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Como contribución del estudio de medios heterogéneos, esta tesis recoge el trabajo llevado a cabo sobre modelado teórico y simulación del estudio de las propiedades ópticas de la piel y del agua del mar, como ejemplos paradigmáticos de medios heterogéneos. Se ha tomado como punto de partida el estudio de la propagación de la radiación óptica, más concretamente de la radiación láser, en un tejido biológico. La importancia de la caracterización óptica de un tejido es fundamental para manejar la interacción radiación-tejido que permite tanto el diagnóstico como la terapéutica de enfermedades y/o de disfunciones en las Ciencias de la Salud. Sin olvidar el objetivo de ofrecer una metodología de estudio, con un «enfoque ingenieril», de las propiedades ópticas en un medio heterogéneo, que no tiene por qué ser exclusivamente el tejido biológico. Como consecuencia de lo anterior y de la importancia que tiene el agua dentro de los tejidos biológicos se decide estudiar en otro capítulo las propiedades ópticas del agua dentro de un entorno heterogéneo como es el agua del mar. La selección del agua del mar, como objeto de estudio adicional, es motivada, principalmente, porque se trata de un sistema heterogéneo fácilmente descriptible en cada uno de sus elementos y permite evaluar una amplia bibliografía. Además se considera que los avances que han tenido lugar en los últimos años en las tecnologías fotónicas van a permitir su uso en los métodos experimentales de análisis de las aguas. El conocimiento de sus propiedades ópticas permite caracterizar los diferentes tipos de aguas de acuerdo con sus compuestos, así como poder identificar su presencia. Todo ello abre un amplio abanico de aplicaciones. En esta tesis doctoral, se ha conseguido de manera general: • Realizar un estudio del estado del arte del conocimiento de las propiedades ópticas de la piel y la identificación de sus elementos dispersores de la luz. • Establecer una metodología de estudio que nos permita obtener datos sobre posibles efectos de la radiación en los tejidos biológicos. •Usar distintas herramientas informáticas para simular el transporte de la radiación laser en tejidos biológicos. • Realizar experimentos mediante simulación de láser, tejidos biológicos y detectores. • Comparar los resultados conocidos experimentalmente con los simulados. • Estudiar los instrumentos de medida de la respuesta a la propagación de radiación laser en tejidos anisotrópicos. • Obtener resultados originales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de pieles, considerando diferente razas y como alteración posible en la piel, se ha estudiado la presencia del basalioma. • Aplicación de la metodología de estudio realizada en la piel a la simulación de agua de mar. • Obtener resultados originales de simulación y análisis de cantidad de fitoplancton en agua; con el objetivo de facilitar la caracterización de diferentes tipos de aguas. La tesis doctoral se articula en 6 capítulos y 3 anexos perfectamente diferenciados con su propia bibliografía en cada uno de ellos. El primer capítulo está centrado en la problemática del difícil estudio y caracterización de los medios heterogéneos debidos a su comportamiento no homogéneo y anisotrópico ante las radiaciones ópticas. Así pues, presentaremos una breve introducción al comportamiento tanto de los tejidos como del océano ante radiaciones ópticas y definiremos sus principales propiedades: la absorción, el scattering, la anisotropía y los coeficientes de reflexión. Como continuación, un segundo capítulo trata de acercarnos a la resolución del problema de cómo caracterizar las propiedades ópticas descritas en el primer capítulo. Para ello, primero se introducen los modelos teóricos, en segundo lugar los métodos de simulación más empleados y, por último, enumerar las principales técnicas de medida de la propagación de la luz en los tejidos vivos. El tercer capítulo, centrado en la piel y sus propiedades, intenta realizar una síntesis de lo que se conoce sobre el comportamiento de la piel frente a la propagación de las radiaciones ópticas. Se estudian sus elementos constituyentes y los distintos tipos de pieles. Por último se describe un ejemplo de aplicación más inmediata que se beneficia de este conocimiento. Sabemos que el porcentaje de agua en el cuerpo humano es muy elevado, en concreto en la piel se considera de aproximadamente un 70%. Es obvio, por tanto, que conocer cómo afecta el agua en la propagación de una radiación óptica facilitaría el disponer de patrones de referencia; para ello, se realiza el estudio del agua del mar. En el cuarto capítulo se estudian las propiedades del agua del mar como medio heterogéneo de partículas. En este capítulo presentamos una síntesis de los elementos más significativos de dispersores en el océano, un estudio de su comportamiento individual frente a radiaciones ópticas y su contribución al océano en su conjunto. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo se describen los resultados obtenidos en los distintos tipos de simulaciones realizadas. Las herramientas de simulación empleadas han sido las mismas tanto para el caso del estudio de la piel como para el agua del mar, por ello ambos resultados son expuestos en el mismo capítulo. En el primer caso se analizan diferentes tipos de agua oceánica, mediante la variación de las concentraciones de fitoplancton. El método empleado permite comprobar las diferencias que pueden encontrarse en la caracterización y diagnóstico de aguas. El segundo caso analizado es el de la piel; donde se estudia el comportamiento de distintos tipos de piel, se analizan para validar el método y se comprueba cómo el resultado es compatible con aplicaciones, actualmente comerciales, como la de la depilación con láser. Como resultado significativo se muestra la posible metodología a aplicar para el diagnóstico del cáncer de piel conocido como basalioma. Finalmente presentamos un capítulo dedicado a los trabajos futuros basados en experimentación real y el coste asociado que implicaría el llevarlo a cabo. Los anexos que concluyen la tesis doctoral versan por un lado sobre el funcionamiento del vector común de toda la tesis: el láser, sus aplicaciones y su control en la seguridad y por otro presentamos los coeficientes de absorción y scattering que hemos utilizado en nuestras simulaciones. El primero condensa las principales características de una radiación láser desde el punto de vista de su generación, el segundo presenta la seguridad en su uso y el tercero son tablas propias, cuyos parámetros son los utilizados en el apartado de experimentación. Aunque por el tipo de tesis que defiendo no se ajusta a los modelos canónicos de tesis doctoral, el lector podrá encontrar en esta tesis de forma imbricada, el modelo común a todas las tesis o proyectos de investigación con una sección dedicada al estado del arte con ejemplos pedagógicos para facilitar la compresión y se plantean unos objetivos (capítulos 1-4), y un capítulo que se subdivide en materiales y métodos y resultados y discusiones (capítulo 5 con sus subsecciones), para finalizar con una vista al futuro y los trabajos futuros que se desprenden de la tesis (capítulo 6). ABSTRACT As contribution to the study of heterogeneous media, this thesis covers the work carried out on theoretical modelling and simulation study of the optical properties of the skin and seawater, as paradigmatic examples of heterogeneous media. It is taken as a starting point the study of the propagation of optical radiation, in particular laser radiation in a biological tissue. The importance of optical characterization of a tissue is critical for managing the interaction between radiation and tissues that allows both diagnosis and therapy of diseases and / or dysfunctions in Health Sciences. Without forgetting the aim of providing a methodology of study, with "engineering approach" of the optical properties in a heterogeneous environment, which does not have to be exclusively biological tissue. As a result of this and the importance of water in biological tissues, we have decided to study the optical properties of water in a heterogeneous environment such as seawater in another chapter. The selection of sea water as an object of further study is motivated mainly because it is considered that the advances that have taken place in recent years in photonic technologies will allow its use in experimental methods of water analysis. Knowledge of the optical properties to characterize the different types of waters according to their compounds, as well as to identify its presence. All of this opens a wide range of applications. In this thesis, it has been generally achieved: • Conduct a study of the state of the art knowledge of the optical properties of the skin and identifying its light scattering elements. • Establish a study methodology that allows us to obtain data on possible effects of radiation on biological tissues. • Use different computer tools to simulate the transport of laser radiation in biological tissues. • Conduct experiments by simulating: laser, detectors, and biological tissues. • Compare the known results with our experimentally simulation. • Study the measuring instruments and its response to the propagation of laser radiation in anisotropic tissues. • Get innovative results for diagnosis and treatment of skin, considering different races and a possible alteration in the skin that we studied: the presence of basal cell carcinoma. • Application of the methodology of the study conducted in the skin to simulate seawater. • Get innovative results of simulation and analysis of amount of phytoplankton in water; in order to facilitate the characterization of different types of water. The dissertation is divided into six chapters and three annexes clearly distinguished by their own literature in each of them. The first chapter is focused on the problem of difficult study and characterization of heterogeneous media due to their inhomogeneous and anisotropic behaviour of optical radiation. So we present a brief introduction to the behaviour of both tissues at the cellular level as the ocean, to optical radiation and define the main optical properties: absorption, scattering, anisotropy and reflection coefficients. Following from this, a second chapter is an approach to solving the problem of how to characterize the optical properties described in the first chapter. For this, first the theoretical models are introduced, secondly simulation methods more used and, finally, the main techniques for measuring the propagation of light in living tissue. The third chapter is focused on the skin and its