populations decline in response to anthropogenic noise are still poorly understood. To understand how populations are affected by noise, we must understand how individuals are affected by noise. By modifying the acoustic environment experimentally, we studied the potential relationship between noise levels and both spatial and singing behaviour in the European robin (Erithacus rubecula). We found that with increasing noise levels, males were more likely to move away from the noise source and changed their singing behaviour. Our results provide the first experimental evidence in a free ranging species, that not merely the presence of noise causes changes in behaviour and distribution, but that the level of noise pollution plays a crucial role as well. Our results have important implications for estimating the impact of infrastructure which differs in the level of noise produced. Thus, governmental planning bodies should not only consider the physical effect on the landscape when assessing the impact of new infrastructure, but also the noise levels emitted, which may reduce the loss of suitable habitats available for animals. © 2012 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
Three experiments measured the effects of age on informational masking of speech by competing speech. The experiments were designed to minimize the energetic contributions of the competing speech so that informational masking could be measured with no large corrections for energetic masking. Experiment 1 used a "speech-in-speech-in-noise" design, in which the competing speech was presented in noise at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -4 dB. This ensured that the noise primarily contributed the energetic masking but the competing speech contributed the informational masking. Equal amounts of informational masking (3 dB) were observed for young and elderly listeners, although less was found for hearing-impaired listeners. Experiment 2 tested a range of SNRs in this design and showed that informational masking increased with SNR up to about an SNR of -4 dB, but decreased thereafter. Experiment 3 further reduced the energetic contribution of the competing speech by filtering it into different frequency bands from the target speech. The elderly listeners again showed approximately the same amount of informational masking (4-5 dB), although some elderly listeners had particular difficulty understanding these stimuli in any condition. On the whole, these results suggest that young and elderly listeners were equally susceptible to informational masking. © 2009 Acoustical Society of America.
In noise repetition-detection tasks, listeners have to distinguish trials of continuously running noise from trials in which noise tokens are repeated in a cyclic manner. Recently, it has been shown that using the exact same noise token across several trials (“reference noise”) facilitates the detection of repetitions for this token [Agus et al. (2010). Neuron 66, 610–618]. This was attributed to perceptual learning. Here, the nature of the learning was investigated. In experiment 1, reference noise tokens were embedded in trials with or without cyclic presentation. Naïve listeners reported repetitions in both cases, thus responding to the reference noise even in the absence of an actual repetition. Experiment 2, with the same listeners, showed a similar pattern of results even after the design of the experiment was made explicit, ruling out a misunderstanding of the task. Finally, in experiment 3, listeners reported repetitions in trials containing the reference noise, even before ever hearing it presented cyclically. The results show that listeners were able to learn and recognize noise tokens in the absence of an immediate repetition. Moreover, the learning mandatorily interfered with listeners' ability to detect repetitions. It is concluded that salient perceptual changes accompany the learning of noise.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
A atenção face dada à problemática da perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído nos profissionais da música tem sido enfatizada estudos nos últimos anos. No entanto, no que respeita aos alunos de música, são ainda poucos os estudos que analisam esta problemática de modo a permitir compreender se estes poderão estar expostos a elevados níveis de ruído no decorrer da sua formação e desenvolver problemas auditivos. O presente estudo pretende caraterizar os níveis de pressão sonora a que alunos de música estão expostos no decorrer das aulas e analisar a perceção do risco dos mesmos e potenciais efeitos sobre o sistema auditivo. Foram analisadas duas Orquestras de Jazz e uma Orquestra Sinfónica de uma Escola Superior de Música (ESM) e de um Conservatório de Música (CM). No total foram selecionados 24 alunos de acordo com o seu instrumento, e medidos os níveis de pressão sonora em diversas aulas, ao longo de duas semanas com recurso a 8 dosímetros. Foi aplicado um questionário para a análise da perceção dos alunos ao ruído e realizados exames audiométricos para a avaliação auditiva dos alunos. Em geral, os resultados demostraram que os alunos estão expostos a níveis elevados de ruído no decurso das aulas de instrumento e ensaios. Foram obtidos elevados níveis de Lp,A,eqT na bateria, vibrafone, saxofone, trombone, clarinete e trompa. Nas três escolas, verificou-se valores mais baixos de exposição no contrabaixo, nomeadamente nas Aulas Individuais. Os valores de Lp,Cpico ultrapassaram o valor de ação inferior de 135 dB(C) na percussão e saxofone. Nas aulas teóricas os valores obtidos ultrapassaram recomendação de 35 dB(A). No que respeita à perceção dos alunos verificou-se que em geral consideram que a exposição a elevados níveis de pressão sonora não tem efeitos significativos na saúde. Apesar de se ter verificado que todos os alunos avaliados apresentam uma audição normal, tinnitus, hiperacusia, distorção e diplacusia foram identificados por um número significativo de alunos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo refletem a necessidade de implementação de medidas de prevenção e controlo dos níveis de exposição dos alunos de música com vista a um aumento da sua consciencialização do risco.
