817 resultados para Middle East--History
Cette étude a pour but de mettre en contexte la thèse de la modernisation psychique de Daniel Lerner, de faire une analyse interne de l’ouvrage et d’étudier sa réception par les sociologues de l’époque. Comme démarche de recherche, dans un premier temps, nous replacerons l’ouvrage dans la situation historique des deux premières décennies de la guerre froide (les années 50 et 60). Ce faisant, nous tenterons de comprendre la logique de la politique de développement des États-Unis à l’endroit des pays en voie de développement et la place des recherches universitaires dans la politique coloniale américaine. L’approche du développement exogène a largement inspiré les politiques étrangères des pays occidentaux et leurs efforts pour lancer le développement des pays plus nécessiteux. C’est pour cela que Lerner se concentre sur l’effet des médias américains, et surtout du Voice of America, pour analyser le rôle que ceux-ci jouent dans le processus de transformation de la personnalité. Pour aborder cette étape de la recherche, nous devrons comprendre davantage le contexte de l’ouvrage et mieux analyser la relation entre les facteurs externes et les éléments internes qui ont influencé la formation de l’ouvrage. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudierons l’ouvrage de Lerner et nous discuterons des différents aspects relatifs aux changements sociaux que l’ouvrage a examinés. Dans notre analyse de l’ouvrage, nous critiquerons divers aspects de la pensée sociologique de Lerner et sa manière d’interpréter les faits sociaux et les statistiques. Dans un troisième temps, nous réviserons la réception de l’ouvrage par la communauté scientifique de son époque pour obtenir une large vision de la place de l’oeuvre dans l’histoire de la pensée sociologique américaine du développement. Nous établirons une catégorisation des recensions de l’ouvrage portant sur l’approche sociologique de Lerner et nous mettrons ces recensions dans l’éclairage des champs de recherches universitaires américaines. Nous nous concentrerons sur la réception de cette théorie chez les sociologues de l’époque pour comprendre la dialectique entre la thèse qui y est défendue et la société. Ce faisant, nous éviterons de nous éloigner de la sociologie comme étant la discipline de l’étude des liens sociaux et des interactions symboliques et nous éviterons de réduire notre démarche sociologique à une simple étude historique des idées. En gros, nous discuterons de la vision sociologique de l’auteur, de la façon dont son ouvrage a été formé au fil du temps et comment il a été influencé par l’esprit de son époque. De plus, nous verrons comment l’écrivain s’est nourri des théories sociologiques et à quel point il a influencé la pensée sociologique de son temps. Tout cela, en parallèle à l’analyse interne de l’ouvrage, nous permettra de saisir la place de «The Passing of Traditional Society» dans la pensée sociologique américaine. Cette recherche nous aidera à mieux comprendre la vision américaine de l’empathie en tant qu’un élément modernisateur, par rapport à la question du développement dans le contexte historique de l’époque. Cette compréhension nous mènera à approfondir notre analyse des programmes de développement des États-Unis dans le monde en voie du développement. Cette étude nous amènera aussi à élargir notre vision quant aux idées construites et formées dans leur contexte historique (en général) et à découvrir comment la communauté scientifique reste toujours en parti prisonnière de son contexte historique. Cette étude nous permettra de mieux voir les idées (le texte) en relation avec la société, ce qui est vital pour ne pas tomber dans la réduction des idées seulement au texte ou seulement au contexte. En outre, elle nous aidera à comprendre davantage la façon dont la société intervient dans la formation des idées et comment en retour les idées influencent la société.
This dissertation explores why some states consistently secure food imports at prices higher than the world market price, thereby exacerbating food insecurity domestically. I challenge the idea that free market economics alone can explain these trade behaviors, and instead argue that states take into account political considerations when engaging in food trade that results in inefficient trade. In particular, states that are dependent on imports of staple food products, like cereals, are wary of the potential strategic value of these goods to exporters. I argue that this consideration, combined with the importing state’s ability to mitigate that risk through its own forms of political or economic leverage, will shape the behavior of the importing state and contribute to its potential for food security. In addition to cross-national analyses, I use case studies of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Jordan to demonstrate how the political tools available to these importers affect their food security. The results of my analyses suggest that when import dependent states have access to forms of political leverage, they are more likely to trade efficiently, thereby increasing their potential for food security.
Two patients, returning to the Netherlands from pilgrimage in Medina and Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were diagnosed with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in May 2014. The source and mode of transmission have not yet been determined. Hospital-acquired infection and community-acquired infection are both possible.
Context:Blood pressure (BP) tracks from childhood to adulthood, and has ethnic variations. Therefore, it is important to assess the situation of pediatric BP in different populations. This study aims to systematically review the studies conducted on BP in Iranian children and adolescents. Evidence Acquisition: We conducted a systematic review on published and national data about pediatric BP in Iran, our search was conducted in Pub Med, Medline, ISI, and Scopus, as well as in national databases including Scientific Information database (SID), IranMedex and Irandoc from 1990 to 2014. Results: We found 1373 records in the primary search including 840 from international and 533 from national databases. After selection and quality assessment phases, data were extracted from 36 papers and four national data sources. Mean systolic BP (SBP) varied from 90.1 ± 14 mmHg (95% CI 89.25, 90.94) to 120.2 ± 12.3 (118.98, 121.41) mmHg, and for diastolic BP (DBP) from 50.7 ± 11.4 (50.01, 51.38) to 79.2 ± 12.3 (77.95, 80.44) mmHg. The frequency of elevated BP had large variation in sub-national studies with rates as low as 0.4% (0.009, 1.98) for high SBP and as high as 24.1% (20.8, 27.67) for high DBP. At national level, three surveys reported slightly raised rates of elevated BP from 2009 to 2012. Conclusions: The findings provide practical information on BP levels in Iranian pediatric population. Although differences exist on the findings of various studies, this review underscores the necessity of tracking BP from childhood, and implementing interventions for primordial prevention of hypertension.
