795 resultados para Meta-analyses
BACKGROUND Given moderately strong genetic contributions to variation in alcoholism and heaviness of drinking (50% to 60% heritability) with high correlation of genetic influences, we have conducted a quantitative trait genome-wide association study (GWAS) for phenotypes related to alcohol use and dependence. METHODS Diagnostic interview and blood/buccal samples were obtained from sibships ascertained through the Australian Twin Registry. Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping was performed with 8754 individuals (2062 alcohol-dependent cases) selected for informativeness for alcohol use disorder and associated quantitative traits. Family-based association tests were performed for alcohol dependence, dependence factor score, and heaviness of drinking factor score, with confirmatory case-population control comparisons using an unassessed population control series of 3393 Australians with genome-wide SNP data. RESULTS No findings reached genome-wide significance (p = 8.4 x 10(-8) for this study), with lowest p value for primary phenotypes of 1.2 x 10(-7). Convergent findings for quantitative consumption and diagnostic and quantitative dependence measures suggest possible roles for a transmembrane protein gene (TMEM108) and for ANKS1A. The major finding, however, was small effect sizes estimated for individual SNPs, suggesting that hundreds of genetic variants make modest contributions (1/4% of variance or less) to alcohol dependence risk. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that: - 1) meta-analyses of consumption data may contribute usefully to gene discovery; - 2) translation of human alcoholism GWAS results to drug discovery or clinically useful prediction of risk will be challenging, and; - 3) through accumulation across studies, GWAS data may become valuable for improved genetic risk differentiation in research in biological psychiatry (e.g., prospective high-risk or resilience studies).
We have derived a versatile gene-based test for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Our approach, called VEGAS (versatile gene-based association study), is applicable to all GWAS designs, including family-based GWAS, meta-analyses of GWAS on the basis of summary data, and DNA-pooling-based GWAS, where existing approaches based on permutation are not possible, as well as singleton data, where they are. The test incorporates information from a full set of markers (or a defined subset) within a gene and accounts for linkage disequilibrium between markers by using simulations from the multivariate normal distribution. We show that for an association study using singletons, our approach produces results equivalent to those obtained via permutation in a fraction of the computation time. We demonstrate proof-of-principle by using the gene-based test to replicate several genes known to be associated on the basis of results from a family-based GWAS for height in 11,536 individuals and a DNA-pooling-based GWAS for melanoma in approximately 1300 cases and controls. Our method has the potential to identify novel associated genes; provide a basis for selecting SNPs for replication; and be directly used in network (pathway) approaches that require per-gene association test statistics. We have implemented the approach in both an easy-to-use web interface, which only requires the uploading of markers with their association p-values, and a separate downloadable application.
Handedness refers to a consistent asymmetry in skill or preferential use between the hands and is related to lateralization within the brain of other functions such as language. Previous twin studies of handedness have yielded inconsistent results resulting from a general lack of statistical power to find significant effects. Here we present analyses from a large international collaborative study of handedness (assessed by writing/drawing or self report) in Australian and Dutch twins and their siblings (54,270 individuals from 25,732 families). Maximum likelihood analyses incorporating the effects of known covariates (sex, year of birth and birth weight) revealed no evidence of hormonal transfer, mirror imaging or twin specific effects. There were also no differences in prevalence between zygosity groups or between twins and their singleton siblings. Consistent with previous meta-analyses, additive genetic effects accounted for about a quarter (23.64%) of the variance (95%CI 20.17, 27.09%) with the remainder accounted for by non-shared environmental influences. The implications of these findings for handedness both as a primary phenotype and as a covariate in linkage and association analyses are discussed.
