941 resultados para New forms of urbanization. Beyond the urban-rural dichotomy


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Design for visors for the delegation from Jamaica to the London Olympic Games 2012. This design was commissioned by PUMA 2012 based on McLean's designs featured in the website House of Flora, which functions as a space of display, archive, folio, point of sale and dissemination. The McLean standard design for visors is a component of the avant garde, pret a porter millinery, accessory design collections, and stylistically customised for the Jamaican team. McLean's oeuvre is original in its integration of the experimental traditions of art school workshop culture with the professional demands of fashion manufacture and trade culture. Combining the innovation of the postmodern urban artisan with the exacting demands of industrial production, dissemination and distribution McLean's design work spans the disparate worlds of national art collections such as the Victoria and Albert Museum (A Hat Anthology Exhibition, and catalogue 2009), London Design Museum ( Fifty Hats that Changed the World 2009). Integrating design considerations of multiple and mass production with the stylistic considerations of the studio workshop McLean brings the wit of the avant garde urban artisan to the structures and systems of fashion industry. The designs reach to a global audience as product users, as well as to the international connoisseurship of crafts and design specialists. The rigour of McLean's research and innovation is evident in the specificity of the stylistic references made through her selection of materials, processes, form, colour and symbolism. A range of cultural references cite the rich fusion of early twentieth century modernist culture in which the disparate worlds of popular, proletarian, culture fertilised the stylistic austerity of high modern formalism. McLean here considers the relationship between millinery and coiffure, following from the millinery piece featured in (Marcel bobbed hairpiece hat), and now brings the considerations of ethnic difference to bear on her design. Afro hair brings user group specificity to the milliner, and the visor design is a resolution of function and style for both protection and display. Connoting the sartorial conventions of workwear headgear, rather than the nineteenth century colonial 'cricketer's' cap, or the twentieth century US 'baseball' peaked cap, McLean's 'Jamaican Olympic Visor' brings distinctively postcolonial meaning to the cultural profile of the heterotopic media space. Designing for the popular culture of Olympic sports, televised and broadcast to global audiences, brings new forms of agency to the fashion designer, and McLan's design deploys a style that is widely recognisable from other popular culture's film and TV depictions of workwear to mark the distinctive tradition of supremacy that black athletes bring to the European traditions of cultural heritage. Supplanting the Arcadian 'laurels' with which winners are, traditionally, crowned, McLean's visor design innovation, suggests that it is not impossible to challenge and transform apparently timeless hierarchies of power and supremacy, so that ex-slaves may also become victors. McLean's fashion designs all work within this reach of fashion towards the carnivalesque inversion of social orderliness through play, display and sartorial activism.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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The aim of the TeleRisk Project on labour relations and professional risks within the context of teleworking in Portugal – supported by IDICT – Institute for Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Ministry of Labour), is to study the practices and forms of teleworking in the manufacturing sectors in Portugal. The project chose also the software industry as a reference sector, even though it does not intend to exclude from the study any other sector of activity or the so-called “hybrid” forms of work. However, the latter must have some of the characteristics of telework. The project thus takes into account the so-called “traditional” sectors of activity, namely textile and machinery and metal engineering (machinery and equipment), not usually associated to this type of work. However, telework could include, in the so-called “traditional” sectors, other variations that are not found in technologically based sectors. One of the evaluation methods for the dynamics associated to telework consisted in carrying out surveys by means of questionnaires, aimed at employers in the sectors analysed. This paper presents some of the results of those surveys. It is important to mention that, being a preliminary analysis, it means that it does not pretend to have exhausted all the issues in the survey, but has meant that it shows the bigger tendencies, in terms of teleworking practices, of the Portuguese industry.


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This paper presents the main subjects discussed in the round-table: "Educational Base for Biomedical Research", during the International Symposium on Biomedical Research in the 21st century; two main aspects will be focused: (1) the importance of popularizing science in order to stimulate comprehension of the scientific process and progress, their critical thinking, citizenship and social commitment, mainly in the biomedical area, considering the new advances of knowledge and the resulting technology; (2) the importance to stimulate genuine scientific vocation among young people, by giving them opportunity to early experience scientific environment, throught the hands of well prepared master in a humanistic atmosphere.


