923 resultados para Natural Language Processing,Recommender Systems,Android,Applicazione mobile
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Linguagem, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Gli Open Data sono un'utile strumento che sta via via assumendo sempre più importanza nella società; in questa tesi vedremo la loro utilità attraverso la realizzazione di un'applicazione mobile, che utilizza questi dati per fornire informazioni circa lo stato ambientale dell'aria e dei pollini in Emilia Romagna, sfruttando i dataset forniti da un noto ente pubblico (Arpa Emilia Romagna). Tale applicazione mobile si basa su un Web Service che gestisce i vari passaggi dei dati e li immagazzina in un database Mongodb. Tale Web Service è stato creato per essere a sua volta messo a disposizione di programmatori, enti o persone comuni per studi e sviluppi futuri in tale ambito.
O processamento de linguagem natural e as ontologias são ferramentas cuja interação permite uma melhor compreensão dos dados armazenados. Este trabalho, ao associar estas duas áreas aos elementos disponíveis numa base de dados prosopográfica, tornou possível identificar e classificar relacionamentos entre setores de ocupação na forma como eram designados na época, setores de atividade num formato mais próximo do de hoje e o estatuto social que essas incumbências tinham na sociedade coeva. Os dados utilizados são sobretudo de membros do Santo Ofício – do século XVI ao século XVIII. Para atingir este objetivo utilizaram-se algumas descrições textuais de ocorrências da época e outras pouco estruturadas, disponíveis no repositório SPARES. A aplicação de processamento de linguagem natural (remoção de stopwords e aplicação de stemming), conjugada com a construção de duas ontologias, tornou possível classificar esses dados, permitindo consultas mais eficazes. Ao contribuir para a classificação automática de dados históricos, propõem-se metodologias que podem ser aplicadas em dados de qualquer outra área do conhecimento, especialmente as que lidam com as variáveis de tempo e espaço de forma mais intensa; Abstract: OntoSPARES: from natural language to ontologies Contributions to the automatic classification of historical data (16th-18th centuries) The interaction between the natural language processing and ontologies are tools allowing a better understanding of the data stored. This work, by combining these two areas to the elements available in a prosopographic database, has made possible to identify and classify relationships between occupations of many individuals (in general Holy Office members of the 16th-18th centuries). To achieve this goal the data used was gathered in SPARES repository, including some textual descriptions of the time occurrences. They are all few structured. The application of natural language processing (stopwords removal and stemming application), combined with the construction of two ontologies, made possible to classify those data, allowing a more effective search. By contributing to the automatic classification of historical data, this thesis proposes methodologies that can be applied to data from any other field of knowledge, specially data dealing with time and space variables.
A evolução tecnológica tem provocado uma evolução na medicina, através de sistemas computacionais voltados para o armazenamento, captura e disponibilização de informações médicas. Os relatórios médicos são, na maior parte das vezes, guardados num texto livre não estruturado e escritos com vocabulário proprietário, podendo ocasionar falhas de interpretação. Através das linguagens da Web Semântica, é possível utilizar antologias como modo de estruturar e padronizar a informação dos relatórios médicos, adicionando¬ lhe anotações semânticas. A informação contida nos relatórios pode desta forma ser publicada na Web, permitindo às máquinas o processamento automático da informação. No entanto, o processo de criação de antologias é bastante complexo, pois existe o problema de criar uma ontologia que não cubra todo o domínio pretendido. Este trabalho incide na criação de uma ontologia e respectiva povoação, através de técnicas de PLN e Aprendizagem Automática que permitem extrair a informação dos relatórios médicos. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação, que permite ao utilizador converter relatórios do formato digital para o formato OWL. ABSTRACT: Technological evolution has caused a medicine evolution through computer systems which allow storage, gathering and availability of medical information. Medical reports are, most of the times, stored in a non-structured free text and written in a personal way so that misunderstandings may occur. Through Semantic Web languages, it’s possible to use ontology as a way to structure and standardize medical reports information by adding semantic notes. The information in those reports can, by these means, be displayed on the web, allowing machines automatic information processing. However, the process of creating ontology is very complex, as there is a risk creating of an ontology that not covering the whole desired domain. This work is about creation of an ontology and its population through NLP and Machine Learning techniques to extract information from medical reports. An application was developed which allows the user to convert reports from digital for¬ mat to OWL format.
