924 resultados para Mobile device
Personal communication devices are increasingly equipped with sensors for passive monitoring of encounters and surroundings. We envision the emergence of services that enable a community of mobile users carrying such resource-limited devices to query such information at remote locations in the field in which they collectively roam. One approach to implement such a service is directed placement and retrieval (DPR), whereby readings/queries about a specific location are routed to a node responsible for that location. In a mobile, potentially sparse setting, where end-to-end paths are unavailable, DPR is not an attractive solution as it would require the use of delay-tolerant (flooding-based store-carry-forward) routing of both readings and queries, which is inappropriate for applications with data freshness constraints, and which is incompatible with stringent device power/memory constraints. Alternatively, we propose the use of amorphous placement and retrieval (APR), in which routing and field monitoring are integrated through the use of a cache management scheme coupled with an informed exchange of cached samples to diffuse sensory data throughout the network, in such a way that a query answer is likely to be found close to the query origin. We argue that knowledge of the distribution of query targets could be used effectively by an informed cache management policy to maximize the utility of collective storage of all devices. Using a simple analytical model, we show that the use of informed cache management is particularly important when the mobility model results in a non-uniform distribution of users over the field. We present results from extensive simulations which show that in sparsely-connected networks, APR is more cost-effective than DPR, that it provides extra resilience to node failure and packet losses, and that its use of informed cache management yields superior performance.
Antecedentes. Pes Adulto planus (pie plano) es un problema común encontrado por muchos profesionales de la salud. A pesar de la percepción de que el pie plano puede causar dolor y deteriorar su función, la disponibilidad y el uso generalizado de diversos tratamientos, no hay consenso sobre la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones conservadoras (no quirúrgicos) para pie plano en los adultos. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Esto incluye: el Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados; los Juicios CMSG Especializados Registro; una búsqueda electrónica se realizó utilizando MEDLINE (1960 a junio de 2012), EMBASE (1980 a junio de 2012), y CINAHL (1982 - junio de 2012). Revistas especializadas, listas de referencias de ensayos y artículos de revisión se realizaron búsquedas manuales. Criterios de selección: Ensayos aleatorios o cuasialeatorios de intervenciones de tratamiento para el pie plano en los adultos. Se excluyeron los ensayos que incluyeron patologías específicas como el dolor plantar del talón, las fracturas por sobrecarga de los metatarsianos, disfunción del tendón tibial posterior-, fracturas de tobillo, patologías del pie reumatoide, enfermedades neuromusculares y las complicaciones del pie diabético. Recopilación y análisis de datos: Dos autores seleccionaron de forma independiente los resultados de la búsqueda para identificar a aquellos que satisfacen los criterios de inclusión y evaluaron la calidad de los incluidos mediante una lista de control basado en la Evaluación de la Colaboración Cochrane de Riesgo. Esta herramienta se centró en el riesgo de la selección, el rendimiento, la detección, la heterogeneidad y el sesgo de notificación. Resultados. Cuatro ensayos, con 140 sujetos, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Los cuatro fueron juzgados como de alto riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área, y también estaban en riesgo de sesgo incierto en al menos otra zona. Todos anotaron altamente en relación al sesgo de deserción, debido al corto seguimiento tiempos y diseños experimentales utilizados. Los datos no se agruparon debido al alto nivel de heterogeneidad identificada en las intervenciones evaluadas, los participantes seleccionados y medir los resultados. Los resultados de un estudio sugieren que después de cuatro semanas de uso ortesis puede resultar en una mejora significativa en vaivén lateral medio, y pueden resultar en una mejor, aunque no significativa, en general relacionados con la calidad de vida de los pies (Roma 2004). Un estudio (Redmond 2009) sugiere que su efecto sobre la distribución de la presión plantar en el pie puede no depender de si son personalizados o dispositivos prefabricados. Aunque este estudio se identificaron cambios significativos en algunas variables de presión plantar tanto con la costumbre y dispositivos prefabricados, otro (Esterman 2005) no encontró ningún efecto significativo de longitud ¾ ortesis prefabricadas sobre el dolor, la incidencia de lesiones, salud pie o de calidad de vida en un grupo de reclutas de la fuerza aérea. El cuarto estudio (Jung 2009) sugiere que el ejercicio de los músculos intrínsecos del pie puede mejorar el efecto de las ortesis. A pesar de estos resultados, ya que cada estudio incurrió riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área no se pueden sacar conclusiones
