964 resultados para Near-optimal solutions
El desarrollo de la psicología del deporte y su inserción en el fútbol, requiere de un trabajo exhaustivo y riguroso en los aspectos principales de su intervención. El psicólogo deportivo aplicado al fútbol profesional debe poner en marcha muchos modelos óptimos de trabajo, que en la práctica diaria debe modificar para buscar soluciones óptimas a cada situación que se le presenta. La finalidad de esta investigación fue diseñar y aplicar un programa integral de intervención psicológica en un equipo de fútbol profesional, desde la práctica profesional de un psicólogo deportivo. Para lograr este fin, se ha utilizado la metodología cualitativa. Para la recogida de datos se ha hecho uso de la observación, la entrevista, los test y las notas de campo. Para el análisis de datos se ha utilizado tanto el análisis cualitativo como el análisis cuantitativo. Participaron los 41 futbolistas profesionales que conformaron la primera plantilla de la A.D. Alcorcón, equipo que participó en la 2ª División “A” de la Liga Profesional de Fútbol de España en las temporadas 2010-2011, 2011-2012 y 2012-2013, con edades comprendidas entre 22 y 33 años (M=28.45; DT=2.91), 20 y 34 años (M=28.57; DT=3.41) y 21 y 36 años (M=27.29; DT= 4.55) respectivamente. También participaron: 7 integrantes del cuerpo técnico, 6 integrantes cuerpo médico y 18 integrantes de los “otros factores” (director deportivo, secretario técnico, directivos, trabajadores, etc.). Los resultados mostraron que el establecimiento de metas, el liderazgo y la cohesión entre los integrantes de la plantilla son aspectos fundamentales a tener en cuenta cuando se trabaja en un equipo de fútbol profesional. Asimismo, existen diferencias significativas (p<.01) de las expectativas de éxito en relación al rendimiento y los estados de ánimo no son predictores de rendimiento del equipo. Se concluye, que este modo de trabajar (con todos los miembros implicados en el equipo), puede aportar elementos de intervención importantes, los cuáles pueden ayudar a la búsqueda de un mejor rendimiento del equipo y que lleve a la obtención de óptimos resultados, en esta actividad tan compleja como es el fútbol. ABSTRACT The development of sport psychology and its insertion in football, requires a thorough and rigorous work on major aspects of their intervention. The sports psychologist applied to professional football should launch many optimal working models in daily practice must be modified to find optimal solutions to every situation that is presented. The purpose of this research was to design and implement a comprehensive program of psychological intervention in a professional football team from the professional practice of a sports psychologist. To this end, we used qualitative methodology. For data collection was done using observation, interviews, tests and field notes. For data analysis has been used both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Participants included 41 professional players who formed the first group of the A.D. Alcorcon, a team that participated in the 2nd Division "A" Professional Football League of Spain in 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012- 2013 seasons, aged between 22 and 33 years (M = 28.45, SD = 2.91), 20 and 34 years (M = 28.57, SD = 3.41) and 21 and 36 years (M = 27.29, SD = 4.55) respectively. Also participating: seven members of the coaching staff, 6 medical staff members and 18 members of the "other factors" (sport director, technical secretary, managers, workers, etc.). The results showed that goal setting, leadership and cohesion among members of the workforce are key aspects to consider when working on a professional football team. Furthermore, significant differences (p <.01) expectations regarding the performance success and the moods are not predictors of performance. It is concluded, that this way of working (with all members involved in the team) can contribute important elements of intervention, which can help the search for a better performance of the team and that leads to the obtaining of optimal results, in this activity as complex as it is football.
