996 resultados para NETTRA-P2.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar capacidades de combinação por meio de análise multivariada de genótipos de maracujazeiro-doce, de modo a orientar as melhores combinações para cruzamentos. Foram cruzados 12 genótipos, 6 genitores femininos e 6 genitores masculinos, na forma de dialelo parcial, e as populações segregantes foram conduzidas em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições sem a inclusão dos genitores. Os caracteres aferidos foram: peso do fruto, peso da polpa, espessura da casca, teor de sólidos solúveis totais e rendimento de polpa. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, análise dialélica parcial e análise de variância multivariada dialélica. Posteriormente, foi utilizado o índice de seleção da distância ao ideótipo para seleção dos genitores. Os melhores genitores femininos foram M4 e M2 e os masculinos foram P5 e P6 e as melhores combinações de genitores são M4 x P6 e M2 x P2. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a utilização conjunta da análise dialélica e análise multivariada pode ser útil a programas de melhoramento genético, em especial na orientação das melhores combinações para cruzamentos, quando o objetivo é obter ganho genético em vários caracteres simultaneamente.


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Anti-idiotype antibody therapy of B-cell lymphomas, despite numerous promising experimental and clinical studies, has so far met with limited success. Tailor-made monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies have been injected into a large series of lymphoma patients, with a few impressive complete tumour remissions but a large majority of negative responses. The results presented here suggest that, by coupling to antilymphoma idiotype antibodies a few molecules of the tetanus toxin universal epitope peptide P2 (830-843), one could markedly increase the efficiency of this therapy. We show that after 2-hr incubation with conjugates consisting of the tetanus toxin peptide P2 coupled by an S-S bridge to monoclonal antibodies directed to the lambda light chain of human immunoglobulin, human B-lymphoma cells can be specifically lysed by a CD4 T-lymphocyte clone specific for the P2 peptide. Antibody without peptide did not induce B-cell killing by the CD4 T-lymphocyte clone. The free cysteine-peptide was also able to induce lysis of the B-lymphoma target by the T-lymphocyte clone, but at a molar concentration 500 to 1000 times higher than that of the coupled peptide. Proliferation assays confirmed that the antibody-peptide conjugate was antigenically active at a much lower concentration than the free peptide. They also showed that antibody-peptide conjugates required an intact processing function of the B cell for peptide presentation, which could be selectively inhibited by leupeptin and chloroquine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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According to recent results of a sub-group of 20,000 patients from the ERSPC study, prostate cancer screening significantly increases disease specific survival for men with a life expectancy of 15 years. However presently, only 20% of prostate biopsies lead to the diagnosis of cancer. This low yield may be increased by using new tools on their way to validation, such as the blood and urinary markers p2-PSA and PCA3, so as MRI and tridimensional computerized echography. Finally, the tumours detected must be managed with subtlety, since a third of them are not overtly aggressive clinically. Hence, a significant proportion of such tumours may not need immediate curative intent treatment, and can be followed up in an active surveillance protocol.


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Introduction: Neuronal oscillations have been the focus of increasing interest in the neuroscientific community, in part because they have been considered as a possible integrating mechanism through which internal states can influence stimulus processing in a top-down way (Engel et al., 2001). Moreover, increasing evidence indicates that oscillations in different frequency bands interact with one other through coupling mechanisms (Jensen and Colgin, 2007). The existence and the importance of these cross-frequency couplings during various tasks have been verified by recent studies (Canolty et al., 2006; Lakatos et al., 2007). In this study, we measure the strength and directionality of two types of couplings - phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings - between various bands in EEG data recorded during an illusory contour experiment that were identified using a recently-proposed adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010). Methods: The data used in this study have been taken from a previously published study examining the