991 resultados para Neotropical predaceous midge
Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.
The present study was carried out in three localities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Araras (Dec/03-Dec/06), São Carlos (Nov/04-Nov/06) and Rifaina (Jul/04-Dec/06). Trap-nests were distributed among sites in the sampling areas and were collected every 35 days. Data from 295 nests indicate that T. aurifrons is a multivoltine species, with higher rates of nest building and cell production in the warm, rainy season. The trap-nests used by the females ranged from 117 to 467 mm in length and 3.1 to 16.6 mm in diameter. All nests showed deep plugs and a vestibular cell was found in 37% of the complete nests. The number of cells per nest ranged from one to 12. Females were larger than males, emerged from longer cells and their cocoons were significantly larger. A secondary 1:1 sex ratio was found in Araras and Rifaina. No correlation was observed between the diameter of the trap-nest and sex ratio. Males were usually oviposited in the first brood cells. Male and female developmental time from egg to adult was longer in the cold, dry season. Trypoxylon aurifrons provisioned their nests mainly with orb-spiders from the family Araneidae. The most important mortality factor was the death of immature forms, probably due to development failure. The most important parasitoid was Melittobia sp.
Oropezella abdominalis Collin, 1933 (Diptera, Hybotidae) is redescribed and the male is described for the first time. An identification key to the Neotropical genera of Ocydromiinae is also provided.
We observed the occurrence of large numbers of galls induced by Parkiamyia paraensis (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) on the leaflets of Parkia pendula (Fabaceae) in northern Para, Brazil. We addressed two questions in this study: i) what is the proportion of attacked plants in the field, and nursery conditions?; and ii) what is the impact of galls on the host plant? An average of 86% of the plants were galled in the field. Galled P. pendula were distinct from healthy individuals due to their prostrated architecture and death of terminal shoots. Approximately 50% of the total available leaves and 35% leaflets were attacked by P. paraensis on saplings under nursery conditions. Each one-year old plant supported an average of 1,300 galls, and an average of 60g allocated to galled tissue. Otherwise, attacked individuals were taller and heavier than healthy plants. Attacked plants weighed five times more than healthy plants. When the weight of the galls was removed, the total weight (aerial part without galls) of attacked plants was drastically reduced, indicating that most of the biomass of attacked plants was due to the attack by P. paraensis galls. Although the data indicate a paradox, as young plants attacked by the galling herbivore appear to develop more vigorously than unattacked plants, we suggest that P. paraensis negatively affect P. pendula development.
As seguintes novas espécies são descritas em Callini: Drycothaea gaucha sp. nov. do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; Callia metallica sp. nov. de Sucumbios, Equador; em Falsamblesthiini: Nyctonympha boyacana sp. nov. da Colômbia; Bactriola achira sp. nov. e Bactriola antennata sp. nov. ambas de Santa Cruz, Bolívia.
The genus Myllaena Erichson, 1837, of the tribe Myllaenini Ganglbauer, 1895, is recorded from Brazil for the first time. A new species, Myllaena brasiliensis sp. nov., is described and illustrated; it is closely related to the insomnis species group, described from the Nearctic region. A short diagnosis of the genus and an annotated catalog of Myllaena species from the Neotropical region are also provided.
Iidemyia, gen.nov., é proposto para Panacris microdonta Kertész (novo registro no Brasil, Estados do Espírito Santo e São Paulo). O novo gênero difere dos gêneros afins Panacris, Spyridopa e Tijucameru na terminália do macho, forma do escutelo e espinhos escutelares, e pela presença do calo supra-alar.
Brethesia Maia, new genus and Brethesia myrciae Maia, new species of Cecidomyiidae are described and illustrated (male, female, pupa and gall) based on material collected in Minas Gerais (Brazil). This new species induces leaf galls on Myrcia retorta (Myrtaceae).
São descritas novas espécies de Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852: C. hispidus sp. nov. do Equador (Pichincha); C. bifasciatus sp. nov. do Panamá (Colón) e da Costa Rica, C. umbus sp. nov. (Guanacaste) e C. melzeri sp. nov. (Cartago). Acrescentam-se ocorrência e figura de C. penicillatus (Bates, 1885).
Aspectos bionômicos da vespa social Neotropical Polistes canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar alguns aspectos bionômicos da vespa social neotropical Polistes canadensis canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758). Vinte e seis colônias foram acompanhadas entre abril de 2004 e julho de 2006, no município de Mundo Novo, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Os resultados encontrados nesse estudo sugerem que o padrão fenológico de Polistes canadensis canadensis é assincrônico nessa região, com fundações e abandonos podendo ocorrer o ano todo. A duração média dos estágios imaturos foi diferente entre as estações climáticas fria-seca e úmida-quente. Diferentes substratos foram escolhidos para nidificação, contudo em ambientes que forneceram condições físicas mais homogêneas durante o dia foram encontradas as maiores freqüências de sucesso. Colônias nessa espécie são fundadas por haplometrose ou pleometrose, no entanto, o sucesso tem sido maior para colônias pleometróticas.
Foram realizadas 100 horas de observação usando o método "scanning sample" para a qualificação e quantificação dos atos comportamentais de rainhas e operárias de quinze colônias de Polistes canadensis canadensis. Foi descrito um repertório comportamental com 28 atos, no qual rainhas executam 19 atos na colônia, enquanto operárias 26, ocorrendo 17 atos em comum entre as duas castas. Dentre esses atos, dois foram exclusivos do repertório de rainhas e nove de operárias. O resultado do teste do qui-quadrado apontou diferenças significativas entre os repertórios das duas castas, sendo que rainhas permanecem mais tempo no ninho e executam com maior freqüência atividades intra-nidais, ligadas à reprodução, enquanto que as operárias executam mais freqüentemente atividades relacionadas à manutenção das colônias, como a atividade de forrageamento que demanda um maior risco e alto custo energético.
The identity of Laemocharis ignicolor Ménétriés, 1857 is established for the first time and is synonymized under Cosmosoma erythrarchos (Walker, 1854), syn. n.; lectotypes for L. ignicolor and L. vulnerata Herrich-Schäffer, [1854] are here designated.
Novas espécies descritas: Hovorelus adiectus sp. nov. (Anacolini) da Costa Rica; Stenoeme aguilari sp. nov. do Paraguai e Placoeme wappesi sp. nov. da Bolívia (Oemini); da Bahia, Brasil: Coeloxestia spinosa sp. nov. (Cerambycini, Sphallotrichina); Stizocera debilis sp. nov., Anelaphus bravoi sp. nov. (Elaphidionini) e Chydarteres formosus sp. nov. (Trachyderini).
Two new Neotropical species of the genus Oxysarcodexia Townsend (Diptera, Sarcophagidae). Oxysarcodexia nitida sp. nov. and O. notata sp. nov. from Peru are described and illustrated based on male specimens. These new taxa are morphologically more similar to O. vittata (Walker) and O. xon (Dodge) respectively.
Bruggmanniella doliocarpi, a new galling species associated with Doliocarpus dentatus (Dilleniaceae) is described and illustrated (male, female, pupa, larva and gall) based on material from Minas Gerais, Brazil. The new species is compared to the other known Neotropical species. This is the first report of Bruggmanniella for Minas Gerais and in association with Dilleniaceae.