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The introduction of open educational resources (OER) in two Ghanaian universities through a grant-funded project was embraced with a lot of enthusiasm. The project started on a high note and the Colleges of Health Sciences in the two universities produced a significant number of e-learning materials as health OER in the first year. Growing challenges such as faculty time commitments, technological and infrastructural constraints, shortage of technical expertise, lack of awareness beyond the early adopters and non-existent system for OER dissemination and use set in. These exposed the fact that institutional policy and integration was essential to ensure effective implementation and sustainability of OER efforts. Informed by the early OER experiences at the two institutions, this paper proposes that institutions in low resource settings perhaps need to pay close attention to awareness creation, initiative structuring, funding, capacity building, systemization for scalability and motivation if OER sustainability is to be achieved.


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The interaction of the low-lying pseudoscalar mesons with the ground-state baryons in the charm sector is studied within a coupled-channel approach using a t-channel vector-exchange driving force. The amplitudes describing the scattering of the pseudoscalar mesons off the ground-state baryons are obtained by solving the Lippmann-Schwinger equation. We analyze in detail the effects of going beyond the t=0 approximation. Our model predicts the dynamical generation of several open-charm baryon resonances in different isospin and strangeness channels, some of which can be clearly identified with recently observed states.


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In this paper, we devise a methodology that is able to objectively quantify the impact of tourism on the urban economy. This methodology takes various dimensions into account. First, to analyse the impact at sectoral level, it should bear in mind that tourism is a cross-sectional activity which affects many sectors, both directly and indirectly. Therefore, it is important to consider the impact of urban tourism on sectors traditionally defined as tourism-related, -that is, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc.- but also its impact on other sectors -for instance, textiles, food, construction, to name only a few- due to the intersectoral relationships that emerge. Second, we need to calculate the percentage of the turnover of each sector that is due to the tourism industry. Third, it is important to establish the geographic distribution of this impact: how is the effect shared between the city and its neighbouring areas QUESTION Finally, the effect of urban tourism should be quantified not only in terms of turnover, but also in terms of its contribution to GDP and employment.


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Plants of Senna occidentalis (sin. Cassia occidentalis) with mosaic symptoms were collected near a soybean (Glycine max) field where some plants exhibited symptoms of mosaic and blistering. A preliminary examination of leaf tissue from diseased S. occidentalis by electron microscopy revealed the presence of pinwheel inclusions as well as long flexuous particles, indicating the presence of a potyvirus. Host range, serology, and amino acid sequence from this potyvirus were similar to those from other Brazilian isolates of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV). The 3'- terminal region of the genomic RNA was cloned and a cDNA sequence of 1.9 kb upstream of the poly (A) tract was determined. The sequence contains a single open reading frame and a 3'- non-translated region (NTR) of 259 bp. The nucleotide sequence of the CP gene of SMV-Soc was 98% identical to that of Brazilian isolates SMV-B, SMV-L, and SMV-FT10. The percentage of nucleotide identity of their 3'-NTR's was 91, 98, and 99% in relation to SMV-L, SMV-B, and SMV-FT10, respectively. In contrast to other Brazilian SMV isolates studied, SMV-Soc was able to infect sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Based on these results, the S. occidentalis isolate was identified as a new strain of SMV belonging to the SMV strain, group G5 and was named SMV-Soc. This is the first report of naturaly occurring SMV infecting plants of S. occidentalis in Brazil, adding this weed as a new source of SMV in the field.