Question Answering systems that resort to the Semantic Web as a knowledge base can go well beyond the usual matching words in documents and, preferably, find a precise answer, without requiring user help to interpret the documents returned. In this paper, the authors introduce a Dialogue Manager that, through the analysis of the question and the type of expected answer, provides accurate answers to the questions posed in Natural Language. The Dialogue Manager not only represents the semantics of the questions, but also represents the structure of the discourse, including the user intentions and the questions context, adding the ability to deal with multiple answers and providing justified answers. The authors’ system performance is evaluated by comparing with similar question answering systems. Although the test suite is slight dimension, the results obtained are very promising.
One of the most visionary goals of Artificial Intelligence is to create a system able to mimic and eventually surpass the intelligence observed in biological systems including, ambitiously, the one observed in humans. The main distinctive strength of humans is their ability to build a deep understanding of the world by learning continuously and drawing from their experiences. This ability, which is found in various degrees in all intelligent biological beings, allows them to adapt and properly react to changes by incrementally expanding and refining their knowledge. Arguably, achieving this ability is one of the main goals of Artificial Intelligence and a cornerstone towards the creation of intelligent artificial agents. Modern Deep Learning approaches allowed researchers and industries to achieve great advancements towards the resolution of many long-standing problems in areas like Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. However, while this current age of renewed interest in AI allowed for the creation of extremely useful applications, a concerningly limited effort is being directed towards the design of systems able to learn continuously. The biggest problem that hinders an AI system from learning incrementally is the catastrophic forgetting phenomenon. This phenomenon, which was discovered in the 90s, naturally occurs in Deep Learning architectures where classic learning paradigms are applied when learning incrementally from a stream of experiences. This dissertation revolves around the Continual Learning field, a sub-field of Machine Learning research that has recently made a comeback following the renewed interest in Deep Learning approaches. This work will focus on a comprehensive view of continual learning by considering algorithmic, benchmarking, and applicative aspects of this field. This dissertation will also touch on community aspects such as the design and creation of research tools aimed at supporting Continual Learning research, and the theoretical and practical aspects concerning public competitions in this field.
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have revolutionized a wide range of applications beyond traditional machine learning and artificial intelligence fields, e.g., computer vision, healthcare, natural language processing and others. At the same time, edge devices have become central in our society, generating an unprecedented amount of data which could be used to train data-hungry models such as DNNs. However, the potentially sensitive or confidential nature of gathered data poses privacy concerns when storing and processing them in centralized locations. To this purpose, decentralized learning decouples model training from the need of directly accessing raw data, by alternating on-device training and periodic communications. The ability of distilling knowledge from decentralized data, however, comes at the cost of facing more challenging learning settings, such as coping with heterogeneous hardware and network connectivity, statistical diversity of data, and ensuring verifiable privacy guarantees. This Thesis proposes an extensive overview of decentralized learning literature, including a novel taxonomy and a detailed description of the most relevant system-level contributions in the related literature for privacy, communication efficiency, data and system heterogeneity, and poisoning defense. Next, this Thesis presents the design of an original solution to tackle communication efficiency and system heterogeneity, and empirically evaluates it on federated settings. For communication efficiency, an original method, specifically designed for Convolutional Neural Networks, is also described and evaluated against the state-of-the-art. Furthermore, this Thesis provides an in-depth review of recently proposed methods to tackle the performance degradation introduced by data heterogeneity, followed by empirical evaluations on challenging data distributions, highlighting strengths and possible weaknesses of the considered solutions. Finally, this Thesis presents a novel perspective on the usage of Knowledge Distillation as a mean for optimizing decentralized learning systems in settings characterized by data heterogeneity or system heterogeneity. Our vision on relevant future research directions close the manuscript.