Social behavior is mainly based on swarm colonies, in which each individual shares its knowledge about the environment with other individuals to get optimal solutions. Such co-operative model differs from competitive models in the way that individuals die and are born by combining information of alive ones. This paper presents the particle swarm optimization with differential evolution algorithm in order to train a neural network instead the classic back propagation algorithm. The performance of a neural network for particular problems is critically dependant on the choice of the processing elements, the net architecture and the learning algorithm. This work is focused in the development of methods for the evolutionary design of artificial neural networks. This paper focuses in optimizing the topology and structure of connectivity for these networks
Background: This study examined the daily surgical scheduling problem in a teaching hospital. This problem relates to the use of multiple operating rooms and different types of surgeons in a typical surgical day with deterministic operation durations (preincision, incision, and postincision times). Teaching hospitals play a key role in the health-care system; however, existing models assume that the duration of surgery is independent of the surgeon's skills. This problem has not been properly addressed in other studies. We analyze the case of a Spanish public hospital, in which continuous pressures and budgeting reductions entail the more efficient use of resources. Methods: To obtain an optimal solution for this problem, we developed a mixed-integer programming model and user-friendly interface that facilitate the scheduling of planned operations for the following surgical day. We also implemented a simulation model to assist the evaluation of different dispatching policies for surgeries and surgeons. The typical aspects we took into account were the type of surgeon, potential overtime, idling time of surgeons, and the use of operating rooms. Results: It is necessary to consider the expertise of a given surgeon when formulating a schedule: such skill can decrease the probability of delays that could affect subsequent surgeries or cause cancellation of the final surgery. We obtained optimal solutions for a set of given instances, which we obtained through surgical information related to acceptable times collected from a Spanish public hospital. Conclusions: We developed a computer-aided framework with a user-friendly interface for use by a surgical manager that presents a 3-D simulation of the problem. Additionally, we obtained an efficient formulation for this complex problem. However, the spread of this kind of operation research in Spanish public health hospitals will take a long time since there is a lack of knowledge of the beneficial techniques and possibilities that operational research can offer for the health-care system.
The building sector is well known to be one of the key energy consumers worldwide. The renovation of existing buildings provides excellent opportunities for an effective reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions but it is essential to identify the optimal strategies. In this paper a multi-criteria methodology is proposed for the comparative analysis of retrofitting solutions. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) are combined by expressing environmental impacts in monetary values. A Pareto optimization is used to select the preferred strategies. The methodology is exemplified by a case study: the renovation of a representative housing block from the 1960s located in Madrid. Eight scenarios have been proposed, from the Business as Usual scenario (BAU), through Spanish Building Regulation requirements (for new buildings) up to the Passive House standard. Results show how current renovation strategies that are being applied in Madrid are far from being optimal solutions. The required additional investment, which is needed to obtain an overall performance improvement of the envelope compared with the common practice to date, is relatively low (8%) considering the obtained life cycle environmental and financial savings (43% and 45%, respectively).
La energía transportada por el oleaje a través de los océanos (energía undimotriz) se enmarca dentro de las denominadas energías oceánicas. Su aprovechamiento para generar energía eléctrica (o ser aprovechada de alguna otra forma) es una idea reflejada ya hace más de dos siglos en una patente (1799). Desde entonces, y con especial intensidad desde los años 70, ha venido despertando el interés de instituciones ligadas al I+D+i y empresas del sector energético y tecnológico, debido principalmente a la magnitud del recurso disponible. Actualmente se puede considerar al sector en un estado precomercial, con un amplio rango de dispositivos y tecnologías en diferente grado de desarrollo en los que ninguno destaca sobre los otros (ni ha demostrado su viabilidad económica), y sin que se aprecie una tendencia a converger un único dispositivo (o un número reducido de ellos). El recurso energético que se está tratando de aprovechar, pese a compartir la característica de no-controlabilidad con otras fuentes de energía renovable como la eólica o la solar, presenta una variabilidad adicional. De esta manera, diferentes