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Introduction: La démence peut être causée par la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la maladie cérébrovasculaire (MCEREV), ou une combinaison des deux. Lorsque la maladie cérébrovasculaire est associée à la démence, les chances de survie sont considérées réduites. Il reste à démontrer si le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la cholinestérase (ChEIs), qui améliore les symptômes cognitifs et la fonction globale chez les patients atteints de la MA, agit aussi sur les formes vasculaires de démence. Objectifs: La présente étude a été conçue pour déterminer si la coexistence d’une MCEREV était associée avec les chances de survie ou la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement chez les patients atteints de la MA et traités avec des ChEIs. Des études montrant de moins bons résultats chez les patients souffrant de MCEREV que chez ceux n’en souffrant pas pourrait militer contre l’utilisation des ChEIs chez les patients atteints à la fois de la MA et la MCEREV. L'objectif d'une seconde analyse était d'évaluer pour la première fois chez les patients atteints de la MA l'impact potentiel du biais de « temps-immortel » (et de suivi) sur ces résultats (mort ou placement en hebergement). Méthodes: Une étude de cohorte rétrospective a été conduite en utilisant les bases de données de la Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour examiner la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au v décès des patients atteints de la MA, âgés de 66 ans et plus, avec ou sans MCEREV, et traités avec des ChEIs entre le 1er Juillet 2000 et le 30 Juin 2003. Puisque les ChEIs sont uniquement indiquées pour la MA au Canada, chaque prescription de ChEIs a été considérée comme un diagnostic de la MA. La MCEREV concomitante a été identifié sur la base d'un diagnostic à vie d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ou d’une endartériectomie, ou d’un diagnostic d'un accident ischémique transitoire au cours des six mois précédant la date d’entrée. Des analyses séparées ont été conduites pour les patients utilisant les ChEIs de façon persistante et pour ceux ayant interrompu la thérapie. Sept modèles de régression à risque proportionnel de Cox qui ont varié par rapport à la définition de la date d’entrée (début du suivi) et à la durée du suivi ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'impact du biais de temps-immortel. Résultats: 4,428 patients ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion pour la MA avec MCEREV; le groupe de patients souffrant seulement de la MA comptait 13,512 individus. Pour le critère d’évaluation composite considérant la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au décès, les taux de survie à 1,000 jours étaient plus faibles parmi les patients atteints de la MA avec MCEREV que parmi ceux atteints seulement de la MA (p<0.01), mais les différences absolues étaient très faibles (84% vs. 86% pour l’utilisation continue de ChEIs ; 77% vs. 78% pour la thérapie avec ChEIs interrompue). Pour les critères d’évaluation secondaires, la période jusqu’au décès était plus courte chez les patients avec la MCEREV que sans la MCEREV, mais la période jusqu’au vi placement en hebergement n’était pas différente entre les deux groupes. Dans l'analyse primaire (non-biaisée), aucune association a été trouvée entre le type de ChEI et la mort ou le placement en maison d'hébergement. Cependant, après l'introduction du biais de temps-immortel, on a observé un fort effet différentiel. Limitations: Les résultats peuvent avoir été affectés par le biais de sélection (classification impropre), par les différences entre les groupes en termes de consommation de tabac et d’indice de masse corporelle (ces informations n’étaient pas disponibles dans les bases de données de la RAMQ) et de durée de la thérapie avec les ChEIs. Conclusions: Les associations entre la coexistence d’une MCEREV et la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou au décès apparaissent peu pertinentes cliniquement parmi les patients atteints de la MA traités avec des ChEIs. L’absence de différence entre les patients atteints de la MA souffrant ou non de la MCEREV suggère que la coexistence d’une MCEREV ne devrait pas être une raison de refuser aux patients atteints de la MA l’accès au traitement avec des ChEIs. Le calcul des « personne-temps » non exposés dans l'analyse élimine les estimations biaisées de l'efficacité des médicaments.


