925 resultados para NM LASER
We report a novel demodulation scheme for the detection of small Bragg wavelength shifts in a fiber Bragg grating strain sensor by exploiting the optical feedback reflected from the grating structure back into a 1310 nm laser diode integrating a photodiode. The dynamic strain generated by a mechanical vibrator is applied transversely to the fiber Bragg grating and the desired longitudinal strain values inferred from the detected sawtooth-like optical feedback signals. Preliminary results demonstrate the feasibility of this demodulation technique for strain measurement which could be further extended to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors for the detection of different measurands in general.
We report a novel demodulation scheme for the detection of small Bragg wavelength shifts in a fiber Bragg grating strain sensor by exploiting the optical feedback reflected from the grating structure back into a 1310 nm laser diode integrating a photodiode. The dynamic strain generated by a mechanical vibrator is applied transversely to the fiber Bragg grating and the desired longitudinal strain values inferred from the detected sawtooth-like optical feedback signals. Preliminary results demonstrate the feasibility of this demodulation technique for strain measurement which could be further extended to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors for the detection of different measurands in general.
Skin blood microcirculation and the metabolism activity of tissue were examined on the patients with type 2 diabetes. Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) with 1064 nm laser light source and fluorescence spectroscopy (FS) with excitation light of 365 nm and 450 nm have been used to monitor the blood perfusion and the content of coenzymes NADH and FAD. Concluding, the proposed combined LDF and tissue FS approach allows to identify the significant violations in the blood microcirculation and metabolic activity for type 2 diabetes patients.
Hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles (HNPs) have shown potential in cancer therapy as agents for tumour ablation
and thermal switches for targeted drug release. Heat generation occurs by exploitation of the surface plasmon
resonance of the gold coating, which usually occurs at the maximum UV absorption wavelength. However, lasers
at such wavelength are often expensive and highly specialised. Here, we report the heating and monitoring of heat
dissipation of HNPs suspended in agar phantoms using a relatively inexpensive Ng: YAG pulsed 1064 nm laser source.
The particles experience heating of up to 40°C with a total area of heat dissipation up to 132.73 mm2 from the 1 mm
diameter irradiation point after 60 seconds. This work reports the potential and possible drawbacks of these particles
for translation into cancer therapy based on our findings.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Abstract: It is well established that ionizing radiation induces a variety of damage in DNA by direct effects that are mediated by one-electron oxidation and indirect effects that are mediated by the reaction of water radiolysis products, e.g., hydroxyl radicals (•OH). In cellular DNA, direct and indirect effects appear to have about an equal effect toward DNA damage. We have shown that ϒ-(gamma) ray irradiation of aqueous solutions of DNA, during which •OH is the major damaging ROS can lead to the formation several lesions. On the other hand, the methylation and oxidative demethylation of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides plays a critical role in the gene regulation. The C5 position of cytosine in CG dinucleotides is frequently methylated by DNA methyl transferees (DNMTs) and constitutes 4-5% of the total cytosine. Here, my PhD research work focuses on the analysis of oxidative base modifications of model compounds of methylated and non methylated oligonucleotides, isolated DNA (calf-thymus DNA) and F98 cultured cell by gamma radiation. In addition, we identified a series of modifications of the 2-deoxyribose moiety of DNA arising from the exposure of isolated and cellular DNA to ionizing radiation. We also studied one electron oxidation of cellular DNA in cultured human HeLa cells initiated by intense nanosecond 266 nm laser pulse irradiation, which produces cross-links between guanine and thymine bases (G*-T*). To achieve these goals, we developed several methods based on mass spectrometry to analyze base modifications in isolated DNA and cellular DNA.
We present measurements of the transmission spectra of 87Rb atoms at 780 nm in the vicinity of a nanofiber. A uniform distribution of fixed atoms around a nanofiber should produce a spectrum that is broadened towards the red due to shifts from the van der Waals potential. If the atoms are free, this also produces an attractive force that accelerates them until they collide with the fiber which depletes the steady-state density of near-surface atoms. It is for this reason that measurements of the van der Waals interaction are sparse. We confirm this by measuring the spectrum cold atoms from a magneto-optical trap around the fiber, revealing a symmetric line shape with nearly the natural linewidth of the transition. When we use an auxiliary 750 nm laser we are able to controllably desorb a steady flux of atoms from the fiber that reside near the surface (less than 50 nm) long enough to feel the van der Walls interaction and produce an asymmetric spectrum. We quantify the spectral asymmetry as a function of 750 nm laser power and find a maximum. Our model, which that takes into account the change in the density distribution, qualitatively explains the observations. In the future this can be used as a tool to more comprehensively study atom-surface interactions.
Antecedentes: La ocronosis Exógena (OE) es una enfermedad subdiagnosticada y de difícil manejo (1). El láser Q-Switched (QS) surge como una alternativa para el tratamiento de esta (2). Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes, del láser QS y los desenlaces en el tratamiento de OE. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases PubMed, Embase, PMC, Scielo, Elselvier, BMJ Case Reports, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Cases Journal e International Medical Case Reports Journal, desde enero del 2000 a marzo del 2016, pacientes con ocronosis exógena, 18 a 70 años, tratados con láser QS. Los artículos fueron evaluados mediante la herramienta de evaluación de validez y valor educativo de reportes de caso descrito por Pierson (3). Resultados: Se encontraron 256 artículos, 63 fueron seleccionados: 28 repetidos y 31 no cumplieron criterios de inclusión. Se escogieron 4 artículos que reportan 12 casos de pacientes con ocronosis exógena diagnosticada mediante estudio histopatológico y tratada con láser QS. Discusión: Hay poca experiencia con el láser QS en OE. En la práctica clínica se usa para tatuajes y patologías pigmentarias dérmicas con resultados satisfactorios. El pigmento dérmico en OE y la corta duración de pulso de láser QS, podrían ser el pilar de tratamiento para OE. Conclusión: El láser QS puede ser útil para el tratamiento en OE, con nivel de evidencia 3 y grado de recomendación D. Se sugiere realizar estudios clínicos con mayor grado de evidencia.
A diode stack end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser at 1342 nm with near-diffraction-limited beam quality by using a hybrid resonator was presented. At a pump power of 139.5 W, laser power of 35.4 W was obtained with a conversion efficiency of 25.4% of the laser diode to laser output. The beam quality M-2 factors were measured to be 1.2 in the unstable direction and 1.3 in the stable direction at the output power of 29 W. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America
A compact 10-TW/100-fs level ultrashort-pulse and ultra-intense laser system at 1064 nm based on optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) scheme is described, at which the pump and seed for the optical parametric amplification (OPA) process is optically synchronized. We investigated the output stability and the conversion efficiency of the system. Moreover, a design toward higher peak power output is given and an optically synchronized amplifier based on the concept of OPCPA at 800 nm is preliminarily explored.
A uniform submicron periodic square structure was fabricated on the surface of ZnO by a technique of two linearly polarized femtosecond laser beams with orthogonal polarizations ablating material alternately. The formed two-dimensional ordering submicron structure consists of close-packed submicron squares with a spacial periodicity of 290 nm, which arises from the intercrossing of two orthogonal submicron ripple structures induced by the two beams respectively. The result demonstrates a noninterference effect of two-beam ablation based on the alternate technique, which should come from the polarization-dependent enhancement of the subwavelength ripple structure and the large interval of two alternate pulses. This two-beam alternate ablation technique is expected to open up prospects for the submicron fabrication of wide-bandgap materials.