969 resultados para Molecular Marker


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O câncer do colo do útero constitui a terceira neoplasia maligna mais comum na população feminina, com aproximadamente 520 mil novos casos e 260 mil óbitos por ano e origina-se a partir da infecção genital persistente pelo Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV) oncogênico. Os principais HPVs considerados de alto risco oncogênico são os tipos HPV-16 e 18, responsáveis por cerca de 70% de todos os casos de cânceres cervicais (CC) no mundo. Pacientes com CC apresentam taxa de recidiva variando de 8% a 49%. Dentro de dois anos de seguimento, 62% a 89% das recidivas são detectadas. Atualmente, os testes usados para detecção de recidiva são a citopatologia da cúpula vaginal e exames de imagem, porém ainda não estão disponíveis testes específicos. O DNA livre-circulante (cf-DNA) representa um biomarcador não-invasivo facilmente obtido no plasma e soro. Vários estudos mostram ser possível detectar e quantificar ácidos nucléicos no plasma de pacientes com câncer e que as alterações no cfDNA potencialmente refletem mudanças que ocorrem durante a tumorigênese. Essa ferramenta diagnóstica não-invasiva pode ser útil no rastreio, prognóstico e monitoramento da resposta ao tratamento do câncer. Portanto, o desenvolvimento e a padronização de testes laboratoriais não invasivos capazes de identificar marcadores tumorais e diagnosticar precocemente a recidiva da doença aumentam a chance de cura através da utilização dos tratamentos preconizados. Sendo assim, este estudo tem o objetivo de detectar o DNA de HPV no plasma de pacientes com CC para avaliar sua potencial utilidade como marcador precoce de recidiva. Um fragmento de tumor e sangue de pacientes com CC, atendidas no ICESP e HC de Barretos, foram coletados antes do tratamento. Entraram no estudo 137 pacientes nas quais o tumor foi positivo para HPV-16 ou 18, sendo 120 amostras positivas para HPV-16 (87,6%), 12 positivas para HPV-18 (8,8%) e cinco positivas para HPV-16 e 18 (3,6%). A média de idade das pacientes deste estudo foi de 52,5 anos. Plasma de 131 pacientes com CC da data do diagnóstico e de 110 pacientes do seguimento foram submetidas ao PCR em Tempo Real HPV tipo específico. A presença do DNA de HPV no plasma pré-tratamento foi observada em 58,8% (77/131) com carga viral variando de 204 cópias/mL a 2.500.000 cópias/mL. A positividade de DNA no plasma pré-tratamento aumentou com o estadio clínico do tumor: I - 45,2%, II - 52,5%, III - 80,0% e IV - 76,9%, (p=0,0189). A presença do DNA de HPV no plasma pós-tratamento foi observada em 27,3% (30/110). A média de tempo das recidivas foi de 3,1 anos (2,7 - 3,5 anos). O DNA de HPV foi positivo até 460 dias antes do diagnóstico clínico da recidiva. As pacientes com DNA de HPV no plasma apresentaram pior prognóstico, tanto sobrevida como o tempo livre de doença, em relação às que foram negativas. Nas pacientes com CC a presença de HPV no plasma de seguimento pode ser um marcador precoce útil para o monitoramento da resposta terapêutica e detecção de pacientes com risco aumentado de recidiva e progressão da doença.


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Visual symptoms are relatively common in Parkinson's disease (PD) and optical coherence tomography has indicated possible retinal thinning. Accumulation of aggregated α-synuclein is thought to be a central pathogenic event in the PD brain but there have not as yet been reports of retinal synucleinopathy. Retinal wholemounts were prepared from subjects with a primary clinicopathological diagnosis of PD (N = 9), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; N = 3), Alzheimer's disease (N = 3), progressive supranuclear palsy (N = 2) as well as elderly normal control subjects (N = 4). These were immunohistochemically stained with an antibody against α-synuclein phosphorylated at serine 129, which is a specific molecular marker of synucleinopathy. Phosphorylated α-synuclein-immunoreactive (p-syn IR) nerve fibers were present in 7/9 PD subjects and in 1/3 DLB subjects; these were sparsely distributed and superficially located near or at the inner retinal surface. The fibers were either long and straight or branching, often with multiple en-passant varicosities along their length. The straight fibers most often had an orientation that was radial with respect to the optic disk. Together, these features are suggestive of either retinopetal/centrifugal fibers or of ganglion cell axons. In one PD subject there were sparse p-syn IR neuronal cell bodies with dendritic morphology suggestive of G19 retinal ganglion cells or intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells. There were no stained nerve fibers or other specific staining in any of the non-PD or non-DLB subjects. It is possible that at least some of the observed visual function impairments in PD subjects might be due to α-synucleinopathy.