Foliar oils, particularly monoterpenes, can influence the susceptibility of plants to herbivory. In plants, including eucalypts, monoterpenes are often associated with plant defence. A recent analysis revealed an increase in foliar oil content with increasing latitudinal endemism, and we tested this pattern using three eucalypt taxa comprising a latitudinal replacement cline. We also examined the relative concentrations of two monoterpenes (alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole), for which meta-analyses also showed latitudinal variation, using hybrids of these three taxa with Corymbia torelliana. These, and pure C. torelliana, were then assessed in common-garden field plots for the abundance and distribution of herbivory by four distinct herbivore taxa. Differing feeding strategies among these herbivores allowed us to test hypotheses regarding heritability of susceptibility and relationships to alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole. We found no support for an increase in foliar oil content with increasing latitude, nor did our analysis support predictions for consistent variation in alpha-pinene and 1,8-cineole contents with latitude. However, herbivore species showed differential responses to different taxa and monoterpene contents. For example, eriophyid mites, the most monophagous of our censused herbivores, avoided the pure species, but fed on hybrid taxa, supporting hypotheses on hybrid susceptibility. The most polyphagous herbivore (leaf blister sawfly Phylacteophaga froggatti) showed no evidence of response to plant secondary metabolites, while the distribution and abundance patterns of Paropsis atomaria showed some relationship to monoterpene yields.
Vasikoiden kasvatus yksilökarsinoissa, imemismahdollisuuden puute maitojuoton yhteydessä sekä pienet juomamäärät ovat tekijöitä, jotka mahdollisesti voivat vähentää vasikoiden hyvinvointia. Vasikoiden kasvatukseen etsitäänkin uusia tapoja, joissa eläinten käyttäytymistarpeet ja hyvinvointi otetaan entistä paremmin huomioon. Tässä väitöskirjassa vasikoiden kasvatusta on tarkasteltu sekä tuotannon että vasikoiden käyttäytymisen ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta kokeesta, joista ensimmäisessä tutkittiin vasikoiden kasvatusta ryhmäkarsinoissa ulkona tai sisällä ja vasikoiden kasvatusta sisällä ryhmä- tai yksilökarsinoissa. Toisessa kokeessa vasikoiden annettiin imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen viiden tai kahdeksan viikon ajan ja kolmannessa selvitettiin vasikoiden veden juontia, kun vasikat saivat juomarehua vapaasti. Lisäksi kokeiden yhdistetystä aineistosta analysoitiin eri rehujen syöntimäärien suhdetta sekä rehujen vaikutusta kasvuun ennen ja jälkeen maidosta vieroituksen. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että vasikoita voi ryhmässä kasvattaa kylmissä ja vaihtelevissa sääoloissa ulkona, kunhan ne hoidetaan ja ruokitaan erittäin huolellisesti. Kylmällä ilmalla vasikat saattavat kuitenkin syödä väkirehua vähemmän varsinkin, jos ruokailupaikka on ulkona ja makuualue sisällä. Ryhmässä kasvaneet vasikat aloittivat sekä kuivien rehujen syönnin että märehtimisen nuorempina kuin yksilökarsinassa kasvaneet. Ryhmissä esiintyvää käyttäytymisongelmaa, toisten vasikoiden imemistä, voidaan vähentää hoito- ja ruokintamenetelmillä. Annettaessa vasikoiden imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen vasikat oppivat imemään emiään hyvin nopeasti. Lypsytyö vaikeutui muutamien lehmien kohdalla, sillä ne pidättivät maitoa lypsettäessä. Saadessaan imeä rajoitetusti vasikat imivät suurehkoja maitomääriä kerrallaan. Vieroittaminen suurilta maitomääriltä viiden viikon iässä oli kuitenkin liian aikaista, koska vasikat eivät vielä syöneet riittävästi kuivia rehuja. Vieroitus emästä niin viiden kuin kahdeksankin viikon iässä aiheutti vasikoissa levottomuutta ja ääntelyn lisääntymistä. Saadessaan hapatettua juomarehua vapaasti vasikat joivat keskimäärin vain vähän vettä, olipa vesilähteenä avoin ämpäri tai vesinippa. Vasikoiden välillä oli suurta vaihtelua veden juontimäärissä. Viikkoa ennen maidosta vieroitusta vasikat joivat 0-3 l vettä päivässä. Vasikat joivat nipasta kerrallaan vähemmän vettä kuin ämpäristä, ja käyttivät enemmän aikaa päivässä veden juomiseen kuin vesiämpäristä juoneet vasikat. Suurin osa vasikoista joi vettä juomanipoista erikoisella tavalla esimerkiksi painamalla nippaa otsalla ja juomalla tippuvaa vettä. Vesinipat voivat olla siis vasikoille joko vaikeita tai epämukavia käyttää. Vasikoiden juoman maitomäärän lisääntyessä kasvu lisääntyy selvästi. Runsas maidon juominen vähentää kuitenkin kuivien rehujen syöntiä ja vieroitusvaiheessa kasvu voi hidastua. Vasikat olisikin tärkeää vieroittaa vähitellen, ettei muutoksia kasvuun tulisi. Syönti- ja kasvutulokset eivät aina anna oikeaa kuvaa kasvatusmenetelmien eroista eläinten hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Käyttäytyminen on herkkä hyvinvoinnin mittari ja se tulisikin aina huomioida eri kasvatusmenetelmiä arvioitaessa. .