Energy-Aware Rate and Description Allocation Optimized Video Streaming for Mobile D2D Communications
The proliferation problem of video streaming applications and mobile devices has prompted wireless network operators to put more efforts into improving quality of experience (QoE) while saving resources that are needed for high transmission rate and large size of video streaming. To deal with this problem, we propose an energy-aware rate and description allocation optimization method for video streaming in cellular network assisted device-to-device (D2D) communications. In particular, we allocate the optimal bit rate to each layer of video segments and packetize the segments into multiple descriptions with embedded forward error correction (FEC) for realtime streaming without retransmission. Simultaneously, the optimal number of descriptions is allocated to each D2D helper for transmission. The two allocation processes are done according to the access rate of segments, channel state information (CSI) of D2D requester, and remaining energy of helpers, to gain the highest optimization performance. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed method (named OPT) significantly enhances the performance of video streaming in terms of high QoE and energy saving.
This special issue provides the latest research and development on wireless mobile wearable communications. According to a report by Juniper Research, the market value of connected wearable devices is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2014, and the shipment of wearable devices may reach 70 million by 2017. Good examples of wearable devices are the prominent Google Glass and Microsoft HoloLens. As wearable technology is rapidly penetrating our daily life, mobile wearable communication is becoming a new communication paradigm. Mobile wearable device communications create new challenges compared to ordinary sensor networks and short-range communication. In mobile wearable communications, devices communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion or client-server fashion and also communicate with aggregation points (e.g., smartphones, tablets, and gateway nodes). Wearable devices are expected to integrate multiple radio technologies for various applications' needs with small power consumption and low transmission delays. These devices can hence collect, interpret, transmit, and exchange data among supporting components, other wearable devices, and the Internet. Such data are not limited to people's personal biomedical information but also include human-centric social and contextual data. The success of mobile wearable technology depends on communication and networking architectures that support efficient and secure end-to-end information flows. A key design consideration of future wearable devices is the ability to ubiquitously connect to smartphones or the Internet with very low energy consumption. Radio propagation and, accordingly, channel models are also different from those in other existing wireless technologies. A huge number of connected wearable devices require novel big data processing algorithms, efficient storage solutions, cloud-assisted infrastructures, and spectrum-efficient communications technologies.
In order to protect user privacy on mobile devices, an event-driven implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. Several methods of utilizing the scheme for recognizing legitimate user behavior are investigated. The investigated methods compute an aggregate score and a threshold in real-time to determine the trust level of the current user using real data derived from user interaction with the device. The proposed scheme is designed to: operate completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high user recognition rate for implicit authentication, and prompt detection of abnormal activity that can be used to trigger explicitly authenticated access control. In this paper, we investigate threshold computation through standard deviation and EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) based algorithms. The result of extensive experiments on user data collected over a period of several weeks from an Android phone indicates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile smartphones.
Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.
This RTD project, 2007-2009, is partly funded by the European Commission, in Framework Programme 6. It aims to assist elderly people for living well, independently and at case. ENABLE will provide a number of services for elderly people based on the new technology provided by mobile phones. The project is developing a Wrist unit with both integrated and external sensors, and with a radio frequency link to a mobile phone. Dedicated ENABLE software running on the wrist unit and mobile phone makes these services fully accessible for the elderly users. This paper outlines the fundamental motivation and the approach which currently is undertaken in order to collect the more detailed user needs and requirements. The general architecture and the design of the ENABLE system are outlined.