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The novel molecular marker technique Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprinting (RAF) was used to survey genetic relationships between 37 accessions of the tropical fruit G. mangostana (mangosteen) and among 11 accessions from eight other Garcinia species. Although mangosteen is believed to reproduce exclusively through apomixis, our results show that considerable genetic diversity exists within G. mangostana and between other Garcinia species. Among the 37 G. mangostana accessions examined, nine different genotypes were identified which clustered into three distinct groups based on correspondence analysis (reciprocal averaging). For 26 (70%) of the accessions no marker variation was detected over 530 loci screened. A further eight (22%) accessions exhibited very low levels of variation (0.2-1%) suggesting at least one well conservedm angosteen genotype. The remaining three accessions (8%) showed extensive variation (22-31%) compared with the majority of accessions. The three mangosteen groups were 63-70% dissimilar to the other Garcinia species investigated. The genetic diversity identified in this research will assist in the conservation of Garcinia germplasm and provides a valuable framework for the genetic improvement of mangosteen.


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Genetic segregation experiments with plant species are commonly used for understanding the inheritance of traits. A basic assumption in these experiments is that each gamete developed from megasporogenesis has an equal chance of fusing with a gamete developed from microsporogenesis, and every zygote formed has an equal chance of survival. If gametic and/or zygotic selection occurs whereby certain gametes or zygotic combinations have a reduced chance of survival, progeny distributions are skewed and are said to exhibit segregation distortion. In this study, inheritance data are presented for the trait seed testa color segregating in large populations (more than 200 individuals) derived from closely related mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilcek) taxa. Segregation ratios suggested complex inheritance, including dominant and recessive epistasis. However, this genetic model was rejected in favor of a single-gene model based on evidence of segregation distortion provided by molecular marker data. The segregation distortion occurred after each generation of self-pollination from F-1 thru F-7 resulting in F-7 phenotypic frequencies of 151:56 instead of the expected 103.5:103.5. This study highlights the value of molecular markers for understanding the inheritance of a simply inherited trait influenced by segregation distortion.


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In recent times, PSA screening and a substantial increase in prostate needle biopsies have not only resulted in detection of minute foci of cancer but have also very likely resulted in increased detection of atypical glandular proliferations. Not uncommonly, there are only a limited number of atypical glands in these biopsies, and these require careful evaluation to enable an accurate diagnosis. We describe diagnostic implications, use of immunohistochemistry, and clinical significance of these lesions. Foci of atypical glands, also labeled atypical small acinar proliferation of uncertain significance, have features suspicious for but not diagnostic of cancer. Atypical foci include a broad group of lesions of differing clinical significance. These include benign, small acinar proliferations mimicking prostate cancer and atypical glandular proliferations suspicious for carcinoma. Definite diagnosis requires accurate histopathologic assessment and judicious use of immunohistochemistry. Patients with atypical glands on prostate needle biopsy have a high risk for harboring cancer and therefore have an increased risk for having cancer detected in subsequent biopsies.


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Fusarium oxysporum is a diverse, asexual fungal species composed of both saprophytic and pathogenic members. The destructive phytopathogens are classified into formae speciales based on the host species and into vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) based on the ability of two individuals to form heterokaryons. Parasexuality, a non-sexual mode of genetic exchange unique to some fungi has been demonstrated in the laboratory in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (FOC). The goals of this dissertation were threefold: to ascertain whether mitochondrial (mt) markers can distinguish race differences in FOC; to determine genetic relatedness of VCGs in FOC based on a mt marker; and to discover the mode of mt inheritance during a parasexual cycle.^ Band patterns produced by electrophoresis of Hae III digested genomic DNA indicated that VCG differences, not race, could be discerned by mtDNA analysis. Primers were designed to amplify a mt intergenic locus which served as a molecular marker to screen 55 strains of FOC in 16 VCGs using both single strand conformational polymorphism and DNA sequencing. Based on homogeneity of the locus, strains were assigned to seven mitotypes, a classification unit which I introduced and found informative for grouping related VCGs.^ To determine the mode of mt inheritance during a parasexual cycle, strains in different mitotypes were paired. Mitochondrial inheritance in all hybrid progeny was found to be uniparental. I speculated that if a parasexual cycle occurs in nature there would be greater variation in the nuclear genome than the mt. This could produce multiple VCGs within a mitotype, a phenomenon observed in FOC. Based on these data, I concluded that parasexuality in nature may contribute to the diversity observed in Fusarium oxysporum. ^


