370 resultados para Morphine péridurale


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Mental dependence, characterized by craving and impulsive seeking behavior, is the matter of intensive study in the field of drug addiction. The mesolimbic dopamine system has been suggested to play an important role in rewarding of drugs and relapse. Although chronic drug use can induce neuroadaptations of the mesolimbic system and changes of drug reinforcement, these mechanisms cannot fully account for the craving and the compulsive drug-using behavior of addicts. Acknowledging the reinforcement effects of drugs, most previous studies have studied the impact of environmental cues and conditioned learning on addiction behavior, often using established classical or operant conditioning model. These studies, however, paid little attention to the role of cognitive control and emotion in addiction. These mental factors that are believed to have an important influence on conditioned learning. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has close anatomic and functional connections with the mesolimbic dopamine system. A number of the cognitive neurological studies demonstrate that mPFC is involved in motivation, emotional regulation, monitoring of responses and other executive functions. Thus we speculated that the function of abnormality in mPFC following chronic drug use would cause related to the abnormal behavior in addicts including impulse and emotional changes. In the present study of a series of experiments, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the hemodynamic response of the mPFC and related circuits to various cognitive and emotional stimuli in heroin addicts and to explore the underlying dopamine neuromechnism by microinjection of tool drugs into the mPFC in laboratory animals. In the first experiment, we found that heroin patients, relative to the normal controls, took a much shorter time and committed more errors in completing the more demanding of cognitive regulation in the reverse condition of the task, while the neural activity in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was attenuated. In the second experiment, the scores of the heroin patients in self-rating depression scale (SDS) and Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) were significantly higher than the normal controls and they rated the negative pictures more aversive than the normal controls. Being congruent with the behavioral results, hemodynamic response to negative pictures showed significant difference between the two groups in bilateral ventral mPFC (VMPFC), amygdala, and right thalamus. The VMPFC of patients showed increased activation than normal controls, whereas activation in the amygdala of patients was weaker than that in normal subjects. Our third experiment showed that microinjection of D1 receptor agonist SKF38393 into the mPFC of rats decreased hyperactivity, which was induced by morphine injection, in contrast, D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 increased the hyperactivity, These findings suggest: (1) The behavior and neural activity in ACC of addicts changed in chronic drug users. Their impulsive behavior might result from the abnormal neural activity in the mPFC especially the ACC. (2) Heroine patients were more depress and anxiety than normal controls. The dysfunction of the mPFC---amygdala circuit of heroine addicts might be related to the abnormal emotion response. (3) Dopamine in the mPFC has an inhibitory effect on morphine induced behavior. The hyperactivity induced by chronic morphine was reduced by dopamine increase with D1 receptor agonist, confirm the first experiment that the neuroadaption of mPFC system induced by chronic morphine administration appears to be the substrate the impulse behavior of drug users.


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Rewarding experience after drug use is one of the mechanisms of substance abuse. Previous evidence indicated that rewarding experience was closely related to learning processes. Neuroscience studies have already established multiple-mode learning model. Reference memory system and habit memory are associated with hippocampus and dorsa striatum respectively, which are also involved in the rewarding effect of morphine. However, the relationship between spatial/habit learning and morphine reward property is still unclear. After drug use, with sensitization to rewarding effect, spatial learning is also changed. To study the mechanism of increment of spatial learning would provide new perspective about reward learning. Based on the individual difference between spatial learning and reward learning, the experiments studied relationship between the two leaning abilities and tested the function of dorsal hippocampus and dorsal striatum in morphine-induced CPP. The results were summarized below: 1 In a single-rule learning water maze task, subjects better in spatial learning also excelled in rewarding learning. In a multi-rule learning task, morphine administration was more rewarding to subjects of use place strategy. 2 Treatment potentiating the rewarding effect of morphine also increased place-rule learning, with no significant improvement in habit learning. 3 Intracranial injections into CA1 of hippocampus or dorsal striatum of M1 antagonist, Pirenzepine, could block the establishment of morphine CPP after three days morphine treatment. In contrast, the antagonist of D1 receptor SCH23390 had no blocking effect. Both Pirenzepine and SCH23390 blocked the locomotor-stimulating effect of morphine. In summary, spatial learning stimulated the behavioral expression of morphine’s rewarding effect, in which CA1 of hippocampus was critically involved. On the other side, a pretreatment schedule of morphine, while increased the rewarding effect, improved place-rule learning, indicating that spatial learning might be one chain of sensitization to drug rewards effects


