983 resultados para Nickel-titanium alloys


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Stiffness, strength, and toughness are the three primary attributes of a material, in terms of its mechanical properties. Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are known to exhibit elastic moduli at a fraction lower than crystalline alloys and have extraordinary strength. However, the reported values of fracture toughness of BMGs are highly variable; some BMGs such as the Zr-based ones have toughness values that are comparable to some high strength steels and titanium alloys, whereas there are also BMGs that are almost as brittle as silicate glasses. Invariably, monolithic BMGs exhibit no or low crack growth resistance and tend to become brittle upon structural relaxation. Despite its critical importance for the use of BMGs as structural materials, the fracture toughness of BMGs is relatively poorly understood. In this paper, we review the available literature to summarize the current understanding of the mechanics and micromechanisms of BMG toughness and highlight the needs for future research in this important area.


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Addition of boron in small quantities to various titanium alloys have shown significant improvement in mechanical behavior of materials. In the present study, electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques have been applied to investigate the deformation microstructure evolution in boron modified two-phase titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The alloy was hot compressed at 750 degrees C up to 50% height reduction at two different strain rates (10(-3) s(-1) and 1 s(-1)). The EBSD analyses indicated significant differences in deformed microstructure of the base alloy and the alloy containing boron. A strong subgrain formation tendency was observed along with inhomogeneous distribution of dislocations inside large a colonies of Ti64. In contrast, a colonies were relatively strain free for Ti64 + B, with more uniform dislocation density distribution. The observed difference is attributed to microstructural modifications viz, grain size refinement and presence of TiB particles at grain boundary produced due to boron addition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wear of metals in dry sliding is dictated by the material response to traction. This is demonstrated by considering the wear of aluminium and titanium alloys. In a regime of stable homogeneous deformation the material approaching the surface from the bulk passes through microprocessing zones of flow, fracture, comminution and compaction to generate a protective tribofilm that retains the interaction in the mild wear regime. If the response leads to microstructural instabilities such as adiabatic shear bands, the near-surface zone consists of stacks of 500 nm layers situated parallel to the sliding direction. Microcracks are generated below the surface to propagate normally away from the surface though microvoids situated in the layers, until it reaches a depth of 10-20 mum. A rectangular laminate debris consisting of a 20-40 layer stack is produced, The wear in this mode is severe.


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Boron addition to conventional titanium alloys below the eutectic limit refines the cast microstructure and improves mechanical properties. The present work explores the influence of hypoeutectic boron addition on the microstructure and texture evolution in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under beta extrusion. The beta extruded microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V is characterized by shear bands parallel to the extrusion direction. In contrast, the extruded Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy shows a regular beta worked microstructure consisting of fine prior beta grains and acicular alpha-lamellae with no signs of the microstructural instability. Crystallographic texture after extrusion was almost identical for the two alloys indicating the similarity in their transformation behavior, which is attributed to complete dynamic recrystallization during beta processing. Microstructural features as well as crystallographic texture indicate dominant grain boundary related deformation processes for the boron modified alloy that leads to homogeneous deformation without instability formation. The absence of shear bands has significant technological importance as far as the secondary processing of boron added alloys in (alpha + beta)-phase field are concerned. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microstructure and texture are known to undergo drastic modifications due to trace hypoeutectic boron addition (similar to 0.1wt.%) for various titanium alloys e.g. Ti-6Al-4V. The deformation behaviour of such an alloy Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B is investigated in the (+) phase field and compared against that of the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V studied under selfsame conditions. The deformation microstructures for the two alloys display bending and kinking of lamellae in near and softening via globularization of lamella in near phase regimes, respectively. The transition temperature at which pure slip based deformation changes to softening is lower for the boron added alloy. The presence of TiB particles is largely held attributable for the early softening of Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy. The compression texture of both the alloys carry signature of pure phase defamation at lower temperature and phase transformation near the transus temperature. Texture is influenced by a complex interplay of the deformation and transformation processes in the intermediate temperature range. The contribution from phase transformation is prominent for Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy at comparatively lower temperature.


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Ceramic coatings are produced on aluminum alloy by autocontrol AC pulse Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) with stabilized average current. Transient signal gathering system is used to study the current, voltage, and the transient wave during the PEO process. SEM, OM, XRD and EDS are used to study the coatings evolution of morphologies, composition and structure. TEM is used to study the micro profile of the outer looser layer and inner compact layer. Polarization test is used to study the corrosion property of PEO coatings in NaCl solution. According to the test results, AC pulse PEO process can be divided into four stages with different aspects of discharge phenomena, voltage and current. The growth mechanism of AC PEO coating is characterized as anodic reaction and discharge sintering effect. PEO coating can increase the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy by one order or two; however, too long process time is not necessarily needed to increase the corrosion resistance. In condition of this paper, PEO coating at 60 min is the most protective coating for aluminum alloy substrate. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.


