974 resultados para Neonatal Seizures


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Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a severe complication in very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns (NB). With the purpose of studying the incidence of IVH, the associated risk factors, and the outcomes for these neonates, we studied all the VLBW infants born in our neonatal unit. Birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, mechanical ventilation, length of hospitalization, apnea crisis, hydrocephalus, and periventricular leukomalacia were analyzed. The diagnosis of IVH was based on ultrasound scan studies (Papile's classification) performed until the tenth day of life and repeated weekly in the presence of abnormalities. Sixty-seven/101 neonates were studied. The mortality rate was 30.6% (31/101) and the incidence of IVH was 29.8% (20/67) : 70% grade I, 20% grade III and 10% grade IV. The incidence of IVH in NB <1,000 g was 53.8% (p = 0.035) and for gestational age <30 weeks was 47.3% (p = 0.04), both considered risk factors for IVH. The length of hospitalization (p = 0.00015) and mechanical ventilation (p = 0.038) were longer in IHV NB. The IVH NB had a relative risk of 2.3 of developing apnea (p = 0.02), 3.7 of hydrocephalus (p = 0.0007), and 7.7 of periventricular leukomalacia (p < 0.00001). The authors emphasize the importance of knowing the risk factors related to IVH so as to introduce prevention schemes to reduce IVH and to improve outcomes of affected newborns.


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PURPOSE: To determine the incidence and characteristics of nonimmune hydrops fetalis in the newborn population. METHOD: A retrospective study of the period between 1996 and 2000, including all newborns with a prenatal or early neonatal diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, based on clinical history, physical examination, and laboratory evaluation. The following were analyzed: prenatal follow-up, delivery type, gender, birth weight, gestational age, presence of perinatal asphyxia, nutritional classification, etiopathic diagnosis, length of hospital stay, mortality, and age at death. RESULTS: A total of 47 newborns with hydrops fetalis (0.42% of live births), 18 (38.3%) with the immune form and 29 (61.7%) with the nonimmune form, were selected for study. The incidence of nonimmune hydrops fetalis was 1 per 414 neonates. Data was obtained from 21 newborns, with the following characteristics: 19 (90.5%) were suspected from prenatal diagnosis, 18 (85.7%) were born by cesarean delivery, 15 (71.4%) were female, and 10 (47.6%) were asphyxiated. The average weight was 2665.9 g, and the average gestational age was 35 3/7 weeks; 14 (66.6%) were preterm; 18 (85.0 %) appropriate delivery time; and 3 (14.3%) were large for gestational age. The etiopathic diagnosis was determined for 62%, which included cardiovascular (19.0%), infectious (9.5%), placental (4.8%), hematologic (4.7%), genitourinary (4.8%), and tumoral causes (4.8%), and there was a combination of causes in 9.5%. The etiology was classified as idiopathic in 38%. The length of hospital stay was 26.6 ± 23.6 days, and the mortality rate was 52.4%. CONCLUSIONS: The establishment of a suitable etiopathic diagnosis associated with prenatal detection of nonimmune hydrops fetalis can be an important step in reducing the neonatal mortality rate from this condition.


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OBJETIVO: Estudo ecocardiográfico em recém-nascidos (RN) de grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita, a fim de se determinar a prevalência que justifique esse exame no período neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se, de novembro/91 a abril/93, 156 RN do berçário anexo à Maternidade do HC-FMUSP, sendo RN de mães com cardiopatia congênita ou com diabetes mellitus, crianças de muito baixo peso, com malformações extracardíacas ou presença de sinais cardíacos, caracterizados por sopro, cianose ou arritmia, todos submetidos ao ecocardiograma. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada foi de 21,8%, superior ao da população geral (0,8 a 1,2%), sendo que a maior entre os grupos, de 40,7%, ocorreu no grupo de malformações extracardíacas. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados justificam a realização de ecocardiograma em RN pertencentes a um destes grupos de risco para cardiopatia congênita.