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There are a lot of differences in the neural mechanisms underlying between drug reward and natural reward despite the common neual basis. Undoubtedly, revealing the common and the different mechanisms underlying drug reward and natural reward will promote the development of research on drug addiction. Among diversified natural rewards, sex is often compared to drug because sexual reward has more similarities to drug. The mesolimbic dopamine system (VTA-NAc pathway) is a common pathway activated by natural reinforcers and addictive drugs, mediating reward, emotion and motivation under physiological conditions. The neuroadaptations taking place in the central nervous system including the mesolimbic dopamine system after repeatedly drug taking leads to persistent drug craving, Orexin, a neuropeptide produced in the lateral hypothalamus, plays an important role in reward-associated, motivated behaviors. Orexin neurons have extensive projections to the mesolimbic dopamine system. In order to further investigate the roles of orexin A in drug reward, this study examined the regulatory roles of orexin A in the VTA and NAcSh on drug reinforcement (acqusition of morphine CPP) and drug-seeking behavior (expression of morphine CPP). Moreover, the roles of orexin A on drug reward were compared with sexual reward. The main results are as follows: 1. The expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered OX1R antagonist SB334867; 2. The male unconditioned sexual motivation was not affected by i.c.v. administered SB334867. However, i.c.v. given orexin A inhibited unconditioned sexual motivation in sexually high-motivated rats but did not affect sexual motivation in low-motivated rats; 3. The acquisition and expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by SB334867 microinjected into the VTA. SB334867 or orexin A injected into the NAcSh did not influence the acquisition of morphine CPP, but orexin A increased the locomotor activity in rats treated with morphine (3mg/kg); 4. SB334867 microinjected into the VTA did not affect male copulatory behavior, neither affect the acqusition of copulatory CPP; 5. The expression of copulatory CPP was associated with increased Fos protein expression in hypothalamic orexin A neurons, and SB334867 microinjected into the VTA inhibited expression of copulatory CPP. These results suggest that, (1) endogenous orexin A is not involved in male unconditioned sexual motivation, but involved in drug craving; (2) orexin A in the VTA instead of in the NAc is involved in drug reinforcement; (3) orexin A in the VTA is critical for drug-seeking behavior, but it is still unclear for the role of orexin A in the NAcSh; (4) in contrast to drug reinforcement, orexin A in the VTA is not involved in reinforcing effect of sexual reward. Orexin A plays a role both in drug-seeking behavior and in sexual reward-seeking behavior, but the different orexin A neuron populations may be responsible for the roles of orexin A in two types of reward. In a word, the differential roles of orexin A in drug and sexual reward are found in the present study, which provides some evidence for further research on the mechanisms of drug addiction.


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That relapse still exists even after prolonged withdrawal is a difficult issue in the medical cure of drug addiction. Neuro-adaptation induced by prolonged exposure to addictive drugs is the neural mechanisms of both compulsive drug seeking and relapse.Neuro-adaptation caused by addictive drugs increases the individuals’ response to drugs and on the other hand, it reduces the response to natural reward in withdrawn individuals.There must be common neural mechanisms between the co-existing phenomena, and there must also be unique neural mechanisms in the drugs.To reveal the neuro-adaptation arising in the process from random, controllable drug-use to uncontrollable compulsive drug seeking is of great significance both theoretically and practically.Based on the above hypothesis, in order to reveal the function of alpha adrenergic receptor in compulsive drug-seeking motivation during the process of drug addiction, using sensitization of morphine-induced psychomotor activity as behavioral model, through the method of behavioral pharmacology, the neural mechanisms of alpha adrenergic receptor’s involvement in the process of addiction has been studied.The adjustment function caused by alpha receptors in medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens to morphine-induced psychomotor activity has been compared in the period of first use of drugs and in repetitive-use period. Furthermore, the effect on novelty seeking caused by alpha-receptors in relevant brain areas has also been compared. Major results are as follow: 1 After prolonged morphine exposure, rats’ response to morphine-induced psychomotor activity is strengthened and response to novel object induced reward weakened. 2 Injection of prazosin in medial prefrontal cortex will block morphine-induced psychomotor activity of naïve rats, however, it will not block that of morphine-withdrawn rats, but it will block the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 3 Injection of clonidine in medial prefrontal cortex will block morphine-induced psychomotor effect of both naïve rats and morphine-withdrawn rats, and will block the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 4 Injection of prazosin in nucleus accumbens will not affect the morphine-induced psychomotor effect of either naïve rats or morphine-withdrawn rats, nor will it affect the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 5 Injection of clonidine in nucleus accumbens will block morphine-induced psychomotor effect of naïve rats, however, it will not block that of morphine-withdrawn rats, nor will it affect the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. These results show: 1 The weakening of the function of alpha1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex and alpha2 receptors in nucleus accumbens caused by repetitive exposure to morphine is probably the cause of compulsive drug-seeking activity. 2 Blocking alpha1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex accelerates the loss of interest in natural reward after morphine withdrawal. 3 Blocking alpha2 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex not only restrains drug-seeking motivation, but also blocks the individual’s seeking motivation for novelty stimulus, which suggests that, while selecting medicine for curing addiction, it should be considered to reduce the influence on natural reward as much as possible and to avoid major side-effect.