localizaciones, pese a poder presentar recursos de contenido energético similar, presentan oleajes de características muy diferentes en términos de alturas y periodos de oleaje, y en la dispersión estadística de estos valores. Esta variabilidad en el oleaje hace que cobre especial relevancia la adecuación de los dispositivos de aprovechamiento de energía undimotriz (WEC: Wave Energy Converter) a su localización, de cara a mejorar su viabilidad económica. Parece razonable suponer que, en un futuro, el proceso de diseño de un parque de generación undimotriz implique un rediseño (en base a una tecnología conocida) para cada proyecto de implantación en una nueva localización. El objetivo de esta tesis es plantear un procedimiento de dimensionado de una tecnología de aprovechamiento de la energía undimotriz concreta: los absorbedores puntuales. Dicha metodología de diseño se plantea como un problema de optimización matemático, el cual se resuelve utilizando un algoritmo de optimización bioinspirado: evolución diferencial. Este planteamiento permite automatizar la fase previa de dimensionado implementando la metodología en un código de programación. El proceso de diseño de un WEC es un problema de ingería complejo, por lo que no considera factible el planteamiento de un diseño completo mediante un único procedimiento de optimización matemático. En vez de eso, se platea el proceso de diseño en diferentes etapas, de manera que la metodología desarrollada en esta tesis se utilice para obtener las dimensiones básicas de una solución de referencia de WEC, la cual será utilizada como punto de partida para continuar con las etapas posteriores del proceso de diseño. La metodología de dimensionado previo presentada en esta tesis parte de unas condiciones de contorno de diseño definidas previamente, tales como: localización, características del sistema de generación de energía eléctrica (PTO: Power Take-Off), estrategia de extracción de energía eléctrica y concepto concreto de WEC). Utilizando un algoritmo de evolución diferencial multi-objetivo se obtiene un conjunto de soluciones factibles (de acuerdo con una ciertas restricciones técnicas y dimensionales) y óptimas (de acuerdo con una serie de funciones objetivo de pseudo-coste y pseudo-beneficio). Dicho conjunto de soluciones o dimensiones de WEC es utilizado como caso de referencia en las posteriores etapas de diseño. En el documento de la tesis se presentan dos versiones de dicha metodología con dos modelos diferentes de evaluación de las soluciones candidatas. Por un lado, se presenta un modelo en el dominio de la frecuencia que presenta importantes simplificaciones en cuanto al tratamiento del recurso del oleaje. Este procedimiento presenta una menor carga computacional pero una mayor incertidumbre en los resultados, la cual puede traducirse en trabajo adicional en las etapas posteriores del proceso de diseño. Sin embargo, el uso de esta metodología resulta conveniente para realizar análisis paramétricos previos de las condiciones de contorno, tales como la localización seleccionada. Por otro lado, la segunda metodología propuesta utiliza modelos en el domino estocástico, lo que aumenta la carga computacional, pero permite obtener resultados con menos incertidumbre e información estadística muy útil para el proceso de diseño. Por este motivo, esta metodología es más adecuada para su uso en un proceso de dimensionado completo de un WEC. La metodología desarrollada durante la tesis ha sido utilizada en un proyecto industrial de evaluación energética preliminar de una planta de energía undimotriz. En dicho proceso de evaluación, el método de dimensionado previo fue utilizado en una primera etapa, de cara a obtener un conjunto de soluciones factibles de acuerdo con una serie de restricciones técnicas básicas. La selección y refinamiento de la geometría de la solución geométrica de WEC propuesta fue realizada a posteriori (por otros participantes del proyecto) utilizando un modelo detallado en el dominio del tiempo y un modelo de evaluación económica del dispositivo. El uso de esta metodología puede ayudar a reducir las iteraciones manuales y a mejorar los resultados obtenidos en estas últimas etapas del proyecto. ABSTRACT The energy transported by ocean waves (wave energy) is framed within the so-called oceanic energies. Its use to generate electric energy (or desalinate ocean water, etc.) is an idea expressed first time in a patent two centuries ago (1799). Ever since, but specially since the 1970’s, this energy has become interesting for R&D institutions and companies related with the technological and energetic sectors mainly because of the magnitude of available energy. Nowadays the development of this technology can be considered to be in a pre-commercial stage, with a wide range of devices and technologies developed to different degrees but with none standing out nor economically viable. Nor do these technologies seem ready to converge to a single device (or a reduce number of devices). The energy resource to be exploited shares its non-controllability with other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. However, wave energy presents an additional short-term variability due to its oscillatory nature. Thus, different locations may show waves with similar energy content but different