spatiotemporal mechanisms of illusory contour processing (Murray et al., 2002). The EEG in the present study were from a subset of nine subjects. Each stimulus was composed of 'pac-man' inducers presented in two orientations: IC, when an illusory contour was present, and NC, when no contour could be detected. The signals recorded by the electrodes P2, P4, P6, PO4 and PO6 were averaged, and filtered into the following bands: 4-8Hz, 8-12Hz, 15-25Hz, 35-45Hz, 45-55Hz, 55-65Hz and 65-75Hz. An adaptive frequency tracking algorithm (Van Zaen et al., 2010) was then applied in each band in order to extract the main oscillation and estimate its frequency. This additional step ensures that clean phase information is obtained when taking the Hilbert transform. The frequency estimated by the tracker was averaged over sliding windows and then used to compare the two conditions. Two types of cross-frequency couplings were considered: phase-amplitude couplings and phase-phase couplings. Both types were measured with the phase locking value (PLV, Lachaux et al., 1999) over sliding windows. The phase-amplitude couplings were computed with the phase of the low frequency oscillation and the phase of the amplitude of the high frequency one. Different coupling coefficients were used when measuring phase-phase couplings in order to estimate different m:n synchronizations (4:3, 3:2, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 and 9:1) and to take into account the frequency differences across bands. Moreover, the direction of coupling was estimated with a directionality index (Bahraminasab et al., 2008). Finally, the two conditions IC and NC were compared with ANOVAs with 'subject' as a random effect and 'condition' as a fixed effect. Before computing the statistical tests, the PLV values were transformed into approximately normal variables (Penny et al., 2008). Results: When comparing the mean estimated frequency across conditions, a significant difference was found only in the 4-8Hz band, such that the frequency within this band was significantly higher for IC than NC stimuli starting at ~250ms post-stimulus onset (Fig. 1; solid line shows IC and dashed line NC). Significant differences in phase-amplitude couplings were obtained only when the 4-8 Hz band was taken as the low frequency band. Moreover, in all significant situations, the coupling strength is higher for the NC than IC condition. An example of significant difference between conditions is shown in Fig. 2 for the phase-amplitude coupling between the 4-8Hz and 55-65Hz bands (p-value in top panel and mean PLV values in the bottom panel). A decrease in coupling strength was observed shortly after stimulus onset for both conditions and was greater for the condition IC. This phenomenon was observed with all other frequency bands. The results obtained for the phase-phase couplings were more complex. As for the phase-amplitude couplings, all significant differences were obtained when the 4-8Hz band was considered as the low frequency band. The stimulus condition exhibiting the higher coupling strength depended on the ratio of the coupling coefficients. When this ratio was small, the IC condition exhibited the higher phase-phase coupling strength. When this ratio was large, the NC condition exhibited the higher coupling strength. Fig. 3 shows the phase-phase couplings between the 4-8Hz and 35-45Hz bands for the coupling coefficient 6:1, and the coupling strength was significantly higher for the IC than NC condition. By contrast, for the coupling coefficient 9:1 the NC condition gave the higher coupling strength (Fig. 4). Control analyses verified that it is not a consequence of the frequency difference between the two conditions in the 4-8Hz band. The directionality measures indicated a transfer of information from the low frequency components towards the high frequency ones. Conclusions: Adaptive tracking is a feasible method for EEG analyses, revealing information both about stimulus-related differences and coupling patterns across frequencies. Theta oscillations play a central role in illusory shape processing and more generally in visual processing. The presence vs. absence of illusory shapes was paralleled by faster theta oscillations. Phase-amplitude couplings were decreased more for IC than NC and might be due to a resetting mechanism. The complex patterns in phase-phase coupling between theta and beta/gamma suggest that the contribution of these oscillations to visual binding and stimulus processing are not as straightforward as conventionally held. Causality analyses further suggest that theta oscillations drive beta/gamma oscillations (see also Schroeder and Lakatos, 2009). The present findings highlight the need for applying more sophisticated signal analyses in order to establish a fuller understanding of the functional role of neural oscillations.