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Prenatal morphine exposure affects neural development of fetus by impairing learning and memory, and increasing susceptibility to morphine abuse. Because nervous systems have different developmental characteristics during different developmental stages, administration of morphine at different stages also has different effects on learning, memory, and susceptibility to morphine. Due to the precise developmental processes of neurotransmitter systems in chick embryo’s brain, and unique superiority of chick embryo model, the purpose of the present studies was to explore critical periods correlated to the memory impairment and the increasing susceptibility to morphine, via one-trial passive avoidance and conditioned place preference as behavior models. Then the possible roles of mu and delta opioid receptors as the possible mechanism were analyzed. Experiment 1 showed that injecting low dose of morphine (1 mg/kg) during the period embryonic 5 to 8 significantly impaired the function of learning and memory, worse than any other periods of the same treatment. Experiment 2 showed that injecting low dose of morphine during the period embryonic 17 to 20 significantly increased the susceptibility to morphine in the new-born chicks. The affected chicks acquired the morphine conditioned place preference more quickly, and maintained it much longer. Experiment 3 showed that during E5-8, injecting delta receptor antagonist naltrindole reversed the learning and memory impairment caused by morphine while delta receptor agonist DPDPE impaired learning and partial memory function. On the other hand, mu opioid receptors had little effect. As for E17-20, given naloxonazine can reverse the increases of susceptibility to morphine, and the mu receptor agonist DAGO cause the increases of susceptibility to morphine. Delta receptors have no effect. The above results demonstrated that prenatal morphine expousure at different developmental periods of chick embryo caused different influences on memory and susceptibility to morphine. That is, E5-8 is the critical period correlate to memory impairment; and E17-20 is the critical period correlate to susceptibility to morphine. Delta receptors were critical in learning and memory impairment while mu receptors in susceptibility.


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Drug-associated cue-induced relapse to drug seeking causes most difficulties of therapy for drug addiction. Addicts are exposed to two forms of environmental stimuli during drug-taking: contextual stimuli (e.g. a house in which the drug is consumed) and discrete stimuli (DS, e.g. a crack pipe or a syringe for drug). These stimuli become contextual cues and discrete cues, respectively. The incentive value of contextual cues plays a great role in opiates relapse. Compared with drug self-administration model, conditioned place preference (CPP) reflects the approach behavior for drug cues, not concerned with acquisition of operant behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate the role of basolateral amygdala (BLA) and hippocampus in the effect of opiates-related contextual cues using CPP model. Establishing DS-dependent or contextual cues-dependent CPP, the effect of BLA or hippocampus inactivation prior to training phase on acquisition of contextual cues-opiates association was evaluated. Inactivation prior to test phase was used to evaluate roles of BLA and hippocampus in expression of contextual cues-dependent morphine CPP. The main results were as follows: Inactivation of BLA or dorsal hippocampus selectively impaired acquisition of contextual cue-dependent CPP, but inactivation of ventral hippocampus had no impact on acquisition of either DS-dependent or contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. Inactivation of BLA selectively inhibited expression of contextual cue-depended CPP. Inactivation of ventral hippocampus inhibited expression of both DS-dependent and contextual cue-dependent morphine CPP. These results suggest that BLA and dorsal hippocampus contribute to contextual cue association with opiates but not DS-opiates association. BLA and ventral hippocampus play important roles in incentive value of contextual cues. The present study provides more information for the neurological substrates underlying contextual cues associated with opiates.


