284 resultados para Nino
La tesi di Dottorato espone i risultati dell’analisi condotta su alcune tipologie di canto profano a due parti, osservate nella tradizione orale di specifiche aree rurali: le espressioni diafoniche oggetto di indagine sono state individuate in diverse regioni, prevalentemente nell’Italia centro-meridionale e in Sicilia, con alcune propaggini nell’Italia nord-orientale e in alcune aree europee abitate da minoranze italiane (Istria slovena e croata). I documenti analizzati sono stati reperiti grazie alla ricerca sul campo e rintracciati anche nelle pubblicazioni discografiche, nei cataloghi dei più importanti archivi pubblici e privati italiani. Sono stati definiti i caratteri formali dei repertori e l’indagine realizzata ha inoltre condotto a una mappatura attestante la presenza di repertori vocali simili in diverse sub-aree della Penisola, confermando la estesa diffusione di pratiche diafoniche tradizionali in Italia. Sulla base di analogie e ricorrenze è stato rilevato che le espressioni diafoniche italiane possono essere attribuite a una remota tradizione comune: sebbene le peculiarità relative a ciascun repertorio siano in molti casi abbastanza marcate, le connotazioni strutturali e i modi performativi che distinguono tali repertori pare vogliano indicare di essere di fronte a testimonianze di una tradizione musicale arcaica, in cui è possibile individuare procedure e attitudini diafoniche simili e condivise. L’ultima parte dell’indagine espone alcune riflessioni emerse dal confronto tra le forme diafoniche analizzate e repertori polifonici conservati nella tradizione scritta, prendendo come punto di partenza gli studi di Nino Pirrotta: ne emergono considerazioni per l’individuazione e l’analisi di possibili comuni occorrenze all’interno di pratiche performative localmente convergenti, pur se subordinate a modi di trasmissione diversi (tradizione scritta e non scritta della musica).
Viele substituierte Pyrrolidine zeigen eine hohe Affinität zu biologischen Makromolekülen wie zu G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren, Ionenkanälen oder Enzymen. Eine synthetische Route zur Darstellung von Pyrrolidinen mit der Möglichkeit, alle fünf Ringatome variabel zu substituieren, ist daher von Interesse für die pharmazeutische Forschung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei neue Synthesestrategien zur Darstellung hochsubstituierter Pyrrolidine vorgestellt: Die 1,4-Addition von -Aminonitrilen an ,-ungesättigte Carbonylverbindungen liefert cyclische Zwischenprodukte, die in einer Eintopfreaktion zu Pyrrolidinen reduziert werden können. Die Cyanogruppe wird dabei im Reduktionsschritt aus dem Molekül entfernt, so dass keine unerwünschten Funktionalitäten im Zielmolekül zurückbleiben. In analoger Weise reagieren -(Alkylidenamino)-nitrile mit ,-ungesättigten Carbonylverbindungen. Nach Reduktion der Intermediate können polysubstituierte Pyrrolidine erhalten werden. Im Gegensatz zu -Aminonitrilen lassen sich -(Alkylidenamino)-nitrile allerdings auch mit CH-aciden ,-ungesättigten Carbonylverbindungen umsetzten, und erlauben so die Darstellung von substituierten Pyrrolidinen, die mit der zuerst genannten Methode nicht zugänglich sind. Die Übertragung beider Synthesestrategien auf die Darstellung von polycyclischen Pyrrolidinen wie dem Alkaloid Crispin A wird ebenfalls in dieser Arbeit beschrieben.
Emissione di sincrotrone e applicazioni astrofisiche
Lo scopo di questa tesi è lo studio, mediante misure sperimentali con un telescopio per raggi cosmici, della risposta temporale di rivelatori a scintillazione accoppiati a diversi tipi di fotorivelatori. In particolare sono stati studiati due tipi di fotorivelatori: i fotomoltiplicatori al silicio (SiPM) ed i rivelatori MicroChannel Plate (MCP); entrambi i sensori presentano ottime caratteristiche per ciò che concerne la risposta temporale. Per una migliore caratterizzazione dei fotorivelatori e per una maggiore completezza dello studio sono stati analizzati anche diversi modelli di accoppiamento tra gli scintillatori ed i sensori, sia a diretto contatto che tramite fibre ottiche. Per cercare di sfruttare al meglio le eccellenti proprietà temporali, sono state utilizzate anche diverse schede di front end veloce e diversa elettronica di read out. In particolare in questa tesi, per la prima volta, è stata usata, per lo studio di questi nuovi fotorivelatori, l’elettronica di front end e read out realizzata per il rivelatore TOF dell’esperimento ALICE a LHC. I risultati di questa tesi rappresentano un punto di partenza per la realizzazione di rivelatori con ottima risoluzione temporale in esperimenti di fisica nucleare ed subnucleare (definizione del trigger, misure di tempo di volo, calorimetria). Altre interessanti applicazioni sono possibili in ambito medico, in particolare strumenti di diagnostica avanzata quali ad esempio la PET.