properties, tries to make a synthesis of what is known about the behaviour of the skin and its constituents tackle the spread of optical radiation. Different skin types are studied and an example of immediate application of this knowledge benefits described. We know that the percentage of water in the human body is very high, particularly in the skin is considered about 70%. It is obvious, therefore, that knowing how the water is affected by the propagation of an optical radiation facilitate to get reference patterns; For this, the study of seawater is performed. In the fourth chapter the properties of seawater as a heterogeneous component particles are studied. This chapter presents a summary of the scattering elements in the ocean, its individual response to optical radiation and its contribution to the ocean as a whole. In the fifth chapter the results of the different types of simulations are described. Simulation tools used were the same for the study of skin and seawater, so both results are presented in the chapter. In the first case different types of ocean water is analysed by varying the concentrations of phytoplankton. The method allows to check the differences that can be found in the characterization and diagnosis of water. The second case analysed is the skin; where the behaviour of different skin types are studied and checked how the result is compatible with applications currently trade, such as laser hair removal. As a significant result of the possible methodology to be applied for the diagnosis of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma is shown. Finally we present a chapter on future work based on actual experimentation and the associated cost which it would involve carrying out. The annexes conclude the thesis deal with one hand on the functioning of the common vector of the whole thesis: laser, control applications and safety and secondly we present the absorption and scattering coefficients we used in our simulations. The first condenses the main characteristics of laser radiation from the point of view of their generation, the second presents the safety in use and the third are own tables, whose parameters are used in the experimental section. Although the kind of view which I advocate does not meet the standard models doctoral thesis, the reader will find in this thesis so interwoven, the common model to all theses or research projects with a section on the state of the art pedagogical examples to facilitate the understanding and objectives (Chapters 1-4), and a chapter is divided into materials and methods and results and discussions (Chapter 5 subsections) arise, finishing with a view to the future and work future arising from the thesis (Chapter 6).


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Los ensayos de bombeo son, sin lugar a dudas, una de las pruebas más fiables y de mayor interés que se hacen en el medio físico. No son pruebas estrictamente puntuales, dado que el bombeo atrae flujo desde distancias lejanas al pozo, la prueba tiene una excelente representatividad espacial. Los métodos de interpretación mediante ensayos de bombeo se empezaron a plantear en la primera mitad del pasado siglo. Con los ensayos de bombeo se puede calcular la transmisividad y coeficiente de almacenamiento de las formaciones acuíferas y suministran información sobre el tipo de acuífero, la calidad constructiva del pozo de extracción, la existencia de barreras impermeable o bordes de recarga próximos, e incluso en algunas circunstancias permiten el cálculo del área de embalse subterráneo. Desde mediados del siglo 20 existe una eficaz y abundante gama de métodos analítico-interpretativos de ensayos de bombeo, tanto en régimen permanente como transitorio. Estos métodos son ampliamente conocidos y están muy experimentados a lo largo de muchos países, sin embargo, hoy día, podrían utilizarse modelos de flujo para la interpretación, logrando la misma fiabilidad e incluso mejores posibilidades de análisis. Muchos ensayos que no pueden interpretarse porque las configuraciones del medio son demasiado complejas y no están disponibles, o no es posible, el desarrollo de métodos analíticos, tienen buena adaptación y en ocasiones muy fácil solución haciendo uso de los métodos numéricos de simulación del flujo. En esta tesis se ha buscado una vía de interpretar ensayos de bombeo haciendo uso de modelos de simulación del flujo. Se utiliza el modelo universal MODFLOW del United States Geological Survey, en el cual se configura una celda de simulación y mallado particularmente adecuados para el problema a tratar, se valida con los métodos analíticos existentes. Con la célula convenientemente validada se simulan otros casos en los que no existen métodos analíticos desarrollados dada la complejidad del medio físico a tratar y se sacan las oportunas conclusiones. Por último se desarrolla un modelo específico y la correspondiente aplicación de uso general para la interpretación numérica de ensayos de bombeo tanto con las configuraciones normales como con configuraciones complejas del medio físico. ABSTRACT Pumping tests are, without doubt, one of the most reliable and most interesting tests done in the physical environment. They are not strictly anecdotal evidence, since pumping flow attracts from far distances to the well, the test has excellent spatial