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The objective of this work was to determine the inheritance of resistance by antixenosis in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) to tomato leafminer [Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)]. Evaluations were performed for tomato plants of the generations P1, P2, F1, F2, RC1 and RC2. The measured characteristic in the parents, BGH-1497 (P2 male) and 'Santa Clara' (P1 female), and in the F1, F2, RC1 and RC2 generations was the number of eggs per plant. This number was converted to the oviposition nonpreference index. The inheritance of antixenosis resistance of genotype BGH-1497 is ruled by a gene of greater effect and polygenes in epistatic interactions, with a phenotypic proportion of 13:3 between susceptible and resistant genotypes, respectively.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a herança da resistência à murcha de Curtobacterium em feijoeiro. Foram realizados dois experimentos: no primeiro, cinco genótipos de feijoeiro, com diferentes reações de resistência à murcha de Curtobacterium, foram cruzados em arranjo dialélico; e no segundo, dois cruzamentos entre genótipos resistentes e suscetíveis - IAC Carioca Aruã x SCS Guará e IAC Carioca Pyatã x Pérola - foram realizados para dar origem às gerações P1, P2, F1, F2, RC1 e RC2. Em ambos os experimentos, a resistência do feijoeiro à murcha bacteriana foi avaliada por meio da inoculação do isolado Cff 2634. A análise dialélica mostrou que, embora efeitos aditivos e não aditivos estejam envolvidos, houve maior participação de genes com efeito aditivo no controle genético da resistência à murcha bacteriana, o que mostra a possibilidade de se obter sucesso com a seleção. A herança da resistência à murcha de Curtobacterium é complexa, com mais de três genes envolvidos, e herdabilidade no sentido restrito de 29%, para o cruzamento 'IAC Carioca Aruã' x 'SCS Guará', e de 44%, para o cruzamento 'IAC Carioca Pyatã' x 'Pérola'.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the pasture (Urochloa brizantha) component age on soil biological properties, in a crop-livestock integrated system. The experiment was carried out in a Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) area with 92 ha, divided into six pens of approximately 15 ha. Each pen represented a different stage of the pasture component: formation, P0; one year, P1; two years, P2; three years, P3; and final with 3.5 years, Pf. Samples were taken in the 0-10 cm soil depth. The soil biological parameters - microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass respiration (C-CO2), metabolic quotient (qCO2), microbial quotient (q mic), and total organic carbon (TOC) - were evaluated and compared among different stages of the pasture, and between an adjacent area under native Cerrado and another area under degraded pasture (PCD). The MBC, q mic and TOC increased and qCO2 reduced under the different pasture stages. Compared to PCD, the pasture stages had higher MBC, q mic and TOC, and lower qCO2. The crop-livestock integrated system improved soil microbiological parameters and immobilized carbon in the soil in comparison to the degraded pasture.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a divergência genética entre genótipos de feijão-de-corda quanto à resistência ao pulgão-preto (Aphis craccivora) e identificar as melhores combinações entre genótipos resistentes. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com 51 tratamentos, representados pelos genótipos, e quatro repetições. As plantas foram infestadas 15 dias após a semeadura, com cinco fêmeas adultas. Avaliaram-se o número de adultos e de ninfas, respectivamente aos dois e quatro dias após a infestação, e a relação entre eles. O índice de soma de postos de Mulamba & Mock, as distâncias generalizadas de Mahalanobis e o método de otimização de Tocher foram utilizados para avaliar a divergência genética entre os genótipos. As maiores divergências foram observadas entre os genótipos BRS Guariba e Sete Semanas, e entre TVu 410 e Sete Semanas, enquanto BRS Guariba e TVu 410 foram os mais similares. Os genótipos BRS Guariba, TVu 410, BRS Paraguaçu, TVu 36, Sempre Verde, TVu 408 P2, Setentão e Epace 10 apresentam resistência ao pulgão. Os cruzamentos entre Setentão e BRS Guariba, TVu 410, BRS Paraguaçu, TVu 36, TVu 408 P2 e entre Epace 10 e Sempre Verde, BRS Guariba e TVu 410 são promissores para novas combinações genéticas em programas de melhoramento com vistas à resistência ao pulgão.