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Background: The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS, Brazelton & Nugent, 1995) is an instrument conceived to observe the neonatal neurobehavior. Data analysis is usually performed by organizing items into groups. The most widely used data reduction for the NBAS was developed by Lester, Als, and Brazelton (1982). Objective: Examine the psychometric properties of the NBAS items in a sample of 213 Portuguese infants. Method: The NBAS was performed in the first week of infant life (3 days±2) and in the seventh week of life (52 days±5). Results: Principal component analyses yielded a solution of four components explaining 55.13% of total variance. Construct validity was supported by better neurobehavioral performance of 7-week-old infants compared with 1-week-old infants. Conclusion: Changes in the NBAS structure for the Portuguese sample are suggested compared to Lester factors in order to reach better internal consistency of the scale.


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The effects of comorbid depression and anxiety were compared to the effects of depression alone and anxiety alone on pregnancy mood states and biochemistry and on neonatal outcomes in a large multi-ethnic sample. At the prenatal period the comorbid and depressed groups had higher scores than the other groups on the depression measure. But, the comorbid group had higher anxiety, anger and daily hassles scores than the other groups, and they had lower dopamine levels. As compared to the non-depressed group, they also reported more sleep disturbances and relationship problems. The comorbid group also experienced a greater incidence of prematurity than the depressed, the high anxiety and the non-depressed groups. Although the comorbid and anxiety groups were lower birthweight than the non-depressed and depressed groups, the comorbid group did not differ from the depressed and anxiety groups on birth length. The neonates of the comorbid and depressed groups had higher cortisol and norepinephrine and lower dopamine and serotonin levels than the neonates of the anxiety and non-depressed groups as well as greater relative right frontal EEG. These data suggest that for some measures comorbidity of depression and anxiety is the worst condition (e.g., incidence of prematurity), while for others, comorbidity is no more impactful than depression alone.


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Depressed pregnant women (N=126) were divided into high and low prenatal maternal dopamine (HVA) groups based on a tertile split on their dopamine levels at 20 weeks gestation. The high versus the low dopamine group had lower Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) scores, higher norepinephrine levels at the 20-week gestational age visit and higher dopamine and serotonin levels at both the 20- and the 32-week gestational age visits. The neonates of the mothers with high versus low prenatal dopamine levels also had higher dopamine and serotonin levels as well as lower cortisol levels. Finally, the neonates in the high dopamine group had better autonomic stability and excitability scores on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale. Thus, prenatal maternal dopamine levels appear to be negatively related to prenatal depression scores and positively related to neonatal dopamine and behavioral regulation, although these effects are confounded by elevated serotonin levels.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationships between prenatal serotonin levels and other biochemical values during pregnancy as well as their relationships to neonatal biochemical and behavioral variables. To address that question, the pregnant women were divided into the top and bottom tertiles based on their serotonin levels at 20 weeks gestational age.


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Four hundred and thirty pregnant women were recruited at approximately 22 weeks gestation at prenatal clinics. Of these, 86 (20%) were diagnosed as depressed. The women were seen again at approximately 32 weeks gestation and after delivery. Chronicity of depression was evidenced by continuing high depression scores in those women diagnosed as depressed. Comorbid problems were chronically high anxiety, anger, sleep disturbance, and pain scores. Less optimal outcomes for the depressed women included lower gestational age and lower birthweight of their newborns.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o resultado cirúrgico em portadores de transposição das grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto, operados após o período neonatal. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1998 e março de 2004 foram atendidas 121 crianças com transposição das grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto, sendo 29 (24%) após o período neonatal. A seleção para tratamento cirúrgico foi baseada na avaliação ecocardiográfica pelo cálculo da massa do ventrículo esquerdo e da configuração do septo interventricular. Das 29 crianças, 12 foram selecionadas para correção anatômica primária, 12 para correção em dois estágios, após preparo cirúrgico do ventrículo esquerdo e 5 submetidas a correção atrial. RESULTADOS: No grupo submetido à correção anatômica primária houve 1 (8,3%) óbito hospitalar por sepsis. No grupo de correção em dois estágios, 5 pacientes foram submetidos ao preparo lento, com correção 3-6 meses após o 1º estágio, ocorrendo 4 óbitos após o 1º estágio. Este fato determinou mudança no nosso protocolo, adotando-se a técnica de preparo rápido nos outros 7 pacientes, tendo todos atingido o 2º estágio. Das 8 crianças submetidas ao 2º estágio houve 1 óbito hospitalar e outro óbito tardio. A evolução clínica tardia das crianças de ambos os grupos é excelente. CONCLUSÃO: A seleção ecocardiográfica adequada da transposição de grandes artérias com septo interventricular intacto quando abordada após o período neonatal, permitiu uma orientação segura da escolha da melhor abordagem cirúrgica nestes pacientes.


