993 resultados para Nd : YVO4
To evaluate the effect of surface treatment with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser on resin composite bond strength to recently bleached dentin. Material and Methods: In this study 120 bovine incisors were used and distributed into two groups: Group C: without bleaching treatment; Group B: with bleaching treatment (35% hydrogen peroxide). Each group was divided into three subgroups: Subgroup N: without laser treatment; Subgroup Nd: irradiation with Nd:YAG laser; Subgroup Er: irradiation with Er:YAG laser. Next, the adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2) was applied and composite buildups were constructed with Z350 composite. The teeth were sectioned to obtain dentin-resin sticks (1x1mm) and analyzed by microtensile bond testing. The data were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: The results showed that the bond strength values in the bleached control group (16.17 MPa) presented no significant difference in comparison with the group bleached and irradiated with Er:YAG laser (14.69 MPa). The non bleached control group (26.79 MPa) presented significant difference in bond strength when compared with the non bleached group irradiated with Er:YAG laser (22.82 MPa) and with the group treated by bleaching and irradiation with Nd:YAG laser (28,792 MPa). The group without bleaching treatment and irradiated with Nd:YAG (36.1 MPa) presented a significant increase in bond strength in comparison with the other groups. Conclusion: The use of Nd:YAG laser on bleached specimens was able of completely reversing the immediate effects of bleaching, obtaining bond strength values similar to those of the control group
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objectives: This study evaluated the durability of bond strength to enamel using total-etch (Single Bond/SB) and self-etch (Clearfil SE Bond/CSEB) adhesives associated with neody-mium: yttrium-aluminu- garnet (Nd:YAG) laser irradiation through the uncured adhesives.Methods: Bovine incisors were worn to expose an area of enamel and were divided into four groups: group 1 (control) SB + polymerization; group 2 (control) CSEB + polymerization; group 3 (laser) - B + Nd:YAG laser (174.16 J/cm(2)) + polymerization; and group 4 (laser) CSEB + Nd:YAG (174.16 J/cm(2)) + polymerization. Blocks of composite were fabricated and stored for 24 hours or 12 months, sectioned into beams, and submitted to microtensile tests. Results were analyzed by three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (adhesive, technique, and storage time) and Tukey tests.Results: ANOVA revealed significant differences for adhesive 3 technique and technique 3 storage time (p<0.05). The mean values (MPa) for interaction adhesive x technique (standard deviation) were as follows: SB/control = 35.78 (6.04)a; SB/laser = 26.40 (7.25)b, CSEB/control = 26.32 (5.71)b, CSEB/laser = 23.90 (7.49)b. For interaction technique x storage time the mean values were as follows: control/24 hours = 32.58 (6.49)a; control/12 months = 29.52 (8.38)a; laser/24 hours = 29.37 (5.71)a; laser/12 months = 20.92 (6.5)b. Groups with the same letters showed no statistically significant differences.Conclusion: Scanning electron microscope analysis showed evident areas of micromorphological alterations in lased samples after 12 months of water storage. Nd: YAG laser irradiation of enamel through unpolymerized totaletch adhesive significantly reduced bond strength compared with the control. Bond strength decreased when enamel samples irradiated with Nd: YAG laser through unpolymerized adhesives were stored in water for 12 months.
Neste trabalho investigou-se a modificação de superfície do titânio pela irradiação com feixe de Laser Nd:YAG. Os parâmetros do laser como a potência, o comprimento de onda, a frequência, a velocidade de varredura e a área de exposição foram mantidos constantes, exceto o espaçamento da matriz, o qual foi de 0,01 e 0,02 mm. A caracterização da superfície foi realizada por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Difração de Raios X (DRX), sendo que os espectros foram refinados pelo método Rietveld. Pela análise de MEV, observou-se uma mudança na topografia, obtendo uma superfície rugosa produzida pelo fenômeno de ablação. As análises por Rietveld dos espectros de difração de raios X detectaram TiN, Ti2N, TiO2 (anatásio e rutilo), sendo que a amostra com espaçamento 0,01 mm apresentou uma maior quantidade de óxidos e nitretos. Isso pode ser devido à sobreposição do feixe, induzindo à formação de uma superfície com maior estabilidade termodinâmica. Os óxidos e nitretos obtidos são de grande importância, pois são responsáveis por produzir uma maior interação entre o osso-implante.