characteristics such as wave height or wave period. This variability in ocean waves makes it very important that the devices for harnessing wave energy (WEC: Wave Energy Converter) fit closely to the characteristics of their location in order to improve their economic viability. It seems reasonable to assume that, in the future, the process of designing a wave power plant will involve a re-design (based on a well-known technology) for each implementation project in any new location. The objective of this PhD thesis is to propose a dimensioning method for a specific wave-energy-harnessing technology: point absorbers. This design methodology is presented as a mathematical optimization problem solved by using an optimization bio-inspired algorithm: differential evolution. This approach allows automating the preliminary dimensioning stage by implementing the methodology in programmed code. The design process of a WEC is a complex engineering problem, so the complete design is not feasible using a single mathematical optimization procedure. Instead, the design process is proposed in different stages, so the methodology developed in this thesis is used for the basic dimensions of a reference solution of the WEC, which would be used as a starting point for the later stages of the design process. The preliminary dimensioning methodology presented in this thesis starts from some previously defined boundary conditions such as: location, power take-off (PTO) characteristic, strategy of energy extraction and specific WEC technology. Using a differential multi-objective evolutionary algorithm produces a set of feasible solutions (according to certain technical and dimensional constraints) and optimal solutions (according to a set of pseudo-cost and pseudo-benefit objective functions). This set of solutions or WEC dimensions are used as a reference case in subsequent stages of design. In the document of this thesis, two versions of this methodology with two different models of evaluation of candidate solutions are presented. On the one hand, a model in the frequency domain that has significant simplifications in the treatment of the wave resource is presented. This method implies a lower computational load but increased uncertainty in the results, which may lead to additional work in the later stages of the design process. However, use of this methodology is useful in order to perform previous parametric analysis of boundary conditions such as the selected location. On the other hand, the second method uses stochastic models, increasing the computational load, but providing results with smaller uncertainty and very useful statistical information for the design process. Therefore, this method is more suitable to be used in a detail design process for full dimensioning of the WEC. The methodology developed throughout the thesis has been used in an industrial project for preliminary energetic assessment of a wave energy power plant. In this assessment process, the method of previous dimensioning was used in the first stage, in order to obtain a set of feasible solutions according to a set of basic technical constraints. The geometry of the WEC was refined and selected subsequently (by other project participants) using a detailed model in the time domain and a model of economic evaluation of the device. Using this methodology can help to reduce the number of design iterations and to improve the results obtained in the last stages of the project.
El principal objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de métodos de síntesis de diagramas de radiación de agrupaciones de antenas, en donde se realiza una caracterización electromagnética rigurosa de los elementos radiantes y de los acoplos mutuos existentes. Esta caracterización no se realiza habitualmente en la gran mayoría de métodos de síntesis encontrados en la literatura, debido fundamentalmente a dos razones. Por un lado, se considera que el diagrama de radiación de un array de antenas se puede aproximar con el factor de array que únicamente tiene en cuenta la posición de los elementos y las excitaciones aplicadas a los mismos. Sin embargo, como se mostrará en esta tesis, en múltiples ocasiones un riguroso análisis de los elementos radiantes y del acoplo mutuo entre ellos es importante ya que los resultados obtenidos pueden ser notablemente diferentes. Por otro lado, no es sencillo combinar un método de análisis electromagnético con un proceso de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Los métodos de análisis de agrupaciones de antenas suelen ser costosos computacionalmente, ya que son estructuras grandes en términos de longitudes de onda. Generalmente, un diseño de un problema electromagnético suele comprender varios análisis de la estructura, dependiendo de las variaciones de las características, lo que hace este proceso muy costoso. Dos métodos se utilizan en esta tesis para el análisis de los arrays acoplados. Ambos están basados en el método de los elementos finitos, la descomposición de dominio y el análisis modal para analizar la estructura radiante y han sido desarrollados en el grupo de investigación donde se engloba esta tesis. El primero de ellos es una técnica de análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito. Su uso es indicado para arrays planos de grandes