Older people increasingly want to remain living independently in their own homes. The aim of the ENABLE project is to develop a wearable device that can be used to support older people in their daily lives and which can monitor their health status, detect potential problems, provide activity reminders and offer communication and alarm services. In order to determine the specifications and functionality required for the development of the device, user surveys and focus groups were undertaken, use case analysis and scenario modeling carried out. The project has resulted in the development of a wrist-worn device and mobile phone combination that can support and assist older and vulnerable wearers with a range of activities and services both inside their home and as they move around their local environment. The device is currently undergoing pilot trials in five European countries. The aim of this paper is to describe the ENABLE device, its features and services, and the infrastructure within which it operates.
A world of ubiquitous computing, full of networked mobile and embedded technologies, is approaching. The benefits of this technology are numerous, and act as the major driving force behind its development. These benefits are brought about, in part, by ubiquitous monitoring (UM): the continuous and wide spread collection of ?significant amounts of data about users
A challenge for the clinical management of Parkinson's disease (PD) is the large within- and between-patient variability in symptom profiles as well as the emergence of motor complications which represent a significant source of disability in patients. This thesis deals with the development and evaluation of methods and systems for supporting the management of PD by using repeated measures, consisting of subjective assessments of symptoms and objective assessments of motor function through fine motor tests (spirography and tapping), collected by means of a telemetry touch screen device. One aim of the thesis was to develop methods for objective quantification and analysis of the severity of motor impairments being represented in spiral drawings and tapping results. This was accomplished by first quantifying the digitized movement data with time series analysis and then using them in data-driven modelling for automating the process of assessment of symptom severity. The objective measures were then analysed with respect to subjective assessments of motor conditions. Another aim was to develop a method for providing comparable information content as clinical rating scales by combining subjective and objective measures into composite scores, using time series analysis and data-driven methods. The scores represent six symptom dimensions and an overall test score for reflecting the global health condition of the patient. In addition, the thesis presents the development of a web-based system for providing a visual representation of symptoms over time allowing clinicians to remotely monitor the symptom profiles of their patients. The quality of the methods was assessed by reporting different metrics of validity, reliability and sensitivity to treatment interventions and natural PD progression over time. Results from two studies demonstrated that the methods developed for the fine motor tests had good metrics indicating that they are appropriate to quantitatively and objectively assess the severity of motor impairments of PD patients. The fine motor tests captured different symptoms; spiral drawing impairment and tapping accuracy related to dyskinesias (involuntary movements) whereas tapping speed related to bradykinesia (slowness of movements). A longitudinal data analysis indicated that the six symptom dimensions and the overall test score contained important elements of information of the clinical scales and can be used to measure effects of PD treatment interventions and disease progression. A usability evaluation of the web-based system showed that the information presented in the system was comparable to qualitative clinical observations and the system was recognized as a tool that will assist in the management of patients.
Using robots for teaching is one approach that has gathered good results on Middle-School, High-School and Universities. Robotics gives chance to experiment concepts of a broad range of disciplines, principally those from Engineering courses and Computer Science. However, there are not many kits that enables the use of robotics in classroom. This article describes the methodologies to implement tools which serves as test beds for the use of robotics to teach Computer Science and Engineering. Therefore, it proposes the development of a flexible, low cost hardware to integrate sensors and control actuators commonly found on mobile robots, the development of a mobile robot device whose sensors and actuators allows the experimentation of different concepts, and an environment for the implementation of control algorithms through a computer network. This paper describes each one of these tools and discusses the implementation issues and future works. © 2010 IEEE.