Passive acoustic data have been collected using HARPs (High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages) and were used to assess (1) the seasonality of blue whale D calls in the Southern California Bight, (2) their interannual abundance during 2007-2012 and (3) their diel variation. This goal has been achieved running the GPL (Generalized Power-Law) automated detector. (1) Blue whale D calls were detected in the Southern California Bight from May through November with a peak in July, even though few detections were from December to April as well. A key predictor for blue whale distribution and movement in the California Current region has been identified with zooplankton aggregations, paying a particular attention to those euphausiid species, such as E. pacifica and T. spinifera, which are blue whale favorite krill. The Southern California Bight experiences seasonal upwelling, resulting in an increase of productivity and prey availability. The summer and early fall have been marked as the most favorable periods. This supports the presence of blue whales in the area at that time, supposing these marine mammals exploit the region as a feeding ground. (2) As to the interannual abundance during 2007-2012, I found a large variability. I observed a great increase of vocalizations in 2007 and 2010, whereas a decrease was shown in the other years, which is well marked in 2009. It is my belief that these fluctuations in abundance of D calls detections through the deployed period are due to the alternation of El Nino and La Nina events, which occurred in those years. (3) The assessment of the daily timing of D calls production shows that D calls are more abundant during the day than during the night with a peak at 12:00 and 13:00. Assuming that D calling is associated with feeding, the daily pattern of D calls may be linked to the prey availability. E. pacifica and T. spinifera are among those species of krill which undertake daily vertical migrations, remaining at depth during the day and slowly coming up towards the surface at night. Because of some anatomical arrangements, these euphausiids are very sensitive to the light. Given that we believe D calls have a social function, I hypothesize that blue whales may recognize the hours at the highest solar incidence as the best moment of the day in terms of prey availability, exploiting this time window to advert their conspecifics.
Screening people without symptoms of disease is an attractive idea. Screening allows early detection of disease or elevated risk of disease, and has the potential for improved treatment and reduction of mortality. The list of future screening opportunities is set to grow because of the refinement of screening techniques, the increasing frequency of degenerative and chronic diseases, and the steadily growing body of evidence on genetic predispositions for various diseases. But how should we decide on the diseases for which screening should be done and on recommendations for how it should be implemented? We use the examples of prostate cancer and genetic screening to show the importance of considering screening as an ongoing population-based intervention with beneficial and harmful effects, and not simply the use of a test. Assessing whether screening should be recommended and implemented for any named disease is therefore a multi-dimensional task in health technology assessment. There are several countries that already use established processes and criteria to assess the appropriateness of screening. We argue that the Swiss healthcare system needs a nationwide screening commission mandated to conduct appropriate evidence-based evaluation of the impact of proposed screening interventions, to issue evidence-based recommendations, and to monitor the performance of screening programmes introduced. Without explicit processes there is a danger that beneficial screening programmes could be neglected and that ineffective, and potentially harmful, screening procedures could be introduced.
The exposure of the preparation margin and the control of the hemorrhage in the gingival sulcus are prerequisites for precise impressions and thereby improving the quality of indirectly fabricated restorations. The purpose of this review article is to summarize available evidence with respect to current methods of gingival retraction and to provide the clinician with practical tips.
Evidence of negative conspecific density dependence (NDD) operating on seedling survival and sapling recruitment has accumulated recently. In contrast, evidence of NDD operating on growth of trees has been circumstantial at best. Whether or not local NDD at the level of individual trees leads to NDD at the level of the community is still an open question. Moreover, whether and how perturbations interfere with these processes have rarely been investigated. We applied neighborhood models to permanent plot data from a Bornean dipterocarp forest censused over two 10-11 year periods. Although the first period was only lightly perturbed, a moderately strong El Nino event causing severe drought occurred in the first half of the second period. Such events are an important component of the environmental stochasticity affecting the region. We show that local NDD on growth of small-to-medium-sized trees may indeed translate to NDD at the level of the community. This interpretation is based on increasingly negative effects of bigger conspecific neighbors on absolute growth rates of individual trees with increasing basal area across the 18 most abundant overstory species in the first period. However, this relationship was much weaker in the second period. We interpreted this relaxation of local and community-level NDD as a consequence of increased light levels at the forest floor due to temporary leaf and twig loss of large trees in response to the drought event. Mitigation of NDD under climatic perturbation acts to decrease species richness, especially in forest overstory and therefore has an important role in determining species relative abundances at the site.