dimensiones con elementos equiespaciados. El segundo caracteriza el array y el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a partir de una expansión en modos esféricos del campo radiado por cada uno de los elementos. Este método calcula los acoplos entre los diferentes elementos del array usando las propiedades de traslación y rotación de los modos esféricos. Es capaz de analizar agrupaciones de elementos distribuidos de forma arbitraria. Ambas técnicas utilizan una formulación matricial que caracteriza de forma rigurosa el campo radiado por el array. Esto las hace muy apropiadas para su posterior uso en una herramienta de diseño, como los métodos de síntesis desarrollados en esta tesis. Los resultados obtenidos por estas técnicas de síntesis, que incluyen métodos rigurosos de análisis, son consecuentemente más precisos. La síntesis de arrays consiste en modificar uno o varios parámetros de las agrupaciones de antenas buscando unas determinadas especificaciones de las características de radiación. Los parámetros utilizados como variables de optimización pueden ser varios. Los más utilizados son las excitaciones aplicadas a los elementos, pero también es posible modificar otros parámetros de diseño como son las posiciones de los elementos o las rotaciones de estos. Los objetivos de las síntesis pueden ser dirigir el haz o haces en una determinada dirección o conformar el haz con formas arbitrarias. Además, es posible minimizar el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios o del rizado en las regiones deseadas, imponer nulos que evitan posibles interferencias o reducir el nivel de la componente contrapolar. El método para el análisis de arrays finitos basado en la aproximación de array infinito considera un array finito como un array infinito con un número finito de elementos excitados. Los elementos no excitados están físicamente presentes y pueden presentar tres diferentes terminaciones, corto-circuito, circuito abierto y adaptados. Cada una de estas terminaciones simulará mejor el entorno real en el que el array se encuentre. Este método de análisis se integra en la tesis con dos métodos diferentes de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. En el primero de ellos se presenta un método basado en programación lineal en donde es posible dirigir el haz o haces, en la dirección deseada, además de ejercer un control sobre los lóbulos secundarios o imponer nulos. Este método es muy eficiente y obtiene soluciones óptimas. El mismo método de análisis es también aplicado a un método de conformación de haz, en donde un problema originalmente no convexo (y de difícil solución) es transformado en un problema convexo imponiendo restricciones de simetría, resolviendo de este modo eficientemente un problema complejo. Con este método es posible diseñar diagramas de radiación con haces de forma arbitraria, ejerciendo un control en el rizado del lóbulo principal, así como en el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios. El método de análisis de arrays basado en la expansión en modos esféricos se integra en la tesis con tres técnicas de síntesis de diagramas de radiación. Se propone inicialmente una síntesis de conformación del haz basado en el método de la recuperación de fase resuelta de forma iterativa mediante métodos convexos, en donde relajando las restricciones del problema original se consiguen unas soluciones cercanas a las óptimas de manera eficiente. Dos métodos de síntesis se han propuesto, donde las variables de optimización son las posiciones y las rotaciones de los elementos respectivamente. Se define una función de coste basada en la intensidad de radiación, la cual es minimizada de forma iterativa con el método del gradiente. Ambos métodos reducen el nivel de los lóbulos secundarios minimizando una función de coste. El gradiente de la función de coste es obtenido en términos de la variable de optimización en cada método. Esta función de coste está formada por la expresión rigurosa de la intensidad de radiación y por una función de peso definida por el usuario para imponer prioridades sobre las diferentes regiones de radiación, si así se desea. Por último, se presenta un método en el cual, mediante técnicas de programación entera, se buscan las fases discretas que generan un diagrama de radiación lo más cercano posible al deseado. Con este método se obtienen diseños que minimizan el coste de fabricación. En cada uno de las diferentes técnicas propuestas en la tesis, se presentan resultados con elementos reales que muestran las capacidades y posibilidades que los métodos ofrecen. Se comparan los resultados con otros métodos disponibles en la literatura. Se muestra la importancia de tener en cuenta los diagramas de los elementos reales y los acoplos mutuos en el proceso de síntesis y se comparan los resultados obtenidos con herramientas de software comerciales. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the development of optimization methods for the radiation pattern synthesis of array antennas in which a rigorous electromagnetic characterization of the radiators and the mutual coupling between them is performed. The electromagnetic characterization is usually overlooked in most of the available synthesis methods in the literature, this is mainly due to two reasons. On the one hand, it is argued that the radiation pattern of an array is mainly influenced by the array factor and that the mutual coupling plays a minor role. As it is shown in this thesis, the mutual coupling and the rigorous characterization of the array antenna influences significantly in the array performance and its computation leads to differences in the results obtained. On the other hand, it is difficult to introduce an analysis procedure into a synthesis technique. The analysis of array antennas is generally expensive computationally as the structure to analyze is large in terms of wavelengths. A synthesis method requires to carry out a large number of analysis, this makes the synthesis problem very expensive computationally or intractable in some cases. Two methods have been used in this thesis for the analysis of coupled antenna arrays, both of them have been developed in the research group in which this thesis is involved. They are based on the finite element method (FEM), the domain decomposition and the modal analysis. The first one obtains a finite array characterization with the results obtained from the infinite array approach. It is specially indicated for the analysis of large arrays with equispaced elements. The second one characterizes the array elements and the mutual coupling between them with a spherical wave expansion of the radiated field by each element. The mutual coupling is computed using the properties of translation and rotation of spherical waves. This method is able to analyze arrays with elements placed on an arbitrary distribution. Both techniques provide a matrix formulation that makes them very suitable for being integrated in synthesis techniques, the results obtained from these synthesis methods will be very accurate. The array synthesis stands for the modification of one or several array parameters looking for some desired specifications of the radiation pattern. The array parameters used as optimization variables are usually the excitation weights applied to the array elements, but some other array characteristics can be used as well, such as the array elements positions or rotations. The desired specifications may be to steer the beam towards any specific direction or to generate shaped beams with arbitrary geometry. Further characteristics can be handled as well, such as minimize the side lobe level in some other radiating regions, to minimize the ripple of the shaped beam, to take control over the cross-polar component or to impose nulls on the radiation pattern to avoid possible interferences from specific directions. The analysis method based on the infinite array approach considers an infinite array with a finite number of excited elements. The infinite non-excited elements are physically present and may have three different terminations, short-circuit, open circuit and match terminated. Each of this terminations is a better simulation for the real environment of the array. This method is used in this thesis for the development of two synthesis methods. In the first one, a multi-objective radiation pattern synthesis is presented, in which it is possible to steer the beam or beams in desired directions, minimizing the side lobe level and with the possibility of imposing nulls in the radiation pattern. This method is very efficient and obtains optimal solutions as it is based on convex programming. The same analysis method is used in a shaped beam technique in which an originally non-convex problem is transformed into a convex one applying symmetry restrictions, thus solving a complex problem in an efficient way. This method allows the synthesis of shaped beam radiation patterns controlling the ripple in the mainlobe and the side lobe level. The analysis method based on the spherical wave expansion is applied for different synthesis techniques of the radiation pattern of coupled arrays. A shaped beam synthesis is presented, in which a convex formulation is proposed based on the phase retrieval method. In this technique, an originally non-convex problem is solved using a relaxation and solving a convex problems iteratively. Two methods are proposed based on the gradient method. A cost function is defined involving the radiation intensity of the coupled array and a weighting function that provides more degrees of freedom to the designer. The gradient of the cost function is computed with respect to the positions in one of them and the rotations of the elements in the second one. The elements are moved or rotated iteratively following the results of the gradient. A highly non-convex problem is solved very efficiently, obtaining very good results that are dependent on the starting point. Finally, an optimization method is presented where discrete digital phases are synthesized providing a radiation pattern as close as possible to the desired one. The problem is solved using linear integer programming procedures obtaining array designs that greatly reduce the fabrication costs. Results are provided for every method showing the capabilities that the above mentioned methods offer. The results obtained are compared with available methods in the literature. The importance of introducing a rigorous analysis into the synthesis method is emphasized and the results obtained are compared with a commercial software, showing good agreement.