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FUNDAMENTO: A ecocardiografia bidimensional à beira do leito tem sido utilizada com sucesso para guiar a atriosseptostomia com cateter balão, agilizando o procedimento e evitando os riscos do transporte para o laboratório de hemodinâmica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da atriosseptostomia com cateter balão à beira do leito em neonatos cianóticos. MÉTODOS: Entre jan/1997 e jul/2008, foram realizados 102 procedimentos de atriosseptostomia com cateter balão guiados pela ecocardiografia, sendo avaliados níveis de saturação, diâmetro da comunicação, saturação de oxigênio, resposta clínico-laboratorial e complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. RESULTADOS: De um total de 102 casos de Rashkind realizados à beira do leito, 98 preencheram os critérios de inclusão, sendo 90 neonatos do Grupo A (procedimento de Rashkind em fase pré-operatória) e 8 do Grupo B (procedimento em fase pós-operatória). Houve predomínio do sexo masculino (75%), a idade média foi de 8,3 ± 9,3 dias, o peso médio foi de 3.100 ± 1.100 g e a transposição das grandes artérias foi a cardiopatia congênita mais frequente (n = 74). Comparando-se os valores das saturações pré e pós-procedimento (65,9 ± 19,5% e 86 ± 9,7%) e o diâmetro da comunicação interatrial pré e pós-procedimento (2,3 ± 1,0 mm e 5,5 ± 1,3 mm) houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,001). Comparando-se os valores das saturações e o diâmetro da comunicação interatrial nos grupos de sobreviventes e não sobreviventes não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A atriosseptostomia com cateter guiada pela ecocardiografia reduz os riscos por possibilitar a efetiva paliação sem perda de tempo em neonatos cianóticos, além de apresentar menores custos hospitalares.


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Prenatal stress, rodent, limbic system, neuronal development, dendritic spines, sex difference


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Astrocytes, GFAP, glia, neonatal separation, medial prefrontal cortex, S100ß


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Abnormalities in the topology of brain networks may be an important feature and etiological factor for psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES). To explore this possibility, we applied a graph theoretical approach to functional networks based on resting state EEGs from 13 PNES patients and 13 age- and gender-matched controls. The networks were extracted from Laplacian-transformed time-series by a cross-correlation method. PNES patients showed close to normal local and global connectivity and small-world structure, estimated with clustering coefficient, modularity, global efficiency, and small-worldness (SW) metrics, respectively. Yet the number of PNES attacks per month correlated with a weakness of local connectedness and a skewed balance between local and global connectedness quantified with SW, all in EEG alpha band. In beta band, patients demonstrated above-normal resiliency, measured with assortativity coefficient, which also correlated with the frequency of PNES attacks. This interictal EEG phenotype may help improve differentiation between PNES and epilepsy. The results also suggest that local connectivity could be a target for therapeutic interventions in PNES. Selective modulation (strengthening) of local connectivity might improve the skewed balance between local and global connectivity and so prevent PNES events.


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Traditionally, subcortical structures such as the cerebellum are supposed to exert a modulatory effect on epileptic seizures, rather than being the primary seizure generator. We report a 14-month old girl presenting, since birth, with seizures symptomatic of a right cerebellar dysplasia, manifested as paroxystic contralateral hemifacial spasm and ipsilateral facial weakness. Multimodal imaging was used to investigate both anatomical landmarks related to the cerebellar lesion and mechanisms underlying seizure generation. Electric source imaging (ESI) supported the hypothesis of a right cerebellar epileptogenic generator in concordance with nuclear imaging findings; subsequently validated by intra-operative intralesional recordings. Diffusion spectrum imaging-related tractography (DSI) showed severe cerebellar structural abnormalities confirmed by histological examination. We suggest that hemispheric cerebellar lesions in cases like this are likely to cause epilepsy via an effect on the facial nuclei through ipsilateral and contralateral aberrant connections.