Depuis le début des années 80, les systèmes d’éducation à travers le monde recommandent l’intégration des élèves malentendants en classe ordinaire. Malgré l’utilisation d’aides auditives et de système MF, les élèves vivent des périodes où l’amplification reçue est insuffisante ou non optimale. Ces périodes sont causées par des facteurs influençant leurs conditions de communication et cela peut nuire à leurs apprentissages. Pourtant, les études sur ces situations vécues par les élèves ont très peu considéré leur point de vue. L’étude présentée vise à 1) de documenter les perceptions des situations de communication en classe mentionnées par des élèves malentendants intégrés, appareillés et ayant un système MF décerné ou rapportées à des professionnels; 2) de comprendre le contexte dans lequel des conditions non optimales de communication surviennent; 3) d’identifier les stratégies compensatoires rapportées par l’élève ou son locuteur ou déployées lors de leur participation aux activités de classe. Cette étude de cas multiples combine des données qualitatives et quantitatives recueillies à partir d’entrevues en profondeur auprès de huit élèves malentendants, de courtes entrevues avec leur enseignant et leur intervenant principal et une session d’observation en classe au cours de laquelle le niveau de bruit a été mesuré et les positions de l’enseignant ont été notées. Les données ont été analysées de manière longitudinale afin de décrire les participants et transversale afin de les comparer. Les résultats montrent que les élèves malentendants parlent de leurs situations de communication en classe, surtout les plus difficiles en associant toutes leurs difficultés au locuteur ou au milieu et non à eux-mêmes. Pour ce qui est du contexte, des niveaux élevés de bruit ont été mesurés et les positions des enseignants montrent qu’ils sont généralement loin de l’enfant malentendant ou qu’ils ne lui font pas face. Par ailleurs, les enseignants mentionnent ne pas avoir assez d’informations pour bien venir en aide à ces élèves. Enfin, les élèves et leurs enseignants utilisent différentes stratégies de communication, mais celles-ci ne sont pas toujours efficaces pour faciliter la communication. Toutes ces constatations mènent à des pistes de solutions visant à améliorer les situations de communication en classe et le contexte dans lequel les élèves apprennent, notamment l’accroissement des connaissances des divers acteurs et de leur collaboration entre eux.
Support Vector Machines Regression (SVMR) is a regression technique which has been recently introduced by V. Vapnik and his collaborators (Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, Golowich and Smola, 1996). In SVMR the goodness of fit is measured not by the usual quadratic loss function (the mean square error), but by a different loss function called Vapnik"s $epsilon$- insensitive loss function, which is similar to the "robust" loss functions introduced by Huber (Huber, 1981). The quadratic loss function is well justified under the assumption of Gaussian additive noise. However, the noise model underlying the choice of Vapnik's loss function is less clear. In this paper the use of Vapnik's loss function is shown to be equivalent to a model of additive and Gaussian noise, where the variance and mean of the Gaussian are random variables. The probability distributions for the variance and mean will be stated explicitly. While this work is presented in the framework of SVMR, it can be extended to justify non-quadratic loss functions in any Maximum Likelihood or Maximum A Posteriori approach. It applies not only to Vapnik's loss function, but to a much broader class of loss functions.
El presente estudio se realizó con el fin de verificar los niveles de atenuación de dos tipos de protectores auditivos tipo copa, bajo condiciones reales de operación en una empresa del sector hidrocarburos en Colombia. Esta verificación se llevó a cabo determinando las diferencias existentes entre los niveles de atenuación establecidos por el fabricante (NRR Teórico), los niveles de atenuación ajustados de acuerdo a la metodología propuesta por NIOSH (NRR Ajustado) y los niveles de atenuación obtenidos experimentalmente (NRR Experimental). El estudio se desarrolló sobre la evaluación de los niveles equivalentes de presión sonora, mediante dosimetrías de doble canal, valorando los niveles de ruido al interior y al exterior del pabellón auditivo de forma simultánea. Los valores obtenidos en las mediciones se ajustaron a los criterios establecidos en la norma ISO 11904 parte 1 considerando la estimación de niveles de inmisión sonora mediante técnica MIRE (Microphone In a Real Ear) corregidos a condiciones de campo libre. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron establecer diferencias significativas entre los niveles de atenuación teóricos, ajustados y experimentales, aspecto que brinda oportunidades de mejora cuando se trata de seleccionar y mantener elementos de protección personal auditiva como estrategia preventiva primaria en el propósito de la disminución de la probabilidad de ocurrencia de hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por ruido en el lugar de trabajo.
This paper contains a set of materials to help hearing persons understand hearing loss.
This paper details a technique for training auditory memory for length of speech sounds in preschool children with a profound hearing loss.
The purpose of this study is to compare three hearing aid manufacturers' recommended "First Fit" to the generic recommended fittings by DSL i/o and NAL-NL1 for a 12 month old child with varying degrees of sensorineural hearing loss.
An electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) system was used to provide a participant with congenital hearing loss visual biofeedback information on speech production. Five normally hearing listeners reported a change in their perception of the speech sound /æ/ in the various conditions of the study.