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The Everglades are undergoing the world largest wetland restoration project with the aim of returning this system to hydrological conditions in place prior to anthropogenic modifications. Therefore, it is essential to know what these pristine conditions were. In this work, molecular marker (biomarker) distributions and carbon stable isotopic signatures in sediment samples were employed to assess historical environmental changes in Florida Bay over approximately the last 4000 years. Two biomarkers of terrestrial plants, particularly for mangroves (taraxerol and C29 n-alkane), combined with two seagrass proxies (the Paq and the C25/C 27 n-alkan-2-one ratio) revealed a sedimentary environmental shift from freshwater marshes to mangrove swamps and then to seagrass dominated marine ecosystems, likely as a result of sea-level rise in Florida Bay since the Holocene. The maximum values for the Paq and the C 25/C27 n-alkan-2-ones occurred during the 20th century, suggesting that the greatest abundance of seagrass cover is a recent rather than a historical, long-term phenomenon. The greater oscillation in frequency and amplitude for the biomarkers after 1900 potentially reflects an ecosystem under increasing anthropogenic stress. Several algal biomarkers such as C20 highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs), C 25 HBIs and dinosterol indicative of cyanobacteria, diatom and dinoflagellate organic matter inputs respectively, increased dramatically in the latter part of the 20th century and were attributed to recent anthropogenic changes in Florida Bay. ^ The highlight of this work is the development of HBIs as paleo-proxies. As biomarkers of diatoms, the C25 HBIs in the core from the central bay displayed the highest concentration at mid depth, reflecting strong historical inputs of diatom-derived sedimentary OM during that period. In fact, the depth profile of C25 HBIs coincided quite well with historical variations in diatom abundance and variations in diatom species composition in central Florida Bay based on the results of fossil diatom species analysis by microscopy. This study provides evidence that some C25 HBIs can be applied as biomarkers for certain diatom inputs in paleoenvironmental studies. The sources of C20 and C30 HBIs and their potential applicability as paleo-proxies were also investigated and their sources assessed based on their δ13C distributions. ^


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Despite the advances in the cure rate for acute myeloid leukemia, a considerable number of patients die from their disease due to the occurrence of multidrug resistance (MDR). Overexpression of the transporter proteins P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) confer resistance to the treatment these leukemias. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the expression of the Gpp and MRP1 in patients with AML by flow cytometry (FC) and to determine the correlation between expression and demographic and also clinical and laboratorial variables. METHODS: Bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from 346 patients with a diagnosis of AML were assessed for the expression of Pgp and MRP1 by FC. RESULTS: The expression of Pgp and MRP1 was found in 111 (32.1%) and 133 (38.4%) patients, respectively, with greater prevalence in older patients and lower in adolescents, observing also a high incidence in patients with refractory disease, recurrence and secondary in comparison with the cases of de novo AML. Regarding the laboratory findings, we observed a higher correlation statistically significant between the expression of Pgp and MRP1 in AML CD34+ and FAB AML M7, M5A and M2 and lower the M3 subtype, not observed statistically significant correlation between the phenotype MDR and other laboratory data such with hemoglobin, leukocyte count, platelet count, aberrant expression of lymphoid antigens (CD2, CD7 and CD19) and clinical signs related to the disease. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that the detection of MDR phenotype by flow cytometry can be a molecular marker for prognosis independent patients diagnosed with AML.