Within the scope of Festival of Languages took place in 2009 the Conference Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax. Selected presentations are presented in this publication. The authors discuss topics such as anaphora in Svan, intonation in Georgien, pragmatics of subordinating clauses in Georgian, but also research on modern developments as SMS-communication in Georgian language area etc. DEUTSCH: Im Rahmen des Festivals der Sprachen fand im Jahre 2009 an der Universität Bremen die Tagung Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax statt. Ausgewählte Vorträge werden mit dieser Publikation vorgestellt. Die Autoren behandeln unter anderem Themen wie Ana-pher im Svanischen, Intonation im Georgischen, Pragmatik von Nebensätzen des Georgi-schen, aber auch Forschungen über moderne Entwicklungen wie die SMS-Kommunikation im georgischsprachigen Sprachraum usw. CONTENTS: NINO AMIRIDZE, TAMAR RESECK & MANANA TOPADZE GÄUMANN: Preface; KEVIN TUITE: The Kartvelian suffixal intransitive; MANANA KOBAIDZE: Towards the morphological and syntactical classification of Georgian verbs; RENÉ LACROIX: Origin of Sets I–II suffixes in South Caucasian through reanalysis; STAVROS SKOPETEAS & CAROLINE FÉRY: Prosodic cues for exhaustive interpretations: a production study on Georgian intonation; WINFRIED BOEDER: Anaphora in Svan; YASUHIRO KOJIMA : The position of rom and the pragmatics of subordinate clauses in Georgian; NATIA AMAGHLOBELI : Morphological aspects of Georgian SMS language.
Using US National Centers for Environmental Prediction/US National Center for Atmospheric Research re-analysis data, we investigate the relationships between crustal ion (nssCa(2+)) concentrations from three West Antarctic ice cores, namely, Siple Dome (SD), ITASE00-1 (IT001) and ITASE01-5 (IT015), and primary components of the climate system, namely, air pressure/geopotential height, zonal (u) and meridional (v) wind strength. Linear correlation analyses between nssCa(2+) concentrations and both air-pressure and wind fields for the period of overlap between records indicate that the SD nssCa(2+) variation is positively correlated with spring circumpolar zonal wind, while IT001 nssCa(2+) has a positive correlation with circumpolar zonal wind throughout the year (r > 0.3, p < 0.01). Intensified Southern Westerlies circulation is conducive to transport of more crustal aerosols to both sites. Further correlation analyses between nssCa(2+) concentrations from SD and IT001 and atmospheric circulation suggest that the high inland plateau (represented by core IT001) is largely influenced by transport from the upper troposphere. IT015 nssCa(2+) is negatively correlated with westerly wind in October and November, suggesting that stronger westerly circulation may weaken the transport of crustal species to IT015. Correlations of nssCa(2+) from the three ice cores with the Antarctic Oscillation index are consistent with results developed from the wind-field investigation. In addition, calibration between nssCa(2+) concentration and the multivariate El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index shows that crustal species transport to IT001 is enhanced during strong ENSO events.
In this paper a detailed record of major ions from a 20 in deep firn core from Amundsenisen, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is presented. The core was drilled at 75degreesS, 2degrees E (2900 m.a.s.l.) during austral summer 1991/92. The following ions were measured at 3 cm resolution: Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42- and CH3SO3H (MSA). The core was dated back to 1865 using a combination of chemical records and volcanic reference horizons. The volcanic eruptions identified in this core are Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand (1974-75), Mount Agung, Indonesia (1963), Azul, Argentina (1932). and a broad peak that corresponds in time to Tarawera, New Zealand (1886), Falcon Island, South Shetlands, Southern Ocean (1885), and Krakatau, Indonesia (1883). There are no trends in any of the ion records, but the annual to decadal changes are large. The mean concentrations of the measured ions are in agreement with those from other high-altitude cores from the Antarctic plateau. At this core site there may be a correspondence between peaks in the MSA record and major El Nino-Southern Oscillation events.
Annually dated ice cores from West and East Antarctica provide proxies for past changes in atmospheric circulation over Antarctica and portions of the Southern Ocean, temperature in coastal West and East Antarctica, and the frequency of South Polar penetration of El Nino events. During the period (AD) 1700-1850, atmospheric circulation over the Antarctic and at least portions of the Southern Hemisphere underwent a mode switch departing from the out-of-phase alternation of multi-decadal long phases of EOF1 and EOF2 modes of the 850 hPa field over the Southern Hemisphere (as defined in the recent record by Thompson and Wallace, 2000; Thompson and Solomon, 2002) that characterizes the remainder of the 700 year long record. From (AD) 1700 to 1850, lower-tropospheric circulation was replaced by in-phase behavior of the Amundsen Sea Low component of EOF2 and the East Antarctic High component of EOF1. During the first phase of the mode switch, both West and East Antarctic temperatures declined, potentially in response to the increased extent of sea ice surrounding both regions. At the end of the mode switch, West Antarctic coastal temperatures rose and East Antarctic coastal temperatures fell, respectively, to their second highest and lowest of the record. Polar penetration of El Nino events increased during the mode switch. The onset of the AD 1700-1850 mode switch coincides with the extreme state of the Maunder Minimum in solar variability. Late 20th-century West Antarctic coastal temperatures are the highest in the record period, and East Antarctic coastal temperatures close to the lowest. Since AD 1700, extratropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere have experienced significant climate variability coincident with changes in both solar variability and greenhouse gases.