representation. Methods of interpretation by pumping tests began to arise in the first half of last century. With pumping tests, can be calculated transmissivity and storage coefficient of the aquifer formations, and provide information on the type of aquifer, the construction quality of the well, the existence of waterproof barriers or borders next recharge, and even in some circumstances allow calculating the area of underground reservoir. Since the mid-20th century there is effective and abundant range of analytical interpretative pumping tests, both in steady state and transient methods. These methods are very widely known and experienced over many countries, however, nowadays, may flow models used for interpretation, obtaining equally reliable or even better possibilities for analysis. Many trials cannot be interpreted as environmental settings are too complex and are not available, or not possible, the development of analytical methods, have good adaptation and sometimes very easily solved using numerical flow simulation methods. This thesis has sought a way to interpret pumping tests using flow simulation models. MODFLOW universal model of United States Geological Survey, in which a simulation cell and meshing particularly suitable for the problem to be treated, is validated with existing analytical methods used is set. With suitably validated cell other cases where there are no analytical methods developed given the complexity of the physical environment to try and draw appropriate conclusions are simulated. Finally, a specific model and the corresponding application commonly used for numerical interpretation of pumping tests both with normal settings as complex configurations of the physical environment is developed.


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As formulações baseadas na mecânica do contínuo, embora precisas até certo ponto, por vezes não podem ser utilizadas, ou não são conceitualmente corretas para o entendimento de fenômenos em escalas reduzidas. Estas limitações podem aparecer no estudo dos fenômenos tribológicos em escala nanométrica, que passam a necessitar de novos métodos experimentais, teóricos e computacionais que permitam explorar estes fenômenos com a resolução necessária. Simulações atomísticas são capazes de descrever fenômenos em pequena escala, porém, o número necessário de átomos modelados e, portanto, o custo computacional - geralmente torna-se bastante elevado. Por outro lado, os métodos de simulação associados à mecânica do contínuo são mais interessantes em relação ao custo computacional, mas não são precisos na escala atômica. A combinação entre essas duas abordagens pode, então, permitir uma compreensão mais realista dos fenômenos da tribologia. Neste trabalho, discutem-se os conceitos básicos e modelos de atrito em escala atômica e apresentam-se estudos, por meio de simulação numérica, para a análise e compreensão dos mecanismos de atrito e desgaste no contato entre materiais. O problema é abordado em diferentes escalas, e propõe-se uma abordagem conjunta entre a Mecânica do Contínuo e a Dinâmica Molecular. Para tanto, foram executadas simulações numéricas, com complexidade crescente, do contato entre superfícies, partindo-se de um primeiro modelo que simula o efeito de defeitos cristalinos no fenômeno de escorregamento puro, considerando a Dinâmica Molecular. Posteriormente, inseriu-se, nos modelos da mecânica do contínuo, considerações sobre o fenômeno de adesão. A validação dos resultados é feita pela comparação entre as duas abordagens e com a literatura.


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Objective: To evaluate whether the introduction of a national, co-ordinated screening program using the faecal occult blood test represents 'value-for-money' from the perspective of the Australian Government as third-party funder. Methods: The annual equivalent costs and consequences of a biennial screening program in 'steady-state' operation were estimated for the Australian population using 1996 as the reference year. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and the years of life lost (YLLs) averted, and the health service costs were modelled, based on the epidemiology and the costs of colorectal cancer in Australia together with the mortality reduction achieved in randomised controlled trials. Uncertainty in the model was examined using Monte Carlo simulation methods. Results: We estimate a minimum or 'base program' of screening those aged 55 to 69 years could avert 250 deaths per annum (95% uncertainty interval 99-400), at a gross cost of $A55 million (95% UI $A46 million to $A96 million) and a gross incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $A17,000/DALY (95% UI $A13,000/DALY to $A52,000/DALY). Extending the program to include 70 to 74-year-olds is a more effective option (cheaper and higher health gain) than including the 50 to 54-year-olds. Conclusions: The findings of this study support the case for a national program directed at the 55 to 69-year-old age group with extension to 70 to 74-year-olds if there are sufficient resources. The pilot tests recently announced in Australia provide an important opportunity to consider the age range for screening and the sources of uncertainty, identified in the modelled evaluation, to assist decisions on implementing a full national program.