Hemangioma of urinary tract are unusual, being about 2% of all hemangiomas. We present a case of a glans penis hemangioma. There is controversy concerning their treatment and outcome. Our patient was treated with a Neodymium: Yag laser irradiation, with complete morphological recuperation.
This aim of the present study was to evaluate the pulp chamber penetration of 35% hydrogen peroxide activated by LED (light-emitting diode) or Nd:YAG laser in bovine teeth, after an in-office bleaching technique. Forty-eight bovine lateral incisors were divided into four groups, acetate buffer was placed into the pulp chamber and bleaching agent was applied as follows: for group A (n = 12), activation was performed by LED; for group B (n = 12), activation was performed by Nd:YAG laser (60 mJ, 20 Hz); group C (n = 12) received no light or laser activation; and the control group (n = 12) received no bleaching gel application or light or laser activation. The acetate buffer solution was transferred to a glass tube and Leuco Crystal Violet and horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of this solution was determined spectrophotometrically and converted into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. The results were analysed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). It was verified that the effect of activation was significant, as groups activated by LED or laser presented greater hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber (0.499 +/- 0.622 microg) compared with groups that were not (0.198 +/- 0.218 microg). There was no statistically significant difference in the penetration of hydrogen peroxide into the pulp chamber between the two types of activation (LED or laser). The results suggest that activation by laser or LED caused an increase in hydrogen peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber.
This study evaluated the influence of the surface pretreatment of indirect resin composite (Signum, Admira Lab and Sinfony) on the microtensile bond strength of a resin cement. Sixty samples made of each brand were divided into 6 groups, according to surface treatment: (1) control; (2) controlled-air abrasion with Al2O3; (3) Er:YAG Laser 200 mJ, 10 Hz, for 10s; (4) Er: YAG Laser 300 mJ, 10 Hz, for 10 s; (5) Nd:YAG 80 mJ, S15Hz for 1 min; (6) Nd:YAG 120mJ, 15 Hz for 1 min. After treatments, all the groups received an application of 37% phosphoric acid and adhesive. The pair of blocks of the same brand were cemented to each other with dual resin cement. The blocks were sectioned to obtain resin-resin sticks (1 x1 mm) and analyzed by microtensile bond testing. The bond strength values were statistically different, irrespective of the surface treatment performed, with highest values for Sinfony (43.81 MPa) and lowest values for Signum (32.33 MPA). The groups treated with the Nd:YAG laser showed the lowest bond strength values and power did not interfere in the results, both for Nd:YAG laser and Er:YAG. Controlled-air abrasion with Al203 is an efficient surface treatment method and the use of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers reduced bond strength, irrespective of the intensity of energy used.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers on the shear bond strength of composite resin to dentin. The coronal portion of 56 human molars was divided into three parts, and the dentin thickness was standardized at 2 mm. A 3-mm hole was marked in the center of each tooth with sealing tape paper. The specimens (n = 14) were then divided into four groups: (1) acid etching + Single Bond (SB) (control), (2) acid etching + SB + Nd:YAG laser irradiation (before adhesive curing), (3) thermal etching with the Er:YAG laser + SB, and (4) thermal etching with the Er:YAG laser + SB + Nd:YAG laser irradiation (before adhesive curing). A composite resin cylinder was built into the delimited area for conducting the shear bond strength test on the universal testing machine. The means ± standard deviations were: group 1, 17.05 ± 4.15 MPa; group 2, 16.90 ± 3.36 MPa; group 3, 12.12 ± 3.85 MPa; and group 4, 12.92 ± 2.73 MPa. Groups 1 and 2 presented significantly higher values than groups 3 and 4. It was concluded that conventional etching with 37% phosphoric acid yielded significantly higher bond strength values compared to thermal etching with the Er:YAG laser. The Nd:YAG laser did not significantly influence the bond strength.