Esta monografía busca explicar cómo han incidido el contexto internacional y las relaciones transnacionales en el movimiento feminista de Marruecos. De este modo, este estudio defiende que las Conferencias Mundiales sobre la Mujer de la ONU crearon una estructura de oportunidad política que favoreció el surgimiento y el desarrollo de este movimiento. Asimismo, dicho contexto construyó un espacio para que las activistas feministas marroquíes crearan y se insertaran en Redes de Defensa Transnacional, las cuales contribuyeron a cambiar la condición de la mujer en Marruecos, a través de reformas a los Códigos de Familia y Nacionalidad y el levantamiento de las reservas a la CEDAW. Para esto se hará un estudio interdisciplinario haciendo uso de la teoría de los movimientos sociales y del activismo transnacional. Igualmente, se utilizará una metodología cualitativa, principalmente a través de las herramientas del análisis de contenido y el trabajo de campo de la autora.
lil-ʻalāmah Abī al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn Abī al-Karam Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn ʻAbd al-Wāḥid al-Shaybānī al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-Athīr al-Jazarī al-mulaqqab bi-ʻIzz al-Dīn. Wa-bi-hāmishihi Tārīkh murūj al-dhahab wa-maʻādin al-jawhar / lil-Imām Abī al-Ḥasan ʻAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Masʻūdī.
Advances in genome technology have facilitated a new understanding of the historical and genetic processes crucial to rapid phenotypic evolution under domestication(1,2). To understand the process of dog diversification better, we conducted an extensive genome-wide survey of more than 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf. Here we show that dog breeds share a higher proportion of multi-locus haplotypes unique to grey wolves from the Middle East, indicating that they are a dominant source of genetic diversity for dogs rather than wolves from east Asia, as suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data(3). Furthermore, we find a surprising correspondence between genetic and phenotypic/functional breed groupings but there are exceptions that suggest phenotypic diversification depended in part on the repeated crossing of individuals with novel phenotypes. Our results show that Middle Eastern wolves were a critical source of genome diversity, although interbreeding with local wolf populations clearly occurred elsewhere in the early history of specific lineages. More recently, the evolution of modern dog breeds seems to have been an iterative process that drew on a limited genetic toolkit to create remarkable phenotypic diversity.
The marginalization of popular culture in radical scholarship on Palestine and Israel is symptomatic of the conceptual limits that still define much Middle East studies scholarship: namely, the prevailing logic of the nation-state on the one hand and the analytic tools of classical Marxist historiography and political economy on the other. This essay offers a polemic about the form that alternative scholarly projects might take through recourse to questions of popular culture. The authors argue that close allention to the ways that popular culture "articulates" with broader political, social, and economic processes can expand scholarly understandings of the terrain of power in Palestine and Israel, and hence the possible arenas and modalities of struggle. © 2004 by the Institute for Palestine Studies. All rights reserved.
This article aims to propose a chronological subdivision in the history of African communication. African communication today is one of the most important axes for implementing development strategies, sustaining education, health, and schooling programmes, and so on. However, many of these programmes fail due to a lack of or ineffective communication between international organisations, local elite and lay people. The reasons for this situation must be found in Africa’s history of communication, which has undergone radical transformations in its different phases. Using the functionalist analysis drawn up by Jakobson, this article proposes a new chronological subdivision of Africa’s history of communication, reflecting on the current contradictions in contemporary communication in Africa.
Includes bibliography
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in sugar processing in Myanmar appeared in the last decade of the socialist era. An acute sugar deficit, restricted trade in white sugar, and high demand from the conventional dairy business led to the growth of sugar SMEs by appropriate blending of semi-finished products (syrup) in the fields, which were then processed in vacuum pans and centrifugals to obtain white sugar. This became a tradable commodity and sugar SMEs grew in clusters in big cities. They are family-owned businesses. However, they lack the bagasse-based power generation. In recent years, large modern sugar factories operated by private and military companies have emerged as key players. The current shortage of fuel feedstock and competition for raw materials have become driving forces that shift sugar SMEs from market-oriented to raw material-oriented locations. Internal competition among key players made sugar price highly volatile, too. Being placed on a level playing field, the whole industry should be upgraded in terms of price and quality to become export-oriented.
Economic development in East Asia is characterized by the sequential "take-off" of member countries. This multi-tiered economic development in East Asia is often termed the “Flying Geese” pattern of economic development. However, some authors argue that the traditional Flying Geese pattern is not applicable to some industries such as electronics. Here, Japan may no longer be the sole "leading goose", with "followers" such as China (now producing cutting-edge products) having "caught-up". Does this mean that the Flying Geese Model has become "obsolete" in the 21st century? The main objective of this paper is to clarify the two concepts of Flying Geese which now seem confused: (1) application of the pattern of economic development in one specific country, and (2) application of the pattern of economic development to multiple countries in sequence. This paper provides validity checks of Flying Geese Models after differentiating these two concepts more clearly