The need to address substance use among people with psychosis has been well established. However, treatment studies targeting substance use in this population have reported mixed results. Substance users with psychosis in no or minimal treatment control groups achieve similar reductions in substance use compared to those in more active substance use treatment, suggesting a role for natural recovery from substance use. This meta-analysis aims to quantify the amount of natural recovery from substance use within control groups of treatment studies containing samples of psychotic substance users, with a particular focus on changes in cannabis use. A systematic search was conducted to identify substance use treatment studies. Meta-analyses were performed to quantify reductions in the frequency of substance use in the past 30 days. Significant but modest reductions (mean reduction of 0.3–0.4 SD across the time points) in the frequency of substance use were found at 6 to 24 months follow up. The current study is the first to quantify changes in substance use in samples enrolled in no treatment or minimal treatment control conditions. These findings highlight the potential role of natural recovery from substance use among individuals with psychosis, although they do not rule out effects of regression to the mean. Additionally, the results provide a baseline from which to estimate likely changes or needed effects sizes in intervention studies. Future research is required to identify the processes underpinning these changes, in order to identify strategies that may better support self-management of substance use in people with psychosis.
Mixed-species flocks of foraging birds have been documented from terrestrial habitats all over the world and are thought to form for either improved feeding efficiency or better protection from predators. Two kinds of flock participants are recognized: those that join other species ('followers') and are therefore likely to be the recipients of the benefits of flock participation and those that are joined ('leaders'). Through comparative analyses, using a large sample of flocks from around the world, we show that (1) 'followers' tend to be smaller, more insectivorous, and feed in higher strata than matched species that participate in flocks to a lesser extent and (2) 'leaders' tend to be cooperative breeders more often than matched species that are not known to lead flocks. Furthermore, meta-analyses of published results from across the world showed that bird species in terrestrial mixed-species flocks increase foraging rates and reduce vigilance compared to when they are solitary or in conspecific groups. Moreover, the increase in foraging rates is seen only with flock followers and not flock leaders. These findings suggest a role for predation in the evolution of mixed-species flocking. Species that are vulnerable to predation follow species whose vigilance they can exploit. By doing so, they are able to reduce their own vigilance and forage at higher rates. (C) 2009 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ADMB2R is a collection of AD Model Builder routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 ADMB2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the ADMB2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer ADMB2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 30 pages)
C2R is a collection of C routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 C2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the C2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer C2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 27 pages)
For2R is a collection of Fortran routines for saving complex data structures into a file that can be read in the R statistics environment with a single command.1 For2R provides both the means to transfer data structures significantly more complex than simple tables, and an archive mechanism to store data for future reference. We developed this software because we write and run computationally intensive numerical models in Fortran, C++, and AD Model Builder. We then analyse results with R. We desired to automate data transfer to speed diagnostics during working-group meetings. We thus developed the For2R interface to write an R data object (of type list) to a plain-text file. The master list can contain any number of matrices, values, dataframes, vectors or lists, all of which can be read into R with a single call to the dget function. This allows easy transfer of structured data from compiled models to R. Having the capacity to transfer model data, metadata, and results has sharply reduced the time spent on diagnostics, and at the same time, our diagnostic capabilities have improved tremendously. The simplicity of this interface and the capabilities of R have enabled us to automate graph and table creation for formal reports. Finally, the persistent storage in files makes it easier to treat model results in analyses or meta-analyses devised months—or even years—later. We offer For2R to others in the hope that they will find it useful. (PDF contains 31 pages)
233 p. : il. + anexo (247 p.)
