937 resultados para Method of Philosophy


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To master changing performance demands, autonomous transport vehicles are deployed to make inhouse material flow applications more flexible. The socalled cellular transport system consists of a multitude of small scale transport vehicles which shall be able to form a swarm. Therefore the vehicles need to detect each other, exchange information amongst each other and sense their environment. By provision of peripherally acquired information of other transport entities, more convenient decisions can be made in terms of navigation and collision avoidance. This paper is a contribution to collective utilization of sensor data in the swarm of cellular transport vehicles.


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In this paper, the well-known method of frames approach to the signal decomposition problem is reformulated as a certain bilevel goal-attainment linear least squares problem. As a consequence, a numerically robust variant of the method, named approximating method of frames, is proposed on the basis of a certain minimal Euclidean norm approximating splitting pseudo-iteration-wise method.


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A non-parametric method was developed and tested to compare the partial areas under two correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. Based on the theory of generalized U-statistics the mathematical formulas have been derived for computing ROC area, and the variance and covariance between the portions of two ROC curves. A practical SAS application also has been developed to facilitate the calculations. The accuracy of the non-parametric method was evaluated by comparing it to other methods. By applying our method to the data from a published ROC analysis of CT image, our results are very close to theirs. A hypothetical example was used to demonstrate the effects of two crossed ROC curves. The two ROC areas are the same. However each portion of the area between two ROC curves were found to be significantly different by the partial ROC curve analysis. For computation of ROC curves with large scales, such as a logistic regression model, we applied our method to the breast cancer study with Medicare claims data. It yielded the same ROC area computation as the SAS Logistic procedure. Our method also provides an alternative to the global summary of ROC area comparison by directly comparing the true-positive rates for two regression models and by determining the range of false-positive values where the models differ. ^


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An easily implemented extension of the standard response method of tidal analysis is outlined. The modification improves the extraction of both the steady and the tidal components from problematic time series by calculating tidal response weights uncontaminated by missing or anomalous data. Examples of time series containing data gaps and anomalous events are analyzed to demonstrate the applicability and advantage of the proposed method.


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Perceived duration is assumed to be positively related to nontemporal stimulus magnitude. Most recently, the finding that larger stimuli are perceived to last longer has been challenged to represent a mere decisional bias induced by the use of comparative duration judgments. Therefore, in the present study, the method of temporal reproduction was applied as a psychophysical procedure to quantify perceived duration. Another major goal was to investigate the influence of attention on the effect of visual stimulus size on perceived duration. For this purpose, an additional dual-task paradigm was employed. Our results not only converged with previous findings in demonstrating a functional positive relationship between nontemporal stimulus size and perceived duration, but also showed that the effect of stimulus size on perceived duration was not confined to comparative duration judgments. Furthermore, the effect of stimulus size proved to be independent of attentional resources allocated to stimulus size; nontemporal visual stimulus information does not need to be processed intentionally to influence perceived duration. Finally, the effect of nontemporal stimulus size on perceived duration was effectively modulated by the duration of the target intervals, suggesting a hitherto largely unrecognized role of temporal context for the effect of nontemporal stimulus size to become evident.


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"The Social Function of Philosophy" (GS 4, S. 332-351), veröffentlicht in: Studies in Philosophy and Social Science VIII, 1939, S.322-337, a) englischer Vortragstext, Typoskript 16 Blatt, b) dass., Typoskript, 28 Blatt, c) dass., Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 42 Blatt, d) deutsche Fassung des Vortragstextes, Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 26 Blatt, e) dass., Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 26 Blatt, f) deutsche Übersetzung von Kurt Jürgen Huch und Alfred Schmidt des in der Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung veröffentlichten Textes mit dem Titel: "Die gesellschaftliche Funktion der Philosophie", veröffentlicht in Max Horkheimer, "Kritische Theorie", Bd. II, 1968, S. 292-312, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 33 Blatt;