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No presente trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de tribocorrosão no aço inoxidável AISI 304L, no titânio comercialmente puro (CPTi) e na liga de titânio Ti6Al4V em solução aquosa de 0,90% m/v NaCl. Amostras de ligas de titânio com tratamento térmico superficial de refusão a laser também foram utilizadas. Um tribômetro do tipo pino-no-disco com contracorpo de alumina foi usado. Técnicas eletroquímicas in situ de monitoramento em circuito aberto, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, curvas de polarização e amperimetria de resistência nula foram empregadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o desgaste tribocorrosivo das ligas de titânio é mais intenso do que o observado no aço inoxidável, apresentando perfis de superfície mais irregulares. A análise da impedância eletroquímica mostrou que todos os materiais utilizados apresentam uma rápida recuperação da camada passiva, exibindo módulos e fases um pouco menores do que os medidos antes do desgaste. Sob atrito, os diagramas de impedância apresentam uma forte redução do módulo. Sob desgaste, o expoente α do elemento de fase constante (CPE) atinge seu valor mais baixo, enquanto o parâmetro γ é máximo. As curvas de polarização exibem potenciais menores e densidades de corrente de corrosão maiores durante o desgaste. O tratamento de refusão a laser, embora mude a microestrutura e a dureza superficial das amostras, não indica uma mudança aparente nos parâmetros eletroquímicos sob tribocorrosão, bem como do coeficiente de atrito. Nos ensaios de amperimetria de resistência nula, foi possível estimar a corrente mensurada no ARN por meio do emprego de um circuito elétrico equivalente. A densidade espectral de potência dos sinais de potencial e de corrente exibe a frequência de rotação (1,25 Hz) e seus harmônicos. Para baixas frequências (abaixo de 10 mHz), o decaimento obedece à relação 1 ⁄ e 1⁄ para os sinais de potencial e corrente, respectivamente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar através de questionários de escalas visuais analógicas a percepção da dor após a inserção do primeiro arco ortodôntico, comparando-se o efeito analgésico de ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno, placebo e goma de mascar. Este trabalho também partiu da hipótese de que ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno e gomas de mascar seriam mais eficazes que placebo no controle da dor de origem ortodôntica e que gomas de mascar poderiam ser uma alternativa ao uso de ibuprofeno e acetaminofeno no manejo da dor dentária de origem ortodôntica. Neste estudo, tomaram parte 41 pacientes da Clínica de Ortodontia da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os pacientes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco diferentes grupos: placebo, acetaminofeno 500 miligramas, ibuprofeno 400 miligramas, goma de mascar e controle. Todos os indivíduos tiveram bráquetes com slots .022" colados em seus dentes e molares bandados em uma das arcadas. Os grupos placebo, ibuprofeno e acetaminofeno foram orientados a tomar 01 cápsula do respectivo composto logo após a inserção do arco inicial de liga de níquel-titânio de dimensão .014 e, se a dor persistisse, a cada 6 horas por uma semana.O grupo goma de mascar foi orientado a mascar um tablete de goma por 5 minutos imediatamente após a inserção do arco inicial de liga de níquel-titânio de dimensão .014 e a cada 6 horas por 5 minutos durante uma semana, caso a dor persistisse. O grupo controle recebeu nenhum método de controle da dor. Os indivíduos foram orientados a marcar nas escalas visuais analógicas nas primeiras 24 horas, às 09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 21:00 a percepção de dor espontânea e durante a mastigação. Do terceiro até o vigésimo primeiro dia as marcações foram feitas somente em dois tempos às 09:00 e 21:00. Através da análise estatística descritiva, concluiu-se que o placebo foi mais eficiente que ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno e goma de mascar no controle da dor ortodôntica, tanto em dor espontânea quanto em dor durante a mastigação. O grupo goma de mascar foi tão eficiente quanto o acetaminofeno no controle da dor espontânea 24 horas após a inserção do arco inicial. Para alívio da dor durante a mastigação, a goma de mascar pode ser uma alternativa à atuação medicamentosa no controle da dor ortodôntica.