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Credible and stable animal behavioral models are necessary to research the mechanisms of addiction in vivo, especially to study the relationship between memory or stress and drug addiction, which has been one of the focuses in this field. So the object of this study was to observe the influences of several factors on the behavioral effects of morphine shown in the paradigms of conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor activity (LA), and to explore the effects of adrenalectomy on LA induced by morphine in rats. In addition, the cortexes of rats were examined, which were exposed to chronic administration of several doses of morphine with or without foot shock. Moreover, a new behavioral model was built to quantify the motivation of drug seeking. The results showed that CPP was more sensitive to low dose of morphine than to high dose. The period of experiment could be shortened by increasing the training times everyday, whereas in this way the dose of morphine should be low enough to avoid the impact between the near two exposures to morphine. Effects of chronic administration of morphine on LA in rats were dose- and time- dependent, which supplied evidence to choose parameters in other behavioral models. The results obtained by the simplified LA paradigm showed that hyperactivity of low dose of morphine following hypoactivity, and naloxone had no effects on LA but blocked the locomotion effects of morphine. Obvious effects of morphine on LA of rats might depend on a reasonable level of plasma corticosterone, which may determine individual vulnerability to drug addiction. Stress may also potentiate the vulnerability by aggravating damage to cortex of rats induced by drug dose-dependently, which is suggested by the results of histological examination. The result that frontal and temporal cortexes and hippocampus were injured suggests that there may be a close relationship between memory and drug addiction. It was showed that the new behavioral model on the basis of Morris water maze might be used to quantify the motivation of drug-craving.


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Describe the utilization of analgesic and sedative medications and documentation of pain scores in a cohort of critically ill infants in a neonatal intensive care unit.

A prospective, longitudinal, cohort study of infants with a predicted length of stay =28 days. Dosages and routes of administration of analgesic and sedative medications and documentation of pain scores were collected on a daily basis.

55 infants were enrolled into the study. Oral sucrose was administered to all 55 infants, 51 infants (93%) were administered enteral acetaminophen and 50 (91%) infants were administered morphine during their hospitalization. Sedatives were administered to 42 infants (76%); 36 (65%) were administered chloral hydrate and 32 (58%) were administered intravenous midazolam. With the exception of the first week of admission, when there was highest utilization of opioids and lower use of sucrose, acetaminophen and sedatives, the pattern of administration of analgesic and sedative agents remained relatively constant throughout the hospitalization. Pain scores were documented for 36 (65%) infants during their hospitalisation, however for these 36 infants, pain scores were infrequently recorded.

There was substantial and varied analgesic and sedative use in this cohort of infants, yet infrequent documentation of pain assessment scores. These practices highlight important clinical implications for sick infants requiring careful consideration of pain and distress management.


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Premature infants are at risk for adverse motor outcomes, including cerebral palsy and developmental coordination disorder. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of antenatal, perinatal, and postnatal risk factors for abnormal development of the corticospinal tract, the major voluntary motor pathway, during the neonatal period. In a prospective cohort study, 126 premature neonates (24-32 weeks' gestational age) underwent serial brain imaging near birth and at term-equivalent age. With diffusion tensor tractography, mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract were measured to reflect microstructural development. Generalized estimating equation models examined associations of risk factors on corticospinal tract development. The perinatal risk factor of greater early illness severity (as measured by the Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology-II [SNAP-II]) was associated with a slower rise in fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract (P = 0.02), even after correcting for gestational age at birth and postnatal risk factors (P = 0.009). Consistent with previous findings, neonatal pain adjusted for morphine and postnatal infection were also associated with a slower rise in fractional anisotropy of the corticospinal tract (P = 0.03 and 0.02, respectively). Lessening illness severity in the first hours of life might offer potential to improve motor pathway development in premature newborns.