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"The Aftermath of National Socialism. On the Cultural Aspects of the Collapse of National Socialism". Vorlesungsreihe des Instituts für Sozialforschung, März 1945; 1. Vorlesungsankündigung und Typoskripte der Beiträge von: Theodor W. Adorno, "The Fate of the Arts" (= "What National Socialism Has Done to the Arts"); Frederick Pollock, "Prejudice and the Social Classes"; Leo Löwenthal, "The Aftermath of Totalitarian Terror". Bibliographie, Typoskripte, geheftet, mit eigenhändiger Korrektur von Frederick Pollock, 93 Blatt; 2. Vorlesungsankündigung, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 1 Blatt; 3. Max Horkheimer: "Totalitarism and the Crisis of European Culture". Eigene Notizen zur Vorlesung, 3 Blatt; 4. Theodor W. Adorno: Notizen zur Vorlesungsreihe. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: "National Socialism and Philosophy". Seminar Frühjahr 1945; 1. Protokolle zu den Sitzungen vom 5.2, 24.4., 1.5. und 8.5.1945. Typoskript mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 16 Blatt; 2. Dasselbe. Gebunden, 16 Blatt; 3. Eigenhändige Notizen, 8 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: "The Idea of Philosophy". Vorlesung Winter 1945/46; 1. Eigenhändige Notizen, 3 Blatt; 2. Eigenhändige Notizen, 4 Blatt; 3. Eigenhändige Notizen, 2 Blatt; 4. Abschriften aus Werken unter anderem von Friedrich von Bezold, Karl Lamprecht, Richard Pietchman, Leopold von Ranke, Edwin R.A. Seligman. Typoskripte, 8 Blatt; 5. Paul Tillich: "Conscience in Western Thought and the Idea a Transmoral Conscience". Sonderdruck aus: Crozer Quarterly, Vol. XXII, Nr. 4, Oktober 1945, 6 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: Programm einer Intereuropäischen Akademie, 1944/45 (?); 1. Typoskriptfassungen, englisch. a) Typoskript, 18 Blatt b) Typoskript mit handschriftlicher Korrektur von Theodor W. Adorno (GS 12, S.195-213), 18 Blatt c) Typoskript (Kopie) mit handschriftliche Korrektur, 18 Blatt (Kopie 1989 aus der Hoover Institution, Standford, California) d) Typoskript mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 17 Blatt e) Korrektur-Teilstücke, Typoskripte mit eigenhändiger Korrektur, 2 Blatt; 2. Zeitungsausschnitt 1944, 1 Blatt;


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Approximately 200,000 African children are born with sickle-cell anemia each year. Research has shown that individuals with hemoglobin disorders, particularly sickle-cell anemia, have increased susceptibility to contracting malaria. Currently it is recommended that patients diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia undergo malaria chemoprophylaxis in order to decrease their chances of malarial infection. However, studies have shown that routine administration of these drugs increases the risk of drug resistance and could possibly impair the development of naturally acquired immunity. Clinical trials have shown intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) to be an effective method of protection against malaria. The objective of this report was to review previously conducted clinical trials that study the effects of intermittent preventive treatment on malaria and anemia in infants and children. Based on the review, implications for its appropriateness as a protective measure against malaria for infants and children diagnosed with sickle-cell disease were provided.^ The 18 studies reviewed were randomized controlled trials that focused on IPT’s effect on malaria (7 studies), anemia (1 study), or both (8 studies). In addition to these 16, one study looks at IPT’s effect on molecular resistance to malaria, and another study is a follow-up to a study in order to review IPT’s potential to cause a rebound effect. The 18 th study in this review specifically looks at IPT’s protective efficacy in children with SCA. The studies in this report were restricted to randomized controlled trials that have been performed from 2000 to 2010. Reports on anemia were included to illustrate possible added benefits of the use of IPT specific to burdens associated with SCA other than malaria susceptibility. The outcomes of these studies address several issues of concern involving the administration of IPT: protective efficacy (in reference to age, seasonal versus perennial malaria regions, and overall effectiveness against malaria and anemia), drug resistance, drug rebound effect, drug side-effects, and long-term effects. Overall, these showed that IPT has a significant level of protective efficacy against malaria and/or anemia in children. More specifically, the IPT study evaluating children diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia proved IPT to be a more effective method of protection than traditional chemoprophylaxis. ^


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Despite having been identified over thirty years ago and definitively established as having a critical role in driving tumor growth and predicting for resistance to therapy, the KRAS oncogene remains a target in cancer for which there is no effective treatment. KRas is activated b y mutations at a few sites, primarily amino acid substitutions at codon 12 which promote a constitutively active state. I have found that different amino acid substitutions at codon 12 can activate different KRas downstream signaling pathways, determine clonogenic growth potential and determine patient response to molecularly targeted therapies. Computer modeling of the KRas structure shows that different amino acids substituted at the codon 12 position influences how KRas interacts with its effecters. In the absence of a direct inhibitor of mutant KRas several agents have recently entered clinical trials alone and in combination directly targeting two of the common downstream effecter pathways of KRas, namely the Mapk pathway and the Akt pathway. These inhibitors were evaluated for efficacy against different KRAS activating mutations. An isogenic panel of colorectal cells with wild type KRas replaced with KRas G12C, G12D, or G12V at the endogenous loci differed in sensitivity to Mek and Akt inhibition. In contrast, screening was performed in a broad panel of lung cell lines alone and no correlation was seen between types of activating KRAS mutation due to concurrent oncogenic lesions. To find a new method to inhibit KRAS driven tumors, siRNA screens were performed in isogenic lines with and without active KRas. The knockdown of CNKSR1 (CNK1) showed selective growth inhibition in cells with an oncogenic KRAS. The deletion of CNK1 reduces expression of mitotic cell cycle proteins and arrests cells with active KRas in the G1 phase of the cell cycle similar to the deletion of an activated KRas regardless of activating substitution. CNK1 has a PH domain responsible for localizing it to membrane lipids making KRas potentially amenable to inhibition with small molecules. The work has identified a series of small molecules capable of binding to this PH domain and inhibiting CNK1 facilitated KRas signaling.


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This invention relates generally to grain threshing apparatus and in particular to an improved method of an apparatus for threshing grain wherein an impeller is rotatable within a concave or tubular screen. An object of this invention is to provide an improved method and apparatus for threshing grain.