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In this paper we give an overview of some very recent work, as well as presenting a new approach, on the stochastic simulation of multi-scaled systems involving chemical reactions. In many biological systems (such as genetic regulation and cellular dynamics) there is a mix between small numbers of key regulatory proteins, and medium and large numbers of molecules. In addition, it is important to be able to follow the trajectories of individual molecules by taking proper account of the randomness inherent in such a system. We describe different types of simulation techniques (including the stochastic simulation algorithm, Poisson Runge–Kutta methods and the balanced Euler method) for treating simulations in the three different reaction regimes: slow, medium and fast. We then review some recent techniques on the treatment of coupled slow and fast reactions for stochastic chemical kinetics and present a new approach which couples the three regimes mentioned above. We then apply this approach to a biologically inspired problem involving the expression and activity of LacZ and LacY proteins in E. coli, and conclude with a discussion on the significance of this work.


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Objective: Antidepressant drugs and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) are effective treatment options for depression and are recommended by clinical practice guidelines. As part of the Assessing Cost-effectiveness - Mental Health project we evaluate the available evidence on costs and benefits of CBT and drugs in the episodic and maintenance treatment of major depression. Method: The cost-effectiveness is modelled from a health-care perspective as the cost per disability-adjusted life year. Interventions are targeted at people with major depression who currently seek care but receive non-evidence based treatment. Uncertainty in model inputs is tested using Monte Carlo simulation methods. Results: All interventions for major depression examined have a favourable incremental cost-effectiveness ratio under Australian health service conditions. Bibliotherapy, group CBT, individual CBT by a psychologist on a public salary and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are very cost-effective treatment options falling below $A10 000 per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) even when taking the upper limit of the uncertainty interval into account. Maintenance treatment with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is the most expensive option (ranging from $A17 000 to $A20 000 per DALY) but still well below $A50 000, which is considered the affordable threshold. Conclusions: A range of cost-effective interventions for episodes of major depression exists and is currently underutilized. Maintenance treatment strategies are required to significantly reduce the burden of depression, but the cost of long-term drug treatment for the large number of depressed people is high if SSRIs are the drug of choice. Key policy issues with regard to expanded provision of CBT concern the availability of suitably trained providers and the funding mechanisms for therapy in primary care.


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The thesis presents a two-dimensional Risk Assessment Method (RAM) where the assessment of risk to the groundwater resources incorporates both the quantification of the probability of the occurrence of contaminant source terms, as well as the assessment of the resultant impacts. The approach emphasizes the need for a greater dependency on the potential pollution sources, rather than the traditional approach where assessment is based mainly on the intrinsic geo-hydrologic parameters. The risk is calculated using Monte Carlo simulation methods whereby random pollution events were generated to the same distribution as historically occurring events or a priori potential probability distribution. Integrated mathematical models then simulate contaminant concentrations at the predefined monitoring points within the aquifer. The spatial and temporal distributions of the concentrations were calculated from repeated realisations, and the number of times when a user defined concentration magnitude was exceeded is quantified as a risk. The method was setup by integrating MODFLOW-2000, MT3DMS and a FORTRAN coded risk model, and automated, using a DOS batch processing file. GIS software was employed in producing the input files and for the presentation of the results. The functionalities of the method, as well as its sensitivities to the model grid sizes, contaminant loading rates, length of stress periods, and the historical frequencies of occurrence of pollution events were evaluated using hypothetical scenarios and a case study. Chloride-related pollution sources were compiled and used as indicative potential contaminant sources for the case study. At any active model cell, if a random generated number is less than the probability of pollution occurrence, then the risk model will generate synthetic contaminant source term as an input into the transport model. The results of the applications of the method are presented in the form of tables, graphs and spatial maps. Varying the model grid sizes indicates no significant effects on the simulated groundwater head. The simulated frequency of daily occurrence of pollution incidents is also independent of the model dimensions. However, the simulated total contaminant mass generated within the aquifer, and the associated volumetric numerical error appear to increase with the increasing grid sizes. Also, the migration of contaminant plume advances faster with the coarse grid sizes as compared to the finer grid sizes. The number of daily contaminant source terms generated and consequently the total mass of contaminant within the aquifer increases in a non linear proportion to the increasing frequency of occurrence of pollution events. The risk of pollution from a number of sources all occurring by chance together was evaluated, and quantitatively presented as risk maps. This capability to combine the risk to a groundwater feature from numerous potential sources of pollution proved to be a great asset to the method, and a large benefit over the contemporary risk and vulnerability methods.