Apesar do potencial anticárie do dentifrício fluoretado na dentição permanente estar bem estabelecido, existe uma lacuna no conhecimento em relação ao seu efeito na dentição decídua; não existe consenso quanto à concentração ideal de fluoreto no dentifrício capaz de maximizar o benefício anticárie na dentição decídua e simultaneamente minimizar o risco de desenvolver fluorose clinicamente importante na dentição permanente. O artigo 1 desta tese avaliou o efeito dos dentifrícios de concentração baixa (menos de 600 ppm) e padrão (1000 a 1500 ppm) de fluoreto comparados com placebo ou nenhuma intervenção e o artigo 2 comparou diretamente o efeito do dentifrício de concentração baixa de fluoreto com o de concentração padrão. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados ou quasi-randomizados. Dois examinadores leram, de forma independente, 1932 resumos ou citações e 159 estudos na íntegra. As discordâncias foram resolvidas por um terceiro examinador. Oito estudos foram incluídos no artigo 1 e cinco no artigo 2. Para avaliar o efeito dos dentifrícios fluoretados sobre o número de dentes e superfícies dentárias cariadas, perdidas por cárie e obturadas, e sobre o número de crianças com cárie e fluorose, foram estimados frações prevenidas (FP) e riscos relativos (RR) combinados, respectivamente. Quando os dentifrícios de concentração padrão de fluoreto foram comparados com placebo ou nenhuma intervenção, houve reduções significativas de cárie no nível de superfície (FP= 31%; IC 95% 18 43), dente (FP= 16%; IC 95% 7 24) e indivíduo (RR= 0,86; IC 95% 0,81 0,93). Quando os dentifrícios de concentração baixa de fluoreto foram comparados com nenhuma intervenção, houve redução significativa de cárie apenas no nível de superfície (FP= 40%; IC 95% 5 75) (artigo 1). Os dentifrícios de concentração baixa de fluoreto, comparados diretamente com os de concentração padrão, aumentaram significativamente o risco de cárie na dentição decídua (RR= 1,13; IC 95% 1,07 1,20) e não reduziram significativamente o risco de fluorose clinicamente importante nos dentes permanentes anteriores superiores (RR= 0,32; IC 95% 0,03 2,97). Houve uma redução significativa de cárie no nível de dente quando o dentifrício com concentração padrão de fluoreto foi comparado com o de baixa concentração (FP=14%; IC 95% 6 21). Porém, não houve diferença no nível de superfície, apesar de ter havido uma tendência favorecendo os dentifrícios com concentração padrão de fluoreto e pH neutro (FP= 13%; IC 95% -4 30) e os de concentração baixa de fluoreto e pH ácido (FP= -5%; IC 95% -22 11) (artigo 2). Os dentifrícios de concentração padrão de fluoreto foram mais efetivos na redução de cárie na dentição decídua de pré-escolares do que os de concentração baixa, placebo ou nenhuma intervenção. Os dentifrícios de concentração padrão de fluoreto, em comparação com os de concentração baixa, não aumentaram significativamente o risco de fluorose clinicamente importante nos dentes permanentes anteriores superiores. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar se a redução do pH dos dentifrícios de concentração baixa de fluoreto pode ser considerada uma alternativa para aumentar o efeito anticárie e reduzir o risco de fluorose clinicamente importante.
Many modern stock assessment methods provide the machinery for determining the status of a stock in relation to certain reference points and for estimating how quickly a stock can be rebuilt. However, these methods typically require catch data, which are not always available. We introduce a model-based framework for estimating reference points, stock status, and recovery times in situations where catch data and other measures of absolute abundance are unavailable. The specif ic estimator developed is essentially an age-structured production model recast in terms relative to pre-exploitation levels. A Bayesian estimation scheme is adopted to allow the incorporation of pertinent auxiliary information such as might be obtained from meta-analyses of similar stocks or anecdotal observations. The approach is applied to the population of goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara) off southern Florida, for which there are three indices of relative abundance but no reliable catch data. The results confirm anecdotal accounts of a marked decline in abundance during the 1980s followed by a substantial increase after the harvest of goliath grouper was banned in 1990. The ban appears to have reduced fishing pressure to between 10% and 50% of the levels observed during the 1980s. Nevertheless, the predicted fishing mortality rate under the ban appears to remain substantial, perhaps owing to illegal harvest and depth-related release mortality. As a result, the base model predicts that there is less than a 40% chance that the spawning biomass will recover to a level that would produce a 50% spawning potential ratio.