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of simulated pulpal pressure (SPP) on the variation of intrapulpal temperature (ΔT) and microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to dentin submitted to an adhesive technique using laser irradiation. One hundred sound human molars were randomly divided into two groups (n = 50), according to the presence or absence of SPP (15 cm H2O). Each group was divided into five subgroups (n = 10) according to Nd:YAG laser energy (60, 80, 100, 120, 140 mJ/pulse). The samples were sequentially treated with the following: 37 % phosphoric acid, adhesive (Scotchbond Universal), irradiation with Nd:YAG laser (60 s), and light curing (10 s). ΔT was evaluated during laser irradiation using a type K thermocouple. Next, a composite resin block was build up onto the irradiated area. After 48 h, samples were submitted to microtensile test (10 kgf load cell, 0.5 mm/min). Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p = 0.05). ANOVA revealed significant differences for ΔT and TBS in the presence of SPP. For ΔT, the highest mean (14.3 ± 3.23 °C)(A) was observed in 140 mJ and without SPP. For μTBS, the highest mean (33.4 ± 4.15 MPa)(A) was observed in 140 mJ and without SPP. SPP significantly reduced both ΔT and μTBS during adhesive procedures, lower laser energy parameters resulted in smaller ΔT, and the laser parameters did not influence the μTBS values.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The early phase of post-collisional granitic magmatism in the Camboriu region, south Brazil, is represented by the porphyritic biotite +/- hornblende Rio Pequeno Granite (RPG; 630-620 Ma) and the younger (similar to 610 Ma), equigranular, biotite +/- muscovite Serra dos Macacos Granite (SMG). The two granite types share some geochemical characteristics, but the more felsic SMG constitutes a distinctive group not related to RPG by simple fractionation processes, as indicated by its lower FeOt, TiO2, K2O/Na2O and higher Zr Al2O3, Na2O, Ba and Sr when compared to RPG of similar SiO2 range. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes require different sources. The SMG derives from old crustal sources, possibly related to the Paleoproterozoic protoliths of the Camboriu Complex, as indicated by strongly negative epsilon Nd-t (-23 to -24) and unradiogenic Pb (e.g., Pb-206/Pb-204 = 16.0-16.3; Pb-207/Pb-204 = 15.3-15.4) and confirmed by previous LA-MC-ICPMS data showing dominant zircon inheritance of Archean to Paleoproterozoic age. In contrast, the RPG shows less negative epsilon Nd-t (-12 to -15) and a distinctive zircon inheritance pattern with no traces of post-1.6 Ga sources. This is indicative of younger sources whose significance in the regional context is still unclear; some contribution of mantle-derived magmas is indicated by coeval mafic dykes and may account for some of the geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the least differentiated varieties of the RPG. The transcurrent tectonics seems to have played an essential role in the generation of mantle-derived magmas despite their emplacement within a low-strain zone. It may have facilitated their interaction with crustal melts which seem to be to a large extent the products of reworking of Paleoproterozoic orthogneisses from the Camboriu Complex. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Whole-rock geochemistry, combined with Sr-Nd isotopic composition of pelitic sedimentary rocks, have been considered to be useful parameters to estimate not only their provenance but also to make inferences about their depositional environment as well as the weathering processes they have been through. The basal sedimentary units of the basins of the northeastern Brazilian continental margin, particularly those of the pre-rift sequence, have been subject of interest of studies based on chemical and isotopic data, since they lack fossil content to establish their age and, therefore, stratigraphic correlations are difficult. The major and trace element contents as well as Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of whole-rock shale samples from five outcrops attributed to the pre-rift supersequence of the Camamu Basin were analyzed with the purpose of characterizing and obtaining further information that would allow a better correlation between the sites studied. The geochemical data suggest that the rocks exposed in the studied outcrops are part of the same sedimentary unit and that they might be correlated to the Capianga Member of the Alianca Formation of the Reconcavo Basin, exposed to the north of the Camamu Basin. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) suggests conditions associated with a humid tropical/subtropical climate at the time of deposition. Nd isotopic compositions indicate provenance from the Paleoproterozoic rocks of the Sao Francisco craton. The results presented here, therefore, show that the combined use of chemical and isotopic analyses may be of great interest to characterize and correlate lithologically homogeneous clastic sedimentary sequences. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.