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The study made in this thesis analyzes the new form of work organization at the urban collective transportation sector, so called Altemative Transportation which is a new form of public transportation that appears in the Brazilian urban context by the mid ninety' s, this work is made by independent or sub-contracted workers, usually organized in cooperatives . It reflects the investigation of new forms of precarious work, unformal which has been expanding in the urban transportation sector. Thus, discusses non regulation of the services sector problem the ways of survival of exc1uded workers from the formal work market mainly afier the capital productive restructure. It has as privileged area of investigation, the sector policy of urban transportation that make field of the main nets of political articulations that define the dynamic of the urban space. It is known that the urban collective transportation allows the access to the production, circulation and general consumption being necessary to the mobility of the resident population, mainly to those with low purchasing capacity. It becomes a field of empirical investigation at the Belem municipal, located at the Amazonic region - north Brazil. The main points dealed on this research start from concrete relations from the daily life of workers that deve1op their activity on the altemative transport mediated with theoretical references needed for understanding and interpretation of the studied reality. The investigation strategies were built from the abstract (theorical knowledge produced for the reality analyze) in concrete by the investigation quantitative-qualitative from this area of urban policy, making up possible the formation of a references chart to the analyses of the studied subject. Rescue his historicity, from characterization of the urban space of the metropolitan region of Belem passing true the forms of organization and urban services performances while essential production and reproduction element of the social relations. Identifies the main individuals that historically have been participating in the construction of the municipality transport policy and the ways of expression of the local political strength relations. Outstand the State paper on the net of established relations near the local power, as well as outstand the importance of social sciences in the understanding of urban policies in the transportation area, trying to bring input to the academicals -scientific debate .The above e1ected and mentioned points in this study are crucial for a critical reflection of the transportation policies. That relation is not given, but historically built at the power relation chart that makes up this unique area of the urban policies


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We briefly discuss four different possible types of transitions from quark to hadronic matter and their characteristic signatures in terms of correlations. We also highlight the effects arising from mass modification of hadrons in hot and dense hadronic matter, as well as their quantum statistical consequences: the appearance of squeezed quantum states and the associated experimental signatures, i.e., the back-to-back correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs. We briefly review the theoretical results of these squeezed quanta, generated by in-medium modified masses, starting from the first indication of the existence of surprising particle-antiparticle correlations, and ending by considering the effects of chiral dynamics on these correlation patterns. Nevertheless, a prerequisite for such a signature is the experimental verification of its observability. Therefore, the experimental observation of back-to-back correlations in high energy heavy ion reactions would be a unique signature, proving the existence of in-medium mass modification of hadronic states. on the other hand, their disappearance at some threshold centrality or collision energy would indicate that the hadron formation mechanism would have qualitatively changed: asymptotic hadrons above such a threshold are not formed from medium modified hadrons anymore, but rather by new degrees of freedom characterizing the medium. Furthermore, the disappearance of the squeezed BBC could also serve as a signature of a sudden, non-equilibrium hadronization scenario from a supercooled quark-gluon plasma phase.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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A presente pesquisa objetiva analisar as mudanças sociais e espaciais ocorridas em Belém, através dos bondes, no período de 1869 a 1947. Neste contexto, os carris surgem como símbolos de modernidade e locus privilegiado de observação de fenômenos sociais que se desenrolam cotidianamente, como as relações de gênero, de dominação e resistência, a territorialização do espaço urbano – em parte oriunda do processo de gentrificação – e as estratégias de legitimação de posse dos mesmos, os diversos graus de sociabilidade, as afetividades estabelecidas, os comportamentos sociais instituídos de maneira tácita ou determinados normas e/ou códigos de postura. Desta forma, objetivando a análise dos processos interativos que produzem o sentido “prático” da realidade o materialismo histórico é utilizado como principal suporte metodológico. Questões relativas à distinção entre grupos sociais, lutas de classificações e poder simbólico foram analisadas através de conceitos e categorias trabalhadas por Bourdieu. A sociologia processual de Norbert Elias também foi utilizada como viés interpretativo de fenômenos sociais, o que deu à pesquisa um caráter linear. A investigação deteve-se em eixos: a história da cidade, a história do cotidiano e a história dos bondes. Como meio de interpretação da história da cidade e do cotidiano utilizou-se a literatura, principalmente a regional, e os discursos oficiais – da Municipalidade, das empresas concessionárias, o discurso midiático e os relatos de memória. Conclui-se que os bondes alteraram as percepções do binômio espaço-tempo de seus usuários, reproduziram as diferenças existentes entre os grupos sociais, proporcionaram novas formas de sociabilidade, fomentaram o crescimento da cidade e promoveram a conexão entre os territórios de uma Belém gentrificada.