The study of ancient, undeciphered scripts presents unique challenges, that depend both on the nature of the problem and on the peculiarities of each writing system. In this thesis, I present two computational approaches that are tailored to two different tasks and writing systems. The first of these methods is aimed at the decipherment of the Linear A afraction signs, in order to discover their numerical values. This is achieved with a combination of constraint programming, ad-hoc metrics and paleographic considerations. The second main contribution of this thesis regards the creation of an unsupervised deep learning model which uses drawings of signs from ancient writing system to learn to distinguish different graphemes in the vector space. This system, which is based on techniques used in the field of computer vision, is adapted to the study of ancient writing systems by incorporating information about sequences in the model, mirroring what is often done in natural language processing. In order to develop this model, the Cypriot Greek Syllabary is used as a target, since this is a deciphered writing system. Finally, this unsupervised model is adapted to the undeciphered Cypro-Minoan and it is used to answer open questions about this script. In particular, by reconstructing multiple allographs that are not agreed upon by paleographers, it supports the idea that Cypro-Minoan is a single script and not a collection of three script like it was proposed in the literature. These results on two different tasks shows that computational methods can be applied to undeciphered scripts, despite the relatively low amount of available data, paving the way for further advancement in paleography using these methods.
The rapid progression of biomedical research coupled with the explosion of scientific literature has generated an exigent need for efficient and reliable systems of knowledge extraction. This dissertation contends with this challenge through a concentrated investigation of digital health, Artificial Intelligence, and specifically Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing's (NLP) potential to expedite systematic literature reviews and refine the knowledge extraction process. The surge of COVID-19 complicated the efforts of scientists, policymakers, and medical professionals in identifying pertinent articles and assessing their scientific validity. This thesis presents a substantial solution in the form of the COKE Project, an initiative that interlaces machine reading with the rigorous protocols of Evidence-Based Medicine to streamline knowledge extraction. In the framework of the COKE (“COVID-19 Knowledge Extraction framework for next-generation discovery science”) Project, this thesis aims to underscore the capacity of machine reading to create knowledge graphs from scientific texts. The project is remarkable for its innovative use of NLP techniques such as a BERT + bi-LSTM language model. This combination is employed to detect and categorize elements within medical abstracts, thereby enhancing the systematic literature review process. The COKE project's outcomes show that NLP, when used in a judiciously structured manner, can significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce medical guidelines. These findings are particularly salient during times of medical emergency, like the COVID-19 pandemic, when quick and accurate research results are critical.
Nonostante lo scetticismo di molti studiosi circa la possibilità di prevedere l'andamento della borsa valori, esistono svariate teorie ipotizzanti la possibilità di utilizzare le informazioni conosciute per predirne i movimenti futuri. L’avvento dell’intelligenza artificiale nella seconda parte dello scorso secolo ha permesso di ottenere risultati rivoluzionari in svariati ambiti, tanto che oggi tale disciplina trova ampio impiego nella nostra vita quotidiana in molteplici forme. In particolare, grazie al machine learning, è stato possibile sviluppare sistemi intelligenti che apprendono grazie ai dati, riuscendo a modellare problemi complessi. Visto il successo di questi sistemi, essi sono stati applicati anche all’arduo compito di predire la borsa valori, dapprima utilizzando i dati storici finanziari della borsa come fonte di conoscenza, e poi, con la messa a punto di tecniche di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale umano (NLP), anche utilizzando dati in linguaggio naturale, come il testo di notizie finanziarie o l’opinione degli investitori. Questo elaborato ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sull’utilizzo delle tecniche di machine learning nel campo della predizione del mercato azionario, partendo dalle tecniche più elementari per arrivare ai complessi modelli neurali che oggi rappresentano lo stato dell’arte. Vengono inoltre formalizzati il funzionamento e le tecniche che si utilizzano per addestrare e valutare i modelli di machine learning, per poi effettuare un esperimento in cui a partire da dati finanziari e soprattutto testuali si tenterà di predire correttamente la variazione del valore dell’indice di borsa S&P 500 utilizzando un language model basato su una rete neurale.