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Procedural pain is associated with poorer neurodevelopment in infants born very preterm (= 32 weeks gestational age), however, the etiology is unclear. Animal studies have demonstrated that early environmental stress leads to slower postnatal growth; however, it is unknown whether neonatal pain-related stress affects postnatal growth in infants born very preterm. The aim of this study was to examine whether greater neonatal pain (number of skin-breaking procedures adjusted for medical confounders) is related to decreased postnatal growth (weight and head circumference [HC] percentiles) early in life and at term-equivalent age in infants born very preterm. Participants were n=78 preterm infants born = 32 weeks gestational age, followed prospectively since birth. Infants were weighed and HC measured at birth, early in life (median: 32 weeks [interquartile range 30.7-33.6]) and at term-equivalent age (40 weeks [interquartile range 38.6-42.6]). Weight and HC percentiles were computed from sex-specific British Columbia population-based data. Greater neonatal pain predicted lower body weight (Wald ?(2)=7.36, P=0.01) and HC (Wald ?(2)=4.36, P=0.04) percentiles at 32 weeks postconceptional age, after adjusting for birth weight percentile and postnatal risk factors of illness severity, duration of mechanical ventilation, infection, and morphine and corticosteroid exposure. However, later neonatal infection predicted lower weight percentile at term (Wald ?(2)=5.09, P=0.02). Infants born very preterm undergo repetitive procedural pain during a period of physiological immaturity that appears to impact postnatal growth, and may activate a downstream cascade of stress signaling that affects later growth in the neonatal intensive care unit.


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Objective: Preterm infants are exposed to multiple painful procedures in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) during a period of rapid brain development. Our aim was to examine relationships between procedural pain in the NICU and early brain development in very preterm infants.

Methods: Infants born very preterm (N ¼ 86; 24–32 weeks gestational age) were followed prospectively from birth, and studied with magnetic resonance imaging, 3-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging: scan 1 early in life (median, 32.1 weeks) and scan 2 at term-equivalent age (median, 40 weeks). We calculated N-acetylaspartate to choline ratios (NAA/choline), lactate to choline ratios, average diffusivity, and white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) from up to 7 white and 4 subcortical gray matter regions of interest. Procedural pain was quantified as the number of skin-breaking events from birth to term or scan 2. Data were
analyzed using generalized estimating equation modeling adjusting for clinical confounders such as illness severity, morphine exposure, brain injury, and surgery.

Results: After comprehensively adjusting for multiple clinical factors, greater neonatal procedural pain was associated with reduced white matter FA (b ¼ 0.0002, p ¼ 0.028) and reduced subcortical gray matter NAA/choline (b ¼ 0.0006, p ¼ 0.004). Reduced FA was predicted by early pain (before scan 1), whereas lower NAA/choline was predicted by pain exposure throughout the neonatal course, suggesting a primary and early effect on subcortical structures with secondary white matter changes.

Interpretation: Early procedural pain in very preterm infants may contribute to impaired brain development.


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Procedural pain in the neonatal intensive care unit triggers a cascade of physiological, behavioral and hormonal disruptions which may contribute to altered neurodevelopment in infants born very preterm, who undergo prolonged hospitalization at a time of physiological immaturity and rapid brain development. The aim of this study was to examine relationships between cumulative procedural pain (number of skin-breaking procedures from birth to term, adjusted for early illness severity and overall intravenous morphine exposure), and later cognitive, motor abilities and behavior in very preterm infants at 8 and 18 months corrected chronological age (CCA), and further, to evaluate the extent to which parenting factors modulate these relationships over time. Participants were N=211 infants (n=137 born preterm 32 weeks gestational age [GA] and n=74 full-term controls) followed prospectively since birth. Infants with significant neonatal brain injury (periventricular leucomalacia, grade 3 or 4 intraventricular hemorrhage) and/or major sensori-neural impairments, were excluded. Poorer cognition and motor function were associated with higher number of skin-breaking procedures, independent of early illness severity, overall intravenous morphine, and exposure to postnatal steroids. The number of skin-breaking procedures as a marker of neonatal pain was closely related to days on mechanical ventilation. In general, greater overall exposure to intravenous morphine was associated with poorer motor development at 8 months, but not at 18 months CCA, however, specific protocols for morphine administration were not evaluated. Lower parenting stress modulated effects of neonatal pain, only on cognitive outcome at 18 months.