BackgroundMechanical ventilation is important in caring for patients with critical illness. Clinical complications, increased mortality, and high costs of health care are associated with prolonged ventilatory support or premature discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Weaning refers to the process of gradually or abruptly withdrawing mechanical ventilation. the weaning process begins after partial or complete resolution of the underlying pathophysiology precipitating respiratory failure and ends with weaning success (successful extubation in intubated patients or permanent withdrawal of ventilatory support in tracheostomized patients).ObjectivesTo evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two strategies, a T-tube and pressure support ventilation, for weaning adult patients with respiratory failure that required invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours, measuring weaning success and other clinically important outcomes.Search methodsWe searched the following electronic databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 6); MEDLINE (via PubMed) (1966 to June 2012); EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2012); LILACS (1986 to June 2012); CINAHL (1982 to June 2012); SciELO (from 1997 to August 2012); thesis repository of CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) (http://capesdw.capes.gov.br/capesdw/) (August 2012); and Current Controlled Trials (August 2012).We reran the search in December 2013. We will deal with any studies of interest when we update the review.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared a T-tube with pressure support (PS) for the conduct of spontaneous breathing trials and as methods of gradual weaning of adult patients with respiratory failure of various aetiologies who received invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours.Data collection and analysisTwo authors extracted data and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies. Meta-analyses using the random-effects model were conducted for nine outcomes. Relative risk (RR) and mean difference (MD) or standardized mean difference (SMD) were used to estimate the treatment effect, with 95% confidence intervals (CI).Main resultsWe included nine RCTs with 1208 patients; 622 patients were randomized to a PS spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) and 586 to a T-tube SBT. the studies were classified into three categories of weaning: simple, difficult, and prolonged. Four studies placed patients in two categories of weaning. Pressure support ventilation (PSV) and a T-tube were used directly as SBTs in four studies (844 patients, 69.9% of the sample). in 186 patients (15.4%) both interventions were used along with gradual weaning from mechanical ventilation; the PS was gradually decreased, twice a day, until it was minimal and periods with a T-tube were gradually increased to two and eight hours for patients with difficult and prolonged weaning. in two studies (14.7% of patients) the PS was lowered to 2 to 4 cm H2O and 3 to 5 cm H2O based on ventilatory parameters until the minimal PS levels were reached. PS was then compared to the trial with the T-tube (TT).We identified 33 different reported outcomes in the included studies; we took 14 of them into consideration and performed meta-analyses on nine. With regard to the sequence of allocation generation, allocation concealment, selective reporting and attrition bias, no study presented a high risk of bias. We found no clear evidence of a difference between PS and TT for weaning success (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.17, 9 studies, low quality of evidence), intensive care unit (ICU) mortality (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.23, 5 studies, low quality of evidence), reintubation (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.26, 7 studies, low quality evidence), ICU and long-term weaning unit (LWU) length of stay (MD -7.08 days, 95% CI -16.26 to 2.1, 2 studies, low quality of evidence) and pneumonia (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.08 to 5.85, 2 studies, low quality of evidence). PS was significantly superior to the TT for successful SBTs (RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.17, 4 studies, moderate quality of evidence). Four studies reported on weaning duration, however we were unable to combined the study data because of differences in how the studies presented their data. One study was at high risk of other bias and four studies were at high risk for detection bias. Three studies reported that the weaning duration was shorter with PS, and in one study the duration was shorter in patients with a TT.Authors' conclusionsTo date, we have found evidence of generally low quality from studies comparing pressure support ventilation (PSV) and with a T-tube. the effects on weaning success, ICU mortality, reintubation, ICU and LWU length of stay, and pneumonia were imprecise. However, PSV was more effective than a T-tube for successful spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) among patients with simple weaning. Based on the findings of single trials, three studies presented a shorter weaning duration in the group undergoing PS SBT, however a fourth study found a shorter weaning duration with a T-tube.
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Medicina Dentária