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In multilevel analyses, problems may arise when using Likert-type scales at the lowest level of analysis. Specifically, increases in variance should lead to greater censoring for the groups whose true scores fall at either end of the distribution. The current study used simulation methods to examine the influence of single-item Likert-type scale usage on ICC(1), ICC(2), and group-level correlations. Results revealed substantial underestimation of ICC(1) when using Likert-type scales with common response formats (e.g., 5 points). ICC(2) and group-level correlations were also underestimated, but to a lesser extent. Finally, the magnitude of underestimation was driven in large part to an interaction between Likert-type scale usage and the amounts of within- and between-group variance. © Sage Publications.


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Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) has been developed as the pan-European second generation of digital mobile systems. GSM operates in the 900 MHz frequency band and employs digital technology instead of the analogue technology of its predecessors. Digital technology enables the GSM system to operate in much smaller zones in comparison with the analogue systems. The GSM system will offer greater roaming facilities to its subscribers, extended throughout the countries that have installed the system. The GSM system could be seen as a further enhancement to European integration. GSM has adopted a contention-based protocol for multipoint-to-point transmission. In particular, the slotted-ALOHA medium access protocol is used to coordinate the transmission of the channel request messages between the scattered mobile stations. Collision still happens when more than one mobile station having the same random reference number attempts to transmit on the same time-slot. In this research, a modified version of this protocol has been developed in order to reduce the number of collisions and hence increase the random access channel throughput compared to the existing protocol. The performance evaluation of the protocol has been carried out using simulation methods. Due to the growing demand for mobile radio telephony as well as for data services, optimal usage of the scarce availability radio spectrum is becoming increasingly important. In this research, a protocol has been developed whereby the number of transmitted information packets over the GSM system is increased without any additional increase of the allocated radio spectrum. Simulation results are presented to show the improvements achieved by the proposed protocol. Cellular mobile radio networks commonly respond to an increase in the service demand by using smaller coverage areas. As a result, the volume of the signalling exchanges increases. In this research, a proposal for interconnecting the various entitles of the mobile radio network over the future broadband networks based on the IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is outlined. Simulation results are presented to show the benefits achieved by interconnecting these entities over the broadband Networks.


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Experimental and theoretical methods have been used to study zeolite structures, properties and applications as membranes for separation purposes. Thin layers of silicalite-1 and Na-LTA zeolites have been synthesised onto carbon-graphite supports using a hydrothermal synthesis procedure. The separation behaviour of the composite membranes was characterized by gas permeation studies of pure, binary and ternary mixtures of methane, ethane and propane. The influence of temperature and feed gas mixture composition on the separation and selectivity performance of the membranes was also investigated. It was found that the silicalite-1 composite membranes synthesised onto the 4 hour oxidized carbon-graphite supports showed the most promising separation behaviour of all the composite membranes investigated. Molecular simulation methods were used to gain an understanding of how hydrocarbon molecules behave both within the pores and on the surfaces of silicalite-1, mordenite and LTA zeolites. Molecular dynamic simulations were used to investigate the influence of temperature and molecular loadings on the diffusional behaviour of hydrocarbons in zeolites. Both hydroxylated (surface termination with hydroxyl groups) and non-hydroxylated silicalite-1 and Na-mordenite surfaces were generated. For both zeolites the most stable surfaces correspond to the {010} surface. For the silicalite-1 {010} surface the adsorption of hydrocarbons and molecular water onto the hydroxylated surface showed a favourable exothermic adsorption process compared to adsorption on the non-hydroxylated surface. With the Na-mordenite {010} surface the adsorption of hydrocarbons onto both the hydroxylated and non-hydroxylated surfaces had a combination of favourable and non-favourable adsorption energies, while the adsorption of molecular water onto both types of surface was found to be a favourable adsorption process.