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Introduction et But de l'étude. - La transplantation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques est un des traitements proposés dans le cadre de certaines hémopathies malignes. Elle est fréquemment associée à une anorexie, des nausées et des douleurs buccales limitant les ingesta. Chez ces patients, il a été démontré qu'une altération du statut nutritionnel était associée à une durée de séjour hospitalier augmentée. Si l'évolution hospitalière est généralement bien documentée, peu d'informations nutritionnelles sur la période post-greffe sont disponibles. L'objectif de cette étude est de documenter l'évolution pondérale en fonction des différentes phases de traitement.Matériel et Méthodes. - Cette étude rétrospective a porté sur un collectif de patients suivis par la consultation ambulatoire d'onco-hématologie. Ont été inclus tous les dossiers de patients ayant bénéficié d'une autogreffe depuis plus de 100 jours. Les variables démographiques, médicales, nutritionnelles et fonctionnelles ont été recueillies aux périodes suivantes de prise en charge : lors du diagnostic (P1), à l'admission (P2) et à la sortie de l'hôpital lors de l'autogreffe (P3) et au 100e jour post-autogreffe (P4).Résultats. - L'échantillon était composé de 22 hommes et 11 femmes, ayant une moyenne d'âge de 52 ± 11 ans, un BMI moyen de 26,7 ± 4,2 et souffrant de lymphome (49 %), myélome (45 %), maladie de Hodgkin (3 %) ou amyloïdose (3 %). La durée moyenne d'hospitalisation pour l'autogreffe est de 21 ± 4 jours. À P1 et P3, seul 1 patient présentait un BMI < 18,5, et aucun patient aux autres périodes étudiées. Un BMI supérieur à 25 kg/m2 était présent chez 64 % à P1, 67 % à P2, 45 % à P3, 48 % à P4. Trente pour cent des patients perdent plus de 5 % de leur poids entre P1 et P4 dont 80 % sont des hommes. Leur BMI moyen à P1 est de 28,8 ± 3,3 kg/m2 (10 % de normal, 60 % de surpoids et 30 % d'obésité) et à P4 de 26,7 ± 3,1 kg/m2 (30 % de normal, 60 % de surpoids et 10 % d'obésité). Ces patients ont une perte de poids de 2,4 ± 4,5 % entre P1 et P2, de 8,6 ± 4,4 % entre P1 et P3 et de 7,4 ± 1,7 % entre P1 et P4.Durant le séjour hospitalier, les patients perdent en moyenne 5,6 ± 2,9 % de leur poids d'entrée (P2). Les jours qui suivent l'autogreffe50 % des sujets perdent 6 ± 3,5 %, Durant l'hospitalisation, 33 % des patients ont reçu un support nutritionnel. La prescription d'un support nutritionnel est corrélé avec la présence de candidose (r = 0,350 ; p = 0,044).Conclusion. - La majorité de ces patients oncohématologiques traités par autogreffe de cellules souches perdent du poids pendant l'hospitalisation et ceci persiste au 100e jour post-greffe pour 21 % de l'échantillon. Le BMI est élevé au moment du diagnostic et le reste tout au long de la prise en charge. Une étude prospective sur un échantillon plus large pourrait dans le futur permettre de déterminer les facteurs prédictifs d'une perte de poids persistante 3 mois après une autogreffe.


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Vaahdonestoaineiden haitallinen vaikutus hapen liukenemisnopeuteen biologisen puhdistamon jätevesissä on yleisesti tunnettua. Aineiden eri vaikutusmekanismien takia on silti vaikea etukäteen arvioida, miten ja kuinka paljon aineensiirto muuttuu. Työn tavoitteena oli saada tietoa vaahdonestoaineiden ja muiden pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutuksesta kuplakokoon, kaasun tilavuusosuuteen ja kaasu-neste aineensiirtoon. Työn teoriaosassa on kuvailtu vaahdon muodostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä eri vaahdonestoaineiden vaikutusmekanismeja sellu- ja paperitehtaan jätevedessä. Edelleen on esitetty useita hapen siirtoa estäviä ja parantavia aineita. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin kahdenkymmenenviiden eri pinta-aktiivisen aineen vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen yksivaiheisessa kuplakolonnissa. Kokeet tehtiin kahdella pitoisuudella, kahdella eri kaasunjakolaitteella ja kolmella eri kaasun tyhjäputkinopeudella. Aineensiirtokokeiden rinnalla tutkittiin jätevesien laatu- ja fysikaalisiaominaisuuksia, niiden vaikutusta hapen liukenemisnopeuteen sekä testattavien koeaineiden vaikutusta fysikaalisin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeet osoittavat että pinta-aktiivisten aineiden vaikutus hapen aineensiirtoon vaihtelee riippuen kaasunjakolaitteesta ja aineen pitoisuuksista. Testatuista vaahdonestonaineista pienin negatiivinen vaikutus oli aineella AT 35 ja positiivinen vaikutustodettiin olevan vaahdonestoaineiden komponenteilla: P2, S1, F4 ja T9.