The Tiebout Hypothesis asserts that, when it is efficient to have multiple jurisdictions providing local public goods, then competition between jurisdictions for residents will lead to a near-optimal outcome. Research from cooperative game theory both provides a foundation for the hypothesis and extends the hypothesis to diverse situations where small groups of participants are effective.
Increasing global competition, rapidly changing markets, and greater consumer awareness have altered the way in which corporations do business. To become more efficient, many industries have sought to model some operational aspects by gigantic optimization problems. It is not atypical to encounter models that capture 106 separate “yes” or “no” decisions to be made. Although one could, in principle, try all 2106 possible solutions to find the optimal one, such a method would be impractically slow. Unfortunately, for most of these models, no algorithms are known that find optimal solutions with reasonable computation times. Typically, industry must rely on solutions of unguaranteed quality that are constructed in an ad hoc manner. Fortunately, for some of these models there are good approximation algorithms: algorithms that produce solutions quickly that are provably close to optimal. Over the past 6 years, there has been a sequence of major breakthroughs in our understanding of the design of approximation algorithms and of limits to obtaining such performance guarantees; this area has been one of the most flourishing areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science.
O problema de Planejamento da Expansão de Sistemas de Distribuição (PESD) visa determinar diretrizes para a expansão da rede considerando a crescente demanda dos consumidores. Nesse contexto, as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica têm o papel de propor ações no sistema de distribuição com o intuito de adequar o fornecimento da energia aos padrões exigidos pelos órgãos reguladores. Tradicionalmente considera-se apenas a minimização do custo global de investimento de planos de expansão, negligenciando-se questões de confiabilidade e robustez do sistema. Como consequência, os planos de expansão obtidos levam o sistema de distribuição a configurações que são vulneráveis a elevados cortes de carga na ocorrência de contingências na rede. Este trabalho busca a elaboração de uma metodologia para inserir questões de confiabilidade e risco ao problema PESD tradicional, com o intuito de escolher planos de expansão que maximizem a robustez da rede e, consequentemente, atenuar os danos causados pelas contingências no sistema. Formulou-se um modelo multiobjetivo do problema PESD em que se minimizam dois objetivos: o custo global (que incorpora custo de investimento, custo de manutenção, custo de operação e custo de produção de energia) e o risco de implantação de planos de expansão. Para ambos os objetivos, são formulados modelos lineares inteiros mistos que são resolvidos utilizando o solver CPLEX através do software GAMS. Para administrar a busca por soluções ótimas, optou-se por programar em linguagem C++ dois Algoritmos Evolutivos: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-2 (NSGA2) e Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm-2 (SPEA2). Esses algoritmos mostraram-se eficazes nessa busca, o que foi constatado através de simulações do planejamento da expansão de dois sistemas testes adaptados da literatura. O conjunto de soluções encontradas nas simulações contém planos de expansão com diferentes níveis de custo global e de risco de implantação, destacando a diversidade das soluções propostas. Algumas dessas topologias são ilustradas para se evidenciar suas diferenças.
A comercialização de energia elétrica de fontes renováveis, ordinariamente, constitui-se uma atividade em que as operações são estruturadas sob condições de incerteza, por exemplo, em relação ao preço \"spot\" no mercado de curto prazo e a geração de energia dos empreendimentos. Deriva desse fato a busca dos agentes pela formulação de estratégias e utilização de ferramentais para auxiliá-los em suas tomadas de decisão, visando não somente o retorno financeiro, mas também à mitigação dos riscos envolvidos. Análises de investimentos em fontes renováveis compartilham de desafios similares. Na literatura, o estudo da tomada de decisão considerada ótima sob condições de incerteza se dá por meio da aplicação de técnicas de programação estocástica, que viabiliza a modelagem de problemas com variáveis randômicas e a obtenção de soluções racionais, de interesse para o investidor. Esses modelos permitem a incorporação de métricas de risco, como por exemplo, o Conditional Value-at-Risk, a fim de se obter soluções ótimas que ponderem a expectativa de resultado financeiro e o risco associado da operação, onde a aversão ao risco do agente torna-se um condicionante fundamental. O objetivo principal da Tese - sob a ótica dos agentes geradores, consumidores e comercializadores - é: (i) desenvolver e implementar modelos de otimização em programação linear estocástica com métrica CVaR associada, customizados para cada um desses agentes; e (ii) aplicá-los na análise estratégica de operações como forma de apresentar alternativas factíveis à gestão das atividades desses agentes e contribuir com a proposição de um instrumento conceitualmente robusto e amigável ao usuário, para utilização por parte das empresas. Nesse contexto, como antes frisado, dá-se ênfase na análise do risco financeiro dessas operações por meio da aplicação do CVaR e com base na aversão ao risco do agente. Considera-se as fontes renováveis hídrica e eólica como opções de ativos de geração, de forma a estudar o efeito de complementaridade entre fontes distintas e entre sites distintos da mesma fonte, avaliando-se os rebatimentos nas operações.