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Fault tree analysis is used as a tool within hazard and operability (Hazop) studies. The present study proposes a new methodology for obtaining the exact TOP event probability of coherent fault trees. The technique uses a top-down approach similar to that of FATRAM. This new Fault Tree Disjoint Reduction Algorithm resolves all the intermediate events in the tree except OR gates with basic event inputs so that a near minimal cut sets expression is obtained. Then Bennetts' disjoint technique is applied and remaining OR gates are resolved. The technique has been found to be appropriate as an alternative to Monte Carlo simulation methods when rare events are countered and exact results are needed. The algorithm has been developed in FORTRAN 77 on the Perq workstation as an addition to the Aston Hazop package. The Perq graphical environment enabled a friendly user interface to be created. The total package takes as its input cause and symptom equations using Lihou's form of coding and produces both drawings of fault trees and the Boolean sum of products expression into which reliability data can be substituted directly.


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The computer simulation of manufacturing systems is commonly carried out using discrete event simulation (DES). Indeed, there appears to be a lack of applications of continuous simulation methods, particularly system dynamics (SD), despite evidence that this technique is suitable for industrial modelling. This paper investigates whether this is due to a decline in the general popularity of SD, or whether modelling of manufacturing systems represents a missed opportunity for SD. On this basis, the paper first gives a review of the concept of SD and fully describes the modelling technique. Following on, a survey of the published applications of SD in the 1990s is made by developing and using a structured classification approach. From this review, observations are made about the application of the SD method and opportunities for future research are suggested.


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The adsorption and diffusion of mixed hydrocarbon components in silicalite have been studied using molecular dynamic simulation methods. We have investigated the effect of molecular loadings and temperature on the diffusional behavior of both pure and mixed alkane components. For binary mixtures with components of similar sizes, molecular diffusional behavior in the channels was noticed to be reversed as loading is increased. This behavior was noticeably absent for components of different sizes in the mixture. Methane molecules in the methane/propane mixture have the highest diffusion coefficients across the entire loading range. Binary mixtures containing ethane molecules prove more difficult to separate compared to other binary components. In the ternary mixture, however, ethane molecules diffuse much faster at 400 K in the channel with a tendency to separate out quickly from other components. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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With the features of low-power and flexible networking capabilities IEEE 802.15.4 has been widely regarded as one strong candidate of communication technologies for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It is expected that with an increasing number of deployments of 802.15.4 based WSNs, multiple WSNs could coexist with full or partial overlap in residential or enterprise areas. As WSNs are usually deployed without coordination, the communication could meet significant degradation with the 802.15.4 channel access scheme, which has a large impact on system performance. In this thesis we are motivated to investigate the effectiveness of 802.15.4 networks supporting WSN applications with various environments, especially when hidden terminals are presented due to the uncoordinated coexistence problem. Both analytical models and system level simulators are developed to analyse the performance of the random access scheme specified by IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control (MAC) standard for several network scenarios. The first part of the thesis investigates the effectiveness of single 802.15.4 network supporting WSN applications. A Markov chain based analytic model is applied to model the MAC behaviour of IEEE 802.15.4 standard and a discrete event simulator is also developed to analyse the performance and verify the proposed analytical model. It is observed that 802.15.4 networks could sufficiently support most WSN applications with its various functionalities. After the investigation of single network, the uncoordinated coexistence problem of multiple 802.15.4 networks deployed with communication range fully or partially overlapped are investigated in the next part of the thesis. Both nonsleep and sleep modes are investigated with different channel conditions by analytic and simulation methods to obtain the comprehensive performance evaluation. It is found that the uncoordinated coexistence problem can significantly degrade the performance of 802.15.4 networks, which is unlikely to satisfy the QoS requirements for many WSN applications. The proposed analytic model is validated by simulations which could be used to obtain the optimal parameter setting before WSNs deployments to eliminate the interference risks.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015