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A avaliação do aporte de matéria orgânica no ambiente aquático por atividades antrópicas pode ser realizada através da identificação e quantificação de marcadores moleculares. Diversos estudos apontam à aplicação dos marcadores moleculares com esta finalidade, no entanto, poucos avaliam a variação das concentrações desses compostos ao longo do tempo, registrada nas camadas sedimentares. O presente trabalho realiza um estudo a partir de três classes de marcadores moleculares presentes em perfis sedimentares da região do Complexo Estuarino de Paranaguá (CEP) no Paraná (PR), que nos últimos anos vêm sofrendo com o crescente desenvolvimento de atividades antrópicas. Como objetivo, tem-se identificar as principais fontes de matéria orgânica e estudar o histórico destes aportes em colunas sedimentares do CEP, relacionando as taxas de sedimentação com a deposição de origem natural e antrópica. A legislação vigente para o monitoramento ambiental, no que diz respeito à contaminação por esgoto fecal, sugere a avaliação por indicadores microbiológicos, porém, indicadores químicos como os esteróides fecais são uma alternativa bastante promissora, pois estes são persistentes, sendo menos sensíveis a variações ambientais. Outros dois marcadores moleculares de aportes antrópicos ao ambiente que foram determinados neste estudo são os alquilbenzenos lineares (LABs), presente em detergentes, que indicam aportes antrópicos oriundos de esgoto doméstico e a determinação de cafeína, tendo em vista que os esteróides fecais podem ser originários de fezes de animais de sangue quente, podendo indicar outras fontes. Para o presente trabalho foram coletados 12 testemunhos de até 1 m de profundidade em maio de 2006, totalizando 12 pontos de coleta e um montante de 121 amostras. As análises foram realizadas por cromatografia em fase gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas (CG-EM). Os esteróides encontrados em maior concentração foram o β- sitosterol (71,4 µg g-1), estigmasterol (8,7 µg g-1), colestanol (3,6 µg g-1) e o estigmastanol (2,8 µg g-1), todos oriundos de fonte natural, indicando que a maior contribuição para o CEP é por aporte biogênico. O coprostanol, que é um esterol fecal, foi encontrado entre as concentrações de 0,001 e 4,10 µg g-1, outros dois esteróides de origem fecal também foram detectados, coprostanona e epicoprostanol, onde as maiores concentrações foram 3,6 e 0,2 µg g-1, respectivamente, sendo encontrados em regiões próximas a centros urbanos, indicando origem antrópica. As maiores concentrações para o ∑LABs também foram encontradas em regiões próximas às cidades de Antonina e Paranaguá, sendo a maior encontrada no testemunho #3 Gererês (208 ng g-1). Para o último marcador molecular analisado, a cafeína, foi encontrada a maior concentração de 18,41 ng g-1, sendo este ponto localizado longe dos centros urbanos, porém este contaminante é bastante solúvel em água podendo ser transportado na coluna d’água e percorrer grandes distâncias. Através dos compostos analisados, pode-se perceber que a intervenção antropogênica foi mais marcante nos testemunhos coletados no eixo leste-oeste do CEP, ficando registrado nas camadas sedimentares.


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In this work, we used sugarcane as a model due to its importance for sugar and ethanol production. Unlike the current plant models, sugarcane presents a complex genetics and an enormous allelic variation. Here, we report the analysis of SAGE libraries produced using the shoot apical meristem from contrasted genotypes by flowering induction (non-flowering vs. early-flowering varieties) grown under São Paulo state conditions. The expression pattern was analyzed using samples from São Paulo (SP) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN) states. These results showed that cDNAs identified by SAGE libraries had differential expression only in São Paulo state samples. Furthermore, the cDNA identified CYP (Citocrome P450) was chosen for in silico and genome characterization because it was found in SAGE libraries and subtractive libraries from samples from RN. Phylogenetic trees showed the relationship for these sequences. Furthermore, the qRT-PCR for CYP showed a potential role as flowering indutor for RN samples considering different isophorms. Considering the results present here, it can be consider that CYP gene may be used as molecular marker