We present an extension of the logic outer-approximation algorithm for dealing with disjunctive discrete-continuous optimal control problems whose dynamic behavior is modeled in terms of differential-algebraic equations. Although the proposed algorithm can be applied to a wide variety of discrete-continuous optimal control problems, we are mainly interested in problems where disjunctions are also present. Disjunctions are included to take into account only certain parts of the underlying model which become relevant under some processing conditions. By doing so the numerical robustness of the optimization algorithm improves since those parts of the model that are not active are discarded leading to a reduced size problem and avoiding potential model singularities. We test the proposed algorithm using three examples of different complex dynamic behavior. In all the case studies the number of iterations and the computational effort required to obtain the optimal solutions is modest and the solutions are relatively easy to find.
Given a convex optimization problem (P) in a locally convex topological vector space X with an arbitrary number of constraints, we consider three possible dual problems of (P), namely, the usual Lagrangian dual (D), the perturbational dual (Q), and the surrogate dual (Δ), the last one recently introduced in a previous paper of the authors (Goberna et al., J Convex Anal 21(4), 2014). As shown by simple examples, these dual problems may be all different. This paper provides conditions ensuring that inf(P)=max(D), inf(P)=max(Q), and inf(P)=max(Δ) (dual equality and existence of dual optimal solutions) in terms of the so-called closedness regarding to a set. Sufficient conditions guaranteeing min(P)=sup(Q) (dual equality and existence of primal optimal solutions) are also provided, for the nominal problems and also for their perturbational relatives. The particular cases of convex semi-infinite optimization problems (in which either the number of constraints or the dimension of X, but not both, is finite) and linear infinite optimization problems are analyzed. Finally, some applications to the feasibility of convex inequality systems are described.
Data on distribution of organic carbon and phenols near the top of Kandalaksha Gulf, one of the largest gulfs of the White Sea, are presented. Investigations carried out the port city of Kandalasksha indicate that bottom sediments of the area adjoining the port contain synthetic phenols and have elevated concentrations of organic carbon. But in general sediments of this part of the gulf have near-normal concentration and composition of both phenols and organic carbon. This indicates that ecological situation in this area remains near-optimal.
Power systems rely greatly on ancillary services in maintaining operation security. As one of the most important ancillary services, spinning reserve must be provided effectively in the deregulated market environment. This paper focuses on the design of an integrated market for both electricity and spinning reserve service with particular emphasis on coordinated dispatch of bulk power and spinning reserve services. A new market dispatching mechanism has been developed to minimize the ISO's total payment while ensuring system security. Genetic algorithms are used in the finding of the global optimal solutions for this dispatching problem. Case studies and corresponding analyses haw been carried out to demonstrate and discuss the efficiency and usefulness of the proposed market.
The buffer allocation problem (BAP) is a well-known difficult problem in the design of production lines. We present a stochastic algorithm for solving the BAP, based on the cross-entropy method, a new paradigm for stochastic optimization. The algorithm involves the following iterative steps: (a) the generation of buffer allocations according to a certain random mechanism, followed by (b) the modification of this mechanism on the basis of cross-entropy minimization. Through various numerical experiments we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and show that the method can quickly generate (near-)optimal buffer allocations for fairly large production lines.