Il Deep Learning ha radicalmente trasformato il mondo del Machine Learning migliorando lo stato dell'arte in diversi campi che spaziano dalla computer vision al natural language processing. Non fermandosi a problemi di classificazione, negli ultimi anni, applicazioni di tipo generativo hanno portato alla creazione di immagini realistiche e documenti letterali. Il mondo della musica non è esente da una moltitudine di esperimenti nello stesso campo, con risultati ancora acerbi ma comunque potenzialmente interessanti. In questa tesi verrà discussa l'applicazione di un di modello appartenente alla famiglia del Deep Learning per la generazione di musica simbolica.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen tremendous improvements over the last few years. Transformer architectures achieved impressive results in almost any NLP task, such as Text Classification, Machine Translation, and Language Generation. As time went by, transformers continued to improve thanks to larger corpora and bigger networks, reaching hundreds of billions of parameters. Training and deploying such large models has become prohibitively expensive, such that only big high tech companies can afford to train those models. Therefore, a lot of research has been dedicated to reducing a model’s size. In this thesis, we investigate the effects of Vocabulary Transfer and Knowledge Distillation for compressing large Language Models. The goal is to combine these two methodologies to further compress models without significant loss of performance. In particular, we designed different combination strategies and conducted a series of experiments on different vertical domains (medical, legal, news) and downstream tasks (Text Classification and Named Entity Recognition). Four different methods involving Vocabulary Transfer (VIPI) with and without a Masked Language Modelling (MLM) step and with and without Knowledge Distillation are compared against a baseline that assigns random vectors to new elements of the vocabulary. Results indicate that VIPI effectively transfers information of the original vocabulary and that MLM is beneficial. It is also noted that both vocabulary transfer and knowledge distillation are orthogonal to one another and may be applied jointly. The application of knowledge distillation first before subsequently applying vocabulary transfer is recommended. Finally, model performance due to vocabulary transfer does not always show a consistent trend as the vocabulary size is reduced. Hence, the choice of vocabulary size should be empirically selected by evaluation on the downstream task similar to hyperparameter tuning.
State-of-the-art NLP systems are generally based on the assumption that the underlying models are provided with vast datasets to train on. However, especially when working in multi-lingual contexts, datasets are often scarce, thus more research should be carried out in this field. This thesis investigates the benefits of introducing an additional training step when fine-tuning NLP models, named Intermediate Training, which could be exploited to augment the data used for the training phase. The Intermediate Training step is applied by training models on NLP tasks that are not strictly related to the target task, aiming to verify if the models are able to leverage the learned knowledge of such tasks. Furthermore, in order to better analyze the synergies between different categories of NLP tasks, experimentations have been extended also to Multi-Task Training, in which the model is trained on multiple tasks at the same time.
Nowadays the idea of injecting world or domain-specific structured knowledge into pre-trained language models (PLMs) is becoming an increasingly popular approach for solving problems such as biases, hallucinations, huge architectural sizes, and explainability lack—critical for real-world natural language processing applications in sensitive fields like bioinformatics. One recent work that has garnered much attention in Neuro-symbolic AI is QA-GNN, an end-to-end model for multiple-choice open-domain question answering (MCOQA) tasks via interpretable text-graph reasoning. Unlike previous publications, QA-GNN mutually informs PLMs and graph neural networks (GNNs) on top of relevant facts retrieved from knowledge graphs (KGs). However, taking a more holistic view, existing PLM+KG contributions mainly consider commonsense benchmarks and ignore or shallowly analyze performances on biomedical datasets. This thesis start from a propose of a deep investigation of QA-GNN for biomedicine, comparing existing or brand-new PLMs, KGs, edge-aware GNNs, preprocessing techniques, and initialization strategies. By combining the insights emerged in DISI's research, we introduce Bio-QA-GNN that include a KG. Working with this part has led to an improvement in state-of-the-art of MCOQA model on biomedical/clinical text, largely outperforming the original one (+3.63\% accuracy on MedQA). Our findings also contribute to a better understanding of the explanation degree allowed by joint text-graph reasoning architectures and their effectiveness on different medical subjects and reasoning types. Codes, models, datasets, and demos to reproduce the results are freely available at: \url{https://github.com/disi-unibo-nlp/bio-qagnn}.