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar, em microtomografia computadorizada (CT), o preparo de canais de molares inferiores com diferentes sistemas acionados a motor. Foram selecionadas 58 raízes mesiais patentes, de diâmetro anatômico correspondente a #10. Para a avaliação em TC, um anel de aço inoxidável foi confeccionado nos moldes do suporte para amostra do microtomógrafo, para que servisse de fôrma para a inclusão das raízes em resina Duralay, a fim de padronizar a posição do espécime no escaneamento inicial e final. Os canais foram preparados com os sistemas Reciproc R25 (n=16); WaveOne Primary File (n=16); Twisted File (n=14), e HyFlex (n=12). Após serem escaneados, foram reconstruídos tridimensionalmente e avaliados quantitativamente quanto à variação de volume (mm3), área de superfície (mm2) e structure model index (SMI). Foi, ainda, realizada a avaliação qualitativa das seções transversais por terço e por quadrante (MV, ML, DV, DL), sendo avaliado o toque de paredes. Os dados paramétricos foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e t para amostras pareadas (α=5%). Não foi observada diferença estatística nos parâmetros quantitativos avaliados para Reciproc (142,77 76,75; 42,22 19,22; e 14,68 17,69, respectivamente); WaveOne (105,09 64,82; 29,54 19,21; 14,81 9,10, respectivamente); Twisted File (111,83 43,09; 33,31 18,40; 9,16 6,57, respectivamente), e HyFlex (151,74 149,37; 43,08 41,44; 10,80 8,52, respectivamente) (p=0,423). Dentro de cada grupo, foi observada diferença significante entre os resultados pré e pós-operatórios. O teste não paramétrico de Kruskal Wallis foi aplicado para a avaliação relativa ao toque de paredes. Foi observado que o sistema HyFlex apresentou a maior porcentagem de toques (82,3 13,1), seguido por Reciproc (81,3 16,9), Twisted File (78,3 14,4) e, por fim, WaveOne (76,9 21,7) (p>0,05). Em relação aos terços não foi observada diferença significativa (p=0,424). Os resultados da avaliação dos quadrantes intergrupo não demonstraram diferenças, porém indicaram tendência do preparo em direção à parede distal no terço cervical. Ao final, pôde-se concluir que os sistemas testados se equivalem quanto ao preparo de canais mesiais de molares inferiores; porém, nenhuma das técnicas foi capaz de tocar completamente em todas as paredes do canal radicular.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Models and software products have been developed for modelling, simulation and prediction of different correlations in materials science, including 1. the correlation between processing parameters and properties in titanium alloys and ?-titanium aluminides; 2. time–temperature–transformation (TTT) diagrams for titanium alloys; 3. corrosion resistance of titanium alloys; 4. surface hardness and microhardness profile of nitrocarburised layers; 5. fatigue stress life (S–N) diagrams for Ti–6Al–4V alloys. The programs are based on trained artificial neural networks. For each particular case appropriate combination of inputs and outputs is chosen. Very good performances of the models are achieved. Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are created for easy use of the models. In addition interactive text versions are developed. The models designed are combined and integrated in software package that is built up on a modular fashion. The software products are available in versions for different platforms including Windows 95/98/2000/NT, UNIX and Apple Macintosh. Description of the software products is given, to demonstrate that they are convenient and powerful tools for practical applications in solving various problems in materials science. Examples for optimisation of the alloy compositions, processing parameters and working conditions are illustrated. An option for use of the software in materials selection procedure is described.


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The relationship between heat-treatment parameters and microstructure in titanium alloys has so far been mainly studied empirically, using characterization techniques such as microscopy. Calculation and modeling of the kinetics of phase transformation have not yet been widely used for these alloys. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been widely used for the study of a variety of phase transformations. There has been much work done on the calculation and modeling of the kinetics of phase transformations for different systems based on the results from DSC study. In the present work, the kinetics of the transformation in a Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy were studied using DSC, at continuous cooling conditions with constant cooling rates of 5 °C, 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C, and 50 °C/min. The results from calorimetry were then used to trace and model the transformation kinetics in continuous cooling conditions. Based on suitably interpreted DSC results, continuous cooling–transformation (CCT) diagrams were calculated with lines of isotransformed fraction. The kinetics of transformation were modeled using the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) theory and by applying the "concept of additivity." The JMA kinetic parameters were derived. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental transformed fractions is demonstrated. Using the derived kinetic parameters, the transformation in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy can be described for any cooling path and condition. An interpretation of the results from the point of view of activation energy for nucleation is also presented.