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Background: Calluna vulgaris is one of the most important landscaping plants produced in Germany. Its enormous economic success is due to the prolonged flower attractiveness of mutants in flower morphology, the so-called bud-bloomers. In this study, we present the first genetic linkage map of C. vulgaris in which we mapped a locus of the economically highly desired trait " flower type" .Results: The map was constructed in JoinMap 4.1. using 535 AFLP markers from a single mapping population. A large fraction (40%) of markers showed distorted segregation. To test the effect of segregation distortion on linkage estimation, these markers were sorted regarding their segregation ratio and added in groups to the data set. The plausibility of group formation was evaluated by comparison of the " two-way pseudo-testcross" and the " integrated" mapping approach. Furthermore, regression mapping was compared to the multipoint-likelihood algorithm. The majority of maps constructed by different combinations of these methods consisted of eight linkage groups corresponding to the chromosome number of C. vulgaris.Conclusions: All maps confirmed the independent inheritance of the most important horticultural traits " flower type" , " flower colour" , and " leaf colour". An AFLP marker for the most important breeding target " flower type" was identified. The presented genetic map of C. vulgaris can now serve as a basis for further molecular marker selection and map-based cloning of the candidate gene encoding the unique flower architecture of C. vulgaris bud-bloomers. © 2013 Behrend et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Genetic diversity estimates based on morphological and molecular data can provide different information on the relationship between cultivars of a species. This study aimed to develop new microsatellite markers as additional tools in genetic studies on mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), and to analyze the genetic variability of 20 mango cultivars based on morphological descriptors and microsatellite markers. We aimed to better understand the cultivars enhanced breeding histories and to support crossbreeding planning. Positive clones were selected from a DNA library enriched for microsatellite regions for sequencing and primer design. Four plants of each of the 20 accessions were used for observations, based on 48 morphological descriptors. Twenty accessions were analyzed using 27 microsatellite markers, of which 16 were developed during this study. The clusters, based on the morphological descriptors by Ward - MLM strategy and the microsatellite markers, suggested that Brazilian mango cultivars have extensive genetic diversity and are related to cultivars with different provenances, demonstrating their different enhanced breeding histories.


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The aims of this study were to investigate mechanisms of action involved in H2AX phosphorylation by DNA interstrand crosslinking (ICL) agents and determine whether gamma H2AX could be a suitable pharmacological marker for identifying potential ICL cellular chemosensitivity. In normal human fibroblasts, after treatment with nitrogen mustard (HN2) or cisplatin, the peak gamma H2AX response was detected 2-3 h after the peak of DNA ICLs measured using the comet assay, a validated method for detecting ICLs in vitro or in clinical samples. Detection of gamma H2AX foci by immunofluorescence microscopy could be routinely detected with 6-10 times lower concentrations of both drugs compared to detection of ICLs using the comet assay. A major pathway for repairing DNA ICLs is the initial unhooking of the ICL by the ERCC1-XPF endonuclease followed by homologous recombination. HN2 or cisplatin-induced gamma H2AX foci persisted significantly longer in both, ERCC1 or XRCC3 (homologous recombination) defective Chinese hamster cells that are highly sensitive to cell killing by ICL agents compared to wild type or ionising radiation sensitive XRCC5 cells. An advantage of using gamma H2AX immunofluorescence over the comet assay is that it appears to detect ICL chemosensitivity in both ERCC1 and HR defective cells. With HN2 and cisplatin, gamma H2AX foci also persisted in chemosensitive human ovarian cancer cells (A2780) compared to chemoresistant (A2780cisR) cells. These results show that gamma H2AX can act as a highly sensitive and general marker of DNA damage induced by HN2 or cisplatin and shows promise for predicting potential cellular chemosensitivity to ICL agents. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Subtyping Consortium (CRCSC) recently published four consensus molecular subtypes (CMS’s) representing the underlying biology in CRC. The Microsatellite Instable (MSI) immune group, CMS1, has a favorable prognosis in early stage disease, but paradoxically has the worst prognosis following relapse, suggesting the presence of factors enabling neoplastic cells to circumvent this immune response. To identify the genes influencing subsequent poor prognosis in CMS1, we analyzed this subtype, centered on risk of relapse.
In a cohort of early stage colon cancer (n=460), we examined, in silico, changes in gene expression within the CMS1 subtype and demonstrated for the first time the favorable prognostic value of chemokine-like factor (CKLF) gene expression in the adjuvant disease setting [HR=0.18, CI=0.04-0.89]. In addition, using transcription profiles originating from cell sorted CRC tumors, we delineated the source of CKLF transcription within the colorectal tumor microenvironment to the leukocyte component of these tumors. Further to this, we confirmed that CKLF gene expression is confined to distinct immune subsets in whole blood samples and primary cell lines, highlighting CKLF as a potential immune cell-derived factor promoting tumor immune-surveillance of nascent neoplastic cells, particularly in CMS1 tumors. Building on the recently reported CRCSC data, we provide compelling evidence that leukocyte-infiltrate derived CKLF expression is a candidate biomarker of favorable prognosis, specifically in MSI-immune stage II/III disease.