Nowadays, in Ubiquitous computing scenarios users more and more require to exploit online contents and services by means of any device at hand, no matter their physical location, and by personalizing and tailoring content and service access to their own requirements. The coordinated provisioning of content tailored to user context and preferences, and the support for mobile multimodal and multichannel interactions are of paramount importance in providing users with a truly effective Ubiquitous support. However, so far the intrinsic heterogeneity and the lack of an integrated approach led to several either too vertical, or practically unusable proposals, thus resulting in poor and non-versatile support platforms for Ubiquitous computing. This work investigates and promotes design principles to help cope with these ever-changing and inherently dynamic scenarios. By following the outlined principles, we have designed and implemented a middleware support platform to support the provisioning of Ubiquitous mobile services and contents. To prove the viability of our approach, we have realized and stressed on top of our support platform a number of different, extremely complex and heterogeneous content and service provisioning scenarios. The encouraging results obtained are pushing our research work further, in order to provide a dynamic platform that is able to not only dynamically support novel Ubiquitous applicative scenarios by tailoring extremely diverse services and contents to heterogeneous user needs, but is also able to reconfigure and adapt itself in order to provide a truly optimized and tailored support for Ubiquitous service provisioning.
The continuous advancements and enhancements of wireless systems are enabling new compelling scenarios where mobile services can adapt according to the current execution context, represented by the computational resources available at the local device, current physical location, people in physical proximity, and so forth. Such services called context-aware require the timely delivery of all relevant information describing the current context, and that introduces several unsolved complexities, spanning from low-level context data transmission up to context data storage and replication into the mobile system. In addition, to ensure correct and scalable context provisioning, it is crucial to integrate and interoperate with different wireless technologies (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.) and modes (infrastructure-based and ad-hoc), and to use decentralized solutions to store and replicate context data on mobile devices. These challenges call for novel middleware solutions, here called Context Data Distribution Infrastructures (CDDIs), capable of delivering relevant context data to mobile devices, while hiding all the issues introduced by data distribution in heterogeneous and large-scale mobile settings. This dissertation thoroughly analyzes CDDIs for mobile systems, with the main goal of achieving a holistic approach to the design of such type of middleware solutions. We discuss the main functions needed by context data distribution in large mobile systems, and we claim the precise definition and clean respect of quality-based contracts between context consumers and CDDI to reconfigure main middleware components at runtime. We present the design and the implementation of our proposals, both in simulation-based and in real-world scenarios, along with an extensive evaluation that confirms the technical soundness of proposed CDDI solutions. Finally, we consider three highly heterogeneous scenarios, namely disaster areas, smart campuses, and smart cities, to better remark the wide technical validity of our analysis and solutions under different network deployments and quality constraints.
Questo elaborato ha come argomento lo sviluppo di un progetto informatico creato per mettere in comunicazione tra di loro un sistema di gestione e controllo del ricambio di acqua in una piscina e un dispositivo mobile. Per la realizzazione del sistema di controllo è stata utilizzata una scheda Arduino Mega 2560 munita di modulo Ethernet, mentre, per quello che concerne il dispositivo mobile, la scelta è ricaduta su un device dotato di sistema operativo Android. La comunicazione tra questi due attori è mediata attraverso un server scritto in Java che gira nella stessa rete locale in cui è presente la scheda Arduino. Il progetto può essere inserito nell'ambito dell'Internet of Things, dove ogni oggetto è caratterizzato dalla possibilità di connettersi ad Internet e scambiare informazioni con ogni altro oggetto creando una rete. Questo progetto è suddiviso in tre parti: la prima si occupa della definizione di due protocolli di comunicazione tra le varie componenti, uno per lo scambio di messaggi tra client Android e Server Java e un secondo per quello tra scheda Arduino e Server; la seconda parte è incentrata sulla realizzazione del server Java che rende accessibile la scheda da qualsiasi luogo e permette la raccolta dei dati rilevanti provenienti dalla centralina. L’ultima parte infine è quella relativa allo sviluppo di una applicazione per Android che permette di monitorare il tutto e interagire con la centralina stessa.