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Stress systems may be altered in the long term in preterm infants for multiple reasons, including early exposure to procedural pain in neonatal intensive care. This question has received little attention beyond hospital discharge. Stress responses (cortisol) to visual novelty in preterm infants who were born at extremely low gestational age (ELGA; <or =28 weeks), very low gestational age (VLGA; 29-32 weeks), and term were compared at 8 months of age corrected for prematurity (corrected chronological age [CCA]). In addition, among the preterm infants, we evaluated whether cortisol levels at 8 months were related to neonatal exposure to procedural pain and morphine in the neonatal intensive care unit.


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This article explores the literature concerning responses to pain of both premature and term-born newborn infants, the evidence for short-term and long-term effects of pain, and behavioral sequelae in individuals who have experienced repeated early pain in neonatal life as they mature. There is no doubt that pain causes stress in babies and this in turn may adversely affect long-term neurodevelopmental outcome. Although there are methods for assessing dimensions of acute reactivity to pain in an experimental setting, there are no very good measures available at the present time that can be used clinically. In the clinical setting repeated or chronic pain is more likely the norm rather than infrequent discrete noxious stimuli of the sort that can be readily studied. The wind-up phenomenon suggests that, exposed to a cascade of procedures as happens with clustering of care in the clinical setting in an attempt to provide periods of rest for stressed babies, an infant may in fact perceive procedures that are not normally viewed as noxious, as pain. Pain exposure during lifesaving intensive medical care of ELBW neonates may also affect subsequent reactivity to pain in the neonatal period, but behavioral differences are probably not likely to be clinically significant in the long term. Prolonged and repeated untreated pain in the newborn period, however, may produce a relatively permanent shift in basal autonomic arousal related to prior NICU pain experience, which may have long-term sequelae. In the long run, the most significant clinical effects of early pain exposure may be on neurodevelopment, contributing to later attention, learning, and behavior problems in these vulnerable children. Although there is considerable evidence to support a variety of adverse effects of early pain, there is less information about the long-term effects of opiates and benzodiazepines on the developing central nervous system. Current evidence reviewed suggests that judicious use of morphine for adjustment to mechanical ventilation may ameliorate the altered autonomic response. It may be very important, however, to distinguish stress from pain. Animal evidence suggests that the neonatal brain is affected differently when exposed to morphine administered in the absence of pain than in the presence of pain. Pain control may be important for many reasons but overuse of morphine or benzodiazepines may have undesirable long-term effects. This is a rapidly evolving area of knowledge of clear relevance to clinical management likely to affect long-term outcomes of high-risk children.


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Background: Unexplained chronic cough (UCC) causes significant quality of life impairment. There is a need to identify effective assessment and treatment approaches for UCC.

Methods: This systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials asked: What is the efficacy of treatment compared to usual care on cough severity, cough frequency, and cough-related quality of life in patients with unexplained chronic cough (UCC)? Studies of adults and adolescents >12 years with a chronic cough of >8 weeks duration that was unexplained after systematic investigation and treatment were included and assessed for relevance and quality. Based upon the systematic review, guideline suggestions were developed and voted upon using CHEST organization methodology.

Results: 11 RCTs and 5 systematic reviews were included. The 11 RCTs reported data on 570 participants with chronic cough who received a variety of interventions. Study quality was high in 10 RCTs. The studies used a variety of descriptors and assessments to identify unexplained chronic cough. While gabapentin and morphine showed positive effects on cough-related quality of life, only gabapentin was supported as a treatment recommendation. Studies of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) suffered from intervention fidelity bias, and when this was addressed, ICS were not found to be effective for UCC. Esomeprazole was not effective for UCC without features of gastroesophageal acid reflux. Studies addressing non-acid gastroesophageal reflux were not identified. A multimodality speech pathology intervention improved cough severity.

Conclusions: The evidence supporting the diagnosis and management of UCC is limited. UCC requires further study to establish agreed terminology and the optimal methods of investigation using established criteria for intervention fidelity. Speech pathology based cough suppression is suggested as a treatment option for UCC. This guideline presents suggestions for diagnosis and treatment based on the best available evidence and identifies gaps in our knowledge and areas for future research.