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There is a lack of information about fertilization of pineapple grown in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. So a field experiment with pineapple 'Smooth Cayenne' was carried out to study the effects of NPK rates on yield and fruit quality. The trial was located on an Alfisol in the central part of the State of São Paulo (Agudos county). The experimental design was an incomplete NPK factorial, with 32 treatments set up in two blocks. The P was applied only at planting, at the rates of 0; 80; 160 and 320 kg/ha of P2 0(5), as superphosphate. The N and K2O rates were 0; 175; 350, and 700 kg/ha, applied as urea and potassium chloride, respectively, divided in four applications during the growth period. Response functions were adjusted to yield or to fruit characteristics in order to estimate the nutrient rates required to reach maximum values. The results showed quadratic effects of N and K on yield and a maximum of 72 t/ha of fresh fruit was attained with rates of 498 and 394 kg/ha, respectively of N and K2O. In order to reach the maximum fruit size, and to improve the percentage of first class fruit (mass greater than 2.6 kg), were necessary rates of N and K respectively 11 and 43 % higher than those for maximum yield. No effect of P rates was observed on pineapple plant growth, despite the low availability of this nutrient in the soil. The effect of N rates was negative on total soluble solids and total acidity while the opposite occurred with K, which increased also the content of vitamin C. High yield and fruit size were closely related to N and K concentrations in the leaves.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de doses de N, P e K na produção e na nutrição mineral de duas cultivares de cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum), um experimento foi instalado em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo na região da Amazônia Central. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Os tratamentos estudados nas parcelas foram: N1P1K1; N1 P1 K0; N1 P0 K1; N0 P1K1; N1 P1 K2; N1 P2 K1 e N2 P1 K1; e, nas subparcelas, as duas cultivares de cupuaçu: com e sem sementes. As doses de 0; 1 e 2 de N, P e K foram, respectivamente, de 0; 60 e 120 kg ha-1 de N, na forma de uréia; 0; 100 e 200 kg ha-1 de P2O5, na forma de superfosfato triplo, e 0; 80 e 160 kg ha-1 de K2O, na forma de cloreto de potássio. O presente trabalho não possibilitou uma recomendação oficial de adubação para o cupuaçu, mas apresentou tendências das necessidades nutricionais da cultura. Considerando a produção média das três safras analisadas, não houve efeito da adubação nitrogenada na produção de frutos nas duas cultivares, assim como não houve da adubação com a dose mais elevada de fósforo. Contudo, os efeitos da aplicação de potássio apresentaram-se mais lineares e positivos, principalmente para a cultivar com sementes. Os menores valores de produção de frutos foram obtidos nos tratamentos com ausência de fósforo.


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O experimento foi conduzido em estufa telada na FCAV/Unesp Câmpus Jaboticabal-SP, durante o período de novembro de 2005 a janeiro de 2007. O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar componentes do desenvolvimento e do estado nutricional de mudas de laranjeira 'Valência', enxertada sobre citrumeleiro 'Swingle', cultivado em substrato, em função de doses de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3³ + 1, sendo 3 fatores (nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio), 3 doses e uma testemunha (sem adubação), com 3 repetições. A unidade experimental foi constituída de uma muda de laranjeira por sacolas de 5 dm-3, contendo 2,5 kg de substrato casca de Pinus e vermiculita. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela aplicação das seguintes doses de nutrientes em mg por dm³ de substrato: N1/2:459, N1:918 e N2:1836; P1/2:92, P1:184 e P2: 368; K1/2:438, K1:876 e K2:1752. Aos 424 dias após a semeadura, as plantas foram divididas em raízes e parte aérea para a determinação da massa da matéria seca, altura, área foliar, diâmetro do caule e conteúdo de nutrientes. As adubações com N, P e K proporcionaram maior crescimento e maior acúmulo de N, P e K na parte aérea e nas raízes das mudas de laranjeira, em substrato de casca de Pinus e vermiculita, em relação à testemunha. A dose de 459 mg dm-3 de N e as doses de P e K 184 e 876 mg dm-3, respectivamente, proporcionaram melhor crescimento da parte aérea das mudas; porém, na dose recomendada de N de 918 mg dm-3, ocorreu maior crescimento do sistema radicular.


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Background: How do listeners manage to recognize words in an unfamiliar language? The physical continuity of the signal, in which real silent pauses between words are lacking, makes it a difficult task. However, there are multiple cues that can be exploited to localize word boundaries and to segment the acoustic signal. In the present study, word-stress was manipulated with statistical information and placed in different syllables within trisyllabic nonsense words to explore the result of the combination of the cues in an online word segmentation task. Results: The behavioral results showed that words were segmented better when stress was placed on the final syllables than when it was placed on the middle or first syllable. The electrophysiological results showed an increase in the amplitude of the P2 component, which seemed to be sensitive to word-stress and its location within words. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that listeners can integrate specific prosodic and distributional cues when segmenting speech. An ERP component related to word-stress cues was identified: stressed syllables elicited larger amplitudes in the P2 component than unstressed ones.